p ^- [ :y-^n--^i%w.k \ RISING EVERY YEAR IN UNlV^$AI;!APIiR0lBArri6N. c5cil!iTYRE§. First in 1888. foremost ever] since id av&m\i.'C. ::vi -• :M # ; . ;. ; Piweni price*;any atandart aitt v-~ I r f I< . ^ Wired cbveri 12*.; "4d.; b :aded I cove/ I2^ ;7d.'; irte>f|ii Y,(lre;-B!i,Ji1«lj; eacji ! :GE ON1!I>ENM: [I fer ^ifiM A WiV i?!'- i ! WATERFORD STEAMSHIP P<E=II 100 ^^ "LTJBmmA"' ind!;«UADEETA!KEA4 -<yj i COMPANY. M WHEW VISIT1WQ . tho Largest : (^ (BhBU and 'Paate1 st vessels in iha world. I J»- 'TFD). Tripliwicrew¦ Turtrine¦ !," GAflMANIIiA./'¦ i £9,K3 WALTER • ¦ ¦ ••' ! ' - ' • • ' WALSH SONS -! ! & _j:: ¦;[: . •tbna. -T ! INTENDED ORDER OF SAILING . * TrfsfBja©>:fite3iner"CABONIA . 20.000Wi ¦ ¦5?7XQ<xjrow Stecmera;'!"0AMPAWiriA"!^ '¦ '¦ STAY AT THE ' ' ¦ ¦¦¦ i JULY , 1909. PREMISES I . ' THE ¦¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ •' " LUOAKIiA." - '! T^ i! i OSCB¦ ^mAS-XOTJ¦ N&B8-OAir[,Y ' NS\70. ' FOUR COURTS ' ; - : '- ' -• ¦ • '.I - STEAMERS : CDTV APOE) j .<^@UWTY ILOAW a DISCOUNT BAW K t__ I BAPJSRS. ; CLODAOH, DUNURODY , REGINALD , BarroHBtraDd-otreat , Biackfriaro, & Conduit Lane LABG SST AND FASTEST STEAMES8¦ (Which la established for a number of yearn.) ' TO BOSTOK. [_ Tl • LARA, MENAPIA , &c. CAWA BA—EUST EOUTE; I 3EB0IAIL ' CN IUI rut KiicimiDci) ¦ -v TJLSVT O TICE. — The Watorfor .1 Are exclusivftlv itkept for the Sale of Good s that : , .. | . RATES:; ;¦ V -| >. Stosmiblp The Most TAIttiD cavoncca ^r—j-t— .^rj!^ Oooda Company(LimitedLire ' Up-to-Datc in Town li/ ; dally trom CD UPWABD8, In any part oil Irelana TO EABUEIJ3, :;3?rom LIViBBiPbot!Wii CtiesD£i0iTraJ. ¦\7S ^^ltK\ teoslT. aad SJoj* for Shir. JJ v , ^ belong to the ' - BHOPKEEPEBS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, ! TO MW | V «.,- .| ' : ., ' M 'fiosxo S'l , cr"¦ * ^ »* tnant on ih* eoadlUoo* mentioned In O VCN 200 Dionoout mou 21- BaJltaj U*t», to- to It M >l their 1 OnriTalled for Excellence Wdnreton a .'int.. .Tnly 24 Baxbnla, Tne3., July zjr OHi-uw. and Coo fort . AHD ALIi RESPONaiBLE PERSONS, oa ) O and a Moderate Ta.Hff. O Oam<>anlaL Sat., July 31 Jvernla, OJnea., Aug. 10 C3. On K*I T llorninj billiar, OablU of tb» rtttmm »ti « eroco to r«c«iT« Paaaonren arririsf by tb« Night in .1 Curpanla u,,,.,<ia, %3 'Saxonla, Taes.Ang. 24 raiai HEWRV C3. KOLBEV APre©HED PERSONAL SfECy^flTY. WATEEPCXED AND BRISTOL. Iron, TjiNSDBPigaED AocxjmicawzcroN is U u*fUAN»AA«0iriinocii DiRieron.DiRieron. [} Hard wart Implement fCOIl WATtWORD TO BRISTO L I TROU BRISTOL TO WATERyoKD O To WITHOUT PUBLICITY . „! li LOW 0BATE3rn . I ¦! arold dteappolntment write and O _S6cimd [and Third-eh&a paesanosro Sailing {roro Cumberland Biwn n iccure Rooisi beforehand. [j , TiaXIao calUnj; at MlUord-lijvca Cho tmonnt bontowed can ba repaid by tnstalmonta or an may ba arranged. Toxic, may travel witiwut extra chirca ti Q4 Telegramt-i" EXCEL, DrjBLW." Ln Terms euro given :on receipt of application Boston end PMkidgtohiai and via Bodtoa C) Tuesday 6.. a o p m Friday, a.. 4 jo p m , wblob are not given )by others before putting New York and PlholadelphSa. ' 'II IJ j u p.m Prday, g 33 AMI ' and Applicant to tronblo iana expense, 9.. nooi Saddien and will be round far bettor than Tn»«day. Trades othera who oavanoo o@pi i cr^o PfiiaanSem booked 'through' W - Ttuaday, JO . 1 0 ]im Friday. lt>.. 4 JT p.m. on Private Bcsnrlty, to fell ai» c3 too tila BANK la cow well-lmown tea their stralchfrtorwara! dchllnga, America 1 l , v : ¦ • |- Tuesday, *;.. 3 0 pjn . Friday, ' 93.. 9 o n-m, Trttb ollpntSi : j aad Canada. ,] '|-|- Friday, 30.. j 0 p.iu i thoco ¦WATEEFOBD AND LIVE&POOL. ' ^^ To reqtalrlnc a temporary advcuco, Iho abovo la tho beat ftnd mo;3 tallatala Limited,; IiiverpooJoi; to thalr ci«nI£2-wiSi HOLE OltfX 01 THE LAEGEST STOCSS Brothers'1 and Hirvey land BoihT'Wcti3Cx3s FBOM WATEBFORD. FROM LIVERPOOL. /"or tcnuo end partioabxa apply, Misb-II. Cotter, Bssllydna; IXLdhiiL VolsTctD South Walea i\nd Waterford P. |©vanfe, Dnnjrarrfn^ 01m. • Sate Friday. 1 .. 3 < p m Fnday. 1 Q 10 a m IE lEELABTD. Bejfei Sanday, 4. ? c J TO klonday, s. .11 o pm 3'Conncl! Street, 17ATERFORD. Cappoqniii ; James Aheamo n TOOcn Wednesday 7 ¦ J c pin , Wednesday. 7. 1 0 pm PurtiU:. ItenoTd. ' I Friday, 'J . s '' P m Friday. n, . 1 0 pjn VISITORS TO VJATERFOR^ 11.. 7 o a_m M onday. u ft 0 p m Sunday, jo Wednesday, 14.. 1 ^ p-o1 Wednesday 14.. ; pm W I LL FINT . } <¦ p ni Friday. i^ .. g 10 a m Friday. '6 ¦ ¦ ¦ Sunday. 1" .. ' am Monday i» . 1 - p n SQI G-OGQD ? T?ednesday. n . J <- pen Wednevla^ n o noon Buy B onJ^u Sell at a t air Profit. j Friday. M.. * ». r "' Friday 13 0 p.m JSoDday, 2s - 7 c am Monday. ib . 4 to p m A)ANS ANS p LOAN Wednesday 2* .. 10 p m Wednesday ?S o L% r)l I LOANS ^O S J-'riday. Jo .. 1 c p in Kriday, \v. rt to i.m ¦ - RKI/ K)f (lONTINTEi V'fHl.ie SUPPORT O^ ! . .;¦ • ' -I : ! ' ATCTftjtff 8ea P&uagt 14 to tft boan. THE WATERPORD8 JOHN STREET LOAN GOMPAN v^ X/auUmr Berth—Cnmb«Und Bulm. Briltol. CC?* 30, QUflV. , , WATERFORD, FOR SCHOOLS AWD | Efttara Tickets lasnod »t Brlatol to Cork per Ortatol 8. N. AKI prepared to troat, with tho I Co.v Axe available for rotors from Dablln without eitn greatest confldenoe and cscrecy. all applications from jQi LABOURERS COTTAQ M.ist ( ..omfortable Central , and quite °ad)acen ¦ ' chute, or Iron Watorfonl to BriJtol bj Wrtartord . " TWAIlDa, to all percooj on tholr orra APPROVED PERSONAL SECURITY ; tto&m Ship Co '1 Steemon on paymoDt of 2« Sd extra. Slcatnerj, , The rue 1 esi MADE TO ^ Baton: ricaett laauod at ilrlilol to Dublin per Brltto l 10 Trains and Busm«» centra a 1 or Cheapoess==Qgj alify 0 in any part'of Ireland. J S. K. Co . *r* trail. t>le for return from WaX«rford the City Modeidte I ant Birincj airricd on b a mc:t ctKdghtfoiwsird and L.G.B. SPECIFICATION. exact mannor ' B . ¦ " ¦ *Ba^aBa>^a>^a>aaawa(saaw BaaaiI ^^a>ali i - to BrUtol l> Witcrfonl 8le»m Shir o.» luui m ' ,* oa i«ymt'ni of 6a. oxira, or from Cork oo pa;moat Telccrrapluc AiMrcs^-- ' lr>>:. ^ aterforri No connection rith cny other Loan Offica or to-canod Bonta ln thb Ooanty of Sa 9d oxtni. BROOKS, Thomas cS: Co., Return TlckeU lained >t Waurfon) to Drlatol b> iDpl ^ Wtierf^rd ->uuun Ship l> are ftvulstile tor returu per y—THE MA NAGER. BUILDERS* PROVIDERS. Bristol S. N. Oo. from Brtitol to Cort or to Dublu THQ VJIC'ALQVJ J^OTCa. without pajrmutit onn 8txest. FZatorford DUBLIN. ! Loading Jt^rib—Prlner's l)^c». Live^ooi WIOKIOW ORAITON GTEECT Ihe 6anday VesseU Load at North Wharf , Watcrtori grr.rrrTr. ATer&fro 6ea Passage, 14 to \b Uooia DDXXDf Vuu.—W»t«rtord and LlTorpool «n<) W»tartord ma Bri«*U)l—Cabin, Slnitle. 15*. 1 do . ao. Chlldrun andar Contrallj titatlsd. ¦ITetectj t=d Uccr) j WATER Beirut t tnTollls< »lth (uaillei FOR I SHO1?V IS jeui of ass or Oonsiortcblj 10a 1 do, Betsxs, atailnble for Two Uonths, optlonilto return to or frosi Brtotol or Ll»erpc>ol,ZSe. 1 C»bln Ettorn, Quidret ' 2Qttn and 2©tH Ju.y, H 0OG> D: WALSH. under U yeanj, ISJ 1 Deck, linfls, 7i 6d 1 do. do. Children Hish-Olsrj BcctnutsnS attidia osder 12 rean ,4a. ) i ¦ Puseogsn booked thronih betwe«n WeMrtord and Cheshire Weddinj BreiJrfcrb a C?:didttj ' ?&mMy (Grocery &m<& to. Barrack St., BiLBEBSY, VVATEEPOKD, lAnm' Rul»ny Staooua ead l,»Tic«»Mre and Torkahir* Rallwiy SHIP^BICrHIT AM) BOAl\EIJlLDiEB. ttatwai P. r.lAHO?J, Uanega. Uoodn uil r- nrocls Booked thrown between ttt nnnoipa.1 '*terford. Great tiorthern. W&Fehome, Small Boats btiEt Soulbet n and Weilctn, Sp iri t ¦ <jo order or coaWctedT to Ciatlont oa Greal j- i i ¦ - ¦ - Ofnt Western, L»noa«hlre »ud Yoik*Mre, lxmdon »nd Tolcjrcrro—^"Wicila-ir Hcit' ' j . Qre»t Worth Wiatera t London »nd South W««t«rn Carpem/try and Joweryjof Central and Midland Rnl'.wsvn io uid via W»t»rtord, BORAWB wreayJ icUsS(a^pftS!o3 UOTK—The Watrrford St«»mj!MpCoc:p»aLy,tailt>d, lnanr. Ali ao-jda Sblvpixi bytbeie Llnei of btcimer* at Sa. ti. per AU . toxrk under'iown 6uperJ4feaoa.''' ;X OrA. to Timdert hanng Toarly XxTeom«i\t», ud it. pet Po? BreattfactG, Luncheonc, OoTaDecc; taiae to be dsoliied it tlm» ol o»iL to Om»faa»J 8hlrper«. £RISH QIV1L gERVICF •T ^) ' wxaur u> Iht j iU llrx W POWER} (hipmeat. 7orsu and all Information to be tud at Iht jj sMtJ' Barges f or hire on e3iortest ;.iiiortkc»i -. < and Teat>. ~ > effioea. Q C~ jd '^~ Begs to 'nnoanc5 tha < *>« h»» RE-OPENED the *t>ov« Old- Bertbi aoccroJ tad ererj lniormation fimi br igresci at ^UILDIN gOCTETl . ^ } t^f?^? Terms, , Bteamslup Co. (Limited), Utai l /J^ J EstaUHshed and favourably known demises with a most moderate andjmoik gnaranieedi- : . WAmufO»t>—Waterford ^ ^^^^~- ' 02o»«, Th« Kail. National Tele>hoae No. IS. T <^^^Q CAREFULLY 3ELECTED STOCK, ind relies tolely for <^?^) ' Bteunabip Coapui (Ltal;«ai. u Note AddreGS-^BELBEEBiY ¦WiilEBiKyBP, LmsrooL—WaUrford (Open to tho Gcnor&l Public), tuccess on supplying Emiiwloi-etreat, usl Prinoot Doflk. Telophont No. (1373. <& WESTIIOEEIAND STEEET. DUBLIU , IK: QI A1 ¦ ; : Exirroi^-WatorfOTd Steunahln 0>»pa£7 (Umltel). c* WAXSRJM. 1:-; V B ^__ : \:y\r <jtt»enBq naie—and ConberHnd Bailn Establiehed 1864 Incorporated 1B7-4 ¦ (B0006 of tbe iDeni Beat v&ualit\> I ! • Lrxisici—Lower ShaCfonSteasublp OSoo, Kooat Ercaet LOAXS GRAFTED ON TBE MOST FAVODB- ' onl^ Q°*y» ABLE TEHMS TO EN-VBLE PERSONS TO bo tun a Confectioner? ia ¦¦ fappa QTIJ | ilha Besi.
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