SIX METER YACHT ELIMINATION TRIALS ARE SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEK Tali rus, W. L. Inaley -I 35 -tit 1 5." 49 Ire*. K. A. Katsey 4 38 :IT I 40 37 Aqullla, f«. Curry 4 41 58 1 U Oil Themis, HnKrey t Van Win¬ kle .v, 4 37 22 1 47 22 Little Dipper, Li. A. Cony.. 4 89 28 1 41' 28 Twinkle, J. O. Alley 4 411 13 1 IMi 13 TKIt FOK LOCAL ANGLKIIS AUGUST 13 TO AUGUST 17.STANDARD TIMB Shooting Star, L. M. Gillette 4 40 33 1 50 35 Sandy lluuk Prlncw Jamaica Hay Governors Wlllets New Mara, 8. Ensooe 4 42 32 1 32 32 (The Horseshoe) Bay (t'anarsie) Island Point Haven Cygnl. J. B. K Iiik 4 4." 13 1 r>5 13 Date. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. I' M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Big Dipper, J. It. Robinson. 4 44 18 1 54 18 AuguM 13. 11:13 11.*# 11:18 11:31 11:06 .. 11:31 11 34 2:15 2:37 2:00 2.-23 U CLASS DISTANCE, ti MILKS START, Aukum 14 ....11:57 12:03 12:11 12:43 12 :(*0 2:68 3:21 2:43 3:06 3:10. August 16. 12:11 12 15 12:16 1 £0 12:50 1:40 12:15 3:45 4:10 3:30 3:55 Close Finishes in Order in the Tern. J. J. Hlavln 4 42 29 1 32 2# August 16 1:05 1:43 1 :10 1:47 1:50 2:27 1.05 4 .18 5 02 4:23 4:47 Badger, J. Keppler 4 43 57 1 35 57 August 17. 2:07 2:42 2.12 2:47 2:52 ;t.27 2:07 5:36 5:56 5:21 6:41 of the Kllrt III., I. T. Wise 4 48 07 1 38 07 Regatta Huguenot NEW ltOCHKLLK CLASS DISTANCE. 0 Sixteen Yachts Will Engage Devilfish Grow to Enormous Slir. that his face was dripping with Ink. Two Yacht Club. MILES.START, 3:10. squids had been startled by tho boat and in Tests That May Last Virginia, J. It. Baatine !"> 08 38 1 35 3« Several years afro Charles Frederick Holder had shot the discharge of sepia from their Nereid, D. Glrlit 5 08 08 1 r>K 03 wrote aa follows about the devilfish: siphon, hitting him full in the face. SPECIAL RACE. HUGUENOT YACHT When devilfish are hooked and hauled ^ould accept stories of men being at¬ Week. NINE throw their arms about In f<ar. tacked by these aulmals with a grain of salt, ARTHUR F. ALDR1DUE, CLUB.DISTANCE, MILES- up they yet 1 have been told tales Dy START, 2: .10. perhaps rage, endeavoring to obtain a hold of such incidents. H. E. McCormack. 4 56 19 the tales of A naturalist said that he had been chased of rain Nimbus, 2 20 19 on anything In sight; hence from a a 111 spite the fifty-onu yachts H. H. Van Rens¬ off the arms pool by large octopus. Another Dipper, battles. Then men have to chop man told mo that at Monterey he was cross¬ started In the twenty-seventh annual selaer 4 58 10 2 28 10 knives to rid of them. A friend a Ala. J. D. Collins 4 33 3D 2 23 50 with get ing pool when u big arm came up out of KNICKEBBOCKEBS OFF of tiie Yacht Club on sent me tills: the water and nearly caught his leg. A regatta Huguenot Atala, M. 11. Baker 4 58 49 2 28 49 of a small fierce HANDICAP FIRST DIVISION- "To Illustrate tho strength really battle was observed at tianta the Sound. The wind was north-north- CLASS, devilfish one of my men onre carried * Catallna a few years ago. west and enabled tne to make DISTANCE. ELEVEN MILES. bunch of cora< from the boat Sonic Italians were flshtng off the so call»d yachts 2:35. thirty pound lie Hanks In time over the courses. The race START, up the beach In Florida. The moment Grouper 1,000 feet of water In tiin good Hamllda, W. D. Hamilton.. 4 55 25 2 30 25 a devilfish with a Kan Clemente Channel when felt a Club Prom¬ committee was J. A. Arthur laid It down out came thry heavy Inter-Yacht Cruise Mahlatedt. Azor, C. A. Marsland 5 00 31 2 35 31 spread of about three feet, which went gal¬ weight li the trawl. As they hauled in a Knapp, Capt. Russell Raynor. U. S. N. ; Corrected time.Hamllda, 2:30:25; Azer loping down the beach toward tho water long big arm of a devilfish came over the ises to Be A. C. C. K. and Southwork. 2:31:45. motion. gunwale and began to reach for them. In a Big.X.Y. Granger Henry with a peculiar overhand moment the animal had seized were 011 I*. HANDICAP CLASS, THIRD DIVISION. "The man was barefooted, so lie got In the bottom They board R. Kapp's power of the boat and the fight was men Rosemar. Commodore took DISTANCE, NINE MILES.START. 2:30. front of the devilfish and attempted to kick on.the Begatta Saturday. yacht Duryea Twinkle, S. C. Hunter 4 31 17 2 04 17 to It up. terrified and the devilfish, cornered like a some guests to see the races on his It up the beach, being afraid pick rat. doubtles* fighting for the same reason. llag- Acadian, F. E. Raymond... 4 49 19 2 10 19 The he hit the- devllfl li, as siiip Unona. IV., C. L. Weyand 4 -10 52 2 10 52 moment It, It was only after great difficulty that the Quakeress though resenting It, threw Its arms about h s animal was a The was miles Kasral, E. Jucobson 4 32 11 2 22 11 killed with club. U had a longest coijrse eleven 5 01 30 2 31 30 ankles and held on so tenaciously that the radial spread of sixteen or eighteen feet F. and on was a heat first Taniara III., R. S. Rowe.... fell over on his By ARTHUR ALDK1DGK. this it to the rorrected Unit'.Twinkle. 1:59:50; Avadiau, negro lost his balance and and was held by six men. mark and then two of for help. Tt took all my Most of the are in legs reaching. 2:00:04: Quakeress IV., 2:10:52; lta^cal, back, shouting large specimens ruined <The next big feature the yachting The six meter yachts sailed nine miles. 2:15:58; Tamara, 2:29:01. strength, being convulsed with laughter, to during the capture, as the men chop off tb<* world will be the eliminating trials to Nine started, and this time Bally-Hoo, pull the devilfish away, though I must con¬ flying amis and soon reduce it. If Individual* owned and nailed Addison G. Harian. fess I took my time to give the man a les¬ with a radial spread, that Is. a spread from %c sailed for the purpose of selecting an by son for unnecessarily abusing an animal hy tip to tip across, of thirty feet are known, was the winner. Is an casts of four 6-meter Bally-lloo showing kicking It. During all this he never ceased they are, and made of them by American team yachts much improvement since her changes. South Bay Yachts Race shouting for aid. The devilfish did not hurt Professor Ward, there Is no doubt that Indi¬ to meet the four British boats now on Yesterday she finished 14 seconds ahead him, but It frightened him almost Into hys¬ viduals which live In the deep from 600 to terics." 1,000 feet may weigh several hundred pounds their way here. The Seawanhaka-Cor- of Syce, the Stamford yacht, and Henry Off and possess arms feet In in Regatta Sayville* On one occasion I was poling my dlnglw twenty length. B. Plant's was third, 25 seconds Such a monster would be a Inthian Yacht Club last winter arranged Clytie over the reef with a grain pole, having In¬ menace to men behind Syce. Lea was 14 seconds fur- structed this same boy to lie on the forward attempting to kill It. and that such an ani¬ a match race and the conditions agreed ther astern, and she beat Viva by 3 Cruise Ends and Winners of deck and look out for certain shells we mal Is not an Impossibility Is shown by the seconds. wished to find. Suddenly he screamed and fact that squids have been seen fifty feet an make It a sportsman s contest of the the and I saw in length. The first five boats in the six meter Championships Announced. threv» himself back into boat, first order. class finished In. In the was the 54 seconds. When the match arranged class won Satvili.e. L*. I., Aug. 12..The seventh S-.-awunhaka-Corlnthian Yacht Club com- Victory Blue Jacket easily, Cat Wins Kitten Class Fred Stone and Rex Beach with Gopher second and Madelon third. animal cruise of the Great South Bay Tiger niittee extendtd an invitation to yachts¬ The summaries: Yacht Itacing Association came to an Race in Oyster Bay Waters in Nassau Club Shoot men members of other clubs to build here to¬ LARCHMONT 38-FOOTERS.PISTANCE, 11 end at the Sayvllle Yacht Club Oyster Bat, L. T., Aug. 12..Rain and MiNfcOLA, L.
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