DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN Bachelor’s Thesis in Informatics: Games Engineering A Serious Game about the Battles of the Second Punic War in VR Moritz Rocksien DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN Bachelor’s Thesis in Informatics: Games Engineering A Serious Game about the Battles of the Second Punic War in VR Ein Serious Game über die Schlachten des Zweiten Punischen Krieges in VR Author: Moritz Rocksien Supervisor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Advisor: Dipl.-Inf. Univ. David A. Plecher, M.A. Submission Date: 15.02.2019 I confirm that this bachelor’s thesis in informatics: games engineering is my own work and I have documented all sources and material used. Munich, 15.02.2019 Moritz Rocksien Abstract With more and more consumer grade virtual reality systems reaching maturity and becoming affordable, new opportunities in teaching and education emerge. This thesis will discuss the possibility of teaching players about the historic battles of the Second Punic War with a serious game in virtual reality. Important terms and concepts are briefly defined and existing related work analyzed. The requirements as well as the possibilities for such a serious game will be discussed and the approach and decisions for the subsequent implementation that was done for this thesis will be explained. The final game is evaluated in terms of performance as well as with regards to reaching its goals of teaching players about the actual history. For this, a user study was conducted and assessed. iii Kurzfassung In den letzten Jahren entstehen immer mehr technisch ausgereifte Virtual Reality-Systeme für den Heimgebrauch, welche völlig neue Möglichkeiten in Lehre und Bildung eröffnen. In dieser Abschlussarbeit soll die Möglichkeit erörtert werde, mittels eines Serious Games in Virtual Reality Spieler über die historischen Schlachten des Zweiten Punischen Krieges zu unterrichten. Dafür werden zuerst wichtige Begriffe und Konzepte kurz definiert und anschließend bereits vorhandene inhaltlich verwandte Arbeiten analysiert. Die Anforderungen an und die Möglichkeiten eines solches Spiel werden erörtert. Der gewählte Ansatz für die Implementierung und die Entscheidungen, die bei der Umsetzung des Prototypen getroffen wurden, werden im Anschluss erklärt. Um den Erfolg des Prototypen zu evaluieren, wird seine technische Leistung gemessen und eine durchgeführte Nutzerstudie ausgewertet um festzustellen, wie groß der Lernerfolg der Spieler ist. iv Contents Abstract iii Kurzfassung iv 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Goals . .1 1.2. Outline . .2 2. Terms and Definitions 3 2.1. Virtual Reality . .3 2.2. Serious Game . .4 2.3. Game and Visualization . .4 3. Related Work 6 3.1. Rome: Total War and Total War: Rome II . .6 3.2. Serious Games in VR . .8 3.3. Virtual Reality Applications with History Content . .9 3.4. "Serious Game: Ancient Battles in VR" by Steen Müller . 10 4. Analysis and Definition of Requirements 12 4.1. Transfer of Knowledge . 12 4.2. Historical Battle of the Trebia . 12 4.2.1. Sources . 12 4.2.2. Background . 13 4.2.3. Course of Events . 14 4.3. User Guidance . 15 4.4. Tutorial . 15 4.5. Different Perspectives . 15 4.6. Gameplay . 16 4.7. Performance . 16 5. Approach 17 5.1. Existing Implementation . 17 5.1.1. Features . 17 5.1.2. Issues . 18 5.2. Improving Legibility . 24 v Contents 5.3. Enhancing the Replay Mode . 26 5.3.1. User Guidance . 26 5.3.2. Background Information . 27 5.4. Adding the Battle of the Trebia . 28 5.4.1. Introducing War Elephants . 29 5.4.2. Adding Mechanics to Represent History . 30 5.4.3. A New Map for a New Battle . 31 5.5. Evolving the Main Menu . 31 5.5.1. Concept . 31 5.5.2. Model Display . 31 5.5.3. First Person Weapon Interaction . 32 5.5.4. Information Displays . 33 5.6. Tutorial Level . 33 5.7. Performance Improvements . 34 5.7.1. Reducing Clone Instancing . 34 5.7.2. Reducing the Amount of Detail in the Scene . 34 6. User Study 36 6.1. Questions . 36 6.2. Results . 37 7. Evaluation 41 7.1. Performance . 41 7.2. Goals . 43 8. Conclusion 49 9. Future Work 50 9.1. User Experience . 50 9.1.1. Controls . 50 9.1.2. Tutorial . 52 9.1.3. Ergonomics . 52 9.1.4. User Guidance . 52 9.1.5. Legibility . 52 9.2. Performance . 52 9.3. Main Menu . 53 9.4. Content . 53 A. User Study Questionnaire and Results 55 A.1. Demographic Questions . 55 A.2. Previous Knowledge . 55 A.3. Game Experience . 59 A.4. Retention . 63 vi Contents List of Figures 70 List of Tables 71 Bibliography 72 vii 1. Introduction New technical possibilities created by the progression of Virtual Reality (VR) open up novel ways in education and teaching. Using the immersive and intuitive qualities of VR and combining them with elements of modern video game design, serious content can be presented in new immersive and engaging ways. The intuitive controls of modern virtual reality solutions also help to make these experiences accessible for a wide variety of audiences, instead of just seasoned video game players. With this in mind, this bachelor’s thesis tried to create a serious game in virtual reality that teaches users about the historic events of the Second Punic War in a playful and fun way to evaluate whether a serious game in virtual reality can effectively teach players about the battles of the Second Punic War. 1.1. Goals The goal of this thesis is to create an educational but at the same time engaging experience for players. To do this, the resulting game has to satisfy two main aspects: Playing the game has to be fun in and of its own, and the game has to provide a high degree of historical accuracy and transport its content effectively. The knowledge this game aims to transfer is about the Second Punic War, specifically about two if its battles - the already implemented Battle of Cannae and the newly implemented Battle of the Trebia - as well as background information about the war and the armies involved. Therefore, adding the Battle of the Trebia to the game is paramount. To successfully convey this new and additional information, players have to be given access to all the necessary information and be able to freely explore but at the same time sometimes need guidance to correctly interpret and understand the presented information. To ensure that the game is accessible to a wide variety of audiences, a tutorial level that explains the control scheme and introduces the basic mechanics of the game is needed. Because of potentially game-ending problems that players could encounter with virtual reality sickness, the performance of the game is also an important concern and has to be taken into account. In the end, a user study has to be conducted to examine how well the game does at satisfying its two main aspects: the transfer of knowledge and the engagement of the audience. After all, if the game does not provide a better and/or more engaging way for audiences to learn about the Second Punic War compared to traditional methods of teaching, the game does not fulfill its purpose. 1 1. Introduction 1.2. Outline Before discussing the specific implementation of the new content of the game, this thesis will start by defining terms and concepts that are important for this thesis. Following this, related work from the fields of traditional video games, serious games in virtual reality and serious VR applications with historic contents will be analyzed and their applicability to the tasks of this thesis examined. The fourth chapter will discuss the requirements for this thesis. This includes examining the historical Battle of the Trebia, as well as defining the necessary requirements the game needs to fulfill to be able to accomplish its goals of teaching players about the Second Punic War in engaging and immersive ways. Afterwards, the approach that was chosen for the game’s implementation will be detailed. This chapter starts by illustrating issues with the existing implementation as well as some of the measures that were undertaken to alleviate or solve them. Following this, the enhanced replay functionality with the newly implemented user guidance measures as well as the provided background information are highlighted. Adding the Battle of the Trebia as well as the necessary additions to the game that came with it are discussed. The improvement of the main menu and the concept behind it is the next point, with the implementation of the tutorial level and the measures undertaken to improve the performance of the game ending the chapter. After the approach, the conducted user study and its results are the content of the next chapter. The evaluation of the game in terms of performance as well as meeting its goals is the last chapter of this thesis, before reaching a conclusion and discussing potential future work. 2 2. Terms and Definitions In this chapter, some of the necessary terms and concepts for this thesis shall be defined. A short definition for the terms virtual reality and serious game will be introduced and a distinction between games and visualizations will be made. 2.1. Virtual Reality Figure 2.1.: The Vive head-mounted display with controllers. [Pes16] In this thesis, virtual reality will be defined as a "computer-generated digital environment that can be experienced and interacted with as if that environment were real" [Jer15]. However, this definition still leaves a lot of questions unanswered: How will this virtual reality be experienced? And how can it be interacted with? Following J. Steuer [Ste92], the omission of these technical aspects is wanted for the definition, for the purposes of this thesis, though, it is hindering.
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