SOQ.001.001.4140 Manual ofOptrarional Procedures (or Flood Miligation lit Wivcnhct: Dam and Somerset Dam 47 Somerset Dam Emergency Procedure In the event of communications loss with the Flood Operations Centre, the Dam Supervisor at Somerset Dam is to assume responsibility for flood releases from the Dam. Once it has been established that communications have been. lost, the Dam Supervisor at Somerset Dam is to: • Take all practicable measures to restore communications and periodically check the lines of communication for any change; • Undertake the actions sel out below to release flood water from Somerset Dam; • Log all actions in the Event Log; • Ensure the dam is at full supply level at the end of the event; • Remain in the general vicinity of the dam while on duty. ) The actions to be undertaken to release flood water are: • If communications with Wivenhoe Dam are lost, the level in Wivenhoe Dam is to be assumed as the level shown on gauge boards located downstream of Somerset Dam. • The radial gates are to be kept raised to allow uncontrolled discharge. • The regulators are to be closed if the tail water level exceeds EL 68.60 and are generally kept closed. The only exception to this is if the regulators are used to prevent overtopping of the dam. • Sluice gates are operated as either fully opened or fully closed. The order of operntion for opening the sluice gates is LMKNJOIP. Sluices are to be closed in reverse order of opening. Any inoperable sluices are to be dropped from the opening or closing sequences. The sluice gates are to be operated in accordance with the following procedures: o . Case 1 - the level in Somerset Dam is below EL 100.45; or o Case 2 - the level in Somerset Dam is above EL 100.45. These procedures are described below. Revtsion No: 7 o.~ : Novanber 2009 SOQ.001.001.4141 Manua1 ofOpcl1lcionsl Procedures for Flood MiCi8fllion at WiV1:nhoe Darn Md Somerset Dam 48 Case 1 Prooedure !Level in Somerset Dam is below EL 100.45) The sluice gates are to be operated in accordance with the following table: SOMERSET DAM LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS CASE 1 PROCEDURE CONDITIONS AT SOMERSET ACTIONS AND WIVENHOE DAMS Level in Somerset Dam is below Sluice gates are to be opened Ilt intervals of not less EL 100.45, Level in Wivenhoe than 120 minutes, provided the number of open sluice Dam is below EL 70.0 and falling. gates does not exceed that shown in the "SOMERSET DAM - MAXIMUM SLUICE GATE OPENING" table. Once a sluice gate is opened, no further sluice gate operations are to be undertaken for 120 minutes. Level in Somerset Dam is below Sluice gates are to be closed at intervals of not less EL J 00.45, Level in Wiv~llhoe than 180 minutes. Once a sluice gate is closed, no Dam is below EL 70.0 and rising. further sluice gate operations are to be undertaken for 180 minutes. Level in Somerset Dam is below Sluice gates are to be closed at intervals of not less EL 100.45, Level in Wivenhoe than 60 minutes. Once a sluice gate is closed, no Dam is above EL 70.0. further sluice gate operations are to be undertaken for 60 minutes. SOMERSET DAM MAXIMUM SLUICE GATE OPENING SOMERSET DAM LEVEL MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SLUICE GATES ALLOWED TO BE OPEN Revision No: 7 Da~ : Noyember 2009 SOQ.001.001.4142 MllnlJ:1i arOperntianal Proceduru CO( Flood Miliprion 11 Wivcnboe Dam and Somcucl Dam 49 Case 2 Procedure CLevel in Somer.etDem is above EL 100.45) The sluices gates are to be operated in accordance with the following graph : CASE 2 • TARGET LINE FOR OETERMI>4f:IG SLUICE GATE OPERATIONS 81 ~-------r--------~-------'--------'--------'r-----~, ~h$ ullt p rq;fe~;l'dy __________ j __________-t4~~~t~e~ c f ~~~u I-____+- ______ ~~--------~ 79 + wh~qI.f1I.~ a:._Ih~ O~f:)r[~ l:lf'let LI,..:, .B rn 99 101 103 IDS 107 109 111 SomeflldDamLev.1 tm AHD) Sluices are progressively closed at one hour intervals if operating above the Operating Target Line and progressively opened at one hour intervals if operating below the Operating Target Line. The aim is always to follow the Operating Target Line as closely as possible. 10.4 Equipment Failure In the event of equipment failure the aClion to be taken is indicated in Appendix E for Wivenhoe Dam and Appendix F for Somerset Dam. Revision No: 1 Dale. November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4143 Manual orOpcrational Procedures ror Flood Mitipllon at Wlvenhoe Dam end Somersel Dam 50 APPENDlXA AGENCIES HOLDING CONTROLLED COPIES OF THIS MANUAL Revision No: 7 Dale: Novembr2" 2009 SOQ.001.001.4144 Manual of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitigation at Wivumoe Dam and Somersel Dam 51 APPENDIXB KEY REFERENCE GAUGES 1974 MlnorFlood Moderate Flood Major Flood Gauge Gauge Zero Giluge Gauge Gauge Location Flow Flow Flow Height Height Height Height mARD m m rn"s m m',s m m',s Revision No: 7 Dale: Novem ber 2009 SOQ.001.001.4145 Manual orOperational Procedures ror Flood Mitigation 81 Wivenitoe Dmn and Somerset Dam 52 APPEJ'I.'DIX C WlVENHOE DAM TECHNICAL DATA Revision No: 7 Date: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4146 Manual of Operational Procedures rot Flood Mitigation al WiveMOC DIII1l and Somusel Dam 53 ~vision No: 7 Dale: Navtmbec 1009 SOQ.001.001.4147 SOQ.001.001.4148 8 I'i ,; • ~" ~'" •e 0 8 ~ 6 .~ '".. .~ ~ "~ ~ '"• D e ].. j ~ • ~ £ i.. " •@ ~ ~ ii; ~ .~" • 0 ~ -.. .~ ••> ~ ,l! SOQ.001.001.4149 Manual of Operational Proccdutn rot Flood Miti,.tion at WiveMOC Dam and Somerset Dim 56 SOQ.001.001.4150 Manua] ofOpemrioo81 Procedures for Flood Mitigation Rt Wivenhoc Dam and Somcrsd Dam 57 W1VENHOE DAM AUXILIARY SPILLWAY RATING TABLE Rc.vision No: '1 Date: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4151 Manual orOpcrationl1 Procechns fOt' Flood Miliption et Wivnlhoc Dam and Somtttel Dam 58 APPENDIXD SOMERSET DAM TECHNICAL DATA Rt'vision No: 7 Date: Novcmbcr2009 SOQ.001.001.4152 Manuel ofOpemtionDl Pnxc:dttrCs for Flood Miliga\lorl at Wivenhoe Dam and Somcrset Dllm 59 Revision No: 7 Dale: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4153 Mlloual ofOpcrarional Procedures (or Flood M i f i ~ion at Wivenhoc Oam and Somerset Dam 60 APPENDIXE WIVENHOE DAM GATE OPERATION CONSIDERATIONS Revision No: 7 Dlte: November2009 SOQ.001.001.4154 Manual ofOperZlDonal Procedures ror Flood Mitigation at Wivt:nhoc Darn and Somerset Dam 61 Revision No: 7 Date: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4155 Manual afOperational Proccdlns for Flood Mitigation el Wivenhoc Dam and Somencl Dam 62 Revision No. 7 pare: NQvember 2009 SOQ.001.001.4156 Manual ofOpemrlonnl Procedures for Flood Mitigation 81 Wivcnhoe Dam nnd SomtrSt( Dam 63 SOQ.001.001.4157 Manual ofOpenuionai Proccd~ for Flood Mitigation at Wivenhoe Dam and Somerset Dam 64 Rovislon No: 7 0810. Novembcr2D09 SOQ.001.001.4158 ManlJ8l or OpenlUcnal Procedures for Flood MitiGAtkln lit Wivmhoe Oem and Somerset Dam 65 APPENDIXF SOMERSET DAM AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Revision No: 7 Date: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4159 Manual otOpcrauorW rrocedw'e! ror Flood Miligalion at Wivtnhoe Dam:and SomUV( Dam 66 APPENDIXG HYDROLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS Rcvl!lion No: 7 Dale: No\'cmber2009 SOQ.001.001.4160 ManUII ofOperalional Proccdurc.s foe Food MiliGBlion at Wivcnhoe Dam and Somerset Dam 67 APPENDIXH WIVENHOE DAM PLANS, MAPS AND PHOTOGRAPHS Revision No: 7 Oltl:: Novtmbu 2009 SOQ.001.001.4161 ~ .~ ."• ~ g Ii: Ji ~ ..] ..,• i ...Q ... 1• ~ ~ .~ .S ~ SOQ.001.001.4162 <­ ;; :z !I·~ ~ SOQ.001.001.4163 SOQ.001.001.4164 SOQ.001.001.4165 !• SOQ.001.001.4166 ! I ! 1 ~ 1 .1 ••• ! I > ~ ~• ! L -.J 1 . ~ ~ ~ 1 > ! SOQ.001.001.4167 Manual of Ope ratione 1 Procedures for Flood Mitigillion et Wivenhoe Dam and SomCl'$Cl Dam 74 APPENDIX I SOMERSET DAM PLANS, MAPS AND PHOTOGRAPHS Revision No: 7 Date: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4168 ~ '" "•~ Jl 1 e • 8 '"~ c ,..<v a 6 .~ .:§• ~ ] ;;; .!! f ."• ~ .." .~ ~ <; !~ 0 z .. .~ •c • ~• :. '" SOQ.001.001.4169 SOQ.001.001.4170 ! i ! ,, I ,I ,• j • -!, 1 ,• 1 ,, •, • ,! j, •, ,• , • SOQ.001.001.4171 SOQ.001.001.4172 SOQ.001.001.4173 Manual ofOperalicnaJ Prccedun:s for Flood Miligalion at Wivcnhoe Dam and Somerset Own 80 APPENDIXJ WIVENHOE DAM - FUSE PLUG BREACH SCENARIOS SOQ.001.001.4174 ) SOQ.001.001.4175 Mllnunl orO~l'alional Procedwcs for Flood MtugaJ.j~n &1 Wivenhoc Dam and Samaset Dam 82 Revision No: 7 Thllc: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4176 Milnual OfOpClIltioml Procedures for Flood Miugalion at Wivenhoe Dam IUld Somersel Dam 83 Revision No. 7 Dale: November 2009 SOQ.001.001.4177 Manual ofOperationaJ Proccdul'U for Flood Mitigation at Wivenhoe Dam IlrId SometSc:t Dam 84 RevlS)on No: 1 Dale; Novembcr2009 SOQ.001.001.4178 Manual ofOpeflltianl1\ ProcedutC, for Flood MiUption al Wivcrthoc Darn IUld SomeJXt OMrl 85 RC:'Yision No: 7 o..le: NovtlTJbct 2009 SOQ.001.001.4179 'OERM-18' GULF OF CARPENTARIA DRAFT For discussion purposes only .. Flood station data not validated .' . "", " . ~: ott; • 0 ... , • ,0 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ll$l.O ~f. CAlNO _ 11""'101'" Department of Environment and Resource Management (OERM) Streamflow Gauging Stations Legend Queensland and Bureau of Meteorology (BaM) Flood Alert Stations • BoM and councK flood alert stalions e (real-time data vie radio telemetry) Government PIIb,""on dt\tl; 23 F"bruery 2011 • OERM gauging stations Population ~ntr8 Rlllsr I creek. ..-,-"' _ ............... R_.. ........W__ ""'-..... ...................... ...-"'_ ....... D. -"._--- ... ..-110\\_ .. _"""", __- N c:::l Drainage basin ...,__ J ___ .. ...--...._ ... __ ........... -.0-.-._ _ ..... ___.. -.)..... .... - . -.~- .. ... 'M ~ -- - * N~ : TIw toc.lIonI oIltloe 8 ..... "'\1 of Mol~ (801.4) .._<xoo.l._._._~ .. ...... --... ,.." ..., -_ - - al'lCl c:oundlllood lllllofl.
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