A POLITICAL. ~IANUAL FOR 1869, I~CLUDING A CLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF THE IMPORTANT EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE,JUDICIAL, POLITICO-MILITARY GENERAL FACTS OF THE PERIOD. From July 15, 1868. to July 15, 1869. BY EDWARD McPHERSON, LL.D., CLERK OF TllB ROUS!: OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TU:B U!flTED STATES. WASHINGTON CITY : PHILP & SOLOMONS. 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 186?, by EDWAR}) McPIIERSON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Conrt of the United Sto.tes for the District of Columbia. _.......,============================ • 9-ootype<il>J llihOILI, <l WITHEROW, Wa.aLingturi., O. C. PREFACE. This volume contains the same class of facts found in the :Manual for 1866, 1867, and 1868. .The record is continued from the date of the close of the Manual for 1868, to the present time. The votes in Congress during the struggle· which resulted in the passage of the Suffrage or XVth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, will disclose the contrariety of opinion which prevailed upon this point, and the mode in which an adjustment was reached; while the various votes upon it in the State Legislatures will show the present state of the question of Ratification. The a<Jditional legislation on Reconstruction, with the Executive and l\Iilitary action under it; the conflict on the Tenure-of-Office Act and the Public Credit Act; the votes upon the mode of payment of United States Bonds, Female Suffrage, l\Iinority Representation, Counting the Electoral Votes, &c.; the l\Iessage of the late President, and the Condemnatory Votes in Congress upon it; the Inaugural AdJrcss, l\1cssagc, and Proclamations of President GRANT; the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Texas and McCarclle Cases, on the "Legal Tender" Act, and the Taxing Power of the States as to travelers pass­ ing through them, and as to United S_tatcs certificates and notes; the Opinions of Judges Chase and Underwood in the Cm;:ar Griffin Case; the Georgia de­ cisions as to the eligibility of colored persons to .office, and intermarriage of the 1 races; the Opinion of Attorney General Iloar on l\filitary Commissions; a~d the General Political l\Iiscellany, including the usual lists of Cabinets and Con­ gresses, combine to constitute a varied and interesting fund of information quite wor~hy the attention of every student of American history. EDWARD McPHERSON. WASHINGTON CITY, July 15, 1869. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXVII. Membors of Cabinet of PresidentJohn­ from Headquarters of the Army as to Sentences son and of 40th Congress, 3d Session............1.2 by Courts l\Inrtinl; Re·a~sip;ning certain Gene mis to Military Districts-Orders of Generals Terry, Stonelnan, Webb, and Canby (including XXXVIII. President Johnson's last Annual Mes­ sage, December 7, 1868 .................................. 2.9 the latter's Test-oath Letter) in First Military Iteconstruction and other controverted sub­ District-Of General t'anhy in Second Dis­ jects. t.rict-Of Geneml J\kn,le in the Third-General Orders in the Fourth-Orders of Generals Rey­ nolds and Canby in the Fifth-New Constitu• XXXIX. Political Votes, 40th Congress, 3d Ses­ tion of Texas. sion-Condemnation of President Johnson's p1·oposition respecting payment of the Publio D3bt .............................. .................. .............. 9-16 XLV. Judicial Decisions-Opinion of Attorney Condemnatory resolutions in the Sen.ate and General on Jurisdiction of Military Co:n'llis­ Il0us0-Vote on .Minority Hcprese.ntation-Re­ sions ... ................ .................................... 51-95 moYal of D:s•al,ilities Ly General Act-Rcpre­ On Rid1t of a State to Tnx Pa~~cn~er:,:1. pa~sing through it-State Taxation of United States Ce;. SC'Dtntion of Georgia-Counting the Electoral tificatcs of Indebtednes.s-Stnte Taxation of Vote-Bill for further Secnrity of Equal Rights United States Notes-Cl:rnsc making United i:1 District of Columuia-Bill to Strengthen States Notes a Legal Tender for Debts has no l'ulJlic Credit-Tenure-of-Office Act. reference to State taxcs-Expres• Contracts to pay Coined Dollars can only be satisfied by XVth Constitutional Amendment.......... XL. 17-24 payment of Coined Dollars-Status of State of The Final Vote in Congress-House Joint Res­ Texas-J\IcCnrdle Case-Cresnr Griffin (Vir­ olution (H. R. 402,) and Proceedings thereon ginia) Case-Can a Negro hold Oflice in Georgia? in both Honse and Senate-Scn~te Joint Reso­ -Intermarriage of White and Colorer! Persons lution (S. 8,) and Proceedings thereon in both in Georgia-Opinion of Attorney General Hoar Houses. as to Jurisdiction of J\1ilitary Commissions in Texas. XLI. Members of Cabinet of President Grant and of 41st Congress .................................... 24-26 XLVI. State :Platforms of 18$9 .................. 96-106 Califoruia-Iowa-)lississippi-Ohio-Pennsyl­ XLII. Political Votes in 1st Session of 41st Con­ vania-Vermont-Virginia-Washington Ter­ gress ............................................................... 26-33 ritory. Additional Reconstrnction Legi.sbtion-Final Votes on Yirginia, l\lississippi,and Texas Elec­ XLVII. Votes of State Legislatures on proposed tion Bill-Previous Votes-Mississippi Bill­ XVth Amendment ti Constitution of Uni•ed PuLlic Credit Act-Amendment to Tenure-of­ States ......................................................... 106-116 Office Act-On Effect of the XVth Amendment Yeas and Nays-Arkansas-Connecticut-Dela­ as to l\Jongolians. ware-Florida-Georgia-Illinois -Indiana'­ Kansas-Kentucky-Louisiana-~faine-)fas­ XLIII. Prosident Grant's Inaugural Address, sachusetts - Michigan- Missouri- Nevada­ aud l\Iessage on Reconstruction, and Official New Hampshire-c'lew Jersey-New York­ Prochmo.tions of the Year ........................ 34-39 North Carolina-Ohio-Pennsylvania-Rhode ProsidentGrant's Inaugural Address-His Jiles­ Island-South Carolina-West Virginia-Wis­ sage respe<'ting the Reconstruction of Vir­ consin. ginia nnd i)Iissi.ssippi-Final Certificate of Sec­ retary Seward respecting Ratification of XIVth XLVIII. Statistical Tables ....................... 117-120 Amendment-President Johnson's Proclama­ Presidential Election Returns, (Electoral and tion of General Amnesty, December 25, 18G8­ PopularVote-Official Statement of Public Debt President Grant•s Virginia Election-Proclama­ of United States, July, 18GO. tion-Respecting Wages of Labor-Relative to Duties upon Merchandize in French Vessels. XLIX. Miscellaneous Matters ................... 121-124 I General Sherman's Letter as to the surrenderof XLIV. Orders on Reconstruction-Additional GeQernlJoseph E. Johnston-1fississippi Elec­ Military Orders under Reconstruction Acts tion Proclamation-Texas Election Proclama­ -New Constitution of Texas ...................... 40-50 tion-Femalo Snffmge in Jllassachnsetts and Orders from ,rar Department making changes in CC'ngress-Propo8etl Ri:,ligious Amcndmeht in organization and command of Districts and to united States Constitution-Elections of Departments-AttorneyGeneral Eyarts' Le,ter 18G9 iu New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Con­ as to Military Aid to United States Marshals- ncctieut, J\1iehigan, Virgini<i, nnd Wa.•hington Instructions to General J\Ieade as to Iiilitary Territm·y- Daniel's Virginia Election Dis­ Aid to Civil At1thorities of Georgia-Orders oatch. FART IV. POLITICAL ]IANUAL FOR 1869. XXXVII. MEnIBERS OF THE CABINET OF PRESIDENT JOHXSON, AND OF THE FORTIETH CO:NGRESS, THIRD SESSIO:'f. !'RESIDENT JOHNSON'S CABINET. I Arkansas-Alexander McDonald, Benjamin F, - · I Rice. Secretary ofState-WILLIAM II. SEWARD, of New .Michigan-Zachariah Chandler, Jacob 1I. How- York. I ard. Secretary of the Treasury-fiuoH McCULLOCH, of: F/orida-Ad0nijah S. Welch, Thomas W. Osborn. Indiana. Iowa-James W. Grimes, James Harlan Secretary of War-JonN M. ScnoFIELD, of New Wiscomin-James R. Doolittle, Timothy 0. York. Howe Sccreta_ry of the Navy-GIDEON WELLES, of Con­ California-John Conness, Cornelius Cole. nect1cnt. .i\fiunesuta-Alexande1· Ramsey, D,1u'l S. Norton. Postmaster General-ALEXANDER W. RANDAJ.L, Oregon-George II. Williams, Henry W Corbett. of Wisconsin. Kansas-Edmund G. Ross. Samuel C. Pomeroy. Attorney General-WILL[A1f 11. EVARTS, of New West Virginia-Peter G. Van Winkle, Waitman York. T. Willey. Ne11ada-\Villiam M. Stewart, James W. Nye. MEMBERS OF THE FORTIETH CONGRESS. Nebraska-Thomas W. Tipton, John M. Thayer. Third Session, December 7, 1868-March 3, 1869. House of Represenbtives. Senate. ScHt•YLER COLFAX, of Indiana, i:ipeaker. BENJAMIN F. WADE, of Ohio, President of the Edward .McPherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk, Senate. and Acti11g Vice President. Maine-John Lynch. Sidney Perham, James G. George C Gorham, of California, Secretary. Blaine, John A. Peters, Frederick A. Pike. .Maine-Lot 11. Morrill, William Pitt Fe~senden. New Hampshire-Jacob H. Ela, Aaron F. Ste­ New Hampshii·e-Aaron H. Cragin, James W. vens, Jal'ob Benton. Patterson. Vermont-Frederick E. Woodbridge, Luke P. Vermont-George F. Edmunds. Justin S. Morrill. Poland, Worthington C. Smith. .Massachusetts-Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson. l,fc1,ssrLchusetts -Thomas D. Eliot, OakRR Ames, Rhode Isl:i:nd-Wiliiam Sprague, Henry B. An­ liinery Twichell, Samuel Hoo1,er, Benjamin thony. F. Butler, Nathaniel P. Banks, George S. Con11ectfrut-James Dixon, Orris S. Ferry. Boutwell, John D. Baldwin, William B. Wash­ New York-Ed win D. Morgan, ltoscoe Conkling. burn, Henry L. Dawe-.. New Jersey-Frederick T . .Freliughuysen, Alex­ Rhode Island-Thqmas A. J enckes, Nathan F. andf,r G. Cattell. Dixon. Pennsylvania-Charles R. Buckalew, Simon Connectiwt-Richard D. Hubbard.
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