PUBLIHED DAZLY under order of THE PPESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1918. No. 484 SECOND NOTICE TO BERLIN Aboz t 17,000 Influenza EDITORS WELCOMED TO U.S. I Deaths in Army Camps TO ADDRESS ALL ALLIES The War Department authorizes the BY PRESID'NT INMESSAGE following statement: AND NOT AMERICA ALONE A summary of the results of the in- SENT BY WIRELESS FROM fluenza epidemic in the Army camps and military centers in the United States THdE GEORGE WASHINGTON ON MATTERS OF ARMISTICE shows that a total of 338,257 cases of the disease were recorded, with approxi- WARNING IS SENT BY inately 17,000 deaths. DETAILS ANNOUNCED Due to the fact that deaths resulting STATE DEPARTMENT from influenza and pneumonia were not FOR ESCORTING FLEET separately grouped, only approximate fig- Note Sent to anany and ures can be given for deaths resulting Nine Dreadnaughts and 30 from tile epidemic. Since September 13, Austria Brought Out by the (late of the outbreak, to December 1, Destroyers Under Com- 10,694 deaths from all causes were re- a Communfcation from ported from military stations in the mand of Admiral Sims To Lemberg About Boundary United States. It is estimated that ap- Meet Mr. Wilson's Ship proximately 2,000 of these were due to Lines-No Evidence that causes other than influenza and pneu- at Sea-Admiral Mayo in mnonia. This estimate is based on the Associated Governments figures for the same period last year. Command of Combined Alike ConcernedHad Also Vessels-ChannelMarked Received Message. ADDITIONAL MILITARY UNITS By Ships at Brest DESIGNATED TO RETURN SOON The State Department has given for- President Wilson has sent the follow- wial notice to Germany and Austria, Gen. March authorizes the release ing greeting, by wireless -from the George through the legations in charge of the of the following information: Washington, to editors of Norway, interests of those Governments here, that The following organizations have been Sweden, and Denmark now in Washing- the United States insists that communi- assigned to early convoy: ton: cations addressed to the United States " I thank you sincerely for your mes- 141st Antiaircraft Machine Gun Battalion, Government or to the President of the 20 officers and 753 men; 10th Antiaircraft sage and beg to welcome you in the most United States as to the terms of armis- Sector Headquarters, 3 officels; 6th Battery, cordial manner to the United States. I tice or as to other matters in which the 2 officers, (3 men; 7th Battery, 2 officers, 61 am sure that throughout-Nour visit you men; 8th Battery, 2 offivers, 60 men; 9th associated Governments are alike con- Battery, 2 officers, 62 man. will find every evidence of the genuine cerned should be sent to all the asso- friendship which the poole and Govern- elated Governments and not to this Gov- ment of the United States feel far the ernmnent alone. ARMY'S SURPLUS WOOL WILL great countries you represent." Latest Note from Lemburg. BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION Command of Welcoming Fleet. This is the second request along this Secretary Daniels announces that the line which the State Department has The War Department authorizes the naval escort of nine dreadnaughts and made to the enemy countries. The latest following: 30 destroyers which will meet President note, which Acting Secretary Polk has Brigadier Gen. Robert E. Wood, Act- Wilson at sea and escort him into Brest sent to the Swiss and Swedish legations ing Quartermaster General and director will be commanded by Admiral William for transmission to Germany and Aus- of purchase and storage, announces that S. Sims, commander of American Naval tria, is brought out particularly by a after careful consideration with the ex- Forces in European waters. His flagship communication from the N4ionaleCoun- perts of the War Department, the War will be the U. S. S. WVoming. cil of Lemburg, regarding boundary lines, Industries Board, and the War Trade Upon the joining of these ships with and brought out also by various other Board the War Department has decided the Pennsylraniathe entire naval escort communications received from Austria upon the following method of disposal of to Brest and all ships accompanying the and Germany which bore no evidence of its wool: President will be under the command of having been similarly communicated to A certain amount of wool will be dis- Admiral Mayo, commander In chief of the the governments associated with the posed of from time to time at public auc- Atlantic Fleet. United States. tion to the highest bidder under such Vice Admiral Henry B. Wilson will be reasonable rules and regulations as may in charge of the harbor and port ar- be found necessary. The amount to be rangements for the reception of the Finnish Food Conditions offered is such as,.in the opinion of the President, and the George Washington, wool experts, the market can easily ab- flying the President's flag, as commander Reported Very Serious sorb. A minimum reserve price will be in chief of the U. S. Navy, will enter port fixed below which no bids will be enter- through a channel marked by vessels of State Department advices indicate that tained. Vice Admiral Wilson's conunand. food conditions in Finland are very seri- The question of whether the embargo Command of Divisions. ous. It is reported that for 10 days no on importation of wool to this country bread has been distributed for ordinary will be continued is a question that is One of the divisions of battleships bread stutions in Holsingfors, and that having the earnest consideration of the which will meet the presidential party is several ports ill Finland are practically War Trade Board. Public announce- under Iear Admiral Hugh Rodman. without bread. Food conditions in north- ments will be made as to time and place For the past year it has been a part of evn Russia are serious. that the auctions will be hld. (Continued on page 4.) 2 THE OFFICL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1918. WAR TRADE BOARD STATEMENT DIVISION CREATED TO DISPOSE U.S. NAVAL OFFICER AND SIX MEN ON EXPORTATIONS TO DENMARK OF SURPLUS PROPERTY OF ARMY LOST INHARBOR OF TANGIER Applications for Shipment of The War Department authorizes the A dispatch from Admiral-Sims to the following from the Office of the Director Navy Department states that Ensign Any Commodity Will Be of Purchase and Storage: William 1. Bingham, U. S. N., and six Considered. Considerable quantities of various com- members of the crew of the destroyer modities and materials which have been Lansle were lost when a liberty boat purchased for the Army are now in ex- Board announces in a capsized in Tangier Harbor. A board of The War Trade cess of the requirements of the War De- inquest and investigation has been or- new ruling (W. T. B. R. 30) that it has partpient. For the purpose of disposing that there ib some dered. Followiing are the men vho wero come to their attention of surplus property Brig. Gen. Robert E. lost : misunderstanding on the part of export- Wood, Acting Quartermaster General and ers as to the character and quantity of REED, Thomas, seaman, U. R. N. Father, Director of Purchase and Storage, has Hoary Reed, 515 Colorado Avenue, Kansas commodities for which export licenses created a surplus property division, with City, Mo. are now being granted under the agree- offices in the Munitions Building. Wash- FOWLER, George, cabin steward, U. S. N. ment entered into between Denmark and Mother, Mrs. Carolire Jarvis, 90 Shepherd ington, which will have charge of the dis- Street, Lynn, Mass. the War Trade Board. position of all surplus stocks. Many exporters and manufacturers are WILLEE, Frank Aloysius, gunner's mate, H13w Disposal Will Be IXade. third class, U. S. N. Mother, Mrs. Eliaa- apparently under the impression that beth Rupp, 1207 Fifth Street, Washington, only those articles which are specifically It will be the policy of the new divi- D. C. referred to in the so-called " ration list" sion to dispose of such surplus, in so far SCHULZE, Delbert Evans, machinist's mate, are being considered. The issue of THE second class, U. S. N. Father, Herman A. as possible, to other Government agen- Schulze, 7512 Elismere Street, SNiss- OFrICIAL U. S. BULLETIN of September 19, cies. A considerable portion of the bal- vale, I'a. 1918, and Commerce Reports of Sep- ance will probably be required for ex- LONG, Minor Allen, engineman, second class, tember 20, 1918, contained a list of these U. S. N. Father, Larking Long, Chidester, port by relief organizations of the United Ark. rationed articles. This list comprises States, Belgium, Russia, and other coun- only those articles on which there is a DE WITT, Thomas Melvin, electrician, third tries. Such balance as remains will be class (radio), U. S. Naval Reserve Force. limitation as to quantity. There are distributed in the open market in such Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth De Witt, 1344 East many articles not mentioned in these manner, at such times, and in such quan- Washington Street, Muncie, Ind. lists which may be exported to Denmark. tities, as to cause the least disturbance. Ensign Bingham is from New York City, his licenses to export such mother, Mrs. B. F. Bingham, residing at 59 Applications for In most instances offer of surplus property Morningside Avenue. articles will receive favorable considera- will first be made to manufacturers, so tion when filed in the customary manner, they may purchase and resell if desired.
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