- m4- , M : Mrote to Catholic Powers. CT-f- p4 i? F . Lunched With "the Prinoe I I VMalt V.,. " - WEATHER TODAY Occasional .mmrkK p S Ink wwmit.ralna. B Yoii. XL.TII No. 1. Salt Lakts City, Utah, "Wednesday MoKsrore, 27, 1904, pi April 14 phgbs.five Cents I iD A HOLE School Girls Save MOSES THATCHER Many Ministers Race for the Pennant Starts 1 Cars From Burning 111 Visit Zion IN THECUT-OF- F DEFENDS CHURCH Boise in Carry Sand in a Class 1 Their Hats, Put Out Pn'stors by Four Hundred and Laymen Herself Flames and Prevent Destruction Will Spend Noxt Sunday in of and S200O Worth of Property. Salt Lake City. riow Party in Former Apostle Dis- WHY Special to The Tribune. GAME April 26 Nearly 400 TI IDAHO INFANTS Utah, April 26. Miss laymen Chicago Salt Lake. MERCUR. Sullivan and sixteen CHICAGO. from I Defeat. cities and tows will saved $2000 worth of cusses leavo tonight over different roads, railroad property from burning WENT TO BABES yesterday. o attend the general conference of the LEAD Methodist Episcopal church nt Los 1 The girls were on their way to the TAKEJIE Was Angeles, beginning May 3rd. A special Train Stopped summit for a picnic when they discover- He ed a boxcar on fire, and several others Also Refers to the Church train over the Chicago & Northwestern Hours by a Sink threatened with destruction, owing to railroad will carry a majority of the the gale that was blowing. Opposition to His Can- delegates. A day will be spent In and Miss Sullivan detailed two of the girls about Denver, which is the first sched- Part Played hy a : uled stop in the Lake. to return and notify Station Agent I. M. of tho special. Another day Romp III Around the Dean, didacy. will be spent at Colorado Springs and while she marshaled the other then a direct run will be made for Salt ijial seventeen and formed a fire brigade. Lake, Where the delegates I and others Filling their picture hats with sand, the party Brown Dog. girls succeeded in smothering the flames in the will rest over Sunday. The Elders. Laughs at tlia Idea o before assistance arrived. Rev. J. G. Evans, chairman of the com- were Declines to Answer Questions invRe- - mittee, has been invited to speak at tiro Short Cut Talks There six cars, two of them the Mormon Temple. His subject will loaded es- I with merchandise, and it is lation to Ceremony in the be "Christian Citizenship." of Bailrcnd Matters. timated that the heroic efforts of the girls saved the railroad company $2000. Endowment House. He Was a Mascot for the In- ' Agent Dean mnrched the girls down (Throw Quick Into the Air" town and bought all the candy in tho 'l HAIRLESS WONDER fants and a Hoodoo for drug store for them. 'i ; : and Win Before He ;H AiFStfJIDBNT K H. HAPJRIMAN ' - : ' April 26. 19 The the "land party arrived last night In FOUND IN Elders. Comes Down. Ills special trahi. After Inspect- WASHINGTON, before the NEW YORK H FOUR THOUSAND MEN on Privi- ing the cut-of- f, they came direct leges and opened Lake, only waiting1 In Ogdcn Elections was" 5t today by Attorney Tayler for Castile Fnrmer Possessor of Calf That 'enough to take on Dr. George "ft". UNDER SEA Critical Analysis Shows That the Two 'H mm the prosecution calling upon Moses Is Destituto of Hirsute Thousand Fans Witness th Ins, division surgeon of the Sou Hi Visitors Won Because the Home Thatcher to resume the stand. This was Opening Game of Na-tion- ol ll Pacific in Ogdcn. Dr. Perkins was Covering. the Pacific for the Identification of a pamphlet is- Team Did Not Win. II "ng the depot In answer to a Japaneso Transports Are Reported League Season. at sued by Calvin Rearoner, purporting to by telegraph from Julius rions Sunk by the Vladivostok LEICESTER, N. Y., 26.-J- ohn be an accurate account of the Thatcher April . tschnitt, He hoarded the train and Squadron. episode. The document was put in the Lindsay, 2d, who lives in the town of iH fon to Salt Lake. Castile, bids confidently record and the witness was turned over for fame as the C; Salt Lake, 2, Now what do I jwas 10:15 last evening when the only farmer in western New York, who JTjrONEST John" McCloskey's In- - to the defense for n. BOISE, think of that? ex--5 PARIS, April 27 owns a 'nnts Provcd that they aro chll- - ' !came In, although It had been Tho St. Petersburg Mr. Van Cott Interrogated Mr. hairless calf. The curiosity was baseball gamo of the Pa- ffli 1 S p. flvo dren of no mean ability when before ni., allowing for a correspondent of the Matin says: "I learn Thatcher in reeard to his views on born weeks ago on tho farm of Lewis cific National league season, too. I I 5. over Ogden. delay thoy yostc-r- - il fstop at The church Interference in politics. The Tallman and is a normal bovine In every Well, well, well wouldn't you defoatod the Elders jH gf from a suro source it Jar if J! caused by the wait that was en-- that tho Vladivostok way, save that its whole body is as des- day by 6 to 1, il witness said he had no fault to find with somo ono would dig a scoro of There wero pending repairs to the cut-of- f. squadron sang political titute of hirsute covering as a voung rat. one and tho Salt jH yesterday four Japanese the rule, but in answer to a Only somo who claimed that "Mac" had tho jOgden the party was met by an-- 1 on the tip of Its Lill la there a slight Lake team should fall Into lt? ,H transports which wero convoying 4000 question of Senator Dubois as to the al- weakest bunch in the league, tho ma- - Jgatherlng of Union Pacific ofll-- I tuft of hair. The show peoplo arc Buy don't feel glum over it the boys but result of a Mormon official running for ready after the freak and the rise of an- Joiity of fans who saw the gamo at (and a second special was made up men." a political office in opposition to other Is among will do bettor next time. GIvo 'em the "hairless wonder" tho a yesterday afternoon wero con- - iH 1 which followed about ten minutes wishes of tho church authorities, he possibilities In the amusement world, un- chance but don't lot lt happen again. ' Walker's 'Mr. deluyod .spring, vlnced tho Babes will cut an impor- - ITarrlman's train. said: less, by tho late the hair It Is so discouraging to the fans. ' I' that !H Has to . "It might as in any case should yet unfortunately tako a notion to i. tant llguxe in the pennant race. Very Littlo Say. TATOO THE EYES TO result but a grow. Of course. It Is all right to be courteous 'H ! free American citizen to game, Harriman always lives up to his has the right to tho strangers within the gates, but Tho Saints lost yesterday's or. jH retire from his church office, and I be- rather, Bolso won it, In the first inning. ?j? itlon for courtesy, but like the lieve mar who loves his country even courtesy can bo carried to In the song, "he to even' Tho Babea foil upon Eddlo Quick's Ehoots j alnt CHANGE THE COLOR would resign such office under these cir- distant that Is to say, too far. ',H $Var correspondents complain of UNIQUE METHOD IN necessary to ' the first timo up and before tho Saints "rs cumstances." lt Isn't lay down and let nail amount of news given out by Mr. Thatcher defended the church and Strangers walk over you. could end things, four of McClosko'y's J usslaf, and Japanese generals, but political J children had toddled 'fllll the rule. He admitted, how- Especially if thoy wear spikes in their home. 9 aren't In it with an American Oporation in Ophthalmic Surgery ever, that his views been jjl n 'of Industry. had modified CHOOSING MATES shoes, and those Bolso fellows do. Houtz started the ball rolling with a 1 In regard to church in- f, Interference, but single to left field. "Buck" Weaver, our a did you find the cut-of- Mr. That Opens a N"ew Field for sisted he knew no And such a nice day. The sun was shin- JS that of Instances own dear old "Buck," camo to the plato Sanv" was ssked. where, church consent had been given ing as if It never rained In Salt Lake. Tho ly, In It," Enhancing Beauty. applaueo be- - , I Jound a hole was the or refused a Mormon candidate for po- Farmers in the East Are Now Seek- autos and tho carriages wero out, and amid from the stand, and jjH litical office. spring mllllnory dotted tho grand foro tho echoes had died away Houtz was 3 ixc la no In story ing Wives by Proxy. stand. truth the that BOSTON, April 26. That the color Mr. Thatcher stated that at the time Thero was not a dumb man or boy on safe on second on tho "old man's" eacrl- - i rergo.ag to abandon it. Is there?" he was removed If flee. jH III of eye can be changed by from the apostolate he tho bleachers. j Hi; hardly, considering we the human Two-Bagge- just was in line for the presidency of rs JB the 26.- Tho Bolso men looked Jaunty in Pairs.
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