(Srore) Evening Slot

(Srore) Evening Slot

Field Inspector ($tore) FIELD INSPECTOR (sroRE) Evening Slot -1- Field {nspector (Store) 1. 7,12,1s, 11, 6, 20, g, 4 fr{ t o fr q-rfhfir t (A) 11 (B) 10 (c) 12 (D) 8 2. a+b=g,a2 + b2 = 41; ab = 20 t, d] a3+b3=? (A) 1e8 (B) 189 (c) 16e (D) r+fr +) *t$ i-S 3. 'Ceteries Paribus' eTr$ fr+r fr rrd ol qacw {6 Tfr Etdr (A) qqur<rqrffErEffin (B) sv* e+9-*"v ia <FT +fr qeem (c) lrc+ fi e{rq rS {<-d-fr (D) 3rgf,r*' qrqfr sr <rq +fr q-ftl-dT 4. U6q-m.{d (sEBt) ft *enq{r vu uro g{ (A) 1ee3 (B) 1ss2 (c) 1e88 (D) leeo 5. frH it t *iTsr da gq:qB.m i I (A) Eituq (B) *fq-€T (c) *dr (D) g+iin qi$ q-fr 6. frq if n *t+qr t{T {ig{d {rg-F{{q rS t? (A) qr{dr (B) fi€ (c) {+d{ (D) dtftft$T 7. qrmilqffitr 1ss3 ifqq$nqiiir*qd (A) Er+ (B) s{r (C) qrrr5 (D) 3{6[ErqrE -2- Field Inspector ([itore) Directions (as. 8 to 10) peRSTU : are sitting in a fidu (s. 8 t10); peRSrU {6 +.n dil 3rh 3nrgq closed circle facing the centre. T is to the left *iEugit*,Ritt of S. R is bretween p and e. U is between T rrT6 sfidFfi eiht r Rrap and P, *ro*fiqffart ru{6T *rp*r#q*art r Who 8. is to fire left of e ? 8. ofrqrfrfr{+{t ? (,q) s (B) R (A) S (B) R (c) r (D) P (c) r (D) P L Who is to thre right of R ? 9. R+ErRfr3rh+{t? (A) O (B) S (A) O (B) S (G) P (c) P (D) T (D) T 10. s *qr$qyfrgq+}rilat i 10. Who is sitting diametrically opposite to S ? (A) o (A) ,o (B) P (B) P (c) R (0) R (D) T (D) T 11. Eftqrun + Hi'r yrcnr 11. Which artist of Meerut is believed to *l trzr * frq started ther Saang of Haryana ? *aTT"bR t qr+r q-dr t ? (A) Mangerram (B) Ati Baksh (A) q-i+rTq (B) erfrqlmr (C) Kisharrlal Bhatt (D) Deep Chand (c) fu'yr+ora rrg (D) {T{< 12. Which district of Haryana has the least rate of wornen's literacy ? 12. ERqr"n + fuq ffi it qkrr-qrflff,r q{ (A) Mewat (B) Rewari qffiqt z (C) Mahendragarh(D) Bhivani 1n) +ffi (B) tdrs 13. Flrom whic;h Acharya did Sant Surdas (c) q-.qr6 (D) f\qrfi learn musir; ? (A) Sant Raidas (B) Baiju Bawra 13. {a qerv t {'fd fr ftrwr fuq 3{rqr{ i (C) Sant Hlaridas (D) Sant Kabir dz (A) (B) +{qrd{r 14. In which district Nahar Wildlife ridt<rq Sanctuary is situated ? (C) riil EFGrq (D) {id 6dR (A) Rewarli (t3) Palwal 14. il-fl aqfiq 3T$rrrpuzr fuq ffi it ft-e6 t Z (C) Mahendragarh 1n) W (B) qff{€ (D) Mewat (c) qt.xqa (D) tqrd 15. r\n afticle is sold at a loss of 10%. lf the 15. qs qq +1 ro'2. qA iitqr qrm r +fr +S same article, is sold for { 30 more, there t rv<ruld have been a profit of So/o. Find its cost 4€ { 30 3{Pr$ i ffi vt-fr fr, s% -n gilsT pnce. q-*-ar en qrno qcr d I ssfi frqa fiRq r (A) r 150 (B) r 105 (A) r 150 (B) { 105 (c) r 200 (D) r 250 (c) < 200 (D) { 250 -3- Field Inspector (Store) 16. 16. \r*HHr* +o ffifqtq 3fts6aqa 48 fs.fi. t r Waq, ftufif * qrfi i qa sfrsd 3rq rrqr 48.1 fr. rr. E) t I qq ffif *-r (A) 48.1Ks (B) 48.2K9 NFrq?TT6frq I (c) 52Kg (D) 52.1Ks (A) 4s.1 fr. qT. (B) 48.2 fu. rT. 17" The H.C.F. of (ab _ - b2) and 1a2 b2; is (c) s2 fr. qr. (D) s2.r fu. m. (A) (a - b) (B) (a + b) (ab ql (C) ab (D) a(a - b) 17. - b2) *r (", - or) gq. {fr. qq. t (A) (a - b) (B) (a + n) 18, The'Golden Age' modelwas developed by (c) ab (D) a(a (A) Nicholas Katdor (B) Joan Robinson - b) qfs€ (C) J. R. Hicks (D) R. F. Harrod 18. ' g{6{t g'r' fvi xqd fr* (A) fficq*m<r (B) Eildrifoasa 19. Neighbour'si curse means (C) erR. (A) Depression of country is transferred i. F*.€ (D) B{R.rS. F+s to other 19. qffiinT{rTrT 6l*Rrqt (B) Boom of one country is transferred to other (A) tvrfr sd qStvr d+emriilRn u,r{T (O) Both (Fg and (B) (B) tvrfi ffi ESt fnit*erqidkdo,r+r (D) None of the above (c) (A) silr (B)<ti} (D) urn etiq-S 20. Who is the editor of the weekly 'EfRrTuTT rnagazine'Haryana Tilak' ? 20. frf,qr' qFdrtr* qFfir + qEqrcs (A) Nekiram Sharma qlalz (13) Baldev'Singh (A) +fttrq {rqi (C) Shriram Sharma (B) q-dtqfr6 (D) Sir Choturam (c) efurqvFHi 21. Which one of the following waves has the (D) q{*({rq highest frequency ? (A) Ultraviolet rays (B) lnfrared rays 21. fu it t *tq+ d{'r fr 3Tr{fr s{-sltrs rtfi t i (C) Ghmma (D) X-rays rays (A) qrffifu{ur (B) e-dr*dfr{ur (C) .frrfurur (D) qwftn<or Choose the one which does not belong to qffi qq;T;ftfrq Lhe group of other three. 22. frii* u1i t ere'r"hr t (A) Violin (B) Guitar (A) q|qfrq (B) tra (C) Tabla (D) Veena (C) rcar (D) *on -4- Field Inspector (Sitore) 23. On which canal is the Kakroi Micro 23. E-*.t$ qqq var Cgf, qfts)-sit ft-s 16r v{ Hydal Project buitt ? offit z (A) tshiwani Canal (B) Gurgaron Canal (A) frmrfr{d{ (C) Bhakra Canal (s) xqTiq rdr yamuna (D) Westrrn Canal (c) q|-qgr T6{ qFdqqg{TTar 24. T'he immortal National Song Vande Mataram (D) has been written by 3iq{ (A) RabinclranathaTagore 24. 11s1H.ftd re qrilt{ t rqfun t (13) Sarojini Naidu (A) {Fd.a{rer trilr (C) Bankirn Chandra Chattopadhyay (B) vtffiil-qsy> (D) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyaya (c) Eifuqwqvlwearq 25. Which of the following terms is used in the (D) {rdq.Tqiqreqm game of Criroket ? 25. (A) Leg-by'e (B) Smash ffic + +d t frq fi t Aqt rE sr sqfrq (0) Deuce (D) Love *mt i (A) *rr-qr$ (B) FT{r What is the sum of the first 49 natural numbers ? (c) qr (D) Gr (A) 1225 (B) 1325 qad 26. +g yF"€qreif ErsfrswrdqT ? (o) 1125 (D) 1250 (A) 1225 (B) 1325 27. is the circumcentre dAEAe (c) 1125 (D) 1250 lf IBOC = 13i0o, find IBAC. Eh-r qi&.T 27. AABC 'O', T6 t t qR lBoc = t3o" (A) 50' (B) 55o qer t, a) lenc fifuq r (c) 60o (D) 65" (A) 50" (B) 55o (c) 60o (D) 65o 28. Which of these conditions leads to cyclogenesisi ? 28. frq fr + ffi qRftft HTft]Rifr€ fi ofrr (A) Upper level divergence being equal t qrftt ? lower level convergence (A) sqfr R{ inr 3+RRq fturm Rr + (B) Upper level divergence being weak th 3firs{ur orrq{ lower level convergence * frdr t iFT (C) Upper level <li ng greater (B) scft R{ srrr*l-{uT ftercr kR + than lorer lev ce 3{Frq-{ur t Hq-ft 6tdr t (D) Upper k:vel divergence being constant (C) sqft rR iFT ertRRUT fturrr Kr + eTfuF{ur+ sTfus+dTt (D) srft R{ EFT 3+Rrtur Rn rrm t -5- Field Inspector (Store) 29. Choose all of the following that are not true 29. qlFq+S, sqw-"1gftq. qrtr-6{ur [. The Koppen climate classification | *i+T vd-dtg rqRi, q6 dFiqrq systenr is based on ei{ qrNs both the fid + 1Rqrd St qrx Er EH tempenature and annual amount of qr enqrkc precipitation of a region. t t qit{ qrfr*-{ur qfr yret ll. A city that is classified as having a l. rqft ii q-s fi humid continental climate under the qilqrg 3{rf q-6rfffr q'tr-5-d fi ,r$ t, fr Koppen classification system would {rE$lckT: ss41 e;1-{pl+eq+*ii5_2g possiblly have a Thornthwaite index t)rrr 1 of-20. lll. qeqq qtftfi{q fr e1-6e,q- q-qfr Sq dTqql;Tw 3Trqrftd+st t lll. The Thornthwaite system of climate (A) *-+o r classification is not direcfly based on (B) *Tn tl temperature (c) *-+e rrr (D) +Tm l efrr ll (A) | only (B) llonly (C) lll only (D) ll and lll only 30. 1000 MW vtR rw+q *-ri erer qT{d ql qf,flTq{q-gwfus.Eii 30. India's First Nuclear plant to generate z 1000 MW rcf power is (A) E-sq-w, nfuo+rg (A) Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu (B) Tter, Tr{etvr (B) Narota, Uttar pradesh (c) (C) Tarapur, Maharashtra dr{g{, F6r(IV (D) Kundarnkulam, Tamil Nadu (O) Si<igidq, dfutr{rg 31. which rerligion has the maximum 31. 6Rqrun it fuq srd +i wniqT'ei et'r {dt followers in Haryana ? qrqT t ? (A) Hindu (B) Muslim (n) f€ (B) gtrnq (C) Buddhist (D) Jews (c) *q (D) qfr 32. On which Guru's advice did Banda Bahadur renounce sanyas and fight war ? 32. {<r {6Tg{ i fuq U€+*-ultvtveruT (A) Guru Teg Bahadur d-.s-s{Tqfrq z (B) Guru Arjundev (G) Guru Govind Singh (A) 5{ t'r +or5 (D) Guru Nanak Dev (B) g€ 3r-€+q (c) g€+F*q6 (D) g€ ilTs tq 6 Field Inspector (Store) Directions : (Qs.

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