2020 JOURNAL www.ntcumc.org 2 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BISHOP, CABINET, EXTENDED CABINET, ELDERS AND DEACON IN FULL CONNECTION, COMMISSIONED ELDERS AND DEACONS, AND RETIRING CLERGY ........................................................................................ 5-8 I. CONFERENCE HISTORY .......................................................................... 9 II. MINISTERS’ SERVICE RECORDS ......................................................... 10 III. APPOINTMENTS (Blue) .......................................................................... 42 IV. CONFERENCE PERSONNEL DIRECTORY (Password Protected)* V. CLERGY CHRONOLOGICAL ROLL .................................................... 143 VI. DIACONAL MINISTERS’ SERVICE RECORDS ................................. 149 VII. LAY MEMBERS OF ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Password Protected)* VIII. DAILY PROCEEDINGSDAILY PROCEEDINGS ................................. 176 2020 North Texas Annual Conference Photo Album .......................... 193 2020 AWARDS .................................................................................... 200 IX. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS (Gray) ........................................................... 205 X. BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE .................................... 253 XI. STANDING RULES ................................................................................ 278 XII. ROSTER OF CONFERENCE AGENCIES (Green) ............................... 305 XIII. AGENCY REPORTS ............................................................................... 313 XIV. MEMORIALS .......................................................................................... 393 XV. OUR BELOVED DEAD .......................................................................... 408 XVI. STATISTICIAN’S REPORT .................................................................... 413 XVII. INDEX ...................................................................................................... 507 2021 General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegation ......................... 513 Conference Sessions, Dates and Locations .............................................. 514 DIRECTORY OF INSTITUTIONS ..................................................................BACK COVER *For the full version of 2020 Journal go to https://ntcumc.org/annual-conference-2020. NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 3 The Journal of the 154th Session Since Organization 50th Session Following Merger The North Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church held virtually in Plano, Texas, at St. Andrew UMC September 18 – 19, 2020 BISHOP MICHAEL MCKEE Presiding Conference Secretary Judith Anderson Reedy Assistant Conference Secretaries Kenneth R. Dickson Journal Editor Jodi Smith 4 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 5 BISHOP MICHAEL MCKEE President, North Texas Conference Bishop, Dallas Area of The United Methodist Church 6 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 CABINET FROM THE LEFT: Todd Harris, Owen Ross, Ronald Henderson, Andrew Lewis, Bishop Michael McKee, Debra Hobbs Mason, Camille Gaston, Victor Casad EXTENDED CABINET FROM THE LEFT: Kim Brannon, Todd Harris, Owen Ross, Ronald Henderson, Andrew Lewis, Bishop Michael McKee, Camille Gaston, Debra Hobbs Mason, Matt Jacob, Victor Casad, Jodi Smith NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 7 ELDERS AND DEACONS IN FULL CONNECTION FROM THE LEFT: Christopher O’Riley, Jennifer Chickering, Tamara Gallaway, Silvia Wang, Sarah Marsalis-Luginbill, Bishop Michael McKee, Bryant Phelps, Cathy Sweeney, Ashley Anne Sipe, Gary Stephens, Kimberly Myers COMMISSIONED ELDERS AND DEACONS FROM THE LEFT: Nicholas McRae, Peter McNabb, Chelsea Peddecord, Macie Liptoi, Bishop Michael McKee, Flor Granillo, Kenneth Park, Katrina Smith, Keri Lynn Lucas, Danielle Kim 8 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 RECOGNITION OF ORDERS Richard Williamson, Bishop Michael McKee RETIRING CLERGY Cathy Ann Bingman Keith Payne Boone Harold Dangerfield Patricia L. Grable S. Dianna Masters 37 years of service 38 years of service 39 years of service 26 years of service 11 years of service Brian McPherson Maxie Moore Cathy Partridge Joseph B. Stabile K. Margie Steele 30 years of service 18 years of service 12 years of service 31 years of service 18 years of service Charles Stovall John Thornburg Joseph R. Zinser 42 years of service 40 years of service 18 years of service NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 9 I. CONFERENCE HISTORY United Methodism in North Texas began in 1816-17 pacies from what had been the single Dallas-Fort as part of Arkansas Methodism in the Missouri Con- Worth Episcopal Area. This action resulted in the ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When geographical region encompassed by the North the denomination divided in 1844-45, Methodists Texas Conference being designated the Dallas of this area became a part of the East Texas Confer- Episcopal Area, while the Central Texas Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In ence became the Ft. Worth Area. Since that time, 1867, the approximate area of what is now this con- the North Texas Conference has been served by its ference was set apart as the Trinity Conference, and own bishop. later (1874) renamed the North Texas Conference. The sessions of the current North Texas Conference The Methodist Episcopal Church had little orga- are numbered first from 1867, the organizational nized work in Texas after 1845, until 1867 when date for the North Texas Conference of the Method- a Texas Mission was formed. Out of that Mission ist Episcopal Church, South, and the Texas Mission came the West Texas Conference (primarily Black). of the Methodist Episcopal Church and secondly In 1939, the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Meth- from 1970, the date of merger of the former North odist Episcopal Church, South, and The Methodist Texas and West Texas Conferences. Protestant Church united to form The Methodist Church. The West Texas Conference, while a part A list of the Conference Sessions of these separate of The Methodist Church, was in the Central Ju- conferences is printed in: risdiction (all Black). The North Texas Conference (1) the 1939 Journal of the North Texas Confer- was a part of the South Central Jurisdiction, which ence, South Central Jurisdiction (P.28-29), was one of the geographical jurisdictions. and the 1967 Journal of the North Texas Con- ference, South Central Jurisdiction (P.140); At the Uniting Conference to form The Unit- (2) the 1967 Journal of the West Texas Confer- ed Methodist Church held in Dallas, Texas, April ence of the Central Jurisdiction (P.88); 1968, a new Annual Conference was formed in (3) the 1967 Official Record of the Oklaho- North Texas including members, congregations, ma-Texas Conference of the Evangelical and and ministers of the North Texas Conference of The United Brethren Church (P.17); and Methodist Church of the South Central Jurisdiction (4) other histories of Methodism in North Texas. (1939-1968), and members, one congregation, and one minister of the Oklahoma-Texas Conference of Conference Sessions since 1968 are listed inside the Evangelical and United Brethren Church (1886- the back cover of this Journal. 1968). At a merger conference held in Dallas, Texas, in May, 1970, members, congregations, and ministers of the North Texas Conference and members, con- gregations, and ministers of the West Texas Con- ference located within the geographical boundaries of the North Texas Conference became the North Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church. In 1988, the South Central Jurisdictional Confer- ence, meeting in New Orleans, created two episco- NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 10 II. MINISTERS' SERVICE RECORDS FE - Elder in Full Connection AM - Associate Member OP -Other Conference, Provisional P - Received on Probation RA - Retired Associate Member OT - On Trial PD - Provisional Deacon RP - Retired Probationary Member FC - RE-AD - Re-admitted PE - Provisional Elder Full Connection U - Union RE - Retired Elder FD - Deacon Full Connection T - Transfer RD - Retired Deacon TR - Transitioned E - Effective First Admitted Ordination Year Received NTX Conf. NTX Received Year How Received NTX Conf. NTX Received How Year Full Connection Full Year Present Relation Present Yrs of Service * Date Retired Date Conference Deacon Elder Year How Name Aaron Jr., Charles L. FE MEMPH 1983 P 1989 1983 1989 T 1999 37 Abel, James D. RE C TX 1964 OT 1967 1964 1967 T 1999 2004 40 Adams, Eddie Jean RE N TX 1994 P 1996 1994 1996 P 1994 2019 25 Adrian, Peter V. RE N TX 2003 P 2006 2006 P 2003 2018 15 Alden, Betsy RE N TX 1974 P 1980 1974 1980 P 1974 2007 33 Alegria, Frank FE RIO GR 1987 P 1990 1990 T 2011 33 Allen Jr., John F. FE N TX 1979 P 1984 1979 1984 P 1979 41 Allen, Christopher L. FE N TX 1986 P 1989 1986 1989 P 1986 34 Allen, James David FE N TX 2013 P 2015 2015 P 2013 7 * Years of Service do not include Licensed Local Pastor Years NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL — 2020 First Admitted Ordination Year Received NTX NTX Conf. Received Year How Received NTX Conf. NTX Received How Year Full Connection Full Year Present Relation Present Yrs of Service * Date Retired Date Conference Deacon Elder Year How Name Allen, Joseph L. RE NC 1953 OT 1955 1952 1955 T 1972 1997 44 Al-Rikabi, Omar Hamid FE N TX 2013 P 2018 2018 P 2013 7 Anderson, Joy RD N TX 1997 TR 1997 1997 TR 1997 2018 21 Ash, Kay FD N TX 2017 P 2019 2019 P 2017 3 Atkinson, Marilyn RD N TX 1997 TR 1997 1997 TR 1997 1999
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