Vet. Med. Austria / Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 94 (2007), 269 - 273 From the Veterinary Medical Aquatic Animal Research Center (Department of Veterinary Medicine), Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Effects of dried Indian almond leaf (Terminalia catappa L.) extract on monogenean parasites in goldfish (Caras- sius auratus) N. CHANSUE received May 5, 2006 accepted for publication January 24, 2007 Keywords: goldfish, Indian almond leaf, Terminalia catap- Schlüsselwörter: Goldfisch, indischer Mandelbaum, Ter- pa, Gyrodactylus sp., Dactylogyrus sp. minalia catappa, Gyrodactylus sp., Dactylogyrus sp. Summary Wirkung eines Extrakts aus getrockneten Blättern des Goldfish (Carassius auratus), a popular ornamental indischen Mandelbaums (Terminalia catappa L.) auf fish, is often affected by external parasites such as Gyro- Parasitenbefall beim Goldfisch (Carassius auratus) dactylus sp. and Dactylogyrus sp. The effects of Indian almond leaf (IAL) extract on the elimination of these para- Zusammenfassung sites were investigated. The highest applied concentration Der als Zierfisch beliebte Goldfisch (Carassius auratus) of IAL (5.1 g/l of water) was the most effective, completely wird oftmals von Ektoparasiten wie Gyrodactylus sp. und eliminating all parasites after 2 weeks of treatment without Dactylogyrus sp. befallen. Die Auswirkungen eines Extraktes adverse side effects. A concentration of 3.4 g/l eliminated aus den Blättern des indischen Mandelbaumes (IAL) auf all Dactylogyrus sp. and virtually all Gyrodactylus sp. after einen Befall mit diesen Parasiten wurden untersucht. Die 3 weeks of treatment, whereas some parasites still per- höchste angewandte Konzentration des IAL (5,1 g/l Wasser) sisted after 4 weeks of treatment with 1.7 g/l. No significant war am effektivsten, wobei nach zweiwöchiger Behandlung reduction of parasites occurred in the control group without keine Parasiten mehr nachweisbar waren und nachteilige treatment. Nebenwirkungen nicht zu beobachten waren. Bei einer Konzentration von 3,4 g/l waren nach 3 Wochen keine Dacty- Abbreviations: ALT = alanine aminotransferase; ANOVA = one-way logyrus sp. und nahezu keine Gyrodactylus sp. mehr nach- analysis of variance; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; BUN = weisbar. Nach vierwöchiger Behandlung mit 1,7 g/l waren blood urea nitrogen; CDHP = conjugated diene hydroperoxide; jedoch noch einige Parasiten nachweisbar. In der Kontroll- Crea = creatinine; DPPH = 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl; IAL = gruppe ohne Zusatz des Blattextraktes war gleichzeitig kein Indian almond leaf; LSD = least significant difference; NRCT = National Research Council of Thailand; OD = optical density; RBC signifikanter Rückgang der Parasitenzahlen zu beobachten. = red blood cell count; WBC = white blood cell count Gyrodactylus sp. is viviparous and has a distinct charac- Introduction teristic (many generations of offspring dormant inside the mother fluke). On the other hand, Dactylogyrus sp. is Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a popular ornamental oviparous, and its eggs hatch 2 to 3 days after being fish in many countries, originating from China and Japan, deposited. After attaching to a fish, the young flukes will and later being brought to Europe and America in the sev- mature in about 4 to 5 days at a water temperature of 28 enteenth and nineteenth century, respectively. Goldfish are to 29 °C (SIRIKARNJANA, 1995). In warm water and ideal easy to keep, have high endurance and can reproduce conditions, they can reproduce very rapidly and quickly year-round, making them popular amongst fish breeders. overwhelm any ill or stressed fish (FISHDOC, 2004). Since The easiest and cheapest way to breed goldfish is to facil- the monogenic parasites cannot swim in water, they need itate the natural reproductive process, which is to allow to attach to fish to move and spread. This is why, in an male and female goldfish to copulate naturally in a tank overcrowded farming environment, it is easier for them to with aquatic plants. A female goldfish will lay around 500 to spread and infest fish (BELLONA FOUNDATION, 2004). A 1,000 eggs at a time. During this period, the fish are phys- fish infested with flukes will turn on its side (flashing), rub ically weakened, making them susceptible to diseases and against objects, float on the water surface, become emaci- parasitic infestation. ated and will rapidly close and open the gills and cheeks. The 2 most relevant external parasites that cause dis- Occasionally, there are lesions the size of the tip of a pin eases in goldfish originate from the families Gyrodactyli- on the body surface, and in severe infestation the body of dae and Dactylogyridae, which cause lesions and tissue the fish will appear as if covered with a whitish substance damage such as hyperplasia of the skin and gill epithelium (RITTHAISONG, 2001). Diagnosis includes scrape sam- and creation of sites susceptible to secondary infection in pling of skin and gill mucus for further examination. Indi- the form of ulcers. Although Gyrodactylus sp. and Dactylo- viduals affected with monogenic parasites are treated with gyrus sp. are classified as skin and gill flukes respectively, consecutive salt baths over 2 to 3 days. Chemical treat- they are not exclusive to these areas (FISHDOC, 2004). ment may be applied as well, such as bathing for 24 hours 269 Vet. Med. Austria / Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 94 (2007) in formaldehyde solution diluted to 25 to 40 ppm, or calagin and tercatein). Trichlorfon diluted to 0.25 to 0.50 ppm (NOGA, 2000). Various other parts of the Indian almond tree are used Chloramines-T has also been used, but it kills only mature traditionally for medicinal purposes in Thailand (SUCH- flukes while the eggs and embryos prevail (UNTER- ABUN, 1992; WUTITHAMVEJ, 1999), Suriname (TROPI- GASSER, 1989). There are numerous chemicals available LAB, 2002) and Sri Lanka (RATNASOORIYA and DHAR- for treating parasitic infestation, but these are costly and MASIRI, 2002). Moreover, the leaves (especially old mate- have pronounced side effects affecting both breeders and rial) and seed oil extracts have antioxidant properties and fish. Some herbal substances contain active compounds also increase scavenging activities of 1,1-diphenyl-2- which have been traditionally observed to be effective in picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH). In addition, the seed extracts inhib- treating, amongst others, fish diseases. it the production of conjugated diene hydroperoxide Dried Indian almond leaves are applied in the treatment (CDHP) and mildly activate DPPH (KO et al., 2002). In a of a dermal condition in fish (’’velvet disease’’), which is study to quantify the aphrodisiac effects of Indian almond caused by contaminated water or flagellates that are fruit in mice, it was found that the fruit of Indian almond in imported with mosquito larvae (SUTTANANT, 2001). 1 % methyl cellulose at a dosage of 1,500 mg/kg has an Moreover, dried Indian almond leaf extract has a quantifi- aphrodisiac effect in that it increases ejaculation time, but able positive effect on the development of scales in has no effects on libido, sexual vigor (mounting and intro- Siamese fighting fish (CHANSUE et al., 2004). mission frequency), or sexual performance (intercopulato- The chemicals contained in the Indian almond leaves ry interval) (RATNASOORIYA and DHARMASIRI, 2000). (Terminalia catappa) are violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, Ethanol extract of leaves can inhibit osmotically induced flavonoids (such as quercetin and kamferol), calcium hemolysis in human red blood cells, displaying a potential oxalate, glycosides and tannins (such as punicalin, puni- for treating sickle cell disorders (MGBEMENE and OHIRI, Tab. 1: OD of each week for different concentrations of IAL OD Control Tc1 Tc2 Tc3 week 1 0.000 0.502 0.951 1.152 week 2 0.027 0.647 0.979 1.183 week 3 0.031 0.732 0.986 1.198 week 4 0.039 0.873 0.994 1.202 Tab. 2: Average number of monogenic flukes (Gyro+Dac) for each week Treatment Control Tc1 Tc2 Tc3 pre-treatment Gyro 1.8±0.94 3.67±2.41 2.4±1.24 2.8±1.32 Dac 0.8±0.94 1.07±0.96 0.93±1.53 0.6±1.05 all 2.6±1.18 4.73±2.73 3.3±2.17 3.4±1.68 week 1 Gyro 2.8±2.17 1.4±1.18 1.0±0.75 0.2±0.41 Dac 0.73±1.03 0.27±0.59 0.27±0.70 0.13±0.35 all 3.53±2.82 1.67±1.39 1.27±1.16 0.33±0.48 week 2 Gyro 1.454±2.6 0.93±1.38 0.4±0.91 0.00 Dac 0.73±1.03 0.53±0.83 0.13±0.51 0.00 all 3.33±1.83 1.4±1.63 0.53±1.12 0.00 week 3 Gyro 1.4±1.40 0.53±0.74 0.27±0.59 0.00 Dac 0.87±1.06 0.07±0.25 0 0.00 all 2.27±1.66 0.6±0.82 0.27±0.59 0.00 week 4 Gyro 1.4±1.35 0.33±0.61 0.07±0.25 0.00 Dac 0.53±0.74 0.13±0.51 0 0.00 all 1.93±1.94 0.47±0.91 0.07±0.25 0.00 Gyro = Gyrodactylus; Dac = Dactylogyrus; all = monogenic flukes 270 Vet. Med. Austria / Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 94 (2007) Tab. 2a: p-values observed for Gyrodactylus count at Tc3 Table 2b: p-values observed for Dactylogyrus count at Tc3 week 0 week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 0 week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 0 - 0.03 0.002 0.002 0.001 week 0 - 0.035 0.012 0.035 0.006 week 1 - 0.189 0.221 0.121 week 1 - 0.595 1.000 0.405 week 2 - 0.923 0.793 week 2 - 0.595 0.759 week 3 - 0.720 week 3 - 0.405 week 4 - week 4 - Tab.
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