RESEARCH ARTICLE Smoothelin Expression in the Gastrointestinal Tract: Implication in Colonic Inertia Owen T.M. Chan, MD, PhD,* Lauren Chiles, MD,* Mary Levy, DO,* Jing Zhai, MD, PhD,* Lisa M. Yerian, MD,w Haodong Xu, MD, PhD,z Shu-Yuan Xiao, MD,y Edy E. Soffer, MD,8 Jeffrey L. Conklin, MD,8 Deepti Dhall, MD,* Melissa E. Kahn, MD,* Bonnie L. Balzer, MD,* Mahul B. Amin, MD,* and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD*z Key Words: smoothelin, colonic inertia, intestinal motility Abstract: Colonic inertia is a frustrating motility disorder to disorder, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, slow transit patients, clinicians, and pathologists. The pathogenesis is largely constipation unknown. The aims of this study were to: (1) characterize the expression of smoothelin, a novel smooth muscle-specific con- (Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2013;21:452–459) tractile protein expressed only by terminally differentiated smooth muscle cells, in the normal gastrointestinal (GI) tract; and (2) determine whether smoothelin is aberrantly expressed in hronic constipation is a frequent complaint, being patients with colonic inertia. A total of 57 resections of the Creported in up to 16% of women and 12% of men.1 normal GI tract (distal esophagus to left colon) were obtained Clinically, constipation and colonic motility disorders are from patients without GI motor dysfunction. Sixty-one colon defined by not only infrequent bowel movements, but also resections were obtained from patients with a clinical diagnosis other manifestations such as excessive straining, hard of colonic inertia. Smoothelin immunostaining was conducted stools, incomplete evacuation, sensation of obstruction, on full-thickness tissue sections. In the nondysmotile controls, and manual maneuvers to facilitate defecation.2,3 General strong and diffuse cytoplasmic staining for smoothelin was ob- management of constipation includes conservative thera- served in both the inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of pies, such as behavioral modification, bulking agents, os- the muscularis propria (MP) throughout the entire GI tract. motic laxatives, wetting agents, stimulant laxatives, and The muscularis mucosae (MM) and muscular vessel walls were biofeedback therapy. Even colonic pacing has been sug- either completely negative or only patchily and weakly stained. gested as a therapeutic option.4 Some medically refractory The 1 exception to this pattern was observed in the distal cases require surgical treatment with partial or total co- esophagus, in which the MM was also diffusely and strongly lectomy. The best surgical results occur when the motor stained. In cases with colonic inertia, a moderate to marked disturbance is confined to the colon without generalized reduction of smoothelin immunoreactivity was observed in 15 of neuromuscular dysfunction of the gut.5–9 61 (24.6%) colon resections, selectively seen in the outer layer of A variety of conditions can lead to colonic inertia or the MP. The data demonstrate that smoothelin is differentially intestinal motility disorders, including structural, mech- expressed in the MP and MM of the normal GI tract and sug- anical, metabolic, or functional causes10; but the under- gest that defective smoothelin expression may play a role in the lying pathophysiology remains largely unknown. Recent pathogenesis of colonic inertia in a subset of patients. studies have emphasized the role of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), the pacemaker of the gastrointestinal (GI) 11 Received for publication July 24, 2012; accepted September 9, 2012. tract. Using c-kit (CD117) immunohistochemical stain- From the *Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; ing, numerous studies have shown a complete absence or 8Gastrointestinal Motility Program, Division of Gastroenterology, significant reduction in the number of ICC in colon Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; zDepartment of Pathology & Labo- specimens resected from patients with colonic inertia when ratory Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, 12–20 CA; wDepartment of Anatomical Pathology, Cleveland Clinic compared with normal controls. However, discordant Foundation, Cleveland, OH; zDepartment of Pathology and Labo- findings have also been reported. For example, the study ratory Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, by Toman et al21 demonstrated no relationship between NY; and yDepartment of Pathology, University of Chicago Hospi- ICC numbers and chronic constipation when compared tals, Chicago, IL. with controls. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the Presented in abstract form at the 97th annual meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Boston, March 7 to 13, number of ICC was observed in patients with megacolon 15 2009. but without constipation. It is interesting that several The authors declare no conflict of interest. investigators have also examined the myenteric and sub- Reprints: Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology & mucosal plexuses using immunohistochemical staining for Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 10833 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (e-mail: hanlinwang@ a neuronal marker, protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5), mednet.ucla.edu). and reported neuropathologic alterations characterized by Copyright r 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins reduced ganglionic density and size (hypoganglionosis) 452 | www.appliedimmunohist.com Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol Volume 21, Number 5, October 2013 Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol Volume 21, Number 5, October 2013 Smoothelin in Colonic Inertia in patients with colonic inertia, when compared with portion of the ileum, which was also included in the normal controls.12,13,15,19,20 study. The study was approved by the Institutional Smoothelin is a novel cytoskeletal protein that is Review Boards at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the selectively expressed in terminally differentiated, con- coauthors’ institutions. tractile smooth muscle cells.22,23 The protein is encoded by the SMTN gene located on human chromosome Immunohistochemistry 22q1224 and has 2 isoforms generated by 2 physically Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks that separated promoters. The 59 kDa smoothelin-A is found represented full-thickness and well-oriented sections were in the smooth muscle of visceral tissues, such as the di- selected. Immunohistochemical detection of smoothelin gestive tract, urinary bladder, and prostate, whereas the was performed on 4-mm tissue sections using the Ventana 110 kDa smoothelin-B is present in vascular smooth Benchmark ULTRA automated stainer (Ventana Medical muscle.25,26 The function of smoothelin is not entirely Systems, Tucson, AZ) following a previously described understood, but it interacts with filamentous a-smooth protocol with slight modifications.31 Briefly, deparaffinized muscle actin and may thus serve a role in the contractile slides were pretreated with the Ventana on board antigen apparatus of smooth muscle cells.27,28 In a mouse model, retrieval system, followed by incubation with a mouse smoothelin-A is essential to intestinal contractile func- monoclonal antibody (clone R4A) that reacts with both tion. In comparison with wild-type littermates, smooth- smoothelin-A and smoothelin-B (Abcam Inc., Cambridge, elin-A knockout mice exhibited fragile and less flexible MA) at room temperature for 1 hour at a 1:1000 dilution. intestines, impaired intestinal contraction, and hampered After incubation with a secondary antibody, immunor- intestinal transit, which led to bowel obstruction, diver- eactivity was visualized using the ultraView Universal ticulosis, and premature death, likely as a result of star- DAB Detection Kit (Ventana). Hematoxylin was used for vation and/or bowel perforation.29 These observations counterstaining. are similar to those seen in patients with chronic intestinal Additional immunostaining was performed using a pseudo-obstruction. In contrast, smoothelin-B knockout prediluted monoclonal antibody against a-smooth muscle mice showed reduced arterial contractility, which led to actin (clone ASM-1) obtained from Leica Biosystems hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy, suggesting a key (Richmond, IL). The staining procedures were conducted role in normal cardiovascular function.30 using the Leica Bond-III automated stainer and the Given its importance in smooth muscle con- Novocastra Bond Polymer Refine Detection System (Leica). tractility, we were interested in further investigating the Antigen retrieval was not needed for this antibody. potential role of smoothelin in the pathogenesis of in- For each batch of staining, there were a positive testinal dysmotility. In the current study, we examined control comprised of a section of normal colon and a smoothelin expression in the normal GI tract and in pa- negative control in which the primary antibody was re- tients with a clinical diagnosis of colonic inertia. placed by non–human-reactive mouse IgG. Cytoplasmic staining was considered positive. Staining intensity was MATERIALS AND METHODS evaluated as weak or strong for positively stained cases. The location of immunoreactivity, that is, muscularis Specimens mucosae (MM), inner and outer layers of the MP, and This retrospective study involved GI specimens blood vessels, was also recorded. from patients who underwent surgical resection at the authors’ institutions. For the normal group, a total of 57 RESULTS surgically resected specimens were included (distal esophagus 3, stomach 4, duodenum 12, jejunum 7, ileum Smoothelin Expression
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