~ __LY_ UGHTING-UP TIME 9:01 p.m. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Maximum Temperature 85 Minimum Temperature 76.3 4lDE TABLE FOR JUNE Rainfall _ - A trace D*te Hluh Water Low Water Sun- Sun- Sunshine -._«*<.. S3B hours A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rise set 30 .04 .12.30 6.39 6.35 6.15 8.31 %\}t %%&%£ VOL. 29 —NO. 151 HAMILTON, BERMUDA THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 4D PER COPY Compromise Plan May Save Threatened Financial Crisis Three Charged With Forging Britain Dollar Losses In In Britain Gives Bermuda Will; Son Says Document Is European Payments Scheme Businessmen A Headache Not In Mother's Handwriting The threatened financial crisis Britain's present financial pre- in England and the possible , dicament has been brought about, PARIS, June 29 (Reuter).— Wilbur Harrison Smith, son of Delegates to the 19-nation Mar­ abandonment of the "cheap one local observer thought, be- HONORARY D.D. DEGREE!WILL REVIEW RENEWAL BRITAIN'S CRISIS: money" policy by the British cause British goods are being met the late Mrs. Inez Madge Smith shall aid talks adjourned in op­ Atomic Explosions of "Poinciana Grove," Shelly Bay, timistic' mood after a three-hour Government may deal the Colony with buyers' resistance in the ex- FOR A.M.E. PASTOR OF BSAA SERVICE ACHESON IS HOPEFUL a hard blow which will be felt port market, largely due to prices. yesterday looked at a hand-writ­ meeting today. They will resume ten will purported to have been tomorrow to consider a new Bel­ Said Detected in every home and store or little j One way to reduce prices would gian compromise plan on the effect may be felt in Bermuda be to make selling • costs cheaper. made by his mother in favour of MPs Told Only Satisfactory her brother, Wilkie Garfield Fur­ intra-European payments scheme NEW YORK, June 29 from any new financial policy the If the pound was devalued 25 Result of Visit of Bishop Feels Western Statesmen bert, and stated: "It 'is not my which will lessen the threat to (Reuter).--^- Newsweek Mag­ British Government may intro­ per cent the cost of living in Ber­ Aircraft Is Stratocruiser mother's handwriting." Britain's dwindling gold and dol­ azine reported today: "The Can Find Solution duce. What will happen, and muda would be almost bound to. Nichols Here Last Year lar reserves. Western European Union when, is a problem that is giving rise by 10 per cent because of Smith is a Crown witness Bermuda's businessmen a head­ the numerous items which have to An honorary dearee of Doctor WESTMINSTER, London, June against Furbert, his brother, Lion- The new plan was brought for­ military committee has been WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reu­ informed that within the ache. be imported into the Colony from I Df Divinity has been conferred 29 Mr. G S. Lindgren, Parlia- ei Randolph Furbert, and the lat- ward by Belgium's caretaker ter) — The U.S. Secretary of Prime Minister M. Paul Henri last few months U.S. record­ the United States. I on the Rev. Dr. J. E, Foster, pas- mentary Secretary to the Ministry ter's wife, Inez Marie Furbert, State, Mr. Dean Acheson, said to­ The recent drop in British Gov­ who face seven charges including Spaak. in a move to narrow the ing instruments detected ernment securities has led to There would bound to be an tor of St. Paul's A.M.E. Church, of Civil Aviation, told Air Com­ gap between the opposing view­ evidence of several chain re­ day he was hopeful that a British increase in rents and, alongside by Wilberforce University, of modore A. V. Harvey (Cons. Mac­ forging the will, and conspiring economic crisis could be avoided much speculation locally, just as to pervert the course of justice. points of Britain and Belgium actions set in "motion by all over the world. Merchants, the increase in the cost of living which he is a graduate, clesfield) in the House of Com­ over a new scheme for trading atomic explosions either in through the combined statesman­ fparine* devaluation don't know I woul,"-*"•d" b"ee an increase in Wages! Dr. Foster received word of mons today that the resumption of In addition Wilkie Furbert is within Western Europe, the dele- Siberia or Soviet central ship of the Western powers. whethlr to buy goods now, Steffi to further inflation. The the .honour from Dr. John H. the British South American Air­ charged on two indictments for ga ..on members said. Asia. There is no sugges­ Asked to comment at his press the soine is good or defv the DOS- co.st of Government would rise Lewis, dean of the Payne Theolo- ways Corporation's Lisbon, Az­ perjury, Inez Furbert with one Tfce eight-power consultative tion yet, however, that the conference, the Secretary said he J ...... .. J„„„I, charge of perjury, and both are ! anwitd h everything else due to wages gical Seminary of the University. ores, Bermuda route would be re- Organisation for European Eco­ Russians have made a com­ had given considerable thought to l™™£™d buy a mtte later when costs of materials, which have | which is located in Wilberforce viewed as soon as the aircraft charged with uttering a false nomic Cooperation (OEEC) group plete atom bomb". the situation amfwas hopeful of | £™ £*£*„ 1 to be purchased from a dollar area, Ohio position permitted. ' document. Lionel Furbert is also a solution. in sing the present budg t —"inner cabinet" for the Euro- lower. Likewise. they are havhig „^ ? Dr. Lewis stated that the de- Expressing dissatisfaction with I charged with attempting to per- pealhiend of the Marshall Plan— h nv le ver e course of *,,AT^ S-L0?1"1 un ._ w,hether I to make up theurmfn.lswhe.he ? ^ ™ .P«°P think is al- gree had been conferred on the the reply, -Vir Commodore Har- £ . Justice. will UB-w get to work on the lat­ 4 , recommendation of Bishop D. Ma r Da ld the United States should take any | £ ^j, | ready tag vey asked if Mr. Lindgren real- J° Y Huxley, the Soli- est tn&posals. EMPIRE CONFERENCE ON action and what that action should to hold b£ k their in CBse The situation in England is ap- Ward Nichols (who recently vis- ised that the route could be a ^tor-General, is conducting the A general impression of"*satis- the pound is devalued and their Cro n s cas and be, he said he would prefer not merchandise becomes of greater proaching a financial crisis most- ite(j Bermuda), who said he felt great dollar earner and if he ™ *-_ the Furberts faction at the outcome of today's DOLLAR SITUATION to discuss this for the moment as value ly due to Britain's unbalanced Dr. Foster "merited this honour would give "most urgent atten- aJe defended oy Mr. Peter Smith. talks was expressed by leading it would not be helpful at this | Uncertain what is the best thing trade position with hard currency by reason of outstanding service tion" to the matter with a view to •*"ost °f the Colony s law firms are delegates. , • stage. I to "do, merchants" are believed to 5?un!.n5s ^hl^h has' bef.n broug«?t in the Christian ministry." "getting something on the route " concerned in the case as witnesses The Belgian Minister of For LONDON, June 29 a u y mg rod or Keuter) — He then said that the combined be doing a bit of both and not „° ,„, „, 1 P uction costs Dr Lewis in his letter also Mr Lindgren replied: "Yes* but through being quoted by wit- d l ont ut f b r T hls n nes es eign Trade, Baron Moens De Fer- The British Government announc- statesmanship of the Western much of anything. f" ™ ? ° l* ™ - , ° commented on the five Bermu- the only sftTsfactory aircraft f$J s - h Ur tryS delegat e ed f HA < . ^( l w** K * tonight that it had proposed a powers ought to be able to work Reactions obtained in Bermuda *?£.. J rational budget, -already' dian students now studying at l the route f the stratocruiser BLACK NOTE BOOK __ .. __it.ai_t_.u__ uu«._w *_ _,e_.*__.«_= _4.r_inAj KV -vt«n<.;v„ rjnvornmont " "' '"""«*"»<' "" ="»».'«*•_ « IUB route is tne siraiocruiser said: "I think a solution can be meeting of Commonwealth Fin- out a solution to the e Smith, examined by Major found by tomorrow afternoon for I ance Ministers in London towards | problem facing Britain economic uncertaintyesterday yt oindicat the presene thert e financialwill be scheme!S""«s anJ^_d n_lf™_iT™.Snationalisation?, ha_«s , thineg seminary"fine records,, who" werhe esaid al.l mak- which takes dollars to buy. Con- the middle of next month to dis­ resu < ln e stellations would only operate on I Huxley, examined a black note the intra-European payments dif­ In reply to questions concerning I little effect on the Colony if de- I "**i ? *" present preaica- Dr. Foster has served as pastor | the route with a very reduced pay book which he identified as one ficulties." cuss the "dollar situation." the .forthcoming visit to Europe valuation of sterling does not | ™e"_.A_w_.^P?"5 ,.?__rs_?_?? I of St. Paul's since last July. His of the Treasury Secretary, Mr. I come about, but a great effect if ODse™er^ tnat Uie picture would | Chicago. 111., and h load compared with the North his mother had used in her capa- M. Maurice Petsche. the French Correspondence with the other home is in Atlantic operations." Finance Minister, said: "The at­ Continued on Page city as secretary of the Bethel Commonwealth governments is John Snyder, Mr.
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