U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin August 2003, NCJ 199995 Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2002 By Brian A. Reaves, Ph.D. and Lynn M. Bauer Highlights BJS Statisticians From June 2000 to June 2002, the number of Federal law enforcement As of June 2002, Federal agencies officers increased 19% at ATF, 11% at Customs, and 8% at INS Number employed more than 93,000 full-time of officers, 2002 personnel authorized to make arrests Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 2,335 and carry firearms in the 50 States and U.S. Customs Service 11,634 the District of Columbia, according to a Immigration and Naturalization Service 19,101 survey conducted by the Bureau of Federal Bureau of Prisons 14,305 Justice Statistics (BJS). Compared U.S. Secret Service 4,256 with June 2000, employment of such IRS, Criminal Investigation personnel increased by about 6%. 2,855 Federal Bureau of Investigation 11,248 U.S. Marshals Service 2,646 The survey found that approximately Drug Enforcement Administration 4,020 1,300 officers were employed in U.S. U.S. Postal Inspection Service 3,135 Territories as of June 2002. No data -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% were obtained on Federal officers Percent change in the number of Federal officers stationed in foreign countries. with arrest and firearm authority, 2000-2002 The officer counts include supervisory • Duties for Federal officers included • Twenty-one States and the District and nonsupervisory personnel with criminal investigation (40%), police of Columbia had more than 1,000 Federal arrest authority who were also response and patrol (22%), corrections Federal officers. Texas (13,374) and authorized (but not necessarily required) (18%), noncriminal investigation and California (12,315) had the largest to carry firearms while on duty. They ex- inspection (14%), court operations number. New Hampshire (77) and clude officers in the U.S. Armed Forces (4%), and security and protection (1%). Delaware (95) had the fewest. (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard). Because of classified • Three-fifths of Federal officers were • Nationwide, there were 32 Federal information restrictions, Federal Air employed by the INS (19,101), Bureau officers per 100,000 residents. Marshals and CIA Security Protective of Prisons (14,305), Customs Service Outside the District of Columbia, Service officers are also excluded. (11,634), or FBI (11,248). Ten other which had 1,421 per 100,000, State Overall, 67 agencies are covered, agencies employed at least 1,000 ratios ranged from 79 per 100,000 including 28 offices of inspector officers. in Arizona and New Mexico to 5 per 100,000 in Iowa. general. • INS (1,447) had the largest increase in number of officers. Next was the • Women accounted for 14.8% of The survey was conducted prior to the Veterans Health Administration (1,263), Federal officers in 2002. Minority enactment of legislation creating the which continued its program to expand representation was 32.4% in 2002, Department of Homeland Security firearm authority to its entire police up from 30.5% in 2000. Hispanic (DHS). See page 5 for information on force, followed by the Customs or Latino officers comprised 16.8% the effects of DHS on the organization Service (1,112), and BOP (748). of officers in 2002, and African of Federal law enforcement agencies. American or black officers, 11.7%. The largest number of Federal officers, Primary function of full-time Federal officers 37,208, performed duties related to with arrest and firearm authority, June 2002 criminal investigation and enforcement Criminal investigation (40%) (figure 1). (See job function Police response and patrol category definitions in the appendix at <www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Corrections abstracts/fleo02.htm>.) The next Noncriminal investigation largest categories were police response Court operations and patrol with 20,955 (22%) and Security and protection corrections with 16,915 (18%). 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Percent of Federal officers About 12,800 officers performed duties related to noncriminal investigation and Figure 1 inspection (14%). Smaller numbers had duties related to court operations (4%) worked along, and in the vicinity of, the emergencies and disturbances. (See or security and protection (1%). 8,000 miles of U.S. boundaries. Methodological note #1 at <www.ojp. usdoj.gov/bjs/abstracts/fleo02.htm>.) Major employers of Federal officers The INS employed 4,529 immigration inspectors with arrest and firearm The FBI had 11,248 full-time personnel Department of Justice agencies authority at ports of entry. These officers with arrest and firearm authority. are included in the noncriminal investi- Nearly all were FBI special agents, In June 2002 the largest employer of gation and inspection category. INS responsible for criminal investigation Federal officers with arrest and firearm also employed 2,139 criminal investi- and enforcement. The FBI investigates authority in the United States was the gators and immigration agents respon- more than 200 categories of Federal Immigration and Naturalization Service sible for investigating crimes under INS crimes including bank fraud, embezzle- (INS), with 19,101 (table 1). (INS jurisdiction and 2,603 officers with ment, kidnaping, and civil rights viola- functions were moved to the Depart- detention and deportation duties. tions. It also has concurrent jurisdiction ment of Homeland Security in 2003.) with the Drug Enforcement Administra- The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), tion (DEA) over drug offenses under the About half (9,830) of INS officers worked the second largest employer of Federal Controlled Substances Act. for the U.S. Border Patrol. Border officers, employed 14,305 correctional Patrol duties included the detection and officers maintaining the security of The DEA had 4,020 employees with prevention of smuggling and illegal BOP institutions and the 139,000 arrest and firearm authority as of June entry of aliens into the United States, inmates in custody. Their duties 2002. These special agents investigate with primary responsibility between the include supervising inmates, searching major narcotics violators, enforce ports of entry. Border Patrol officers for contraband, and responding to regulations governing the manufacture and dispensing of controlled substances, Table 1. Federal agencies employing 500 or more full-time officers and perform other functions to prevent with authority to carry firearms and make arrests, June 2002 and control drug trafficking. Agency Full-time officers The U.S. Marshals Service, employed Immigration and Naturalization Service 19,101 2,646 officers with arrest and firearm Federal Bureau of Prisons 14,305 U.S. Customs Service 11,634 authority. The Marshals Service Federal Bureau of Investigation 11,248 receives all persons arrested by Federal U.S. Secret Service 4,256 agencies and is responsible for their Administrative Office of the U.S. Courtsa 4,050 custody and transportation until Drug Enforcement Administration 4,020 sentencing. With BOP assistance, it U.S. Postal Inspection Service 3,135 transfers sentenced Federal inmates Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation 2,855 between facilities. U.S. Marshals Service 2,646 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 2,335 National Park Serviceb 2,139 The Marshals Service also has jurisdic- Veterans Health Administration 1,605 tion over Federal fugitive matters con- U.S. Capitol Police 1,225 cerning escaped prisoners, probation U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Law Enforcement 772 and parole violators, persons under General Services Administration, Federal Protective Service 744 USDA Forest Service, Law Enforcement & Investigations 658 DEA warrants, and defendants released Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Diplomatic Security Service 592 on bond. The agency makes more than half of all Federal fugitive arrests. Note: Table excludes employees based in U.S. territories or foreign countries. aIncludes all Federal probation officers employed in Federal judicial districts that allow officers to carry firearms. bNational Park Service total includes 1,549 Park Rangers commissioned as law enforcement officers and 590 U.S. Park Police officers. 2 Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2002 Other Marshals Service responsibilities Most other Secret Service officers were About three-fifths of the 3,135 officers include managing the Federal Witness in the Uniformed Division. These in the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Security and Federal Asset Seizure and officers provide protection for the White were postal inspectors, responsible for Forfeiture Programs, and security for House complex and other Presidential criminal investigations covering more Federal judicial facilities and personnel. offices, the Main Treasury Building and than 200 Federal statutes related to the Annex, the President and Vice Presi- postal system. The others were postal Treasury Department agencies dent and their immediate families, and police officers who provide security for foreign diplomatic missions. In 2003 the postal facilities, employees, and assets, The U.S. Customs Service employed Secret Service was moved to the and who escort high-value mail 11,634 officers with arrest and firearm Department of Homeland Security. shipments. authority, the most of any agency in the Department of the Treasury. This The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), The National Park Service employed included 8,167 inspectors and 3,467 employed 2,855 special agents with 2,139 full-time personnel with arrest criminal investigators.
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