SSccaarrlleett &&GGrraayy A quarterly magazine for students, parents, alumni, and friends of Mater Dei “He Has Risen, and so will WE!” HOME RAFFLE DEADLINE EXTENDED See page 10 for more information SPORTS: Monarchs STUDENT NEWS: MD 2000 NEWS: New ALUMNI: Monarchs capture CIF Basketball Students lend a hand in home of the Monarchs to making news in the Championship New Orleans open in Fall 2006 movies and in athletics Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. XII, No. 3 • Spring 2006 • www.materdei.org • Mater Dei High School Principal’s Letter 1202 West Edinger Avenue Georgetown, the University of California Santa Ana, CA 92707-2191 system, the California State University sys- (714) 754-7711 tem and several other private universities www.materdei.org of note. Seniors have just recently com- pleted their outstanding performance in Administration 2005-06 the annual musical, which this year was Most Rev. Tod D. Brown, D.D. Fiddler on the Roof. Currently, our seniors Bishop of Orange are preparing for Prom, which will be at the Grove in Anaheim and graduation, Reverend Gerald M. Horan, O.S.M. Principal Frances Clare which takes place at the UCI Bren Center Superintendent of Catholic Schools Dear Mater Dei Community, on May 27, followed by Grad Night at Soka Patrick Murphy University. President As we continue to "Chart our Course" While students continue to excel in the toward the conclusion of the 2005-2006 classroom, they are very involved in the Frances Clare school year, we are grateful for and proud numerous events which MD extra and co- Principal of the many accomplishments of our stu- curricular activities afford them. Our Greg Dhuyvetter ‘77 dents in the classrooms, on the playing Monarch teams of basketball, soccer, Assistant Principal, fields, in the studios and concert halls. wrestling and water polo experienced out- Academic Services, Admissions & Technology The Spring semester has been very standing success in their various tourna- rewarding for our students. During Easter ments and in Serra League competition Terry Gusiff break, Campus Ministry organized an out- with boys' basketball becoming Serra Assistant Principal, Student Services reach program for a number of students, League and CIF Champions. Again this administrators and faculty who went to year our pep squad met with outstanding Kathleen Immel New Orleans to offer aid and assistance to success in USA National Championships Assistant Principal, students whose lives were impacted by in Anaheim and Dallas. Our different Faculty Services & Personnel Hurricane Katrina. Our support of these bands, choirs, dance and color guard schools will continue into the future. teams experienced tremendous success in Dave Taylor Vice President of Business Services Students continue to enjoy the privilege of their festivals, competitions and other per- attending spiritual retreats throughout the formances as well. Jonathan Tufo ‘91 year, which affords them opportunities for In the Visual Arts Department, several Vice President of Advancement further growth in their Catholic Faith. As students have won many accolades and this letter goes to print, seniors are prepar- awards and over six hundred students are Office of Advancement & Alumni Pamela Coe ing for the annual MD tradition of the enrolled in the many levels of art including Director of Grants & Media Relations beautiful Marian Mass followed shortly our new digital design courses. thereafter by the magnificent Yes indeed, Mater Dei High School is very Melinda Craft Baccalaureate Mass. proud of the accomplishments of all stu- Advancement Administrative Assistant As the first semester drew to a close, we dents. They work hard in all areas of Kathleen Kelly ‘94 had over 60% of the students on the school life, and the results are apparent in Director of Publications school's honor roll with 20% having the fine young men and women who walk achieved above a 4.0 GPA through out- the campus and demonstrate positive Joseph Medlin ‘98 standing performance in their classes and leadership and exemplary character in Director of Alumni Advancement in particular in honors and advanced their communities. placement courses. This is a tribute to the As the year draws to a close, we ask Kellie Pendergest Director of Admissions Marketing & students' hard work, to parental support God's continued blessings on our entire Special Events and to the outstanding instruction of school community. teachers, counselors, deans and other Sincerely, Scarlet&Gray Magazine support personnel working with each indi- vidual student. Our Academic Decathlon Winter 2005 - 06 Team met with unprecedented success Vol. XII, No. 2 this year by winning the Private Schools' Frances Clare Decathlon and proceeding to the State Principal Mater Dei High School in the Diocese of Finals for the first time in the school's his- Orange, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, believes every per- tory. We are extremely proud of our senior ON THE COVER: son, as a child of God, regardless of race, class under the leadership of President, condition, or age, has equal dignity and an Seamus Crowley and his team of officers. MDHS Students along with their hosts inalienable right to an education. Therefore, Several of our seniors have received from St. Scholastica’s Academy and St. no qualified student will be denied admission Paul’s High School in the St. Scholastica to this school on the basis of sex, race, color, acceptance notices to universities such as or national origin. Stanford, Brown, Duke, Notre Dame, Grotto, Covington, LA. 2 Scarlet &Gray Magazine • Spring 2006 Around Campus Academic Decathlon Team Makes School History The participated," said FRANCES CLARE, prin- hours over the past couple of months," results are cipal. "It's also an indication of the out- said George. in! For the standing quality and discipline of a Each team member participated in ten first time Mater Dei student who responds posi- academic events including art, econom- in school tively to instruction, individual and col- ics, language & literature, mathematics, history, lective research, creativity, team work music, and science. In addition, the con- Mater Dei and all that it takes to be successful in testants performed and prepared High this challenging decathlon arena." impromptu speeches, wrote essays on a School This is the second year on Mater Dei's given topic, and were interviewed by a 2005-06 Academic Decathlon Team won first decathlon team for co-captain and panel of judges. The final event, the Super place overall in the Southern California 12th-grader JULIAN GALINDO. "This year Quiz Relay, was held at UCLA's John Private Schools Academic Decathlon, everyone really wanted it and everything Wooden Center before a cheering crowd. which took place in February at Bishop seemed to come together," said Mater Dei also performed well in the Alemany High School. Galindo. "It's a great feeling after work- Division II competition with the team The nine-member team, comprised of ing so hard as a team to prepare." winning a bronze medal. Junior team three "A," three "B" and three "C" stu- Galindo and Clare both credited MS. member JOHNATHAN TRAN won five gold dents, competed against 16 teams from ANNA-LISA GEORGE ‘89, Mater Dei's medals for the Monarchs. Mater Dei private secondary schools throughout Academic Decathlon Team coach and fielded two teams, one in the Division I Southern California. In the past 10 chair of the English department, for her and one in the Division II competition. years that Mater Dei has participated, leadership. "Success at this level of Combined, the teams earned 66 individ- Bishop Alemany High School of Mission decathlon competition also requires ual medals. Hills has won gold 7 times and St. outstanding instruction and organization The Mater Dei High School Division I Francis High School from La on the part of the teacher/coach, and we Academic Decathlon Team went on to Canada/Flintridge has taken the gold are fortunate to have an excellent and compete in the California State Finals home twice. This was an exciting win for dedicated person in this position at held in Los Angeles in March. The team the young Mater Dei team that lost a MDHS," said Clare. placed 26th out of 55 schools and is number of key seniors last year. It was certainly a combination of looking to build on that success next "The team's success is a great tribute George's leadership and the team's school year. Congratulations to the to the hard work, dedication and com- determination that led to success. "This entire Academic Decathlon Team for mitment of the individual students who team has put in a countless number of their tremendous success this year. Keating Earns National Merit Finalist Status Senior MATTHEW community activities, and recommenda- earn one of 2,500 National Merit KEATING was selected tions by their high school principals. Scholarships worth $2,500 that will be as a finalist in the 2006 Keating was first selected as one of awarded on a state representational National Merit 16,000 semifinalists out of 1.3 million basis. Merit Scholar designees are Scholarship Program, students who took the Preliminary selected on the basis of their accom- an honor looked very SAT/National Merit Scholarship plishments, skills, and potential for suc- highly upon by col- Qualifying Test. The nationwide pool of cess in rigorous college studies. leges and universities. semifinalists represented less than one Merit Scholars of 2006 will be Matthew Keating Keating is among a percent of U.S. high school seniors and announced beginning in April. These group of only 15,000 included the highest scoring entrants on scholarship recipients will join some Merit Finalists nationwide who were the PSAT in each state. 234,000 other distinguished young peo- selected based on high SAT scores, out- Finalists now have the opportunity to ple who have earned the Merit Scholar standing academic records throughout compete for Merit Scholarship awards, title in previous years.
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