----~-- -~---- ~--- - - - - ----- ------ -- , Kennedy- page 8 VOL XVII, NO. 68 the independent ... wdent nn,~p.tper "l'~'' ing notre dame and ~amt man .. ~ \lVEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 8, I 982 Gets the ax ·Mx revenue cut from budget WASHINGTON (AP) The "I don't think we have to fund strategic arsenal in the face of a huge House voted to delete from a 5231.6 every expensive toy that the ad­ Soviet arms buildup. billion defense spending bill all mirals, generals and contractors S988 million earmarked to buy the want," said Addabbo, who planned Some of the Pentagon's other first tlve of a planned 100 of the later in the day to inrrdouce an major weapons programs, including nuclear-tipped, intercontinental amendment to delete the MX the B- I bomber, nuclear-powered missiles. procurement funds. aircraft carriers and FA-18 fighter­ The vote marked a personal defeat But Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., and attack planes also were targeted by for Reagan, who had led an intensive other administration supporters defense budget-cutters with amend­ administration lobbying campaign maintained that the nation could not ments that would slash their money to keep the production money in­ afford t<> delay modernizing its in the bill. tact. Arrayed against him in the battle for votes were advocates of a tr.s.­ Sovict nuclear freeze and members Texas executes Brooks who contended that the MX was a good place to make budget economies and that its proposed by lethal injection basing system has not received con­ gressional approval. HCNTSVILLE, Texas (AP)- The prisoner to die against his will. He Shortly before the afternoon long death of the first U.S. inmate ex­ was the first prisoner to die in Texas debate began, House Speaker ecuted by lethal lllJectton was in 18 years and the sixth executed in Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., D-Mass., praised yesterday as "hope for vic­ the nation during the paM six years. predicted the MX would be tims" by the mother of the man he Texas has another execution hy defeated. killed. But the prosecutor who lethal injection scheduled for Dec. "I've talked to knowledgeable originally sought the sentence said 17. The method also has been people and I don't think he (Reagan) the state may have killed the wrong adopted in Idaho, New Mexico and ) has I 70 votes," said O'Neill, who man. Oklahoma. had aligned himself with the MX op­ Charlie Brooks Jr., -tO, one of two Brooks was convicted of killing ponents but did not seek to make it a men convicted of kidnapping and David Gregory, 26, a mechanic at a I party pos1t10n for his fellow killing a young auto mechanic, died Fort Worth used-car lot. Brooks and Democrats. It would have taken 218 strapped to a medical table seven Woody Loudres, 38, kidnapped votes to defeat a motion to cut the minutes after a fatal dose of sodium Gregory while thev were test MX money. Pentothal was shot into his arm at driving a car. He w~s taken to a Amid predictions by some of his 12:16 a.m. motel, his hands and feet were allies that they had the votes to deny In his last words Brooks, a convert bound, and he was shot once in the the money, Rep. Joseph P. Addabbo, to Islam, commended his soul to Al­ head. D-N.Y., the chief MX opponent, lah and urged his girlfriend at his Loudres, 58, abo was convicted Cbur/ie BrooksJr., sbou•n bere in a death house holding cell, was criticized the weapons program as side to "be strong." and sentenced to death but the ver­ executed by injection earl)' yesterday. The execution, the first in an example of wasteful militan· Brooks was hooked to an in· dict was overturned. He then Texas since 1<)6-J, was the first in the counfiJ' by legal injection. spending. · travenous tuhe that snaked behind a pleaded guilty to murder in a plea ( AP Pboto) curtain in a death house room. An bargain and in October this year he unseen and unidentified prison got a -!0-year sentence, making him employee started the tlow of lethal eligible for parole in seven years. 66wounded drugs into the tube. Neither Brooks nor Loudres ever Brooks closed his eyes and ap­ said who fired the fatal shot. Botnbing in disco kills sixteen peared still when the injection Gregory's mother, Norma Mor­ began. then started gasping and rison, said after the execution now BALL'I'KELLY. :'liorthcrn Ireland The mcrea~mgly actl\'e guerrilla stationed in this mostly Protestant wheezing. :\linutcs later a pris<)n there is some hope in this society for l ( AP) - Gut:rrilla~ of the Irish Na­ group had said in recent weeks that village of I ,000 people about I 0 doctor pronounced him dead. victims." tional Liberation Army claimed British soldiers would he targets tiJr miles northeast of Londondern·. Brooks was th\= first black person "I didn't know that I would feel responsibility yesterday li>r planting attacks, regardless of whether they Col. Richard Peel said it was the to die since the t:. ~-Supreme Court this relief." ~he said. " .. .I think all the homh that s..-nt an avalanche of were on duty. worst peacetime disaster to hit the allowed reinstitution of the death concrete onto J crowd of British sol­ Police said the bomb went otf regiment in modern times. penaltv in 19~6, and the second See BROOKS, page 3 dier~ and civilians at a disco-bar. kill­ without warning at I I: I '; p.m ..\ton­ ing I 6 people and wounding 66. day ( 6: IS p.m. EST) while an es­ In London. an outraged Prime timated I ;o people were jammed :\linistcr \targaret Tha!chcr called inside for the twice-weekly disco, Happy hours the homhing "one of the most hor­ highly popular with British troops ritic crimes in l'bter"s tragic his­ from Shackleton Barracks, about tory... and said the British 200 yards down the road. Van Wolvlear,HPC discuss alcohol government "won't rest until these Police spokesman Dave Hanna By MARK WORSCHEH a happy hour and a party in the same merciless killers arc brought to said the bomb contained 10 to 20 juMice." pounds of explosives. hut said it was Assistant News Editor evening. Lisa Salvador of Brecn-Phillips Police and army spokesmen said not known how it was triggered. made the suggestion to the council the dead included I I British sol· He said the device was planted If rectors approve of happy hours in hall party rooms, Father john Van in response to Van Wolvlear's con­ dier~. four of them women. Some of against a wall of the pub's single­ cern that happy hours merely "fuel the victims of \londay night's attack story disco extension, and went otf Wolvlear indicated last night that he people for the night" by allowing lost arms and legs in the crushing near a bandstand. where a local would go along with their decision. people to drink from the afternoon dehris, and at least ·tO of the injured group, Willie O'Hara's Band, was He also announced that Joe well into the evening. were admitted to hospitals. playing. The wall was the main sup­ O'Brien, Assistant Director and Busi­ Van Wolvlear said he based his It was the worst terrorist attack in port for the concrete root; which ness :\tanager of Athletics, will pay decision in part on his desire to Northern Ireland since August 1979, crashed down on the dancers, for the 5824. 7; bill for damages to lower the use of alcohol on campus. when 18 British soldiers were killed burying some li.Jr hours before res­ Transpo buses by students after the "When we're trying to cut down in a double hom bing at Warren point cuers could reach them. Pittsburgh game. on alcohol, we don't want to extend near the border with the Irish "The roof just caved in - just Van Wolvlear made the com­ Republic. chopping everybody," said Peter ments at the weekly meeting of the the use of party rooms. The more that you allow such gatherings, the Northern Ireland Secretary James Cook, 29, brother of the har owner, Hall Presidents' Council. The coun­ Fatberjobn l'an Wol1•lear more alcohol will be used," he said. Prior, who visited victims of the John Cook. "There was pan­ cil had asked Van Wolvlear to come to the meeting to explain his letter cil that the matter would be Several hall presidents lateM blast at a hospital and toured demonium. I tried to pull bodies out, downplayed the role that alcohol the Droppin Well puh where the but it was just hopeless. (;iris were to .-ectors that effectively prohibited discussed at the Rectors' Committee such happy hours. meeting next week. plays at happy hours, emphasizing blast occurred, told reporters: "it running screaming their heads oft~" "I got a lot of insight tonight," said In response to Van Wolvlear's the positive aspects of the gather­ wa~ a massacre without mercy." His father, .John Cook Sr., who was ings. The Irish :'\jational Liberation on security duty outside the bar at Van Wolvlear after the meeting. "If comments, the council delayed "We understand your motives," Arn1\', a .\tarxist oftshoot of the the time, said: "I picked up one they (rectors) indicate we should go voting on a resolution calling for '-In said Ned Legare of Morrissey Hall, outlawed Irish Republican Army, body. It had no legs on.
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