HI SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country. SATURDAY, At $2.00 PER YEAR R. P. Williams, representing the through eight feet of ledge matter DOWN RIVER NEWS Jenckes Machine Co., visited the Nickle THE MINING WORLD the ore is steadily improving. Plate and other Twenty-Mile properties this week. D. G. Hackney will build a large hotel Local and Mining News from at Keremeos. As soon as lhe lumber can A Promising Country to the s from the Copper Bench clai be got on the groun^uilding will be South of Us. Lower Similkameen. PURELY PERSONAL. J. Schubert has established a plumber yard at Keremeos and is busy hauling a Mr. A. E. Howse reti ed from the Free Gold in Yuneman's Camp-Ram's complete stock of lumber and shingles Slate River Country Party Tell About 'acific coast and Nicola today's stage. Horn Bonded to Vancouver Party frpm Penticton. V Their Rich Country—Sunset and for $30,000. Lost Horse Improving. fitted up-at Keremeos, and the children ftb^nfi-*^ V. wston, of Keremeos, was C. Fleischbein^ind J. T. Holley arrived lis week. He took a draft from the Slate/creek district on Thurs- lown the river on Wed- of electing a delegate to attend Mr. W. Baillie, representing the ] eral convention at Revelstoke 1 Mai .ills are working ish Columbia Mining Record, is visi quartz having been made lately. tember 5th. Princeton and district in the interest C. DeB. Green has completed the sur­ A camping party consisting of 1 pocket was found on the vey of the Tyne and Savage group ; John J. Neil, prop, of the Keremeos I [dge which produced nearly Buchan and I/. M. Lyons report a rich J. Innes, Miss Sarah Neil ai Mrs. M. Woodward, of Lower Nicola, ve gold. On the headwaters And on the Ada Bell; Chas. Winkler is Sproule are spending a few days paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs, Haegerman pper on Wednesday, returning home on yes­ Slat pectt. FTEe terday's stage. ng Co., of India work on the Snowbird; E. Bullock- Messrs. O. Coulthard and J. Wirth, of Webster has found a rich vein on one of Keremeos, were in town today. They are on the annual round-up tour of the Mel I the St. Pa lilkai iilkai spe regon An; tallic ipper ing a well earnedAacation at Kamloops. Over 600 feet of tunnel ha Messrs. W'lgh g"d Duncan Mcfiae re­ He does not expect to return to Keremeos and several bodies of rich e found. The turned from Rossland this week. They for two months, unless he can persuade ore is of a refractory 1 :ure, but will intend working their properties on Cop­ district) a almost all the lo- his friends to allow him to leave. Scotty's concentrate easily and the- comps per mountain this fall. athei health and the peace of the community tend putting in a plant for that purpose • Mr. C. W. Veysey, accountant for the W Jas. Riordan has bonded the Ram's he has left will be much benefitted by early next year. There Horn claim_on Riordan mountain to J. Hudson Bay Co., at Vancouver, made a the change of climate, grub and super­ mills in the district, the Eureka having Meiklejohn, of Vancouver, for #30,000. business trip to Princeton by Wednes­ vision which he is enjoying in his new ten stamps and the Mammoth and The Ram's Horn is one of the best loca­ day's stage, and returned on Friday. Whistler five stamps each. All the ma­ tions on the headwaters of Keremeos chinery has been taken in over the trail Sheriff Elkins, of Greenwood, is taking creek. As soon as the new wagon road NEWS OF THE WORLD. from Brewster, Wash., by means of a trip through the Similkameen country. reaches the camp tectrve development specially constructed wagons, the axles He is interested in several promising lo­ work will be started on the property. A late telegram from Paris reports ofwhich are only 28 inches wide. Slate cations in the Twenty-Mile creek district. other attempt on the life of the Shah of On Twenty-Mile creek two men are at creek and the upper Similkameen head Persia. Details of the assault are lacking. Mr. James Hislop, P. L. S., returned work on the Bradshaw properties. A on the same summit about thirty miles from Victoria on Tuesday last. He com­ cabin has been built close to the claims Caleb Powers has received a sentence south of the boundary line. Messrs. Hol­ pleted arrangements with the lands and and preparations made to continue work­ of imprisonment for life for the killing ley and Fleischbein made the trip to works department for the survey of the ing this winter. of William Goebel, in Frankfort, Ky., Princeton on foot, in less than four days, Hope road, and started out Wednesday On the Nickle Plate everything is pre­ the total distance being 65 miles. Numer­ morning with W^. Martin^ to make ,a An anarchist plot to assassinate Presi­ pared for the installation of machinery. ous locations have been made in the reconnoissance of the different routes, dent McKinley has been discovered at As soon as the wagon road is completed Roche river, Peysaton and Slate creek before starting the final location work. New York, and fourteen anarchists have to Penticton the compressor plant will be districts this summer, the mineral belt It is possible that the road- may be lo- been quietly arrested as they arrived in shipped and it is probable that a. rr^)l extending for 50 miles on each side of jcated via Kennedy mountain, Friday the city. will be built before long! Supt, Rogers the line. The trail from Princeton ^creek and Roche river, instead of the old has pSbftascil'llHUli good teams and in­ Extraordinary precautions are being Roche river is reported in miserable c trail. tends freighting in all supplies and ma­ taken to guard the lives of the nobility dition. and the government are requested . The Greenwood Times makes the fol­ chinery for the mine over the Penticton and prominent British politicians at the to send a man over it to cut out fallen lowing announcement: It is announced present time. The Prince of Wales, who logs and generally make the trail pass­ that the marriage of Miss Irene Haynes, is visiting Hamburg, is guarded by four­ able. second daughter of the late Judge PERSONAL JOTTINGS. teen special detectives from European The Sunset is steadily piling up ore on Haines, of,Osoyoos, to Mr. R. H. Park­ The lower Similkameen sch»o^re- bureaus, and six special service men the dump, there being no sign of a wall inson, P. L. S., of Fairvjp< will take opened, after the summer vacafSi, on from Scotland Yard. yet in the face of the erosscut. Eighty place at Fairview early aext month. Miss Monday last. •• A telegram of August 18 from Pretoria, feet wide at a level of 150 feet deep, all in Haynes was very, popular at Midway, Frank Richter is preparing to cut his reports General Baden-Powell's forces good pay ore is a record which few mines where she lived wilbr her mother, Mrs. third crop of alfalfa. He intends break­ asked to surrender at North Commando can show at the same stage of develop- Dowding, until the latter left the district ing all records in the hay line this year. Nek to General Dewet. General Powell last January. Since then the young lady J. H. Jackson, of the Hotel Jackson, replied asking terms. Dewet is evidently has resided at Fairview with her sister, The Lost Horse ledge has been cut by Princeton, and Editor Anderson of the moving eastward. Lord Roberts has Mrs. C. A. R. Lambly. ^ the crosscut tunnel which was driven to Star, visited Keremeos on Wednesday issued new severe and rigorous orders. tap It So far, indications prove that the last. r A late despatch from Lorenzo Marquez mineral is much the same as that found %/ The Princefcon School. ¥r The fruit crop in Keremeos valley is to London says former President Steyn on the surface. A layer of white quartz­ Miss Murray, ofyNicola Lake, has ac­ I exceptionally large this year. Apple is reported to have died, as the result of ite cuts the formation next the footwall, cepted the position of teacher to the trees especially have been unusually pro­ a severe wound, while endeavoring the richer copper ore being found closer temporary school at Princeton. School ductive. , reach Mr. Kruger. to the hanging. The tunnel has now cut will be opened on Sept. 3rd. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. MR. DOOLEY ON CHINA. says, 'an' we're goin' to give ye a railroad so ye can go swiftly to places that ye He Thinks Western Civilization May don't want to see,'he says. 'A counthry be in for a Bump. The James Robertson Co. Ltd. that has no railroads is beneath con- "Sir," said Mr. Hennessy, "to think timpt,' he says. 'Casey,' he'saysf 'stretch iv th'audacity iv thim Chinymen ! It th' chain acrost yon graveyard,' he says. I VANCOUVER, B. C. do bate all." 'I aim f'r to put th' thrack just before 1 "It do Dc that large tombstone marked riquiescat bates th' wurrnld. An' what's it co Jai H. Chung-a-lung,' hej Manufacturers of Lead, Pipe, Shot Traps, White to ? You an' me looks at a Chiny tm i I, 'ye will disturb pah': LEAD PAINTS, AND Et though he wasn't good f r auuything but washin* shirts, an' not very good at that.
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