- _.----, Geology of the Fort Polk Region, Sabine, Natchitoches, and Vernon Parishes, Louisiana ( by Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich Louisiana Geological Survey Louisiana State University 208 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4101 with a chapter on Natural Occurrence Of Bogs, Seeps, and Springs by Bradford C. Hanson Louisiana Geological Survey \)«l.F>-LR ESO& ~ '90 & ~ {)jrewitt o 1fQ:~ciates, 0 Inc: US Army Corps of Engineers ~1934=-- Fort Worth District J Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMS No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) j2. REPORT DATE 13. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 15 November 1999 Final Report 12/2/96-11/15/99 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Geology of the Fort Polk Region, Sabine, Natchitoches, and Vernon Parishes, Louisiana DACA63-95-D-0051 6. AUTHOR(S} Delivery Order No. 0008 Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich with a chapter by Bradford C. Hanson 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S} AND ADDRESS(ES} 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Prewitt and Associates and Louisiana Geological Survey 7701 N. Lamar, Suite 104 Louisiana State University Austin, Texas 78752-1012 208 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4101 9. SPONSORING I MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S} AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING I MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District 819 Taylor St., Box 17300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION I AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The Fort Polk region is underlain by Cenozoic terrigenous sediment comprising mostly the Oligocene Catahoula Formation, six formation-rank subunits of the Fleming (Miocene), and Holocene alluvium. Pliocene and Quaternary surface-stratigraphic units incise older units. These surface Cenozoic strata show gentle, homoclinal dip toward the Gulf of Mexico basin and record deposition transitional between continental and shallow-marine, but are dominantly progradational and increasingly terrestrial upsection. The Miocene units comprise alternating coarser-grained, tluvial-dominated lithofacies and fmer-grained, more marine-influenced lithofacies. Gentle dips, semiconsolidated sediment, thick soils, and vegetation generally do not permit direct recognition of surface structure. Drainage lineaments, though suggestive of joint control of drainage, show no clear relation to strikes of measured systematic joints . The primary nonfuel mineral commodity of economic significance, aside from ground water, is gravel. Gravel occurs primarily in the upper Willis, assigned here to the upper Pliocene. Younger Quaternary units have varying but lesser potential for gravel. Flooding is the sole geologic hazard. Flood-hazard potential was compiled from Federal Emergency Management Agency data and modified based on flood-plain topography. Landslide potential, inferred from steepest slopes and clayey substrates, is insufficient to constitute a hazard. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Fort Polk, Surface Geology, Geologic Mapping, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Oligocene, Catahoula, x + 119 + appendices Miocene, Fleming, Pliocene, Quaternary Geology, Pleistocene, Willis, Lissie, Structural Geology, 16. PRICE CODE Economic Geology, Geologic Hazards, Bogs, Seeps, Springs, GIS 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT TTn{'las~fiecl TTnc1::lssifiecl TTncll'lc;:c;:itip.n TTnc1::lssifiecl NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89J USAPPC V1.00 Geology of the Fort Polk Region, Sabine, Natchitoches, and Vernon Parishes, Louisiana Final Report Prepared for Fort Polk by Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich Louisiana Geological Survey with a chapter on Natural Occurrence Of Bogs, Seeps, and Springs by Bradford C. Hanson Louisiana Geological Survey for Prewitt and Associates, Inc. under contract to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District Contract No. DACA63-95-D-0051 Delivery Order No. 0008 Submitted by Elton R. Prewitt Co-Principal Investigator Prewitt and Associates, Inc. and Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich Co-Principal Investigators 15 November 1999 CONTENTS ABSTRACT Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich ....................... VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................. vii INTRODUCTION Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich .................. 1 Location .......................................................... 1 Purpose ........................................................... 1 Methodology ....................................................... 1 Previous Work ..................................................... 4 Problems of Observation and Interpretation ............................... 7 REGIONAL SETTING Paul V. Heinrich .................................. 13 Physiography ..................................................... 13 Climatology ...................................................... 16 Flora and Fauna. .. 16 GEOLOGIC SETTING Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich ............. 18 STRATIGRAPHY Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich ................. 22 Tertiary System .................................................... 22 Eocene Series .................................................. 22 Claiborne Group ............................................. 22 Cockfield Formation ....................................... 22 Jackson Group (Undifferentiated) ................................ 24 Oligocene Series ................................................ 25 Vicksburg Group (Undifferentiated) .............................. 25 Catahoula Formation ....................................... 25 Miocene Series ................................................. 27 Fleming Group .............................................. 27 Lena Formation ........................................... 28 Carnahan Bayou Formation ................................. 30 Dough Hills Formation ..................................... 35 Williamson Creek Formation ................................ 36 Castor Creek Formation .................................... 37 Blounts Creek Formation ................................... 39 Piiocene Series Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh .............. 43 Upland Allogroup ............................................ 43 Willis Formation .......................................... 46 Lithology ............................................. 47 Sandy Facies ....................................... 47 Gravelly Facies ..................................... 55 "Bleached" Sediments ............................... 57 1 Stratigraphy ........................................... 57 Allomembers ....................................... 59 Basal Contact ...................................... 59 Age ................................................. 60 Quaternary System Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh .............. 70 Pleistocene Series ............................................... 70 Intermediate Allogroup ........................................ 70 Lissie Formation .......................................... 71 Prairie Allogroup (Undifferentiated) ............................. 71 Holocene Series ................................................ 72 Unnamed Alluvium (Undifferentiated) ......................... 72 Big Brushy Formation ..................................... 74 STRUCTURE Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V Heinrich .................... , 80 Structural Setting .................................................. 80 Faults ............................................................ 81 Joints ............................................................ 82 GEOMORPHOLOGY Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh .............. 84 Geomorphic Setting ................................................ 84 Coast-Parallel Terraces ........................................... 84 Stepped Topography ............................................. 84 Ridge and Ravine Topography ..................................... 85 Structural Control Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V Heinrich ............... 85 NATURAL OCCURRENCE OF BOGS, SEEPS, AND SPRINGS Bradford C. Hanson ................................................... 87 South Group ...................................................... 88 North Group ...................................................... 97 Summary ........................................................ 100 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY (NONFUELS) Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh 101 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh ........... 102 Flooding .......................................... ",.,',....... 102 Landslides ....................................................... 102 SUMMARY Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich ..................... 103 RECOMMENDATIONS
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