Specification Sheet

Specification Sheet

OCTOBERJuly 2017 2016 BATORAY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS • 648 ELM STREET, LUDLOW, KY 41016 Phone: (859) 431-7587 or toll free (800) 450-6776 • Fax: (859) 431-0600 Visit our website: www.batoray.com • email: [email protected] roviding batteries, f P ashlights & work gear to distributo rs across America. Family Owned Since 1987 648 Elm Street Ludlow, KY 41016 (859) 431-7587 Fax (859) 431-0600 (800) 450-6776 www.Batoray.com • No Minimum Order • Freight Paid on orders over $250.00 • Custom Battery Assembly • Low Everyday Pricing • Master Distributor -- Large Inventory • Volume Discount Pricing available • No additional charge for broken case orders • Expert product knowledge and experience • Same Day Shipping • Owned and operated by the Egbers Family since 1987 • Standard Terms = Net 30 Wholesale Only --We’re committed to making sure your customers remain your customers! Table of Contents: Manufacturer Products Page(s) Batoray Custom Batteries Custom Battery Assembly 3-5 Batoray Connectors Connector Options 6-7 PowerSonic Batteries 8-11 Xeno Batteries 12 Empire Batteries and Flashlights 12 EnerSys Batteries 13 Rayovac Batteries 14-17 Energizer Batteries and Flashlights 18-21 Duracell Batteries and Flashlights 22 Panasonic Batteries and Flashlights 23 Evergreen Batteries and Flashlights 24 Pelican Flashlights 25-27 Mag-Lite Flashlights and Equipment Cases 28-29 Outback Flashlights 30-31 Streamlight Flashlights 32-40 Accusharp Knife Sharpeners 41 Nite-Ize Innovative Accessories and Cell Phone Holsters 42-44 Harris Insect Repellent 45 Global Glove Gloves 46-48 EPIC Shoe / Boot Covers 48 Bullhead Safety Glasses and Hearing Protection 49-53 Terms and Conditions 55 Batoray Recycles! Please send your spent Sealed Lead, Nickel Cadmium or Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries to Batoray for recycling. BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping If you don’t see what BATORAY Custom Battery Assembly you are looking for, it’s because we published Wire Retail only our most popular # assemblies. in Wire Wire Size Battery Harness / Price MAH Length Batteries Battery Assembly Assembly Voltage of Voltage STOCK NO. Chemistry Configuration Connector Each XL-060F WH-09 Single Cell Assemblies: XL-050F WH-09 1/2 AA 3.6 1200 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-09 $18.00 CR14250SE WH-16 1/2AA 3 1200 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-16 $24.00 XL-055F WH-74 2/3AA 3.6 1200 Lithium 1 single cell 2” WH-09 $23.00 BR2/3A WH-49 2/3A 3 1200 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-49 $26.00 LST17330 WH-17 2/3A 3.6 1200 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-17 $30.00 CR17450SE WH-09 4/5A 3 2500 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-09 $30.00 PS-4/5A WH-12 4/5A 1.2 1200 NiCd 1 single cell 8” WH-12 $13.90 XL-060F WH-09 AA 3.6 2400 Lithium 1 single cell 5” WH-09 $17.00 PS-AA/1 WH-84R AA 1.2 800 NiCd 1 single cell 8” WH-84R $13.50 BR-A WH-15 A 3 1800 Lithium 1 single cell 3” WH-15 $32.00 BR-C WH-09 C 3 5000 Lithium 1 single cell 6” WH-09 $46.00 XL-145F WH-15 C 3.6 8500 Lithium 1 single cell 6” WH-15 $30.00 PS-C/1 WH-12 C 1.2 2500 NiCd 1 single cell 6” WH-12 $24.00 XL-205F WH-61 D 3.6 4000 Lithium 1 single cell 6” WH-61 $50.00 PS-4/5A/2 WH-60 2 cell side X side: XL-060F/2 WH-134 AA 3.6 2400 Lithium 2 side x side 3” WH-46 $39.50 XL-100F/2 WH-117 A 3.6 Lithium 2 side x side 5” WH-117 $50.00 PS-AA/2 WH-05 AA 2.4 800 NiCd 2 side x side 5” WH-05 $16.00 PS-4/5A/2 WH-60 4/5A 2.4 1100 NiCd 2 side x side 7” WH-60 $30.00 CR17450SE/2 WH-09 4/5A 6 2500 Lithium 2 side x side 7” WH-09 $45.00 BR-A/2 WH-09 A 6 3600 Lithium 2 side x side 6” WH-09 $56.00 BR-CCF2TE/H C 6 10000 Lithium 2 side x side 5” WH-09 $70.00 PS-AA/3 WH-05 2 cell stick: PS-AA/2 S WH-05 AA 2.4 800 NiCd 2 stick 5” WH-05 $18.00 PS-SC/2 S WLS-25 Sub C 2.4 1500 NiCd 2 stick 10” WLS-25 $28.00 PS-C/2 S WH-20 C 2.4 2500 NiCd 2 stick 7” WH-20 $33.00 3 cell side X side: PS-AA/3 WH-05 AA 3.6 800 NiCd 3 side x side 6” WH-05 $19.00 PS-D/3 WH-20 D 3.6 4000 NiCd 3 side x side 7” WH-20 $50.00 PS-AA/2 S WH-05 3 cell Stick: PS-AA/3 S WH-12R AA 3.6 800 NiCd 3 stick 8” WH-12R $20.00 3 cell 1 X 2 Stick: PS-AA/3-1X2 S WH-05 AA 3.6 800 NiCd 3 1x2 stick 5” WH-05 $22.00 3 cell 1 X 2: PS-AA/3-1X2 WH-84 PS-AA/3-1X2 WH-84 AA 3.6 800 NiCd 3 1x2 5” WH-84 $20.00 Phone: 859-431-7587 CALL TOLL FREE 3 2016 Fax: 859-431-0600 www.Batoray.com Phone: 800-450-6776 BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping BATORAY Custom Battery Assembly continued... Wire Retail # in Wire Wire Size Battery Harness / Price MAH Length Batteries Battery Assembly Assembly STOCK NO. of Voltage Chemistry Configuration Connector Each 4 cell side X side: PS-AA/4 WH-05 PS-AA/4 WH-05 AA 4.8 800 NiCd 4 side x side 5” WH-05 $21.00 PS-SC/4 WH-20 Sub C 4.8 1500 NiCd 4 side x side 7” WH-20 $38.00 4 cell Stick: PS-AA/4 S WH-31 AA 4.8 800 NiCd 4 stick 8” WH-31 $26.00 PS-AA/4 S WH-31 4 cell 2 X 2: PS-2/3AA/4-2X2 WH-84 2/3 AA 4.8 400 NiCd 4 2X2 6” WH-84 $21.00 PS-AA/4-2X2 WH-84 AA 4.8 800 NiCd 4 2X2 6” WH-84 $22.00 4 cell 2 X 2 Nested: BR-2/3AGCT4A 2/3 A 6 2400 Lithium 4 2X2 nested 5” WH-09 $56.00 PS-AA/4-2X2 WH-84 4 cell 2 X 2 stick: PS-AA/4-2X2 S WH-05 AA 4.8 800 NiCd 4 2X2 stick 8” WH-05 $23.00 PS-SC/4-2X2 S WH-20 Sub C 4.8 1500 NiCd 4 2X2 stick 8” WH-20 $40.00 5 cell side X side: PS-AA/5 WH-05 AA 6 800 NiCd 5 side x side 6” WH-05 $23.00 PS-SC/5 WH-06 Sub C 6 1500 NiCd 5 side x side 8” WH-06 $40.00 PS-D/5 WH-20 D 6 4000 NiCd 5 side x side 8” WH-20 $76.00 PS-SC/4-2X2 S WH-20 PS-F/5 WH-20 F 6 8500 NiCd 5 side x side 7” WH-20 $150.00 5 cell 3 X 2 Nested: PS-AA/5-3X2 WH-20 AA 6 800 NiCd 5 side x side (3x2) 5” WH-20 $26.00 PS-D/5-3X2 WH-20 D 6 4000 NiCd 5 side x side (3x2) 8” WH-20 $78.00 PS-SC/5 WH-06 5 cell 3 X 2 Stick: PS-C/5-3X2 S WH-20 C 6 2500 NiCd 5 3X2 stick 8” WH-20 $66.00 5 cell Stick: PS-D/5 S WH-166 D 6 4000 NiCd 5 stick 1” WH-166 $86.00 PS-AA/5-3X2 WH-20 6 cell side X side: PS-AA/6 WH-20 AA 7.2 800 NiCd 6 side x side 8” WH-20 $32.00 PS-SC/6 WH-20 Sub C 7.2 1500 NiCd 6 side x side 8” WH-20 $46.00 PS-C/5-3X2 S WH-20 Phone: 859-431-7587 CALL TOLL FREE 4 2016 Fax: 859-431-0600 www.Batoray.com Phone: 800-450-6776 BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping BATORAY Custom Battery Assembly continued... Wire Retail # in Wire Wire Size Battery Harness / Price MAH Length Batteries Battery Assembly Assembly STOCK NO. of Voltage Chemistry Configuration Connector Each PS-AA/6-3X2 S WH-67 6 cell 2 X 3: PS-AA/6-2X3 WH-31 AA 7.2 800 NiCd 6 side x side (2x3) 6” WH-31 $38.00 6 cell 2 X 3 Stick: PS-AA/6-2X3 S WH-67 AA 7.2 800 NiCd 6 2 x 3 stick 7” WH-67 $38.00 PS-C/7 WH-23 6 cell 3 X 2 Stick: PS-AA/6-3X2 S WH-67 AA 7.2 800 NiCd 6 3 x 2 stick 8” WH-67 $38.00 7 cell side X side: PS-D/10-2X5 WH-20 PS-C/7 WH-05 C 8.4 2500 NiCd 7 side x side 8” WH-05 $72.00 8 cell 2 X 4 Stick: PS-AA/8-2X4 S WH-04R AA 9.6 800 NiCd 8 2 x 4 stick 6” WH-04R $40.00 10 cell 2 X 5: PS-D/10-2X5 WH-20 D 12 4000 NiCd 10 side x side (2x5) 8” WH-20 $150.00 PS-F/10-2X5 O WH-20 PS-F/10-2X5 WH-20 F 12 8000 NiCd 10 side x side (2x5) 8” WH-20 $276.00 10 cell 2 X 5 Nested: PS-F/10-2X5 O WH-20 F 12 8000 NiCd 10 side x side (2x5 nested) 8” WH-20 $276.00 10 cell 2 X 5 stick: PS-D/10-2X5 S WH-27 F 12 4000 NiCd 10 Stick (2 sticks of 5) 8” WH-27 $160.00 PS-D/12-4X3 S WH-87 12 cell 4 X 3 stick: PS-D/12-4X3 S WH-87 D 14.4 4000 NiCd 12 Stick (4 sticks of 3) 6” WH-87 $170.00 PS-D/10-2X5 S WH-27 Phone: 859-431-7587 CALL TOLL FREE 5 2016 Fax: 859-431-0600 www.Batoray.com Phone: 800-450-6776 BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping Part # Part # Connector and and Dimensions Connector Dimensions Connector Options WH-15 WH-42 (Female Pins) WH-15R (Reverse Polarity) L1.03xW.54xH.25 Part # L.60xW.20xH.10 and Dimensions Connector WH-04 WH-16 WH-43 WH-04R (Reverse Polarity) (3 Pin) L.78xW.29xH.45 L.32xW.23xH.13 L.58xW.34xH.16 WH-05 WH-17 WH-44 (2 Pin) WH-05R (Reverse Polarity) WH-44R (Reverse Polarity) L.58xW.22xH.19 L.49xW.24xH.16 L.58xW.22xH.19 WH-20 WH-06 (Female Pins) WH-20R (Reverse Polarity) WH-49 L.78xW.30xH.13 L.85xW.43xH.24 L.55xW.21xH.09 WH-24 WH-09 WH-24R (Reverse Polarity) WH-51 WH-09R (Reverse Polarity) (24 mates with WH-51) WH-51R (Reverse Polarity) L.56xW.21xH.21 L.47xW.22xH.16 L.72xW.32xH.28 WH-10 WH-26 WH-52 WH-10R (Reverse Polarity) L.50xW.32xH.21 L.71xW.51xH.14 L.63xW.34xH.27 WH-12 WH-29 WH-57 WH-12R (Reverse Polarity) (2 Pin) L.31xW.41xH.18 L.24xW.18xH.14 L.52xW.20xH.13 WH-60 WH-14 WH-32 WH-60R (Reverse Polarity) WH-14R (Reverse Polarity) (2 Pin) L.72xW.33xH.30 L.63xW.33xH.25 L.52xW.20xH.13 Phone: 859-431-7587 CALL TOLL FREE 6 2016 Fax: 859-431-0600 www.Batoray.com Phone: 800-450-6776 BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping Part # Part # Part # and and and Dimensions Connector Dimensions Connector Dimensions Connector WH-62 WH-101 WH-81 (2 Pin) L.31xW.22xH.19 L.26xW.24xH.16 L.52xW.30xH.12 WH-82 (Male Pins) WH-65 WH-103 WH-65R (Reverse Polarity) L1.03xW.54xH.25 L.26xW.27xH.13 (Same Connector as L.32xW.32xH.16 WH-42) WH-67 (Female Pins) WH-84 WH-67R (Female Pins WH-111 and Reverse Polarity) WH-84R (Reverse Polarity) L.30xW.22xH.16 L.56xW.30xH.12 L.81xW.34xH.19 WH-73 WH-85 WH-117 L.20xW.23xH.16 L.98xW.33xH.15 L.56xW.41xH.20 WH-120 WH-74 WH-89 L1.08xW.43xH.19 L.55xW.20xH.12 L1.43xW.76xH.34 WH-122 WH-75 WH-92 (Reverse Polarity) WH-75R (Reverse Polarity) WH-122R L.49xW.32xH.20 L.63xW.50xH.26 L.27xW.17xH.15 WH-95R (Male Pins- WH-76 same Polartiy as WH-67R) WH-135 WH-76R (Reverse Polarity) L.81xW.34xH.19 L.71xW.43xH.20 L.16xW.13xH.08 (Same Connector as WH-67) WH-80 WH-100 WH-138 L.97xW.62xH.26 L.31xW.22xH.14 L.53xW.20xH.12 Phone: 859-431-7587 CALL TOLL FREE 7 2016 Fax: 859-431-0600 www.Batoray.com Phone: 800-450-6776 BATORAYWholesale Distributors No Minimum Order & Same Day Shipping PS Series & PSG Series – General Purpose Design This series features Absorbent Glass Retail Mat (AGM) technology for superior Qty.

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