.' 4- r f A ( » EIGHTEEN f nUDAY, FEBRUAtY %, I W * iBseeaaH Li.i, Li.i nw.M, Ka.’,. JMiad-hof .WUlarA H c t to 8 p.' ih-. mfRht get more cibhi- jUfeaaT&wit' Cbvinant-Ooiijgiecational Chui jrew tkimplam W m rsYhifiit : famous chinchilln m^ert. Tari^aak Mteg School will Kara a matting thia plainta during the coming week > n ^ l i f n N « Pbhniry 1 TlwWsathtr . One of the highUghts wm be • TM tuAwl nM)Ue Mtteck ptrty evening at tha home at M r. and when th* board'a hours shifts to El re anal af C. a Wanthw EBnnn Mra.' Kenneth Nclaon, 2S Wadt S to S' p. m. jp in s j ,,niahkm ,_jrt>ow _ .of. fabulpua; win bl'. h M thl« cvntiac «t t Of Tax 4(^ in eh illa8 — tT. j q — o'clock in tSo W«»t fiW« tlecren- maut Roeicatlle. ' Alfter tKe review 'Iwaril ends chti^iuii Mrs preaenteil h r Eatlaar TON! 1 -*, ■ . ^4»74» — V i Uon Carter on CMnr atrcct Theac hearinffa on Fab.' IS, it will ^icnd Dorothy, noted fur fdaUen do- Maaateraff tte A aM ihl^ oolder tanigiit. giplaj’ Rabbi Leon Wind of Temple the remainder of the month check­ signer, and raaogniaed aa «a ouia m i ’ . w*«kl)r, j(%nl portico arc srowlnf in R e v i e w B o a r d Aqdover Man W ill Take Rarsnn aC Oiaalnttaaa Oarntr^ BtUo cteM w Bi Beth Sholnm will be gueit apeakcr FinishM ing on the compla'nts and any al- standing creator of fur wraps.. .... ' « popujartty. "OLD som s ANll NEVr at the meeting of the Epworth W e e k ^ s terationa In" the v'aluation.of prop, M anehetter— A City o f Village Charm - F i p » » Session; Part in MiHion»Pollar oducatlonal 1 ■■ .■Tnio monthly meetinc of Wc*h- Leaigue of the South Methodtat a r ty that It raakea wBI - l » A C T S > ......... —CHOKUS ^lanton 1/>L No. 117. .will b« held Church. Sunday evening. Rev. Shifts io Night Hours corporafed Into the Corrected _ Boston Show Fei>. 2 2 riara on t r a ^ in fkir daaMdna in VOL. LXXI, NO. I ll Pngn M l this •vmihi: in Ornnfc H*U at S PrtMl R. Edgar win introduce the Qramd H it. aaticlpaitioh of tho chinchilla pMt- rCATUBINO MANCHE$TER, CONN.. SATURDAY,, FEBRUARY 9, 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) o'clock. All membera arc urged apeaker. Miaa Patricia Klein will Aggrieved Manchester taxpay- The -corrected Grand Uat, "on Wilfred E. Klebuchmidt, Ando­ ing program axgaoted to bogln In THE AL CAPS TONYOIMMIT PRICE .FIVE CENTS to be preaent. aerve aa worahip Chairman' era who have complaints againat which the tax rate will be compiit- ver, will enter four jut hls^prua six yoora. Loctures also win ha the aaeeimafl vhiugu __ t.h|jZ fld^JA-.aApocted to be m jE lw .p n j^ jHuntnnd- .miiliigiM . Miilidiiv cousm^ COMiKt SlM U George is. Rbgeia. head maafer ‘The. ^na of Italy in America property made by the town aases. the flrat of March. '. cntneiiuiRR- » Xat miiiiow*aniitr anwihla and grading and fur im­ o f Udnaon Academy of Uoncon. will meet at 2:.10 Sunday aftcr- r«r "have not ;>een too niimeroua Eastern Regional ChlnchillA sRow provements through hrotiding of PAUL PAIM ' . to be held at the Rradford Motef llaaa., and a native of Mancheater. h ^ n at the Italian-American Club eo Yar." according to John J. TO ATTEND SEBVICB chinchillas. will apeak on the probiema of Bocton, Feb, 33-23-24, it was an- . The three-day show wm fsaturo THE PLACE’^O L U S tE R SCHOOL on Eidridge atreet. Lulj^ Nardcl- O'Connor, chairman of the Board Cub Scouts of Pack 47 will .at­ youth education at the meettnig of II, grand aecretary, will be preaent BOUiiCiia this week. tho greatest collectien of chiaehU- of Tax review - which ends the tend the morning eervire at the THE DATE—FRIDAY, FEE. S the Wwanla Club to be held Mon­ to aaaiat in the yearly election of Arit of iti two weelta of scheduled More than 400 champion chin­ laa and eMndifflA wmna In... the day noon at 12:15 at the Country offlcem and will alao anca': on South Methodist Church on Scout chillas from ail parts of the United hlatofy of tha industry. Tha gener­ IBM TlliE-^:M i\ It hearings in the asseseor's office Sunday, Feb. 10. All Ctibs are , Club. Joaeph Juatin from Rock.- flood relief for Italy. All mem­ this afternoon; States and Canada ariU come to al public wiir be admitted to view : THE-DONATION-^NE DOLLAR ‘ VtUe .High School will aing aever- ber* are urged to attend.. — requested to meet iii Ooeper Halt Boston to pafticipats in the bhn^ the oxhtMUoni u d attend tha p n ^ ai'NeiTO"'aplHtuala and the at- ~ Eut O'Connor expects that the at 10:30 a. m. ribbon competition whichi will be grama. BENEFIT ST. BRIDGETS SCHOOL FUND^ tendhii^priae will be donated by ' Local TV fani may be intereated I Queen UlimBbcth in M ourning J. P^Naylpr.. , to- know that tonight'a - ‘We the People' program will he devoted-to Agree Boy .Scoutlni^ and will feature Fred Waring, Xstnny Roaa, Nation­ al Scout executivea, and the IB HEARING-AID millionth Boy Scout of America. Other TV and. radip programa are HAL£^S ^BATTERIES also honoring Scout Week. SKIRTS ._.F'M‘vAII HearinR-Alds The (y p Club of Center Church Pastel plaid, i^bardine, qiiilfed ^ MunsAn.'^ Korea, F ^ . 9— (JP)— The Allies today accepted a Gaannteed Frmh will meet Siindey at #:30 In the eDIors your life with tons, nylon and acetate. Straight tine, . Federation room to hear a talk by ROK Coiicerned Communist proposal to begin negotiating a final Korean Washington, Feb. 9—<JP)-:rA.eoiigrea8ionAl-commikCeq said .lean Daniel Bourgeol* of Switaer- pleated and full swing. Size K to S2 t(^ay an excessive number” of Veterans adminfsjiation em­ waist. .settlement within three months after an'armihtice is signed. land, who i* now with the Hart­ Oil Talkg Trend I They also endorsed two-thirds of a Red-proposed three-point ployes accepted bribes, gifts, unusual loans, g r ^ t i e s , serv­ ford ^coiinarj’. ' agenda for a high level conference.^— ^------- ' ' ices and ownership in schools" in connection w i ^ educational but told the Communlata they programs under the OI Bill o f^ ----------------------- A meeting of the Young Dejpnf^- Pnaan, Koren, Feb. 9—(Fv— ; Would not diacusa Asian problems of Rights. These employe*. the(' rratlr Club of Mancheater wlfl be 4 5 .9 8 - SlCt98 The Repablle. of Korea today ' other than the Korean questiorf. U. S. LfOst Nine committee said, gelded to"tempta­ R73 Main St. Tel. 41.IB held Monday evening at said It “ rlemi with great eoa- The UN command agreed to dis­ tions offered by "certain unscrupu- the Community T. 'Pie apeaker eem the rontinuing conreaainn* cuss (11 withdrawal of foreign lo:is schools and indirtduals." Su] larine will be annouhi edA^ter by Preai- the Firited Nation* deiegatea ' troop* from Korea: (2) peaceful Pla^i esq Reds The committee, a special Hoiwe dent Anthony ^ayle*. currently are making at the I settlement nf the Korean contro- i group headed by Rep. Tagiie (D.. Faniminjorn ceaaeHre talka" I versy and (3) other Korean ques-; Tex.), made its comments in a , '"Movie5.'^'Crmiri*UnK" 'rtf • ahort*;- " —■ in—a —atatemenF-'peoteotlng-' ,.Uona .ralatad-taT-paaoar.------- —— ..4 .teogthy-repoBt.whleh-i’eeomwended ise•'Virwier .t. ^eWs—Msniimiv One iT ly ii ».0'ir:»jeaet»s.i»v»«Jj‘ of C3btn« caKopn* and cnmeilie* suitable for. joint control of the Haa river The first two points were pro-j writing of a new law to exten ‘ ' yrjutigpr rhildrcn, will he ehown SWEATERS month, the ROK government posed by the Red* last Wednesday. | educstlonsl benefits to veterans .tonight at. the Community Y start­ 'ailor Suits said, "the preoeni poaltioa of The Communists also suggest^! Seoul. Knreha. hi*. 9—</P)— the Korean confifet. M T Sites ing at 7 o'clock. The'program wrlll Bougie, slipon with small , the United Nations deiegatea that the high-level conference settle Nine 'U. S. Fifth^ifth Air Force Probing War H Pfo^ last for ghout lln hour. collar ................... ... •S3.98 at the eonferenee 'app«4tra to other problems In Asia related . warplanes wereere lost.... m Red....... It has been inveatigatihg the be .one of a defeated .com­ ‘ 1 Korea in the week endinkFri- World War II Ol pron^ since Washington. Feb. 9— (/P)— - A drive for old hooks, good used mand.” early last ye.ar, / Controversy over sale of in­ Cardigan, short sleeves. Blue, subjects as Formosa. day. The Communists %tost » s Among its ronejnsions were clothing and chaira suitable for ' / . ’ ■ ' pink. SiZe 84 to dOt . .$4.98 It said “Hie l.'nited Nations, none. these: toxicants to 18-year-olds who MARJORIK ^>t11.I.H t'ealured ii.se of the Inmates of the County u'hlch have been yielding con­ Wnnid Limit Debate \ Ria.v take Urtiversa! Alilitary •lail on .deyms street In Hartford tinuously, now la reported as In rephrasing the third point, The Air Force, in its weekly 1. For seve^ years, new Prodiirla . I.ialeh In Daily bearing blark. queex Elisabeth schools starte«^fter 1944 were Training indicates final selec­ is being conducted in town.,at the haring agreed to the Comitiu- the UN would limit debate to prob­ summary, said Red anti-air­ I2;.1A in ' 1:00 Over Mlation All wool slipon.
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