
the President, "and waa accused of be¬ 14.Joseph .1. Russell (Dem). 2.Jacob Johnson (Rep.). 15. P-rl Deoker (Dem.) lng a Coneervatlve. ) VERMONT. " DEMOCRATIC 10-Thomas E. Rubey (Dem WILSON'S SBHTE PATH IttT, UNDAUNTED, SttS i am not a Conaervatlve,' 8a'.d BIG (_1*Ct*d ln Zias, 'I am a Radical. I must speak ** MONTANA. 1- Frank OreeneSeptember.)(Rep). L a Radical on the to my At large Tliomas Stout (Dem 2.Frank Plwmley (Rep ). platform keep At large- John M. Kvans (Dem.). followers, but in offlce I ara not a Radi¬ IN HOUSE " MAJORITY VIRGINIA. MAY BE TROUBLESOME RE cal.' NEBRASKA. : William A. Jonea (Dem.). The President left Columbua at 5:10 1.John A. Magulre (Dem ). 2.K. K. Holland (Pem.). o'clock for He U. Eobeek (Dem.). 3--A. J. Montague (Dem.). Washington. expected 8-Dan V. Stephens (Dem). 4 Ualt.-r A. Wataon (Pem.). Upper House, with Democrats Plans to Strengthen Party and to stay at the W'hlte House, with few May Find Actual Embarrassment in 4.('harles H. Sloan (Rep i. 5-K. W. Satinders (Pem.). trips, untll March 4. party 5.Sllas H. Barton (Rep.). 8.C*rt*r ' laae (Pem). 6-M. P. Klnkaid (Rep). t Jam* i Bay (Dem.). in Control, Must Be Adjust- Says Its Chances of Future He announced to-day that he would of 8.o. ('. f'arlln (Pem). not Its Lead 150 Members. NEVADA. J>.4". Hascom H'.emp (Rep.). ed to the New Order. Success Are Excellent. vislt the Panama Canal ln the 10-H. D. Floort (Pem.). Christmas holidays, as he had plannei, raaaoerat* *rUl be aetually embar- At large- E. E. Roberts (Rep.). and mithorized Bherley, L_1 <>f th-lr majority In COLORADO. WASHINGTON. Representatlve . ,. tl;-- 08lOBl 1- NEW HAMPSHIRE. of Kentucky, a calier on his private of Reprea.-ntatlveii. which George J. Klndel (Dem). 1 William K llumphrey (Rep). NEW COMMITTEE HEADS CALLS WILSON'S TASKHARD .^^Honee comhined 2- il. H SflrlomrldBe (Dem.). Warburton (P.). car.Owho was on his way to Panama. f*_* J- ,.K, ,.,.,i Ul o«ar the At larajs.Bdward T. Taylor tDem). ! K E. Reed (Dem). 2 Btanton and Frogreastves. At large-Edward Keatlng (Dem). 2-R. B. Stevens (Dem.i. 3-William A. La Follette (Rep). to give Colonel (>oetha!s his "klnd r«- TOt*pr°mlor*' R*P0bllcaa* exlatlng in At-lnrge.J. E. Kr»st (Rep). gards." .r laaa douht BtUJ NEW At-lars-e-H. H. D*W«f (Rep ). Simmons No Doubt Will Be Hopes There Will Be No Extra * dlatrlcta the Democrata CONNECTICUT. JERSEY. Rlchard L. Jervls, one of the alx-foot MMtitr-ala 1 l-W. J. Session to Revise Tariff. r» m*mb*n tbe Republl- -Agustln Iyinergan (Dem). Brownlng (Rep). WEST VIRGINIA. Finance Chairman and May Secrct Servlce men who have guarded Mme«ured'of of 12. 2. Brynn F. Mahan (Dem.). 2.J. T. Baker (Dem.). «f M8 an.l tha Progresalve* 3.Thomas I. Hlley (Dem.i. 3-Tt omai, J. Seully (Dem 1 1 John W. Pavla (Pem ). Atti- Smiles at That President Taft slnce he waa elected **. 4.Allan Walsh (Dem.i. William <'.. Brown (Dem). Complicate Majority Suggestion 4.J. Donovan (liim.l B. four years ago, was instructed to-day 6*wlnyofthl-..M-Hrhor,e,felllnTue8-notable among 5."Wiillam Kennedy (Dem >. &-Wiillam E. Tuttle (Dem.i. 3.S. B. Avla (R.-p I, tude on Ootton Revision. He Run in 1916. hattv tha rno*t 6.Lewla J. Martln IDem.i 4-Judge M H. Moss (Rep ). to proceed to Princeton. He will be Cannot: and Rep- ". -James A. DELAWARE. 7-Robert G. Rrenner (Dem.). Hughea (Rep.). Nov. 0.Far from Joined other me,i .^.Jtaaex-Bprakerof Conr.ectlc-ut. An- 8-Eugene F. Klnkead (Dem.). At-l*rKo_Howar<l Rutherland (Rep). (From Th* Trlbune Bureau 1 Columbtis, Ohio, by Secret Servlce *__s!tW E J HH1. At Franklln Hrockson (Dem). ^ m the Houa*. ai- !a-g»- 8.Walter I. MeCoy (Dem.). Washington, Nov. 0..However au- discouraged, President Taft has formed later. promlnent 10-Edward W. Townsrnd (Dem ). WISCONSIN. elre ln poll- the eonfldence with which Presl- plane for holding together and "Jimmie" Sloan, who has been hea I 0,hfrh !" n more so Republican FLORIDA. 11.John J. Eagan .Dem.). preme mlasmg- from the M 1.Stephen lf. Sparkman (Dem.). 12.James A. Hamlll (Dem.). i h. a. Caoaar (Rep). rlent-elect Wilson may ,look upon the strengthenlng the Republican party. of the White Houae Bceret Servlce "^tiwlirb. chair- 2 M K. Ilurke (Dem force is WIUIOXO B. McKlnley. I Frank riark (Dem.). NEW 3.John M. Nelson (Rep > fntnre and the admlnlstratlon of the He dedared to-nlght to friends who for seven years. and "Jack" __-2L 3. Kmmett Wllnon (Dem). MEXICO. > (P< m » t the Republican CongresMonal At Willliun J. Cary affairs of the government for the four accomnanled hlm north from Cltt>. Wheeler, his prlndpnl nsslstant, who manager for large.Claudv L'Engle (Dem.). At large-H. B. Ferguaon (Dem). I W. H Stafford (Dem.). has and ^oars _____ He before that the would eontlnue lald out the Taft will £_Moo10 polltlcal cnm- 8-M. K. Rellly (Pem). him, beglnning jelnnatl party trlps, Bt..y T.J Taft in the pre-convention GEORGIA. NEW YORK. 7 John J Each (R*p.). next March, there ls every Indlo.ition to exlst; that it would be as actlve as with the President. Fre,ld the roll of New Hamp-hlre I l. K. Hrowne (Rep). Frlm 1 Charl^R Q. Kdw.irds (Dem.). 8-Th< maa F. i-.-m l. th.it, with the Democrats ln power. the ln the past, and that there was no rea- P*"" Repnaentat.ve Cyrua M- -s. a Lathrop Brown (Dem.i. Konop JroDoed Rodeabarry (Dem.). 2. Dt-nnls O'Leary Dem ). 10.J.imr-H J. Freer (Rop ). way of tho party he represents will not Ison to believe that Us chances of future Will Enjoy Rids with Wilson. :'..<'. R. Crlap (Dem.). .'.-Frank E Wilson (Dem.) II.Irvlne 1. I.enrout (Rep.1. ^^o^tor^Joy*atl».*«o_«c-man in the Houae. 4 W. C Adamaon (Dem.). be strewn with roso.s ln the Senate. suc.-ess were not excellent. When t.ll*Ot t-WIIUam s. i.Hsrry H. Dale (Dem.). it bocaaao apparent that Gov¬ m^beuVthe retlred to prlvate Howard (Dem.). i Jamea P. Alalir (Dem ». WYOMING. There will be a general exchange of So far as the Presldent's plan is con- xtnwauk.e has 6.C'harles L. Hartlett (Dem). 6--Wiillam ernor Wilson would sweep the country II falder (Rep). rommlttees ln the a 7.Gordon I.ee (Dem.). 7-Jolm J. lltzgerald (Dem.i. Al large Frank W |foad*tl (Rep). ehalrmanshlps of cerned, he ho|>es to see organlzed President Taft did not forget his 8-S. J. Trlbble (Dem.). 8.Daniel J Griffln (Dem.i. Senate, the House already havlng ad- "National Republican Club," entirely 9.Thomas M. Bell (Dem.). y--James philosophy and good hiimor, Here Ia r:roTermVheonlvSoc,all8tinthe 10- Thomas \V. Hardwlck H. O'Brlen (Dem). Jiisted Its maehlnory to the Demooratlo from the National del- (.Dem.). 10 lisrman a. afeta Dem i THE NEXT SENATE. apart Republican how the President looked at the sltua- stalwart ln the Wix'onaln 11.J. Randolph Walker (Dem). 11-Daniel J. Rlordan (Dem.i. Ord( r For tho flrst tlme In slxtecn Commlttee, which shall cherish the ¦ST-rfrT Davidaon. I. ra- 12.D. li. Hughos (Dem). tion as he was receiving the retJ|ns in Rerres-tat^e 12.Henry II. Gotdfogh (l)-m.l. veara Democratic Senators, who have of tlie and be a source t|8t.on.R*P--L the emlnent 13. Timothy D. Bulllvan (Dem.) Democrats Probably Will Con¬ prindplea party Clndnnatl: Se- IDAHO. 14.Jeffersun li, I.cvy (Dem). played the role of obetructloiilsta and 'of political actlvlty, not only in electlon -from P.-nnsylvanla. 15 Michaei f. "We've got to flnd some comfort !n El p. t- bil 1.Bnrton 1. Prench (Rep.). Conry (Dem.). trol in 63d Congress. hava dtrected their anerglea shnost en« hut at all thMft the .Uthor of the Puyn% A.ldlson T. timith 18. Peter J. Donllng Dem. years. this," the Pr*atd*nt is reported to havj nn__^in* dld (Rep.J. 17.John s. I'ai.'H nf (he thirty-*** seat.-. In the B*BBb tirciy t«. placing obstaclea ln tha President of the , aa apparently (Dam.). patb Tho si'oke Repub- sald. iil he very gla.I to ride down i thr Btorm HHnola. 18.Tliomas G. Patten (Dem.). to be Mlle'l B* th" r.'S'.it of Tu.sdav's rt*C- of the srUI flnd thom- Jam M.nn. ol ILLINOIS ¦!. -Pranklln (Dem.i. RspubUeanSi jlicnn Club of New York, the Hamilton Pennsylvania avenue with (Jovern >r WHther1ative Jamea floor Leonard, Jr. ilon. three ..f them due to vacnncies, nine- ut with the BtPre.entati>e lnorlty l-M. B. Madden (Ru 20.PrancJa Burton rlarriaon iDem.). oalvea the head of thinga, Clttb Of and other organlza- Wilson. It so flnal 2..lames R Mann H.Henry teen are rcaeonably certata to be fiiie.i ChleagO wouldn't have been casy be If tbe (Rep.). George, jr. (Dem.). responsibillty «.f tho wvlfare of the na¬ slmllar in chara. ter, and ex- ihiderandESfoSTnaill oa ^^ntto 3.G. E. Gorman (Dem). g if nrv Bruckner (Dem.) ). Democrata, t> n bj Republicana and alx tions if thirigs had been different, but 1 4.James T McDsrmott (Dem.).
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