Ms Coll/Palmer Palmer, Paul Richard, 1917- , collector. Collection, 1907-1992. 3 linear ft. (1,517 items in 6 boxes & 6 oversize folders). Biography: Paul Palmer, (Columbia M.S., 1950, M.L.S., 1955) formerly Curator of the Columbiana Collection. Summary: Correspondence and inscribed photographs sent to Paul Palmer. Mr. Palmer has collected portraits of film and theater notables and other celebrities since the 1920s. Many of the photographs are inscribed to him and there is some correspondence as well as lobby display cards. Among the cataloged names are: Katharine Cornell, Lillian & Dorothy Gish, Rudyard Kipling, Gertrude Lawrence, Sir Compton Mackenzie, Mary Pickford, Constance and Norma Talmadge, Dame Sybil Thorndike, and H. G. Wells. Organization: Selective items cataloged; remainder arranged: Box 1: Cataloged correspondence, A-Z & misc. autographs; Boxes 2-3: Cataloged photographs (signed or inscribed), A-Z; Boxes 4-6: Uncataloged photographs, A-Z; Oversize folders. Finding aids: Contents list, 29p. Donor: Gift of Paul R. Palmer, 1986-1996. Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books & Manuscripts. 1. Aherne, Brian, 1902-1986. 2. Albee, Edward, 1928- 3. Astaire, Frad, 1899-1987. 4. Boles, John, 1895- 1969. 5. Brazzi, Rossano, 1916-1994. 6. Brown, Tom, 1913 Jan. 6- 7. Carroll, Madeleine, 1906-1987. 8. Chevalier, Maurice, 1888-1972. 9. Collins, Charles, 1904-1999. 10. Cornell, Katharine, 1893-1974. 11. Cromwell, Richard, 1910-1960. 12. Cummings, Robert, 1908-1990. 13. Del Rio, Dolores, 1905-1983. 14. Douglas, Melvyn, 1901-1981. 15. Dunne, Irene, 1898-1990. 16. Duryea, Dan, 1907-1968. 17. Evans, Madge, 1909- 1981. 18. Ford, Francis, 1882-1953. 19. Ford, Glenn, 1916- 20. Gish, Dorothy, 1898-1968. 21. Gish, Lillian, 1896- 22. Goddard, Paulette, 1911-1990. 23. Harron, Robert, 1894-1920. 24. Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993. 25. Henreid, Paul, 1908-1992. 26. Hughes, Lloyd, 1896-1958. 27. Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. 28. Lawrence, Gertrude, 1898-1952.29. Lederer, Francis, 1906- 30. McCrea, Joel, 1905-1990. 31. MacDonald, Jeanette, 1906- 1965. 32. MacKenna, Kenneth, 1899-1962. 33. Mackenzie, Compton, Sir, 1883-1972. 34. March, Fredric, 1897-1975. 35. Montgomery, Douglass, 1908-1966. 36. Murray, James Harold, 1891-1962. 37. Novarro, Ramon, 1899-1968. 38. O'Brien, George, 1900-1985. 39. Peerce, Jan, 1904-1984. 40. Peppard, George, 1928- 1994. 41. Pickford, Mary, 1893- 42. Raymond, Gene, 1908- 43. Sills, Milton, 1882-1930. 44. Stoppard, Tom, 1937- 45. Talmadge, Constance. 46. Talmadge, Norma. 47. Tashman, Lilyan, 1899-1934. 48. Thomas, Olive. 49. Thompson, Dorothy, 1893-1961. 50. Thorndike, Sybil, Dame, 1882-1976. 51. Wells, H. G., (Herbert George), 1866-1946. 52. Advertising-Motion pictures-United States. 53. Film stills. 54. Motion pictures- United States. 55. Photography-United States-20th century. 56. Theater. 57. Advertisements. 58. Autographs. 59. Correspondence. 60. Handbills. 61. Letters. 62. Photographs. 63. Photoprints. 64. Pictures. 65. Playbills. 66. Portraits. 67. Posters. 68. Press releases. 69. Programs. 70. Sheet music. 71. Songs. 72. Stills. 73. Actors. 74. Actresses. 75. Celebrities. 76. College librarians-United States-20th century. 77. Book collectors-United States~20th century. 78. Librarians-United States~20th century. 79. Photographers. ID: NYCR88-A23 HR - 1/87 HR - 5/90 HR - 4/92 HR - 3/93 HR - 12/94 HR - 8/01 fi.:^i Palmer - 1 Paul R. Palmer Papers Cataloged correspondence: Arthur, Beatrice Ballard, Kay Beaton, Sir Cecil Blackman, Honor Bogdanovich, Peter Cooper, Dame Gladys Dassin, Jules De Havilland, Olivia Furness, Betty Garner, James Gershwin, Ira Gish, Lillian Grenfell, Joyce Irene Phipps Hamilton, Neil Hampshire, Susan Holbrook, Hal Howard, Ken Hunter, Ross Kerr, Deborah Kramer, Stanley Le Gallienne, Eva Lenya, Lotte Lockhart, June McCarthy, Mary Marceau, Marcel Michell, Keith Moore, Colleen^ M B*n Neal, Patricia y ' Nilsson, Anna Q. Peppard, George Reid, Beryl Serling, Rod Sheridan, Dinah Straight, Beatrice Struthers, Sally Thorndike, Dame Sybil Topol, Haym Truman, Harry S. Tutin, Dorothy Vidor, King Voight, Jon Wright, Teresa Misc. autographs: 28 items Paul R. Palmer Gift 1986 & Photographs: ADAMS, EDIE. [New York! [ca.19573 photograph, 5-5x3.5 in,, signed (on a post card addressed to Edward J. Barry) AINLEY, HENRY. CLondonH n.d.; photograph, 5-5x3-5 in., signed (photographed "by Rotary Studio) __. [London! n.d.; photograph, 5-5x3.5 in., signed (photographed by Rotary Studio) ALBEE, EDWARD. N.p. , n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed 11197011 (photographed "by Alix Jeffry) . N.p. , n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed [19703 (photographed "by Hans Namuth) ALEXANDER, (SIR) GEORGE. CLondonH n.d.; photograph, 5-5x3-5 in., signed (photographed "by the Daily Mirror Studios) ALLISON, MAY. Los Angeles, n.-d. ; photograph, 9-25x7-5 in-, signed (photographed "by Hartsook Photo) ANDRE, GIULI. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Bee & Wilke 8s signed (photographed by Ernest' A. Bachrach) ANDREWS, PATTY & MAXINE ANDREWS. [New York! [197^3 photograph, 7-25x5-25 in., signed by both (with an issue of Playbill, Aug 197^» reproducing the photograph) ANGEL, HEATHER. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Marc Johnson & signed AQKX, TSURU. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to M. Ventura & signed ARTHUR, GEORGE K. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 3-25x2.25 in., signed on the ' mat ASHLEY, ELIZABETH. N.p. Cca.197^3 photograph, 10x8 in,, inscribed to Paul CR. palmer 3 & signed BADDELEY, ANGELA. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 5•5x3.5 in., signed COct 197^3 BADDELEY, HERMI0NE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed BALLARD, KAY. CNew YorkU Cca.19733 photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Paul CR. Palmer3 & signed BANKY, VILMA. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 3.5x3 in., signed on the mat . [Hollywood, CA3 [19303 photograph, 10x8 in., signed, 1930 BARNES, BINNIE, CHollywood, CA3 [19673 photograph, 10x8 in,, inscribed to Eugene & signed BASQUETTE, LINA. Los Angeles C19293 photograph, 9-75x7.75 in., inscribed to Helen Conklin & signed (photographed by Lansing Brown) BEATON, (SIR) CECIL. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 5xU in., signed C19723 BELLAMY, MADGE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Al & signed BENNETT, BELLE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 6.75x5 in., inscribed to Arthur Eddy & signed BLACKMAN, HONOR. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed CNov 19723 BLAIR, JANET. N.p. Eca.19503 photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Edward & signed BOARDMAN, ELEANOR. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to David Horsly & signed (photographed by Clarence S. Bull) . N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to William Randolph Hearst & signed (photographed by Ruth Harriet Louise) BORDEN, OLIVE. Hollywood, n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed(?) (photographed by Henry Waxman) BORDONI, IRENE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 9-25x7.25 in., inscribed to George Welch & signed, 1933 BRAMLEY, FLORA. San Francisco, n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Helen Conklin & signed (photographed by DeForrest) BRENT, EVELYN. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed . N.p., n.d.; photograph, 9-25x7-25 in., signed (photographed bu Hommel) BRITTON, BARBARA. N.p..tea.19713 photograph, 10x8 in., signed BROWN, TOM. CHollywood3 £19333 photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Paul CR. Palmer3 & signed CNov. 19333 BYINGTON, SPRING. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 7*5 in., inscribed to Bob Bray & signed CAMPBELL, BEATRICE STELLA TANNER (MRS PATRICK). London, n.d.; photograph, 5«75xU in., signed (cabinet photograph by Elliott & Fry) CANTOR, EDDIE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to George Gray . & signed CAREY, HARRY. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in, inscribed to David Horsley & signed CAROL, SUE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 7x5 in., inscribed to Alice & signed __. N.p.,n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Helen CARROLL, NANCY. N.p., n.d.; photograph, h.25x3.75 in., signed on mat (photograph is cut out 8s mounted) , N.p., n.d.; photograph, 7x5 in., signed . N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to ? & signed . N.p., n.d.; photograoh, 10x8 in., signed , CHollywood, CA3 n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Helen Conklin & signed (photographed by Gene Robert Richee) CASS, PEGGY. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Bill & signed CHANDLER, HELEN. [Hollywood, CA3 1930; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Edward J. Barry & signed CHAPLIN, SYDNEY. N.p. Cca.19273 photograph, 2x2.25 in., signed & inscribed, 1927 CHATTERTON, RUTH. CHollywood, CA3 C19293 photograph, 10.25x8 in., inscribed to Edward Barry & signed CHILD, JULIA Me WILLIAMS. CBoston3 C19713 photograph, 10x8 in., signed & inscribed C19713 (photographed by Paul Child) CLAYTON, ETHEL. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 9.5x7-5 in., signed & inscribed CLYDE, JUNE. CHollywood, CA3 CNov 19333 photograph, 7x5 in., inscribed to Paul CR. Palmer3 & signed CODY, LEW. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 8x10 in., signed (photographed by Freulich) COLLIER, CONSTANCE, London, n.d.; photograph, 5-5x3.5 in., signed (photographed by J.Beagles & Co.) .- [London! [ca.19073 photograph, 5- 5x3- 5 in., signed (photographed by Rotary Studio; on a post card addressed to Albert Gray) COMPTON, FAY. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 5-5x3-5 in., signed COOPER, (DAME) GLADYS. CLondonH [ca.192^3 photograph, 5-5x3-5 in., signed . N.p., 1971; photograph, 9-5x7-5 in., signed CORNELL, KATHARINE. [New York3 [ca.l937H photograph, 13-5x10-5 in., inscribed to Col. Yaschenko & signed on the mat (photographed by Vandamm Studio) SEE OVERSIZE COSTELLO, DOLORES. N.p., n.d.; photograph, U.5x3 in., signed on the mat COURTNEIDGE, (DAME) CECILY. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 5-25x3-5 in., signed COWL, JANE. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., signed CROMWELL, RICHARD. N.p., n.d.; photograph, 10x8 in., inscribed to Paul Palmer 8s signed CUMMINGS, CONSTANCE. London, n.d.; photograph, 5.5x3-5 in,, signed (photographed by Stuart Robinson) . London Cca.19723 photograph, 5-5x3-5 in., inscribed to Paul Palmer & signed [19723 (photographed by Stuart Robinson) DALTON, ABBY.
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