TIMES NATIONWIDE CLASSIFIED ADS AIR RAID TEST GET RESULTS TUESDAY, MAY 6 AND THE NEPTUNE TIMES Vol. LXXXIII, No. 18 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1058 „ ol Independence of thc - U nitedStates of _Atnerica the 183rd year SEVEN CENTS Dr. and Mrs. Hann RED & BLACK ELECTS, Married 55 Years FETES NHS ATHLETES Richard Anderson was elect­ Ocean Grove Couple ed president of the Neptune Celebrated Anniversary Red and Black Association.last Thursday night, succeeding Tuesday, April 29th Calvin R. Patterson, Sr., who presided last night at the an­ Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Forrest nual All-Sports banquet for : Hann celebrated their fifty-fifth . the high school athletes. -wedding anniversary T uesday Over 200 students attended night at their residence, 78 Abbott the banquet, given by the Red Avenue, Occon Grove. and Black and addressed by Among the clergymen present Cadet Peter Dawkins, captain were tho Rev. B. Harrison Decker, of the Army (West Point) D.D. nnd wife, District Superin­ football team. AU coaches tendent of the New Brunswick Dis­ were introduced and' jackets trict, New. Jersey Conference; Dr. were presented to the members George H. Neal, Dr. and Mrs. Al­ of this year’s basketball team ,. bert Layton, pastor of St. Paul’s champs of I the Shore Confer­ Methodist Church; the Rev. Stacy ence. D. Myers' and wife, pastor of Bel­ Other Red and Black officers* mar Methodist Church and the elected at the annual meeting Rev. Kenneth Perinchief and wife, last ,wcek -were Joseph Nolan, pastor of the First Methodist first vice president; Robert Chuch, Camden, N. J. Davis, second vice president; Other guests from Ocean Grove Gary, . Mitchell, corresponding Mr. and Mrs. George J. Davis, of Mr. Davis is a brother of Thomas were Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, Mrs. secretary; Mts. Leonard Zirkle, Boothwyn, Pa., have purchased the Davis,' proprietor of the Pathway Anna Cook, Miss Fay Tucker, Mrs. recording secretary, and Past St. Elmo Hotel, 77 Main Avenue, Market, Ocean Grove, and member A lta Gongloff, Miss Florence Caryll President 'William Kresge, Ocean Grove, from Mr. and Mrs. of the Neptune Township Commit- and Miss Bess Stitt. There were treasurer. Lconard Zirkle. The new owners tee. They have one son, Gerry, who relatives, friends and former par- have already taken possession and is in his last year in high school ishoners from Red Bank, Borden- are preparing for opening before and another son, George Jr., who is town, Westville and a group from Decoration Day. They plan to op- married and resides in Chadford, Old Bridge, the most recent charge erate the year-round, serving Pa. Prior to his entrance into the served by Dr. Hann. Hospital Thanks meals, as has been the custom at hotel business here, Mr. Davis was. Dr. Hann was a former member this house for so many years* connected with the Research and of the Ocean Grove Association and Fitldrt Workers The new owners have been sum- Development department of the a leader of the Sunshine Meeting. mer visitors here for many years. Sun Oil Company. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Secor served Grove Unit Gives Easter the anniversary repast. Cards & Eggs; Fitkin N.J. Bell Co. Film j Open House May. 14 On Tuesday the regular meet­ ing of the Ocean Grove Auxiliary For Installation At Brussels Fair of the James F. Ackerman Federa­ tion was. held, at the Ocean Grove “This Is New Jersey” Woman’s Clubhouse, 89 Mt. Carmel Movie Shown May 7 Way. Mrs. Harry Webster, first During Stale Celebration vice president, presided, opening thc meetihg with the reading of A feature of thc celebration of an inspirational poem. i N ew Jerse y D ay, M ay .7, a t th e A letter from David Carter, ad­ Brussels World’s Fair will be a ministrator of the hospital, was showing of “This Is New Jersey,” read thanking the auxiliary for. the color film prqduced by the New Jer­ 350 cards and. chocolate candy eggs sey Bell Telephone Co. as a tribute that were on the breakfast trays to thc state and its people. at the hospital Easter morning. In connection with the overseas Pajse eight, please showing, Governor Meyner, who will head a group of New Jersey LOYALTY DAY dignitaries in attendance at the fair on New Jersey Day, said: A Proclam ation "We arc happy to have this film represent us at this world’s fair WHEREAS, an opportunity is because it docs full justice to every provided annually for every citizen facet of the state’s industry, com­ to reaffirm his faith in the United merce, natural resources, heritago States of America through a pro­ and culture.” , gram sponsored by the Veterans of On New Jersey Day the film also Foreign W ars of the United States; will be shown in the fair’s Trans­ an d • ;.■■ v- 'li-r'-' V ? i -.. portation Building in connection WHEREAS, there have been pe­ MEMORIAL CROSS with the Port of New York Author­ riodical attempts over the last two ity exhibit. The film also will be centuries to stifle and destroy The 18-foot Memorial Cross shown periodically at the Radio those hard - won : rights of free on thc front of the Ocean Corporation of -America color ex­ speech, freedom of the press and Grove Auditorium, facing the h ib it. the right to Worship as one chooscsr sea, will be lighted the week Introduced in March, 1957, at a and-V-. - • ■■ *' ]:'■ of May 3 to 10 in memory of preview for some 160 leaders of WHEREAS, each of us should Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins, business, agriculture, education and make a personal pledge to uphold parents, and Mrs. George L. public life, headed by thc governor, these God-given rights in the de­ Goodrich, friend, by Miss the film since has been seen by fense of which thousands of - our Rhoda Watkins, of Washing­ Pace eight, please fighting forccs.have died on battle­ ton, D. C. fields all over the world; now, THEREFORE; I, Joseph Shafto, Extend Cancer Crusade Mayor of Neptune Township, here­ by designate Sunday, May .4,,1968, as LOYALTY DAY, I urge that Loyalty Day Parade Sunday every man, woman and child in this Martha Hurry township join in a demonstration Monmouth County’s nd annual 2 Mary Jane Evers of his or her . undivided allegiance Loyalty Day Parade will take . Hi there—just! looking at all the Shark , River Hills to the government of the United place this Sunday, May 4 at 2 P.M. green lawns and flowering tushes States and the ideals which it de­ in Asbury Park. The parade route growing is the biggcBt lift tb your fends and preserves. I furthef.hope extends south on Main Street to spirits after this past winter. that all civic; groups will join on Cookman Avenue, then east to .Don’t you feel that way? th a t day, o r a n o th er d ay designated, Ocean Avenue, north to the Mon­ So sorry to hear about Bailey to give expression to that loyalty terey Hotel, where marchers dis­ Watson. He is building a new home through public demonstrations of band. The event is sponsored by for “Russ” Coleman, NHS Princi­ all kinds; through the display of both the VFW pnd American .Le­ pal. on Eaton Way and he fell off our National Emblem and through gion posts of the county, with the the scaffold and broke his leg. He cooperation with our. overseas vet­ cooperation of other veterans will be director boss from his hos­ erans whose devotion and courage groups. All civic organizations pital bed in Fitkin Hospital. So continue in. peace as sponsors of will .be in the line of march. send your cards of cheer to Bailey this observance.. .. ■ . w ——— as being in bed fo r several weeks V Signed JOSEPH SHAFTO Brother F,or Kelly Girls is going to be hard with so much to be done. A bouncing baby brother arrived Ruth Robbins, of Fenchurch Way, Opens* Petit Chateau fo r K athleen, age 5V6, and K arolyri, was the guest of honor at a stork age 4&, last Friday in Fitkin Hos­ Bhower given for her at the home Raymond Hartz, of Trenton,, has pital. Kendall Francis Kelly of Rita Goldstein, last Thursday purchased the Petit' Chateau Res­ weighed in at 9 lbs. 2 ozs. The night by members of the Canasta taurant, 45 Pilgrim Pathway, just happy parents ■ are; Mr. and 'Mrs. Club. With her were Mnrylin Ger­ off Main: Avenue, and has opened Francis Kelly, 80 Main Avenue, big, Eleanor Moog, Roso Juliano, for tho season. The. new owner Ocean Grove. Proud grandparents Jean O’Donell and Rita. comes to Ocean Grove with four­ are Mr. and Mrs. II. Horne, 28 The Friendship Club met at my teen years experience'with Howard Seaview Avenue, Ocean Grove, and homo last Tuesday evening. Claire Johnson restaurants. Ho has an­ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelly, of East Jeffries was honored on her wed­ nounced plans to keep the restau­ DISCUSS CRUSADE — W. Daniel Williams,. Monmouth County Point, Go. chairman for thc April fund Crusade of thc American Cancer So­ ding anniversary by tho members rant open throughout the entire ciety, looks over flic campaign plans for Neptune with Mrs. W. PL E X T O N E and she was lucky also in the Holy y e ar. j Russell Johnston, Neptune Township chairman; Thc drive is being New Modern Paint Finish Spirit card party, winning a lovely extended in order thnt the volunteers in thc county’s 52 municipali­ MOTHERS’ DAY CARDS For Furniture and Walls portable typewriter.
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