E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1995 No. 110 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was Mr. Speaker, do Members of this States, has such favorable immigration called to order by the Speaker pro tem- body or the citizens of this country treatment. pore [Mr. EVERETT]. know that there are countries in this This is a serious enough situation, f world, independent nations which have but in the case of GuamÐit is far more free and unrestricted access to the egregious in its negative impact be- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER United States? cause of our small size and limited pop- PRO TEMPORE Mr. Speaker, do Members of this ulation. And in terms of the issue of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- body or the citizens of this country the unfunded mandates, the commit- fore the House the following commu- know that there are nationals of other ment was not made verbally or through nication from the Speaker: countries who can walk through immi- exchanges of letters by the Federal WASHINGTON, DC, gration checkpoints with only an iden- GovernmentÐit was authorized in stat- July 10, 1995. tification card; with no visa require- ute passed by this body in Public Law I hereby designate the Honorable TERRY ment, with no passport, with no re- 99±239. EVERETT to act as Speaker pro tempore on striction on their movement or time of Public Law 99±239, section 104(e)(6) this day. stay? states: NEWT GINGRICH, Mr. Speaker, do Members of this There are hereby authorized to be appro- Speaker of the House of Representatives. priated for fiscal years beginning after Sep- f body or the citizens of this country tember 30, 1985, such sums as may be nec- know that there are citizens of other essary to cover the costs, if any, incurred by MORNING BUSINESS countries who can come into the Unit- the State of Hawaii, the territories of Guam The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ed States and work, receive public as- and American Samoa, and the Common- ant to the order of the House of May 12, sistance and other benefits available to wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands re- sulting from any increased demands placed 1995, the Chair will now recognize citizens and permanent residents ap- parently without restrictions? on educational and social services by immi- Members from lists submitted by the grants from the Marshall Islands and the majority and minority leaders for It is true that citizens of the newly Federated States of Micronesia. morning hour debates. The Chair will independent countries of the former We call this reimbursement compact- alternate recognition between the par- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, impact-aidÐthe assistance due local ties, with each party limited to not to under a treaty relationship between governments for the financial impact exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, their countries and the United States, of the Compact of Free Association. except the majority and minority lead- can come and have come to the United Guam, due to its proximity, has re- ers, limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. States, primarily to the State of Ha- ceived the greatest share of this immi- f waii and the Territory of Guam and the gration. Since the treaties went into Commonwealth of the Northern Mari- effect, we now estimate that 6 percent COMPACT-IMPACT AID anas. And many have come to work of the total population of Guam is from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under and be productive participants in the these freely associated states. If the the Speaker's announced policy of May economy. same percentage of immigrants were 12, 1995, the gentleman from Guam [Mr. But there is the matter of the Fed- applied to the United States, there UNDERWOOD] is recognized for 5 min- eral Government making a commit- would be 15 million immigrants. And utes. ment to unrestricted access by foreign what is more startling is that this un- Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I nationals via a treaty which falls dis- restricted immigration is entirely rise today to again call attention to an proportionately on local governments legal. issue which combines all of the worst like that of Guam. This is not new to The total cost to the Government of elements of a failed Federal policy in many areas of the country where a Guam since the inception of this immi- immigration which has resulted in similar situation has resulted in ``un- gration is in excess of $70 million. The huge unfunded mandates and stands as funded mandates.'' Bear in mind that Guam Memorial Hospital estimates an an example of how to make and break this is legal immigration with no re- impact of $750,000 in costs in fiscal year a promise. Mr. Speaker, I am speaking strictionsÐno paperwork and no docu- 1994, and $2.55 million since 1986 to the of the Federal Government's failure to mentation, and all that is required for Medically Indigent Program due to compensate the people of Guam for ex- entry is an identification card from compact immigrants. Public housing penses incurred as a result of a treaty their own countryÐnot even Canada, assistance cost Guam $2 million in fis- we on Guam had no part in shaping. which has open borders with the United cal year 1994 and $7.5 million since 1986. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 6701 H 6702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 10, 1995 I have also heard reports from one ele- national debt, 28.7 days for Social Se- We have been attacked with the notion mentary school principal who must de- curity and Medicare, 51.1 days for State that we are destroying the environ- vote three classrooms, with teachers and local taxes and regulations, 41.7 ment, that we are removing safety. In- and aides, just to teach English and days for Federal regulations, and 35.6 deed people are attacking us for even reading skills to immigrants. days for other Federal programs.'' costing lives. What we are talking The total reimbursement given to I ask my colleagues, ``Did you know about is bringing reasonableness to Guam based on the law has been $2.5 that more than half of the money that regulations. million. you earn goes to the government? Ac- Let me just go over a couple of these This is all that has been given to tually 52 cents of every dollar, every issues that show how crazy and ex- Guam in reimbursement for this dra- dollar earned by the average worker, is treme the regulatory environment in matic impact on our society and econ- spent on government, tax and regula- this country has gotten. In Sac- omy. Mr. Speaker, given this legacy of tions? This means that you spend more ramento, CA, residents are reeling over the Federal Government's inability to time working for the government than a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ruling make good on its promises, we should you do for yourself and your family. It last fall which added three varieties of ask the question, What is Guam asking means that only 48 cents out of every fairy shrimp to the endangered species for in the Interior appropriations and dollar earned by the American family list. The agency relied on a one-para- what is Guam getting in the Interior is available to pay for housing, food, graph petition submitted by a Davis, appropriations? education, transportation, and other CA, botanist in 1990 even though mil- These are easy questions. Guam is essentials.'' lions of hardy shrimp can be found in asking only that the Federal Govern- Mr. Speaker, this is unconscionable California, Europe, Asia, Australia, and ment start living up to its commit- and immoral. By recognizing govern- Africa. The decision has shut down a ment by putting in $4.58 million that ment-imposed costs and regulations, pony ranch that housed a Sacramento the administration requested for fiscal we can begin to increase public aware- program for the needy and disabled year 1996. Guam is not asking for Gov- ness of the 52-cent swindle. children and could cost the Sac- ernment assistance; Guam is not ask- As chairman of Cost of Government ramento area housing industry $500 ing for special projects; Guam is only Day I say to my colleagues, ``I urge million. asking for a down payment of a long you to join me in highlighting the cost That is the kind of regulation that overdue bill. of government to the average Amer- we are trying to stop. That is the kind And what is Guam getting? Well, the ican family by giving a 1-minute or of regulation that we are trying to answer is simple. Currently, the Inte- participating in the press conferences bring reasonableness to. That is the rior budget is giving Guam zero, zilch, to come, and I urge all my colleagues kind of regulation that we are trying  zip, nothing, nada, tayaÐno money, to do so.'' to bring forward, regulatory reform to however you want to say it. It is time True, this year, the total cost of gov- bring forward, to stop the cost. That is to begin paying the bill.
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