H anr^rater Ettntitts WEDNESDAT, MARCH 18,1988. U 'V AVERAGE DAILY OIRCDLATION for the Month of Febmnry, I9S6 ■il ■ The j w i m c CORP. 5,793 Mostly cloady tonight and FiMsy, Manchbster Comh^. , Member of the Andlt T T fu m ri probably occasional light rain. Not Boieoii of Clrcnlatlons much change In temperature. — ... ' ■■ ' ' .............— MANCHESTER ~ .^CITY OF VILLAGE (^HARM Green Stamps Given In All Departments. VOL. Lv:, NO. 145. (dasaUled Advertising on Page U.) M ANCHESTm CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1936 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN’Rl Hale’s 69c Popular M. K. M, Silk CLOSE Hosiery • Sheer AND DOMESTICS AT Fl<md Deaths Nearing 100 M a r k RIVER RISES TO NEW Ringless Chiffon Odora Ohio Rhrer on Wfld Rampage Biltnlore Close-out 150 SummerlChintz MAMV REFUGEES Cheating Flood of Victim Imperial Double Door 5 NEW ENGLAND RECORD MARK; MANY •7 Thread Sei*vice Weight Storage Chest Sweeps Everything Before ■ \ Storage Closet COTTAGE PILLOWS It— Wheeling Hard Hit — VENTURE BACK STATES SWEPT New Spring Sliades. Large, roomy chest for blankets, 'k- Wood frame top and bottom tonatruc- etc. Has full length Odora retain­ SETS A Three Day Sale\Price of ... t T.. 'C pr. tjon. Nickel plated metal handle and er, rpetal lock and handles. Potomac River Now AT JOIWSTOWN FAMILIES MAROONED comera. Full length Odora retainer. 2 9 c 9°^- BY WUD WATER HolflBjl2 to 20 garmcnt.i. Large size chintz cover­ tC pr. ed pillows In a variety of sm art floral and geometric Ten Thousand Return to Six Reported Dead, 2 Misaing Many Agencies Inchidiiig patterns. All colors. State Roads Blocked $ 1 . 4 9 Regular $1.00 to $1.26. By ASSOCLVTED p r e s s Homes As Waters Recede As Siill Rising floods In­ National Gnard, Join m Limited quantities of The toll of death pushed toward each style—not all col­ 39c SLIP COVER FABRICS 100 today In the most disastrous Noxon Moth Spray, 35c pint ors; blue, gold, and and Big Dam Is Relieved; undate Wide A r^ s, Driv­ In the Flooded Areas ' Rescue Work; Telephone Mothproof Box Bag size ....................................29c green. About 20 pat­ flood devastation In the hibtoiy of Regular $1.00 Air-tight, dust proof, terns. 3 ”"“$1.00 the eastern states. City Scene of Wreckage. Serrice in Danger, Red (lump proof, Just the thing Moth Balls, 1 lb. b o x .........10c 36” plaids and checked homespuns that wiU make The Ohio river plunged wildly ing People from Hoihes. By ASftOCIATED PRESS XThe commission was ready with ror your furs and small sm art slip and couch covers. down Its broad valley, sweeping The flood-ridden Connecticut river ' fifty doubledeck cots and food, be- Hand Sewn, Double Woven Moth Flakes, 1 lb. box .... 10c reached a new high mark of more | sides bedding. State troopers pa- pieces. Washable Mattress Protectors death and destruction before it as Johnstown, Pa., March 19.—(AP) Cross Relief Station Set . % 2 5 Quilted. Real Low Prices! it Inundated Wel.sburg, W. Va., and Boston, March 19.—(A P)—Na­ than 29 feet today, bringing a new, trolled streets of New Hartford pre- Perfumed Moth Balb in mesh 29c Slip Cover Fabrics and roared over Its banks to cover the —Ten thousand bedraggled flood re­ tional Guard.smcn were mobilized In threat of further Inundation to low i pared to atop any attempt to loot Mothproof Garment Bag bags to hang u p ............. 25c business district of Wheeling with fugees straggled back to their lying sections of Hartford and vl- j the deserted homes, while an catl- Up; East Side School^ Full Bed S iz e ......... Glazed Chintz five New England states texiay clnity. Highway traffic throughout mated 63 refugees were being cared FABRIC GLOVES Extra heavy, 27" x 60”. $1.64 4en feet of water, to submerge homes in devastated Johnstown to­ while emergency workers fought to wiiiLB lined cedarlzed bag, Hand -^Sprayers with glass populous Wheeling Islshd and to day after passing a sleepless night flooded areas of the state was par- forf"- by the town nffiHaiaofficials, Closed; Water at 31 FoPt ^ side opening. This bag i f o u n ts .............................19c threaten dozens of towns with Its control raging rivers that flooded tially paralyzed, state police head­ A crew of 150 men and 22 trucks With contrasting stitching. Single Bed Size . 4 ”"“$1.00 In emergency shelters or on open was mobilized at Bralnard Field In will keep your garments, $1.34 A beautiful range of patterns and colorings for angry crest. highlands. dozens of cities and lei thousands quarters' reported, with Bll roads Colors include Beige, Chamoise and secure from moths, dust," Pine Tar Paper in Large 40”x Protect your mattress with these washable quilt­ homeless. closed betWecn'Hartford and Spring- Hartford In case of emergency. Stage and Expected to: 'C pr. ed protectors. coverings and draperies. The latest- list of dead, by states, The general return began despite The waters of the Housatonlc Gray. and dampness. 48” s h e e ts ...........12 for 35c placed the toll at 76; but fears were .Six persons were dead and two field. recommendations bf some state missing, adding to the toll of ten State WPA Administrator Mat­ river In Ansonis, Derby and Gay­ held for dozens more. These fears troopers that residents stay away lord were reported receding and .at Reach 32Teet Tomorrow New Patterns In Hand Made ACA Covered Featherproof were Intensified throughout the from flood area homes until to­ lives taken in New England by un­ thew A. Daley placed facilities of night. ’ controlled waters last week. ' his entire .department, Including 700 noon were less than five feet, four BAMBOO LAWN RAKES FAMILY SCALES CANDLEWICK SPREADS forenoon by families In Johnstown Fear of a food and milk shortage workers, at the disposal of 33 strick­ Inches over the Stevenson dam. Copper wire bound with bamboo handle. Weighs by ounces up to 24 lbs. and other areas who reported rela­ Officers had Issued their requests Highway" bridges In Thompsonville Trolley Serrice Suspends. Cut Size 87” x 105”. Bed because of the overloaded condition was fell In those areas not affected en communities on their appeals for 18”, 33-tooth rake .............................. 19 c Has platform, enameled in tives missing. by the flood waters. The Massachu­ aid. Several communities hereto- I Windsor were closed, owing to Chalk Finish Rayon green or E a c h ....................... ............. The dead by sL Ics, yesterday and of the Quemahoning dam and be­ threat of flood waters In the Con­ $1.88 cause of widespread suffering from setts Milk Control BoaiJ sought foro untouched by high Water re­ Iv o ry ........ $ Special for three days only at this price. Colored today, were: new sources of supply. ported trouble today. In the Klll- necticut river. (Special to The Herald) ^ $1.39 Wire Rubbish Burners 1.00 tufting on good quality unbleached ground. Blue, Pillows Pennsylvania 43; West Virginia hunger and cold. At WllUmsaUo 21” X 27” Busses gathered from all available While Guardsmen were called'out Ingly sector, two dams In the Assa- Hartford, March 19. •— Th» 18. X 24” with 1 1 € \ gold, green, orchid, rose red, brown, rust and all 15; V lr^nla 4; Vermont 4; North to aid In rescue work, the Red Cross waga river went out and third ap­ Wllllmantlc kept an anxious eye PANTIES Zipper cover.............................................. ip 1 • 1 5 7 $1.49 WINDOW white. Carolina 2; Georgia 2; Maryland 1; sources aided In the return as the m wy ’gaET.t.? A most disastrous flood in th« waters receded greatly from their and other relief agencle rushed peared to he crumbling. on the dam at Its reservoir In the REFRIGERATOR BOXES Massachusetts 3; New Hampshire food, clothes and medical supplies town of Mansfleld. The Wllllmantlo history of Hartford swept thf. 1; New York 1. crest of 16 feet. While swollen streams were sweeping others to their doom, this re­ New I Flood Record, police reported laet night the dam BLOOMERS KITCHEN PAILS 24" long, has two (2) sliding Limited Quantity 70” x 80” Part Wool 1C ea. Seek Ihibllc Buildings markable rescue scene was being enacted in the torrential Tenaduho to the stricken areas. The action of the Connecticut east side of the Capitol <3ity to^' doors and <h« i n Flood and explosion cIMmed 13 Many refugees found their l^omes Dams were, reported to have col­ had collapsed but later It was day. The torrential Connecfl-' With foot lever cover, in colors. s h e lf............................. ^ 1 , 1 « /' lives In Wheeling alone. Creek near Mechanicvllle, N. Y. Unable to swim. Nelson Campbell, river cstabllslicd a new record for learned only two feet of the top cop­ 10-quart size ................................................. damaged or destroyed by torrents (left), 60, clutches at brush as the flood seeks to break his grip, and lapsed on the headwaters of the riv­ flood conditions in the region of cut River, rising at the rate of 89c Filled with all new feathers and covered with The Potomac surged toward the which surged through first and sec­ er in Massachusetts. Cities and ing had been washed away. VESTS Chesapeake Bay on the worst ram­ Allen Vandecar, stripped to his underwear, offers a rescuing arm. Hartford. With It came a warning The reservoir normally bolds flve inches per hour, was at an DOUBLE featherproof ACA ticking. ond story windows. Those families farms In the broad valley of the from Leslie F., Conover, weather ob­ $1.49 Cocoa Fibre Door Mats, ECONOMY OVENETTES page on record, threatening the Na­ went to school houses, fire stations Connecticut river through the 125.000.
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