5fET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIItCULATlOX for the month of February, 1928 /5,108 Uember of the Andit Borean of Girculatioua VOL>XLIL, NO. 142. Classified Advertising on Page 18. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1928 NO MORE PARADfiS ARREST B OF BATHING BEAUTIES World Aviators’ Tribute to Lindy DRY BLOCKADE Atlantic City, N. J., March 16 — There will be no parade of beautiful young American girls LIKE WAR-TIME in bathing suits along the board­ walk for the purpose of select­ m ing a "Miss America.” It has flE R E J NIGHT been decided such spectacles are IN THE WORKS not truly representative of young American girlhood but are L-.rgely a “ congregation William Frederick, of 289 of girls seeking personal adver­ Addiboual Cotters and De­ tising and profit.” Wordless Wooing Won Hotel men held a three-hour stroyers Win Protect All Middle Turnpike East, meeting during which it was de­ finitely decided to abandon the Confesses to Store Hold- annual pageant. the Coasts of the United Heart Of Miss Milter Up on Wednesday Night. States Regularly. — ■■I i I \ m Paris, March 16.— Tukojirao<&this little group, whose Holkar, Indian prince and former scarcely known in • America, but Maharajak of Indore, who is to The hold-up of Charles J. Wood- PLAN BLUNDERS Washington, March 15.— A war­ whose rank equals that of the for­ time blockade will surround the marry Miss Nancy Ann Miller, of mer Maharajah, gave interesting house's East Center street store on Seattle, Wash., in India tomorrow, details of the courtship to Interna­ Wednesday evening was solved by United States as long as prohibition won his bride-to-be through a tional News Service today. Chicago, March 16.— The Repub­ the Manchester police last night af­ IN SCHOOL w n i stays on the statute books. strange courtship of silence, it was Wordless Wooing Assistant Secretary of the Treas­ revealed today by European friends “ They— the ex-Maharajah and lican and Democratic national ter William Fi-ederick, 17 years old, of the ex-ruler of Indore. ury Seymour Lowman, in charge Miss Miller— sat for hours at a time treasurers, the Tate Fred W. Upham of 289 Middle Turnpike East was The symbolic trophy to be presented to Colonel Lindbergh' by the The ex-Maharajah’s love song his facing each other without saying a avrested at the Center at midnight COS'TBIG SUM and 'Wilbur Marsh, respecitvely, International League of Avaitors for the he.st aerial performance of 192’iT of dry activities, announced today friends said, was one without words word,” said the informant. "I have by Patrolman Rudolph Wirtalla. is pictured here in the Paris .studio of its sculptor. Princess R. Mdviani after an inspection of the situation and with music that only he and seen them that way on terraces at entered an agreement in 1923 to Frederick confessed to the hold-up (right). ' ■ ' in the south-east, and scanning re­ his fiancee could hear and under­ Cannes, Geneva, Anhalt and other file no public reports of campaign after a short grilling by Police Cap­ stand. places. The Indian’s gaze was in­ contributions for that year, Ira G. tain Herman Schendel. Original Defects in Hollister ports from other districts, that This strange romance, which be­ tense. Miss Miller’s was more cas­ Hipsley, Upham’s secretary, testi­ In police court here this morning Coast Guard and land forces would gan in the United States, shifted ual. The manner of rafting was fied today at the Senate inquiry in­ Judge Raymond A. Johnson bound Street School to Take guard the seacoasts and interna­ to Europe when both happened to extraordinary. The ex-Maharajah, to the Continental Trading Com­ the young bandit over to the June tional borders from now on. be visiting here at the same time. while keeping his eyes intently pany’s "slush fund.” term of the Superior court when “ Any relaxation of the patrols To his intimates in a select cireje upon those of his fiancee, would Marsh, the Democratic treasurer, Probation Officer Edward C. Elli­ |10,00ft Aside From New and blockades means a flood of of Orientels and Europeans, the lii )end forward slightly and let his suggested the agreement to Upham, ott, Jr., representing the young Aids Snowbound Village foreign liquor,” Lowman admitted- dian prince was known as a vefi Hipsley said, because the Demo­ man entered a plea of guilty. The South-Eastern Patrol diffident man. A woman member ol (Contlnned on Pa*.e 2) crats expected some large contribu­ charges were theft and carrying a Wing's Building. ( Steps to strengthen the south­ tions in that year. Hipsley said concealed weapon, uonds of $1,500 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., March strain of a two-day journey of six­ eastern patrol have been laid. The Upham revealed the agreement by on each charge were fixed and the ---------- 16.— The snowbound village of De­ ty miles, sought the first available Key West Coast Guard base was BEER SMUGGLER telling him not to file any report of young man will be taken to the The board of directors of the tour was once more in touch with shelter. moved to St. Petersburg ' out of DEAD FROM FLOOD contributions for the year “ becanse Hartford county jail this afternoon the outside world today after an Dr. Deadman’s achievement was after he has been “ morgued.” Eighth School and Utilties district which a number of destroyers and OUT FOR OFFICE the Democrats aren’t to make OM isolation lasting more than two all the more remarkable in view of many seventy-five foot boats and either.” Had Aroused Suspicion met again last night with Isaac the fact that he has only one leg. Frederick's apprehension is the weeks. speed craft will operate in the gulf ‘Dingbat” Oberta Running for Ar e b u r ie d t o d a y A. V. Leonard, another Upham Allen, Jr., Hartford architect, and Dr. John xF. Deadman, driving -a A government transport plane as far west as Mobile, Ala. secretary, corroborated Hipsley'a .fiiJ result of clever piecing together of was expected to hop off momentar­ State Senator on His Police information which the police un­ approved plans which he has sub­ dog team to a sled laden with The general south-east base at testimony. medicine and food jnushed quietly ily from here with 500 pounds of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is to be re­ Record. "Mr. Marsh told Upham that the covered and is partly due to the mitted for a six-room addition to mail and 500 pounds of provisions. young man’s own actions. As soon become the west wing of the Hard­ into the village early this morning. inforced with several additional Democrats had a very large defi­ The tired huskies burrowed deeply The plane will take two persons to Chicago, March 16.— Run­ cit to make up and he expected to as the hold-up had been reported to ing school on Hollister street. destroyers, giving a squadron of 221 Bodies Rdcovered But into the snow for their well-earned the Soo where they will receive about twenty in the eastern gulf ning on his record—which is get some very large contributions the police Wednesday night. Cap­ In addition to the plans for the medical attention. , remarkably well known— to tain Herman Schendel and Ser­ rest. Dr. Deadman, weary with the and along the Atlantic coast line, to make up this deficit,” said Leon­ new wing, which are now almost police— John “ Dingbat” Ober­ 300 Are Still Missing; Red ard. “ H« was not required to make geant John CrocKett investigated. complete, Mr. Allen has submitted in addition to cutters and speed ta, Lieutenant of "Big Joe” Each patrolman then on duty was a return under the law so they de-. plans for the correction of serious boats. Saltis, south side beer baron elded not tt> make any for that notified and Officer Winfield S. building mistakes in the present Coastwise Smuggling and racketeer, today was aa„ Cross Takes Charge. Martin told Captain Schendel he ATLANTIC FLYERS Considerable trouble has been year.” plant. It has been found by the DORIS PALMER avowed candidate for the Re­ B«ason For Secrecy was suspicious of young Frederick. board that the ventilatin,g and heat­ experienced in bootleggers placing The patrolman had seen Frederick publican nominaticn as State “ Why should Mr. Marsh desl«( ing systems of the school are radi­ quantities of liquor on coastwise Senator. Los AngeleSi Calif., March 16— secrecy?” hanging around late at night for no cally wrong and that it will require GIVEN UP AS LOST boats at Key West. Since coastwise 1 apparent reason. HAS ONE WEEK Mr. Oberta’s campaign was With an estimated death toll of “ Why, Mr. Marsh, as I undey* a sum in the neighborhood of $10,- baggage is not examined the own­ launched in style last night at It was learned that young Fred­ 221, the task of burial began today stood it, expects to make up tha 000 for their correction. f — ers have no trobule in getting into a testimonial banquet in his Democratic deficit from a few per­ erick was not at home on Wednes­ To Exhibit Sketches New York and other ports. in the desolate regions of the Santa day night and did not return home honor tendered 'oy the William sons and he didn’t want their A colored sketch and a set of MORE TO LIVE AH Rumors of Sighting While some of the larger Coast J. Nellis Post of the Veterans Clara river valley.
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