Creation Matters Volume 22 Number 3 A publication of the Creation Research Society May / June 2017 Palmaris Longus Muscle: Useless or Useful? by Jerry Bergman, PhD T he palmaris lon- ists to be an gus is a small, “evolutionary left- cord-like muscle over” from our pri- running beneath the skin mate ancestors. It is from the front of the fore- also assumed that fea- arm to the palm of the tures which have be- hand. It is believed by come irrelevant may many Darwinists to be persist if they exert Palmaris longus muscle high-lighted in blue. vestigial (Kigera and neither positive nor negative evolutionary (adapted from Gray’s Anatomy, public domain) Mukwaya, 2011). Vestigial organs are those pressure. For this reason, it has long been that were useful in the past, but are useless believed to have functioned in gripping tree termed vestigial in humans due to the claim or largely useless today. This slender, elon- branches and other objects in our purported that palmaris longus serves no apparent gated, spindle-shaped muscle is located on common ancestry with the chimpanzees function in humans. the medial side of the flexor carpi radialis. (Sebastin, et al., 2005b). The muscle is The palmaris is widest in the middle, and believed to have been particularly helpful Common descent explanation narrowest at both the proximal and distal for hanging from trees, as is common in The evolutionary interpretation of the mus- attachments (Drake, et al., 2005). many primates (Rogers, 2017). The pal- cle’s presence in humans assumes that the maris longus is often assumed by evolution- It is regarded as vestigial because it is ... continued on p. 5 The Greatest Mathematician Ever by Paul G. Humber B efore entering into the esoteric, let reason. For units of measure, He used the than (few < many, cf., Lk 12:47–48). us start by saying that algebra and cubit (Mt 6:27), the measure (Mt 13:33), geometry are two major divisions and the mile (Mt 5:41). He also used count- Circles and spheres of mathematics. Algebra deals with sets of ing numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11,12, 18, 50, Circles and spheres are very important in numbers, including the variable “x.” Some 70, 80, 100, 500, 4000, 5000, 10,000 and geometry. Isaiah 40:22 says that He “sits may object that “x” is not a number, but it 20,000 (cf., Mt 10:29, Mt 12:40, Mt 13:33, upon the circle of the earth.” It may well is. The “x” is a definite but unspecified Mt 16:9–10, Mt 19:28, Mt 20:6, Mk 14:30, be that the word used for “circle” could also number. For example, there are two vari- Lk 7:41, Lk 10:1, Lk 13:4, Lk 14:31, Lk be rendered “sphere.” Prov 8:27 says, “He ables in this algebraic equation: x2 + y2 = 16:7, Jn 4:35), and fractions. For example, inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.” 1. What is it saying? In “math-speak,” it He received a fraction from Zacchaeus (½; In Acts 1:8, Jesus spoke of the “remotest refers to the set of all ordered pairs such cf., Lk 19:8), and referred to another in the part [singular]” of the earth. On a sphere, that the distance to (0,0) is the constant, tithe. the remotest “part” is the other end of the “1.” Does this relate to Jesus? He multiplied, as did Zacchaeus (cf., diameter from where you stand, going Math counts Mt 18:22, 70 X 7; Mt 13:8; and Lk 19:8) through the earth’s center, and intersecting and also subtracted (100 - 1 = 99 in Mt the opposite side of the globe. The Lord Jesus (Creator Christ) is the orig- 18:12; and 10 - 1 = 9 in Lk 17:17). His The Lord Jesus relates to infinity, for inator of calculus, infinitesimals, infinity, disciple, Luke, used the term “innumerable” we read in John 3:34, “He whom God hath and every geometric shape (see below), but (suggestive of infinity), and the Lord also He also expects us to know how to measure, distinguished order as in greater than/less count, add, subtract, divide, multiply, and ... continued on p. 3 by Don DeYoung, PhD Electron Math T he three building blocks of all at- the surface of a penny scrapes off countless oms are protons, neutrons, and invisible electrons. electrons. The first two compo- The electric charge of an electron is nents are made up of smaller particles called -1.6x10-19 coulombs. The coulomb unit of quarks. Electrons, in contrast, have no charge is the amount that flows past a point smaller components in the Standard Model See the newest in a wire in one second when the current is of physics. No size or internal structure has one ampere; that is, been measured for electrons, yet they have books and videos mass, electric charge, and angular momen- 1 amp = 1 coulomb/second. tum. One might suggest that current physics A flashlight produces about one amp experiments and theory are simply unable of current. This means that 6.25x1018 elec- Visit the CRS to explore the inner parts of an electron. trons flow past a point in the flashlight Electrons show both particle and wave circuit each second. The battery is not the Bookstore properties. In their wave nature, electrons source of electrons, but it causes the move- are non-localized and are spread completely ment of electrons already present in the around the nucleus in their atomic orbits. flashlight's metal circuit. The “drift veloci- www.CRSbooks.org In contrast, in the particle nature, using the ty” of the countless electrons past a point Bohr atomic model, inner electrons orbit in the circuit is actually small, only about 877-CRS-BOOK the nucleus in perpetual motion at 1/137 the 0.06 centimeters/second, a distance of one speed of light (the fine structure constant), meter in 27 minutes. One can only imagine or 1400 miles/second (about 2200 km/sec). the immense crowd of electrons jostling though the flashlight’s glowing bulb. Move- The mass of a single electron is ment of the electrons between orbital energy 9.11x10-31 kg. This is 1836 times less than levels leads to the visible light with a fila- that of a proton, which shows that electrons ment temperature of about 4600°F are a minor contributor to an atom’s total (2250°C). Creation details on the atomic mass. A single penny, whether made of scale of electrons are truly amazing. copper or zinc, contains about 1024 elec- trons. This number exceeds the estimate of total sand grains on all the seashores of the world. Simply rubbing your finger across Creation Matters ISSN 1094-6632 Contents Volume 22, Number 3 May / June 2017 Copyright © 2017 Creation Research Society Palmaris Longus Muscle: Useless or Useful?..............1 All rights reserved. The Greatest Mathematician Ever..................................1 Editor: Glen W. Wolfrom Math Matters: Electron Math..........................................2 Assistant Editor: Matters of Fact: Adaptation...........................................6 Jean K. Lightner For advertising rates and information for Speaking of Science authors: Instinct: ‘Somehow’ Is Not an Evolutionary Explanation...............7 Saving Evolution – a New Narrative about Dinosaur Soft Tissue.8 Glen W. Wolfrom, Editor Dinosaur Evolutionary Tree Is All Wrong.....................................8 Creation Research Society 6801 N. Highway 89 Letters Chino Valley, AZ 86323-9186 CRS: More than Just Model Building...........................................9 Discrediting Evolution Is Necessary..........................................10 Response: The Mission of the CRS Is Still Model Building........10 Email: [email protected] Phone: 928.636.1153 Quarterly Research Matters.........................................11 Creation Research Society Website: All by Design: Reflecting on the Creator....................12 www.creationresearch.org Articles published in Creation Matters represent the opinions and beliefs of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the CRS. 2 | Creation Research Society Mathematician comets, and stars. in 3 days’” (Mt 26:61). Later, when Jesus The verse contin- was on the cross, a mocker ordered, “You ...continued from page 1 ues, “And the who are going to destroy the temple and heavens are the rebuild it in 3 days, save Yourself” (Mt sent [referring to Christ] speaks the words works of Your 27:40). of God, for God gives not the Spirit by hands.” In sum- Is this getting off track? No, the main measure unto Him.” In other words, Jesus mary, Hebrews track is to encourage readers to fall in love has received the Spirit without measure FIGURE 1. Trilobite com- 1:10 says that the with man’s only hope for heaven. Not only (infinitely). There is also, in that verse, a pound eye. © 2009 by entire universe is He the Greatest Mathematician ever, but reference to the “Greatest 3”—God the Micha L. Rieser. Wiki- was made by Je- He was/is also the Greatest Prophet. Many media Commons. Father, God the Son, and God the Holy sus, and there are today deny the resurrection of Jesus, but Spirit. Jesus taught that the “Greatest 3” is other verses in the during Jesus’ trials, even His enemies re- the same as the “Greatest 1,” for He said to Bible that affirm the same. Jesus is indeed membered His prediction that He would baptize “in the name [singular] of the Father the Greatest Mathematician ever. raise His own body (“temple”) 3 days after and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Mt Newton being put to death. The trials against Jesus 28:19b). really happened, and we have a historical Geometry Many people would say that Sir Isaac New- record that even Jesus’ enemies affirmed, ton was the greatest mathematician, but viz., that He had predicted His own resur- Previously, we said that algebra is about what did Newton say? He affirmed, rection.
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