C140 CENTURY OILS (CANADA) CERI ENERGY RESEARCH LTD Cescon R 605 1802 92AvSW 255-5747 Centre—Chafe INC 279-1888 3512 33StNW 282-1231 Cesh Joe 708HunterstonRdNW 274-0918 CENTURY PAINTING 11 Fir 605 5 Av SW 262-2993 Ceslak A 115BracewoodRdSW 281-5029 Cesnik A 56AllandaleClos8SE 253-0253 CENTRE PAINTING Box82Site2RR7Chestermere .. 272-3100 Ceri Kenneth 2102 924 7AvSW 263-1806 907 104AvSW 252-5776 Century Parking Services Ltd Cerkiewicz Bob 12ScenlcGlenGateNW .. 239-7392 Cesnik Ivan 4i2AriingtonDrSE 258-0575 Cesonis Albinas 1208MayiandDrNE 277-7627 Centre Point Grocery & Deii 213 718 8AvSW 263-9163 CERKVENAC & ASSOCIATES Cesonis G 58WestminsterDrSW 246-7910 101 14AvSE 265-6071 CENTURY PIPING SYSTEMS INC INTERIOR DESIGN LTD CESSCO FABRICATION & No 2 1111 llAvSw 245-2676 320 521 3AvSW 266-2667 831 7AvSW .265-4427 ENGINEERING LIMITED CENTRE POINT WEST CENTURY PRESS (FOOTHILLS) Fax Line 237-0043 1313 13AvSW 245-1856 LTD 4104 9StSE 287-2020 Cermak J 447CedarparkDrSW 281-4762 1416SpringfieldPlaceSW 259-6446 CENTRE 70 CHIROPRACTIC Century Roofing Ltd l512MeridiatiRdNE 235-5457 Cemak J J 331WhiteviewRdNE 285-7758 C'est La Vie 3 520 l7AvSW 229-3999 OFFICE Cernak Rudolph Mrs 457 29AveNW .. 277-5771 Cestari John 8 508 l2AvSE 237-7609 CENTURY SALES & SERVICE Cesto Mike M 303StravananBaySW .... 242-9861 Or Daniel Migliarese LIMITED Bayl 711 48AvSE 287-1690 Cemak 5 1415 lOAvSE 265-1026 122 7015MacleodTrS 252-2869 Cemak 5 402 337 6AvNE 230-2197 Cetus Automotive Industries Bay 1 3664 61 Av SE 236-1255 2918 3AvNE 235-2912 CENTRE 70 DENTAL CLINIC Century 21 Access Realty Ltd Cemett Louis 708 1220 25tSW 262-1317 Cemick John W M 39MillriseLane5W .. 256-8469 Cetus Engine Distributors 111 7015MacleodTrS 253-6660 16 3616 52AvNW 282-1155 4 2116 25AvNE 291-2739 Centre 70 Massage Cemigoj M MnFir422 l5StNW 283-8037 Fax line 284-2399 Ceuric Hasan 216 200TemplebyPlaceNE 280-3545 122 7015Madeo<lTrS 252-5366 Cemivz N 314 333GarTyCrNE 275-8245 Century 21 AJdon Realty Cemohorsky L 4398erldeyCrNW 274-3530 Cevaxs Corporation 7310 5StSE 255-6200 CENTRE 70 MEDICAL PHARMACY Cevraini A 115ScenicGlenPlaceNW .. <.. 239-MlO lllOCentreStNE 221-0400 Cemy A 135WestoverOr5W 249-8789 Cezar D 305 47StSE 272-8418 210 7015MadeodTrS 255-3886 CENTURY 21 BAMBER REALTY Cemy B M 2010 445t5E 272-9213 Centre Shed Self-Serve 1402CentreStN276-3891 LTD 2Flrl550 5StSW 245-0773 Cerny G 275-8541 Cezar M 2 520 24AvSW 228-2184 Cha Kwang Joon Centre St Chiropractic Clinic Cemy I 62098eaverDamWyNE 274-5842 322CentfeStSE 237-5200 307QueenCharlottePlaceSE 271-4164 CENTURY 21 Cerny Ivo 913RanchviewCrNW 241-1035 Cha-Pui Chow 1502 3500VarsityDrNW 282-5146 Cemy Jerry 5r 105 2945 26AvSE 273-9804 Cha Yong R 2772SignalHillHgt5SW 242-80M CENTRE ST DENTAL CASTLEWOOD Cemy John F 67SilverSpringsOrNW .... 288-2473 Chaachouh M 4128 7AvSW 242-7^ Cemy K 2049 275tSE 272-0756 CLINIC LTD AGENCIES LTD Chaachouh Reda 8smt28l2 29StSW .. 242-5063 Cemy Pavel C314 5320LakeviewDrSW . 249-8238 Chaba H 19TempiebyCloseNE 285-6140 Or Stept)en Lee lOB Edttwnton Tr NE Airdrie 948-3933 Cemy 5 V I6IO 4944DaltonDfNW 288-0879 Chaba H 205 120 23AvNE 277-9901 Dr Barry Lee CENTURY 21 CRESCENT REALTY Ceron M 531RadleyWySE 248-6308 Chaba M 330 33AvNE 277-7345 Dr Grace Lee Cerova John Upstrs40i iistNE 261-9887 LTD 1409E<JmontonTrNE .... 230-2021 Chabai Bob 8419Berl<leyRdNW 274-7094 322CentreStS£ 290-0303 Cerovecki Frank 1928 3istsw 249-6772 Fax Line 230-5855 Chabauty Lawrence 38ErinRidgeCrtSE . 235-09^ Ceroveckl Zeiko Bsmtl935 31StSW .. 249-6097 Chabidon E 7623 24aStSE 279-7165 Cerpa Errol 102 728 l4AvSW 229-9537 Chabidon Leo 728RundesideOfNE 280-0789 CENTRE STREET CENTURY 21 FOCUS Cerro Alto Ltd 414CrescentRdNW 276-4988 Chabidon Paul 908 5300RundiehomDfNE 293-7373 Certic Ivan l268Falconrid9eDrNE 280-6139 Chabiera Bogusiaw 62BannisterManorSE 254-0122 CREMATORIUM REALTY LTD Certified Automotive Services Chabillon Denis 740 33StNW 283-1357 2720CefltTeStN .276-2999 100 4520 16AvNW 288-2705 5815c36StSE 279-0898 Chablani G V Dr 228-5921 Centre Street Evangelical Church <277-7258 Century 21 Jackson Realty Ltd CHABLANI G V DR 4120Ca<treStN J277-7757 417 IStw High River 652-4111 CERTIFIED BRAKE & Specialist In Psychiatry CENTRE STREET SERVICE & CAR 9 McRae Street Okotoks 938-2121 1201 17AvNw 284-9177 WASH llAv&CentreStNE... 276-7756 MUFFLER INC Chablani K 287-1169 CENTRE 32 CENTURY 21 NEW-BAR 5210 17AvSE 569-1000 Chablo S 6 3203 l4StNW 282-0989 2770 32 Av NE 239-5885 Certified Cab Ltd 262-2913 Chabot Andre R 511 42StSE 248-5643 Centre 21 Cleaners 2 2lllCentreStN . 277-0638 REALTY (1981) LTD Certified Construction Ltd Chabot C SlCedarbrookPlaceSW 251-3417 Centre 222 200 222 16AvNE 230-3389 110 2323 32AvNE 250-2121 8o*34595tnB 250-9431 Chabot D 284-1426 Chabot D 370CastteridgeOrNE 293-4891 CENTRE WEST PROPERTIES LTD Northvrest Branch 214 3400 14 St NW <282-1721 4239 19 St NE 291-0247 1284-2121 Certified Fireplace & Chimney Chabot Denis 55 20llulsterRdNW 282-7^ 500 lllOCentreStN 230-5962 Chabot Donald 4109 35GrlerPlaceNE .. 274-8M Century 21 Properties Real Estate Ltd Service 272-1579 CENTRE WEST SUPER DRUG CERTIFIED GENERAL Chabot Doug 207LynnviewCrSE 236-7384 109 3016 5AvNE 272-7221 Chabot J L S3 SOOODalhousieDrNW 286-4915 MART 576 64AvNE ..... 275-0555 ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION Centrestone Communications Inc Chabot Leonard J 4 609 67AvSW 253-9264 305 822 llAvSW 266-0780 CENTURY 21 RANS OF ALBERTA 223 14StNW 283-6620 Chabot M 1219 68StNE 248-2295 Centrifuges Unfimlted Inc Certified Industrial Hygiene Consulting Chabot R l36MiilriseCloseSW 254-0815 REALTY LTD Ltd 910 19AvNW 282-4208 Chaboyer B L Upstrsl725 45StSE 248-8570 Bayl7 4216 64AvSE 236-2883 Certified Mechanicai-Tempheat Centriiift A Baker Hughes Company Open Evenings & Weekends Chaboyer C M 7 451LynnviewRdSE 279-6735 246 40AvNE 276-9181 700 736 BAvSW 234-8202 104 10408Macle<xfrrS 271-1111 Chabra K llOHalbrookDrSW 252-8930 Certified Products Company Chabra L P 131 lOOMidridgePlaceSE ... 256-64^ Centron Construction Limited Century 21 South Region Realty Ltd 214 lOllOenmoreTrSW 252-1120 102a9705HortonRdSW 253-1373 Chabra Peter 1634 4istsw 249-4^ 102 7500M8deodTrS 258-1161 CENTRUM INTERIORS LTD CERTIFIED PROPERTY Chabros Holdings Ltd HighPointEstates 273-5933 CENTURY 21 TERRACE REAL MAINTENANCE shop Chabros J M 127WimbledonCrSW 246-6873 1939BownessRdNW 270-3434 ESTATE LTD Main Ofc Centrum Trading 6l04Macie<xfTrS — 252-1644 8av6 711 48AvSE 287-2118 Chabros John HighPointEstates 272-9370 455MafshRdNE 262-2137 CENTURION MARBLE ft TILE LTD Chabros Ken 4 3911 iStNE 277-99^ CERTIFIED RENTALS Chabrowski W 3754RichardsonWySW .. 246-6999 513 leStNW 283-4622 CENTURY 21 TRIWEST Chabun J ill 3131 63AvSW 242-3410 CENTURY AUTO BODY LTD LTD 116MeridianRdSE 248-5414 Chabun Lome 1028MotherwellRdNE ... 276-9036 5509 laStSW 253-5020 COMMERCIAL REAL 24 Hour Emergency Service 248-5414 Chabun W 5704LodgeCrSW 242-5204 Fax Line 259-8720 Fa* 272-7438 Chace Kirk 302 305 25AvSW 229-1256 CENTURY AUTO REPAIRS ESTATE SERVICES Red Deer Branch 7899GaetzAv 342-7220 Chacko John 6320Norf(j|<DrNW 275-1118 11 700 33StNE 272-2021 608 5920MacleodTrS 255-7664 Edmonton Branch 5810 99St 435-3711 CHACOA ELECTRIC LTD Century City Recording Studios 527MurphyPtaceNE 230-1627 MnFlr2207HaSla)(CrNW 282-2555 Certified Visuals 230-1555 Chacon C 7819 20aStSE 279-3529 CENTURY CLEANING SERVICES CENTURY 21 TRIWEST Certified Window Cleanmg 272-1579 Chacon Magazine 200 1035 7AvSW .. 292-0192 REALTY LIMITED CERUM DENTAL SUPPLIES LTD Chacon Sergio 8818 6StSE 252-8231 cStURY coals ltd 264-5626 2Flrll5 17AvSW 228-5199 Chad James C P 200 5920M»cieodTrS 255-7664 CERUM ORTHO ORGANIZERS 2420 1825WoodviewDrSW 251-6571 900 401 9Avsw 262-2883 Fax 259-3691 Century Custom Jewellers Ltd 2Firll5 17AvSW 228-5199 Chad Richard 1107 1825WoodvlewDrSW281-581S 219 604 IStSW 264-2429 CENTURY 2000 UNISEX SALON Cervania Benedicto Chad S J 42328ritanniaOrSW 287-1026 CENTURY DISPOSALS LTD 343HerifageOfSE 255-5626 1102 44RadclrffeCrSE 273-8913 Chad S Robert 3404 listsw 243-4513 909 isstsw 266-6000 CENTURY VALVE LTD Cervantes P B 127 330Canten}iiryDrSW 251-5i287 Chadboume Richard M Century Electric Ltd 5 7003 30StS£ .. 279-0919 lal91S SOAvNE 250-3794 Cerveny B 115MacEwanMeadovvCrNW .. 275-8320 1901 SOPointMcKayCrNW 283-8188 - Fa* Line 250-8624 Cerveny C 902 7qo 67Avsw 255-1197 Chadderton Joe R CENTURY EXPLORATION (1988) Cervi Brian 244EdforthPlaceNW 239-2910 1126NokomisPtaceNW 284-0S3S LTD BByf3515 32StNE .... 291-1113 Cepelak Josef 324€arryCrNE 275-2061 Cepicka J 776AcadiaDrSE 278-9085 Cervi C 244EdforthPtaceNW 241-0351 Chadderton Joseph S ^ 24 HOUR SERVICE 291-1113 Cepicka P 4 5200 53AvNW 288-2559 Cervi Darryi 228VarsityEstatesGroveNW 286-4597 UpstrsA224 IBAvNW 276-8014 CENTURY FLOOR COVERING LTD Cerafltzky A 35 807RoyaiAvSW 245-8518 Cervi R J 344HawthomeDrNW 274-6435 Chaddock E 31FaiwoodWyNE 285-1831 1115 iiAvsw 245-1115 Cervin M 410 3600BrennerOrNW 282-3134 Chaddock K 251Hawkwoo<jBtvdNW 239-2030 Ceramic Tile Warehouse Cervo A 235PenbrookeWySE 248-0359 Chaddock T 251Hawkwo<>dBlvdNW 239-4096 Century Furniture Refinishing 5832Burt)ai*RdS£ 258-0330 3628 15aSISE 263-6225 Cervo Frank 5044DalhartRdNW 288-0045 Chadha Ramesh 16EilnGroveCI(jseSE .. 272-0101 Ceramics By Bobbi lo 3200 14AvNE . 273-9119 Cervo G 569-2805 Chadha Sheetal S l29HaibrookDrSW .. 255-1620 CENTURY GEOPHYSICAL Ceramics Canada 7056dFarrelRdSE ... 255-1575 Cervo Giouanni 2112 52AveSW 287-1197 Cftadney George Mrs Box69 272-0384 CORPORATION OF CANADA Cerashield International inc Cervo PaiH i34BefwickWyNW 295-7346 Chadney Gordon isoswestmountRdNW 283-9347 2016 25AVNE 291-5128 204 1144 29AvNE 291-0475 Cesaire O 1650 l6aStSE 263-4948 Chadney P 1314 20AvNW 284-9217 Cerato Luigi 34is 60StNE 285-0980 Fa* 291-5097 Cesaire Oiibrice Chadon Resources Ltd Century insurance Company Of Canada- Cerato Sergio 573l{>inepointOrNE 285-6361 305 1340UnivefsityOrNW 289-7809 401 540 12AvSW 263-3610 See Coniinwital Itrauranct Mmgamant Lt(i Cerato Sergio 5731Pin«>ointDrNE 285-6858 Cesar Andrew 3247RaeCrSE 273-7001 Chadwick B 4216BritanniaOrSW 243-1916 CERBERUS PYROTRONICS INC Cesar Randy 14 soa 72AvNW 274-5962 Chadwick Derrick J 102 510 58AvSE .
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