The SpiriT of ArchiTec Ture World Architecture dAy oct 8 2012 MuMbAi Renaissance Hotel & Convention Centre “ARCHITECTS TODAY TEND TO DEPRECIATE ArchiTecTure iS The moST reAliSTic form of ArT. iT iS The ArT THEMSELVES, TO REGARD THEMSELVES AS of building, of creating hAbitable And enjoyAble SpAceS for NO MORE THAN JUST ORDINARY CITIZENS living And Working And plAying; And iT plAyS A role in ShAping WITHOUT THE POWER TO REFORM THE liveS. globAlly, The firST mondAy of ocTober iS celebrated AS future” – Kenzo TaNGE World ArchiTecTure Day. WAd, AS iT iS populArly knoWn, iS being celebrated for The firST Time ever in indiA! White Flag is an imprint for large-format, illustrated RAK Ceramics is a 1$ billion global conglomerate that books on India, specializing in architecture, interior design supplies to over 150 countries and has been officially and décor. The parent company is Sezal Entertainment recognized as the world’s largest ceramic tile & Media India Ltd (SEAM). manufacturer with a global production of 117 million square meters annually. RAK Ceramics offers a WhAT iS SEAM is first of its kind company, which gives 360 degree comprehensive product portfolio comprising over focused media solutions for ‘Architecture & Design’ 8,000 designs in ceramic tiles, Gres Porcellanto and fraternity. It has 4 focus verticals: Publishing, Portals, several models in bathware.RAK Ceramics has earned Events & Videos. distinctions like CMO Asia’s Best Brand and Best WAD? Employer Brand Awards at Singapore, 2012 and has WAd iS A one dAy conference. hoWever, The impAcT iS beyond The dAy. White Flag has a range of titles on its list like retained the SuperBrand title for third consecutive year. 50 Beautiful Houses, Hotels and Resorts, Corporate RAK Ceramics continues to be a global pioneer in the Offices, Architectural Ideas and Versatile Indian world of ceramics through eco-friendly products such WAD is “The spiriT of ArchiTecTure” Architects which are available pan India at leading as RAK Slim, Stone Art Collection and Nanopix digital Through the initiative of celebrating World Architecture bookshops, 50 Beautiful Houses in India is one of the printed tiles. RAK is also the founding member of Indian Day as a regular annual event, White Flag in association fastest selling coffee table books in the Architecture Green Building Council, which supports the development with RAK intends to bridge the gap between the industry & Design category in India, which sold around 10,000 of sustainable buildings in India. and the fraternity. It will be a mobile initiative which copies in 18 months, setting a record in itself. will move from city to city discussing the impact of architecture on the built envelope around us. White Flag aspires to become the default, interactive business process platform for the architecture & design White Flag in association with RAK wants “Architecture” fraternity of India, with a global perspective by providing to reach the common man, to help him understand how comprehensive knowledge based services, continuously his living / working spaces influence his mind and life. meeting the evolving needs of all industry constituents. This conference is envisaged to be a multi-dimensional one, where knowledge will be disseminated, ideas will be shared, and viewpoints will be debated. The defining difference between other conferences and this one would be that here, at the conclusion of the conference, an action plan will be drafted and steps will be taken to ensure the implementation of the plan. urbAn deSign public SquAreS water fronTS lAnDscApe ArchiTecTure public ArT “if We wanT moderately live Able ciTieS, We need neW ciTieS, noT old oneS WiTh crumbling infrASTrucTure And Sprawling “PEOPLE TODAY ARE CRYING OUT FOR SlumS Where lAnd coSTS Are Simply unviAble (mumbAi, for LIVELY GATHERING PLAces” exAmple, iS Simply unAffordAble even To The upper middle- classeS). The AddiTionAl 300 million people Who Will heAd for “WE MUST NOT BUILD HOUSING, ciTieS over The nexT 20 yeArS cAn eiTher crAm The mumbAiS we must build communities” And delhiS And bhopAlS of The World” – MIKE BURTON public SquAreS “everydAy ciTizenS recognize The vAlue Voluminous research has recently been published on urbAn the health benefits of living in a walk able environment. of plAceS Where civic life flouriSheS Neighborhoods where kids can walk to school, for instance, reduce the risk of childhood obesity and Type And Where differenT culTureS cAn mix, II diabetes. Ominously, however, studies show the area outside the home that children are free to explore deSign plAceS That heAl SociAl iSolation – even unsupervised has decreased by 90% since 1970. To Today, cities everywhere are thinking more broadly buildings, to whole neighborhoods, and the city. reverse this trend and create walk-able communities, about how to gain an economic boost. Big ticket items, It is a framework that orders the elements into a if moST public leAderS Are SloW To many of the routine necessities now scattered miles like sports arenas and lavish performing arts centers, network of streets, squares, and blocks. Urban away from people’s homes ­­— schools, stores, libraries, which cities once viewed as the key to reviving their design blends architecture, landscape architecture, understand. iT iS AlwayS inSpiring To See civic buildings — will instead need to be focused in struggling downtowns, are taking a back seat to new, and city planning together to make urban areas central places within walking distance. In other words, lower-cost, high-impact strategies to foster prosperity. functional and attractive. grassrooTS communiTieS take The leAd squares will be essential. More and more, public squares and urban parks, not expensive mega-projects, are emerging as the best Urban design is about making connections between on An importanT issue like creating neW A central attraction of cities throughout the world, public way to make downtowns more livable – and not just in people and places, movement and urban form, squares not only bring economic rewards but offer depressed urban cores. nature and the built fabric. Urban design draws together public gathering plAceS” people a comfortable spot to gather for social, cultural the many strands of place-making, environmental and political activities. They are the pulsing heart of Urban design concerns the arrangement, appearance stewardship, social equity and economic viability into a community and foster true urban sustainability. One and functionality of towns and cities, and in particular the creation of places with distinct beauty and of the main reasons for the resurgence of the the shaping and uses of urban public space. Urban identity. Urban design is derived from but transcends public square is that they bring livability and many design is the art of creating and shaping cities and planning and transportation policy, architectural diverse benefits to a city – at a lower cost and greater towns. Urban design involves the arrangement and design, development economics, engineering and speed than traditional large-scale developments. design of buildings, public spaces, transport systems, landscape. It draws these and other strands together services, and amenities. Urban design is the process creating a vision for an area and then deploying the of giving form, shape, and character to groups of resources and skills needed to bring the vision to life. “WaTERFRONTS FLOURISH WHEN THEY CAN BE ACCESSED Many cities today are bringing their Waterfronts back to life. Waterfronts which were used mainly for BY MEANS OTHER THAN PRIVATE vehicles” trade are being revitalized as “people places” as societies, and communities improve and grow. Waterfronts are an integral part of cities, their urban “WaterfronTS Are mumbAi’S moST populAr And SignificAnT landscape and contribute to a city’s vitality. Active and diverse waterfronts attract diverse crowds of people public SpAceS To Which people from All SocieTieS flock, noT and increase its longevity. Promenades, piers, lAnDscApe restaurants, bars, and retail facilities create numerous only from The ciTy And iTS SuburbS, buT reST of indiA. opportunities for a variety of activities that are cultural, recreational, retail and tourism oriented. The iT iS A plAce for relAxation, enTertainmenT And leiSure. incorporation of well-designed landscapes and ArchiTecTure appropriate street furniture into the infrastructure of unforTunately Ad hoc, unplAnned commerciAlization, WiThouT the waterfront also add to its beauty. Water itself is the greatest asset of any waterfront,and should become comprehenSive viSion, hAS deSTroyed The environmenT” the centerpiece for programming and activities. water fronTS “The greateST waterfronT deSTinationS Are found in “A GARDEN PATH CAN BECOME THE THREAD Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor ciTieS That Truly orienT ThemSelveS To The water. venice public areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve OF A PLOT, CONNECTING MOMENTS environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic And STockholm Are defined by Their waterfronTS, outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of AND INCIDENTS INTO A NARRATIVE. THE existing social, ecological, and geological conditions And reSidenTS And viSiTorS Alike naturAlly grAvitate There. and processes in the landscape, and the design of NARRATIVE STRUCTURE MIGHT BE A SIMPLE interventions that will produce the desired outcome. mAking The moST of locAl idenTiTy, hiSTory And culTure The scope of the profession includes: urban design; CHAIN OF EVENTS WITH A
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