. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12,1928 Two Women Are Honors iA MUTUAL SAYINGS BAN Kg Railway's Live Wire Shopping Center Today-- Cloudy; * slightly warmer. 124 Main Street, - . feahwsy, N. J. is BHOSEN to "wRiff %::;i'cr:tf HAS SERVED New Jersey Advocate ! FO Abiorblng The Rahway Nevw-HeVald, the «uece««or of Th« Union Democrat, Ettabli«hed 1B«0. Mm SATURDAY PREfAGLJD_HISTORYi?^;:Hr?H^ US SUPERINTENDENT . 1 d.n! U:irr:~o;r- a'TT". who wu 1s( Tti»- • . - fir- • jit .--.iiU-tit'general <>* ' ••> ^ RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., TI/ESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 16,1928 LAST TWO DAYS OF OUR I 1 I A ' ~ T -VOL.XYIII. SERIAL NO. 1979 Mrs. VL W. Jackson's Woik];;,,^"'1 ''^!u"'-"^n[X"a' Service of Mrs.L.A. Hughes; 1 ! Plan Democratic Rally 1Hi DOLLAR DAYS SALE i WHIHeadD. A. R. Bort l/Sh^.l^Uh^^^S;," : P« Hospital Recognized 9 BIJNSJflV IN CHURCHES In Township Tomorrow HOME READING CLUB Wa ll of Chinese Laundry If, GOES ON TONIGHT We Wm^elebrate With Tnmnrmvu s Battles on xcwatUm -ftUHUK-XJOUJSlM To th'* mttiiv . WEEKtfBft i - I-DPW RHhwav Ttt-:n--r t\>£_ tl . :•;,;:• ;,: IM«C. i msam- 1 »*»«THrwT*» *t mittttntftrP • f the Kahw ay Memorlill +TpP L^/Cv^ti ^M|U IJIVKiimyiJku " ___ ut Gi>yj:r men I of Mr* Sadie Koth. coutrty A tarce part of the east wall of The edge of the d««p hole wan not '- 15Q-Ladies Auhimn v: ,.v',;•..' iSrtTC, rommttieewoman and head of the more than a couple of fe«*t from the ennounct-K ihui both $1' nnd Save today—Be prepared tttHrormwv -TFfei t.rrnnr«'meniw Cor iht-» ftffulr A Charlie Wine's laundry. 37 Cherry edge of Ih«- laundry. "«frdeT~Hlia~rnl()~ fli* "fcxrnvuTtan -nrn-| and Winter ar ^aI*IJM crowd t» *• Xfwited. l" " •.'",,;,', Ml- I.r.M.Ua ll«lfh.". Mr- » HI || „.I,.-- .-...n l'l.l~l her •>« >">> > - y r A "water, pfpe "waft 'broTce'n "by The | and Safe Bank in <tnt T^>" «aviag» account. are bt-ltu: made for the adJotnttiR prcrpeny. »t N&.- "xmtfrr • ttrnthle-; • uiid a «horl lime |Ktimcipt» ill,'", .'I'.^.f,.'.,;','.. • v.'i'~r rtTirnTn-ntl Htf M TD ^-m^rj *ti- Im* Ktlncwd •Hfanl Qnb. 43 Yetrt Old b to tlie feaiure pi "The (Jrain "of~Ti"usf and su> Lecal Candidates Praise FROCKS M.- -:I:..LI Ii;it!i.- »! ru> till*- Inler en- one but rauxlng a large amount . Immediately after the crann ph-mentary photopUiy n \ here :.i:.-. I u. iiw -I.'.'. -k.-l>-t..:i ,,f the Series oKhristiMY Faith Hull.' Cihi-on ib-uW'vurd. Carl > One of the (Hint sf Its workmen of ihe Kvans Company of cogfuuion iu ihe laundry for a ! will be a roni-eri Ly artis*!?. of | Made of Silk, Wool and Crepe ;.* $\.. ......i -iril.llW.- ,\ ll.lUK Andr^it ih ct literal thtttrman. Mr* minute or two. ' shored up Ihe (Jrte-n buildine on mobile Crashes is City Republican Party See .Us About It Koth r*«M-r«'lury and Kdu'ard Van nat ionaTTppute. -f»K>M -uf wb'im V... A.l.i ci in World Today _ Kind is New iattj . The excavation is that beinir iht* oLher side <>r the excavation Alien iifa-turt-r Oth«*r» on the ha %• e bee-n hea r tl i n Runway de Chine. Reg A ftH ,1 made' by ihv Evan* Con-unit iton us a precaution aKuinst further ore Th»*«*1ore I^UDR. -Sr.. damace The Evan* Company will before. They are X'ullu .O'SLore. Values to 8.95. *£.UD will I'tlili'iivnr !.' '• '•"•:»• I. M'- J,...|.hn..' K..I |;, ,.,,.; i Com pirn y Tor Morrit* Ancler, in ; Dorothy Myriek. 13-roonth!MiT3T teuut,—MJAdred llrvar^, ••»mtral- Cforue W. Shaw, of Jersey City, i H»-nr) Charle-4 Tichultx. ; preparation for the erection of a repair the laundry at once. The i*r, Mi-.-* Huth The forty-third anniversary of daughter of Mr. and Mr». v.)ra L.~^tu. Maze] Hunnnumn. cnl.n n • ami a Uirpr—iiu.nl»*-r of . Kfptihlicaii 4 V'1' '""" .'"••"ll"iI',/.""; "i , , 11:..•'.. I l.i, k.TS.-n. Ml- rVn.l, :.,;!.!:> Mm....!,, .'.nent »a»mad«- ' Mm F^rftnr«*B IJI tile and brick tttrurtnre to replace j wide wall wax conmruded of tile. Sunday in the Rahway Home Read in* Club »»• cele- lura soprano and Kram \- . iiiUiiJiilatt-r. f.>r \;ui,.ti- ofli'f> In the S I 11 v Clara lleU, and U pan i>r a _one-»tory exten- Myrtck, of 220 West Hazel wood j 2OO Ladies I " ." ••'•"'"' ;,';„",„ T.U,: Ai.lr.vv «:i.J J-l." <•••!•'•• ;:..,ih;: .ih. ,'.™T,I,W th» Xormer frame building that wa*] +ttirehes wss-raarked by Lta.'" lira'tMl at nn- nmt Tatt mfi*ttnir nt orrnpled hy the utorett of J Orvllle' sion of "thip two-Htory frame slftic- avenue, miraculously •escaped «eri- ' f ii > a in! St;it'- .-inn intit-d thetr -ft_^^...., ,-4. 41 IU LJ ihr II \ I. .,' _ • . _ . : . , ,,,.',-,, II'VI «lll-lu.. l,tl',.U||..J. -reception ' of—new "•**•» rr^l-ir^fe of Mr-*. W. \y. Jack- ay and Mrs. Henry I»ohrnmn. ' ture. i h*» italllaioi) of I « »-.• k ! y t >H-la 1.0rinr .if 1 h-- I>»-Wf>- burr Mr» Mary VaiiAUrit nud. S P CAR IS RECOVERED Ti. U..;- :..r '!..• I.CUL-1.1 >Jl!l!»L_Ui CORMAIN &HMONROE STS., RAHWAY , N.J. nou. of 59 St. G*oret* avenue, tVK parents' car with another ma Work Of Craitford GrOUp .i:it- at the m.-t-:ui^ oi t tic Herbert ^ ""A '^.''M..'I.'..'. «'a-."\"t.-.l i:..' K-I .. ni embers, 1 her in the__n£wcst of falll shadeshades cXa>. A targ« birthday i-abe bear- chine at S Ke 11IMI\*T llppuiili. .IL » luh hi lho tnc rtie ajjpropriaie numWr of Lady Foresters "Stage Announce Program for and styles. "I AA 9 K,.:.,,, M,- W,H,.,,,, A It...-,... M.,,-,,i. ..r -111 •H^M.l.v.-.,..' •..:•« '-• ; V^r.huu Lad R-E-N—MjQW3A¥-EVENI si-rvices and the an-j ones* _.__.. ^V^.l ^ 4gM 1 Is Told -at Guild Meeting (' I'M ft -nieii' - ( 'lull M.*.«-ii:i ii- Tetnulo, caadlt** wa» provided by former Bible, Flag Presentation tOH»ed her out of the car into the t,^,i:i,r u.'.li Mr- .1 .1 \...: ai..l ',,l,i. I'",,, ... tr..!V ./•,:• !'...• - . ••• "I - - '""]- nouncement of preaching ( Three Officers Resign Successful Card Party A rivscripiiou of \hf -ifiiviiu-"* i.r Frnitty nicti't. (iat !,••! in r* will be Reg. 1.5O 1 .Ulf prextdent Mrs. S. Allen Koafcf. highway. She wan unhurt. The M:- .--V. 1 •. 5 i • 11 ril.'i. I. "ill I"' ".•' i'l.ir.1. >.:-i.l..> . '• : • •' • » •• • ' " "'''.,.£,,,'„„ ,,, K K Anness. the Marearet C.r*-*-n i.uiltl nf t h-- h-i,i HI -III- |.ln>-- w*-**kl> ntnil the . i»roirrams and other mat-; From Trinity S. S. Board It ua» aanouDced taat ttitn year's A HUfceHnful 'ard party was The U> Ilo w 1 nu. procram ha w been" other machine in. the collision was ,,,rr-,-,., '.V,- .r,-n--1::,l,T.,v I, ., •,,. M.,,..., v I. > I ... >'^ ,;';•, ;/.. „ '.t,,,^ tli'r ,,f ,!„ l-.n! prueratn will im eniltlt»d "Sew utiiuiuncfd for the present a t ion of , operated by Jonepr Siyko. Jr . of Fir^t Pr**shyt cnao <*hur«h <if ('ran- Friil:i\ li'-tnr-- .-l"*:i..ii il.i>. the oliT " 59c~ Unexcelled nflfuture interest. held by JUhwav City Cir^.-. N<» 11. e w ( a r e ford wat. civen 111 th** form "f >uj;- T!n- retli-nalloiiM of Gt-r«ld Mil \ork fHty," a-topic on whw-h nuiny a. tiM>ln i-oul.Hiut ifi...Ul£ D .. Croyer ' I -! . ^ «l reel. South River He uuiirit*r* 1:1 1 ii-- \\... ..it uff BuiUHtii; 4-^i4y K"r*"*i **r^. t-'rtdiiy iitcltt .1 Second Presbyterian let a-, ti-cat-ur^r. Jospph l*rlre a* lnter*>«tlns lattH nir rxprct«ti r tlevrlaiul School by Union Coun- was accompanied ~'by "Walter "Sta's- lfi--<lVr»> -frrr ih«---U<-ta Chapler of iht- The contest fi»r a basket of I Iu 1 atno(U lie -Windo-W_" Shades or *>f j l*(ant t n-aiiiircr and Roy Miller ; under the- lead£r&oip_ ut Mrs. Ltil. So. 31. Jr e. V. A. M.. Siar hevetch. SS ArmtttronK avenue-,„,,, and„ t nilnster CuiUl of iti-- First ^TorerteHwas won by Mr* ("aiher '!• i>- 1 row i-AftWft- SfT^n. f-hnirnutT' of t hf of Kahvay Council. So. 110. John Ba»ko. 3T, Jefter I reel. I I*rt->by^er)an Churi h nf t III- 1 it > Ine STTlotT. wnTTe" H»"e " iloii'r ' prize Aft »*(' (l.-i lUCill- t h.i' •Tl !»• 1 w>nno- all complete, ready to hnng. &i FIRE PREVENTION DISPLAY ffi*e-,l ui th«* niM-Un-f of the Trln- proemm commit.-* Dauchtrrs ' nf A.mttr4ca, and Wanh- both of South Ktver. 1 laM titElit by MT> (' H Su-rtvt. :i ,, «-<] Sunday murntuK ut - \ t-r if, t! I" .Ml it-rlcun H v M«*ih<«liM Sunday tichoal la»l went to Mrs. Ruben Rohr Son- ! k tnumber of the Cranforil .>i yuni7.;i Guaranteed perfect A PT _ /f\ Mimv * ./, i - |,.n,- '.. fii iti!.-r- ,'( t-rrrooni on "TTbf Katlh in u,,* »ith th- .u.totn of mak- ing 1. ni Camp, So 172. f at riot U* MihH Cecilia Schubert. *>f 216 \ A 11 if t u .1 r1 "1111*- n." pUyertt awurdK went to' Mm W • t ion.
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