CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES THIRTEENTHCONGRESS Third Regular Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES n. NO. 5970 BY REPRESENrATIVES TANADA, SUAREZ. NAXTES AND ALckA. PER COMMITTEEREPORT NO. 2078 AN ACT CREATING THE PROVINCE OF QUEZON DEL SUR Be it enacled by ihe Senate and House of Represenrotives of the Philippines in Congress assentbled I ARTICLE I 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 SECTION1. Tide. - This Act shall be known as the “Charter of the 4 Province of Quezon del Sur” 5 SEC. 1. Province o/Que:on del Sur. - There is hereby created a new 6 province from the present Province of Quezon to be known as the Province of 7 Quezon del Sur, consisting of the municipalities of Agdangan, Buenavista, 8 Catanauan, Genemt Luna. Macalelon. Mulanay, Padre Burgos, Pitogo. San 9 Andres, San Francisco. San Narciso, Unisan, Alabat. Atimonan. Calauag, IO Guinayangan, Gumaca. Lopez, Perez. Plaridel. Quezon and Tagkawayan. The 11 mother Province of Quezon. u,hich is hereby renamed as Quezon del Norte. 12 shall be composed of he municipalities of Burdeos, General Nakar, Infanta, I3 Jamalig, Lucban, Mauban. Pagbilao, Panukulan, Pamanunpan; Polillo, Real. L I Sampalo, Tayabas, Candelaria, Dolores, San Antonio, Sariaya, Tiaong and 2 Lucena Cic . 2 The territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Quezon del Sur shall be 4 within the present metes and bounds of the local government units (LGUs) 5 which shall comprise the Province of Quezon del Sur as follows: 6 Bounded on the north, along Points 1 to 4 by Lamon Bay and Alabat I Island; 8 Bounded on the northeast, along Points 4 to 5 by the Province of 9 Camarines None: IO Bounded on the soptheast, along Points 5. to 6 by the Province of 11 Camarines Sur. along Points 6 to 9 by Ragay Gulf including Alibijan Island; 12 Bounded on the south, along Points 9 to 10 by Sibuyan Sea, along 13 Points 10 to 1 I by Mompog Pass: 14 Bounded on the northwest, along Points I1 ro 15 to the point of 15 beginning by the proposed Province of Quezon del None. 16 POlKTS LATITUDE LONGlTUDE 17 1 14”03’5S.31”N 12 1“s 1 ’28.1 9”E 18 -7 13°59’SS.08”N 122”11’02.1,3”E 19 3 14’14’49.47”N 122”15’5Z.O4”E 20 4 I4O09’42.6 1 ”N 122°26‘56.84“E 21 5 13O.59’48. 29’” 122”48’12.43”E --77 6 1 3°56‘17.44”N 1 P33’24.2 l”E 23 7 I370’39.28”N 122O37’52.17”E 24 8 13’13’0 1.66”N 122O4 1’73.3 1”E 25 9 13°09’?8.48”N 122”35’53.72”€ 26 IO 13”14‘47.10’” 122029’51.96”E 17 II 13056‘48.55’” 12 I 048’22.51”E 28 12 13°57’16.72”N I2 1O49’19.72”E 5 1 13 13D5901.9~N 12I05O~l3.~2"E 2 14 14"0000.84'" 121 '449'04.81;"E 3 15 14'0 1'20.30'" 12 I049'35.55"E 4 The foregoing provision shall be without prejudice to the resolution by 5 appropriate agency or forum of any existing boundary dispute involving 6 questions of territorial jurisdiction between the Province of Quezon del Sur 7 and the adjoining LGUs: Provided That the territorial jurisdiction of the 8 disputed area or areas shall remain with the LGUs, which has existing 9 administrative supervision over said area or areas until the final resolution of Ib the case. II SEC. 3. Capital Town andSeat of Gorwnmenr. -The capital town and 12 seat of government of the new Province of Quezon del Sur shall be the I3 Municipality of Gumaca while the capital and seat of government of the 14 Province of Quezon del Norte shall be Lucena City. 15 SEC.4. Corporate Powers of the Province. - The province constitutes 16 a political hod! corporate and as such is endowed with the attributes of 17 perpetual succession and possessed of the powers which pertains to a IS provincial corporation to be exercised in conformity with the provision of this 19 Charter. The province shall have the following corporate powrs: 20 (a) To have a continuous succession in its corporate name: 21 (h) To sue and be sued: _-77 (c) To have and use a corporate seal: 23 (d)' To acquire, hold and convey real or personal property: 24 (e) To enter into contracts andlor agreements; and 25 (0 To exercise such other powers, prerogatives or authority subject to 26 the limitations as provided for in this Act M other laws. 27 SEC. 5. General Powers. - The province shall have a common seal and 28 may alter the same at its pleasure. It shall exercise the powers to levy taxes; to 4 1 close and open roads, streets, alleys, parks or squares; to take. purchase, 2 receive, hold. lease, convey and dispose of real and personal property for the 2 general interests of the province; to expropriate or condemn private property 4 for public use; to contract and to be contracted with; to sue and be sued; 10 5 prosecute and defend to Anal judgnent and execution suits wherein the 6 province is involved or interested in; and to exercise all the powers as are 7 granted to corporations or as hereinafter granted. 8 SEC.6. Liabilify for Damages. - The province and its officials shall 9 not be exempt from liability for death-or injury to persons or damage to io property. 11 SEC.7. Legislarive Disrricfs. - The Province of Quezon del Sur shall 12 have two legislative districts to commence in the next elections after the 13 effectivity of this Act, consisting of the following: 14 (a) First District - Agdangan, Buenavista, Catanauan, General Luna. I5 Macalelon, Mulana),, Padre Burgos. Pitogo, San Andres, San Narciso, San 16 Francisco and Unisan; and 17 (h) Second District - Alabat. Atimonan, Calauag. Guinayangan, 18 Gumaca, Lopez, Perez. Plaridel, Quezon and Tagkawayan. 19 The Province of Quezon del None shall have two legislative districts 70 consisting of the present first and second legislative districts of the Province of 21 Quezon. 12 SEC. 8. Jurisdiction of the Province. - The jurisdiction of the Province 7; of Quezon del Sur, for police purposes only, shall be coextensive with its 24 territorial jurisdiction and for the purpose of protecting and ensuring the purity 23 of the water supply of the province, such police jurisdiction shall also extend 26 over all the territory within rhe drainage area of such water supply source, or 17 wirhin one hundred meters (100 m.) of any reservoir, conduit. canal, aqueduct 28 or pumping station used in connection with the province water service. 5 I The regional trial courts and other courts under the Depament 0 -7 Justice (DOJ)of the adjoining municipalities shall continue to try crimes anc 3 misdemeanors committed within the mandated jurisdiction of the neu 4 province. The court first taking jurisdiction of such offense shall thereaftel 5 retain exclusive jurisdiction thereof. But any license that may be issued within 6 said zone, area or space shall be granted by the proper authorities of the 7 province or municipality concerned, and the fees arising therefrom shall accrue 8 to the treasuv of the said province or municipality. 9 ARTICLE II IO PRO\’b’Cl.AL OFFICIALS b’ GENERAL II SEC. 9. Oficials ofrlte Provincid Government - (a) There shall be 12 in the Province of Quezon del Sur: a provincial governor, a provincial vice 13 governor, members of the sangguniang panlalawigan. a secretay to the 14 sangguniang panlalawigan. a provincial treasurer, a provincial assessor, a 15 provincial accountant, a provincial engineer, a provincial budget officer, a 16 provincial planning and development coordinator, a provincial legal officer, a 17 provincial administrator, a provincial health officer, a provincial civil registrar, 18 a provincial social welfare and development officer. a provincial general 19 services officer. a provincial agriculturist, a provincial veterinarian, a 20 provincial environment and natural resources officer, a provincial cooperatives 21 officer and a provincial architect. 22 (b) In addition thereto. the governor may appoint a provincial 23 population officer and a provincial information officer. 24 (c) The province shall establish a provincial fire station to be headed 25 by a provincial fire marshal, a provincial jail to be headed by a provincial jail 26 warden and a provincial schools division to he headed by a provineial schools 27 division superintendent. 28 (d) The province ma).: 6 I (1) Establish and maintain offices not mentioned in subsections (a). (b) z and (c) hereof. 3 (2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to cap out the 4 purposes of the provincial government; or 5 (3) Consolidate the functions of any office with those of another in the 6 interest of efficiency and economy. 7 (e) Unless otherwise provided herein, heads of departments and offices S shall be appointed by the provincial governor with the concurrence of the 9 majority of the sangguniang panlalawigan members. subject to civil service 10 rules and regulations. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall act on the II appointment within fifteen (15) days from the day of its submission. otherwise 12 the same shall be deemed confirmed. 13 SEC. 10. Residence and Oflice. - During the incumbency of-the 14 governor, he shall have his official residence and office in the designated 15 capital of the province. All elective and appointive provincial officials shall 16 hold office in the provincial capital: Provided That upon the resolution ofthe 17 sanggnniang panlalawigan, elective and appointive provincial officials may 18 hold office in any component city or municipalit) uithin the province for a 19 period of not more than seven days for any given month.
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