15 JUi9O' 51551PUlL/C UIPARY 6960 QAKIIN : ii LE5 IL 65141 urgespublic Leaning Tower needs Expert $300,000 worth of work to watch for gangactivity bySheilyaHackétt byNancyKeraminas Nileu'ownwatertOWerplace is il/e can get. And. like Sir WaIter inneedofeefurhiuhing. The land- loo.Educators and law enforce- Raleigh. YMCA Board Chair- ADes Plaines police depart- sigsis of youth street gang influx mark Leaning Tower replica in man John Demand has stepped mentpersonnel- fromCook ment member who specializes ¡n inlothenorthwestuubwbs. front of the YMCA. 6300 Touhy forward to throw down his cIntile streetgangstoldagroupofMaine Detective KevinO'ConnellCounty, Nilcu and Park Ridge also aUended as npcclators at theAve., still conceals a water lank of assistance. T6nship residents to remove leanslatedgang hieroglyphics tower and the structure. like any Demand, whohas seen the Pisa graffiti as soon as it appears and and oIlier symbols for the audi-July 3! meeting al lownahipaging beauty needs all the help Continued on Page 39 Lo be on the lookout for otherence, numbering slightly over .Continued on Pagé 39 Nilès and Morton Gröve study Nues Dempster Street sewer costs edition of (d t:ri1 : Röadproject could solve 8746 N. Shormer Road, Nues.Illinois 60648(708) 966-3900 BVGLEHURSDAY, AUGUST2, into 25per copy VOL. 34, NO. 8, ruE flood woes byNaney Keraminas Village CrossingMall Village offlcials are ltoping eisunated $A m/llion road pro- ilsatá DempSler Street road pro- ject will be paid ferby there- jost schedulrd for nest spring spective villages. will help alleviate flooding prols- Illinois Department of Trans- attractsmajor tenants tems on tide streets between parodien (IDOl) officialsas- tending a recent esecutive corn- bySheilyaHackett Waukegan Road and Milwaukee Avenue. milIce meeting utthe Nords TIeeeñtajorteflaflt$ari lineterRoad. iugs, two facing Touhy Avenue On the drawing boards are ex- Shore Council of Mayors tug- The minnt openings mark theund one facing Carpenter Road. gested the $1.2 million drainage to occupyspaceby November in tensive renovation to the pave- CrossingShoPPiIlgpaella! completion of Phase II ofManzoni catis the locations suite- ment. construction ofbarrier me- tab be split equally between the the Village hie for reslauranla and a bank, according CenteratTouhY Avenue andCar-construction on the 63-acre niLe dians and left tuno lanes and, if slate and the villages, by developersTeanimeli-CrOW businesses which benefit from to Morton Gmve VillageTots- ¡nterRoad Skokie. traffic. Niles and Morton Grove have includingundtheTuaman Corporation. Ac- exposure to passing their way. a new storm newer tee LusTy Schnite. whoasked The new tenants. When completed, the mati will , Child World and Ser-cording to Donald Manzoni,vice paid forby the Sane of Illinois. that the stete "develop nItrosa- cover 825,000 eq. fl, withload- live cost sharing proposals that vice MerchandiSe, willbe in thepresident of development and Officials from both villages leasing atTaxman, the balanceof ing docks in an interior court area reduce the village share to ceso terge,mainbuitding.Child accessible from a delve on thewi!l hold their next sewer sum- MerchandisePhase Il should becomplesed by mit with theslate laterthin percent.' World and Service south of the property. Ground "We don't Want to accept state wilt front on TouhyAvenuethis time next year and includes month negotiating what, if any, constructing there separate build- Continued on Page 39 costo of the sewer portionof the waler into our sewersystem," whitepharMor wilt face Carpen- nail Keith Peçk, Nilen director of Public Works, explaining that ard, ntormwater fromDempnter Maine Twsp. Fire Dept.ins safety a Street flows into sewers on side streets, causing sewers Iobe séts hearing charged und residences hOOded. Peck nays his village won't sign onaddition offon any Dmpster Street plans The Maine Township Board unless they provide for either wi11 hold a public hearing at 7 street detention or storm sewers. 13 to consid- p.m. Monday, Aug. - MortonGrove Community er amending itsi990-91 budget Development Director Charles to add a $200,000allocation fora Scheck, Peck,OT Project and possible building addisiou to the Environmental Studien Sections MainrTowushipTOWflthtl. Chief Tony OAnacz and other The board hus been exploring reprenentives will be using an plans for u buildinganaddition to extensive - though simple by en- house MaiseStay, itsyouth ser- gineering standards - formula to vices department, whichhas out- determine percentage responsi- growuita current leased space on bility, Busse Highway in ParkRidge. The variables used include et- Township officialsalso have evalion, pav/ng and w/dthof been considering rentinglarger pavementS usinga'len-year quarters for tise department, ne- storm" - as a base tine for coni- cording to Maine Township Su- puting requinemento. A ten-year pervisorJonn BRaI!. Continued on Page 39 The township also could use additional spare atUse TownHalt . for its Genera! AssistanceDe- parlment, iB SeniorsDepart- TO ment, EmergencyServices and Disaster Agency (BSDA)coordi- School' nator, other staffoffices. storage (IRMA). The Ni/es andagarage for ils vast. Pichired above (left ioright) are Trustee Risk Management Agency Department had thebest vehicle accident . ' Hall said $60.000 inalready JamesMahoney, FinanceDirector GaryKa roh- Fire Guide budgeted for a garageeepaving Trusloe record in1989amongst the 50 communihes , na,Ni/es FireChiefHarry Kinowskiand Pagé22-26 the parking tot, und a newroof on presented Chief K,nowski par/icipating inIRMA, leasing Tom Bondi. Karshna the Town Hull. Projecled /,7te rgovern men/al Cuotinued on Page 39 wils aSaffyAWard frogs. the THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1990 coiuniW THE BUGLE THURSDAY, AUGUSr 2, 5990 : p Focus.' .4 MEMBER A Nornhn,n Illinei. G. E Des Plainesactor performs role AflIndependent CommunityNewspaperEsgabljshed in 1957 DavId Bess r . Editor & Pobllshor Diane Miller . DIrector of Adverllslug 3 8746 N. ShermerRoad, Niles,Illinois 60648 (708) 966-3900 Murk Kraj chi. ProductIon Manager reflecting hisownséntiments LInda Burns- Copy EdItor by Sbeilya Hackett SJBscouts win Residents file complaint Not the smell of the grease- Strppenwolf Body Polific, with Attorney General paiñt nor the roar of the crowd Northlighl, Drury Lane South drew Edgar Meyer to the foot- andWaterTower, top floatprize lighls. Mryerperformedin seven pm- - For the reterse aetor and Des duclions of "Harvey" and played Plaines resident, who has per- three differentroleS. Early on, hr Dist. 70 board - Soured with Gig Young and Shir- appoints formed on Broadway and stages across the United Slates and in ley Booth in the play and later. in Canada,theappeal was the a Chicago prtntnction, actor Judd chance lo reveal himself throagh Hirsch joined the cast. toc has 1eyer amid controversy the his acting roles. Meyer said,I played lead, Elwuod P. get greatjoy in being able to ex- Dowd, many 1116cL byLindaA,Bui-nu In between other roles--Meyer press mysrlf...with other's dia- At a special meeting convened logres." tried his hand at directing und- July 25, District 70 school board well beyond the school claie law Currently performing m "0th- guided Andy Devinein "On Bor- members volet publicly 4-2 to and accepted applications and in- - - rowedTimr" and WallerPidgeon appoint Jim Meyer to fill the terviewedseveral -candidates. in "Takeller, She's Mine,' board seat vacated by Harry The Board voted on the candi- 'Igetgreatjoy in Years later, while performing dates and selected James Meyer A former head teller at First DreiserinJrjne,- - being able to express in California, Meyer ranghi up to fulfill thisposition." Cook Bank for Savings han been Meyer's appointment crimes At the July 25 meeting board myself...with other's with Pidgeon, who asked him to accused of embezzling more smidst claims board members ai- dialogues.' his house for dinner, Mlerwards, than $200,000 from the bank's legesiiy violated the Illinois Open member James Quinn muds the Pidgeon coutidrd themeal's en- - motion to appoint Meyer to ilse T', ; . , Morton -Grove branch at 9147 Meetings Act when they voted Irres were really Stouffer frozen - Meyer into the position during board seat and board member er People's Money" at Chicago's Waukegan Road. aLinda Erlen seconded the mo- Royal George Theatre, Meyer specials. But not all actors iivr Eosina Mattes, of 3246 Bell- closed executive session two fromthefreezer,and when ':'iii over sixty units partici- tion. Board increiary Anny Burns stars as theownerofa small town dogs during the parade and dis-wood Lane, Glrnview, wasse- dayspreviousiyonJuly23, Meyer hosted his friend Pat patlflgm theNilea4th ofJuly Pa-Iributed to the crowd. The lower Board President Dun Muche also voted yes to the appoint- - company facing take-over by a rade, St. John Brebeuf Scout rested and appeared before U.S. trient,Board Wall Street corpomte raider. a O'Brien and his family at his Dea part of the float was made up of-Magistrato Biaise Bucklo July said no voles, motions andsec- members Jack Plaines home, Meyrr'ssister Troop t75 sponsored by - theskating consisting of chicken Olander and Prank Cordes voted theme in inne with today's finaro SJ.B. Holy Name Society and 12 und wan released on a $45OO onda to motions weremadecon- no. cuokedthrmeal. s'ire and 2,700 red, white & blur pernottai recognizance bond, craning the appointment on Jsly clxi mergers and hostile take Veteran actor Edgar Meyer, a Des Plaines Other People's MoneyS now entering its fourth NorthAmericas Martyrs
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