COURIER-JOURNAL. Friday, Oct. 6,1967 11 ming, creator of the James Bond character. Broadway Musicals In addition, practically every recent Broadway musical that has had any kind of success has been snapped up for the films and among those now before the cameras are: "Oliver!," based on Dickens' "Oliver Twist"; ;'Funny Girl," "Hello, Dolly" and 'Sweet Char­ ity," all of them with Barbra Streisand in the starring roles, and "Half a Sixpence," which will star the above-named Tommy Steele, a vibrant young singer-dancer with a seeming double-mouthful of teeth who js expected to ride the crest of the new wave of musicals. 3 JiFarner Brothers has set a ten-mfflrdri-dollar budget for "The Man Who Would Be King," a musical film that as yet has no star, director or cast, and RCA Victor, in an un­ precedented move for a record company, has put up the money for a film version of H, G. If the new trend continues, new performers will have to come on singing, Wells' "The Man Who Could Work Miracles," about a clerk 858 Hudson Ave. as does Franco Nero as Sir Lancelot in this scene from "Camelot." who suddenly gains super­ Rochaitar't favorifa noontlma Raitaurantl! Serving human power. Monday thru Friday I 1:30 til 2:00. Friday night. 4:30 III 9:00 PHONE 2*4.3440 But one Hollywood film-mak­ Dally 11 a.m. to • a.m. - Frl.-Sat. 2 a.m. Mak* rtiarvatlona now for banquati or partita ing veteran said that the real Dancing Pri.-Sat. Night Films Change Their Tune Ownad and oparatad by Evalyn lr John Walih reason for the strong comeback •77S Monro* Ave. 442*240 The movies, which many people say have become butler. of the musicals is that "the Mtte&j^ather than better, are about to change their American film musteattr really "Chitty Chitty Bing Bang" - Hollywood's last line of defense fieri CAFE SOCIETY tune. No less than a dozen film musicals are now being A musical version, starring against the foreign import. The Dining & Dancing: Every Night! readied for release: a major Dick Van Dyke, of a story writ­ worst we can do is 'good.'" (Jiflac'* j&riottt Hiriwe switch that began when movie­ ten for children by Ian Flem- l*e FMendly Home of Good Dining makers . started hearing • thebox-offic e "name" in the cast. (Catholic Press Features) HOUSE SPECIAL! • EN RIBAUDO TRIO 1 SIZZLING STEAK LOWELL MILLER 'SIBLOIN AT 1TB BEST" sound of music on their cash Richard Harris will be playing HON DEMARCO registers. „ King Arthur ( Richard Burton N.Y. CUT SIRLOIN #• ae JOE SALZANO SAX All Legkl Beverage* Salad t laka aCfJU Opan la A.H. *> Sill P.M. Yaaar Haatai did it on Broadway), Vanessa vv MARY VIELE Vocalltt ; Indeed, the swift and spectac­ Potato. •" Sunday* It Naaa t» I P.M. Mac ana Calay Malaria Redgrave is Queen Guinevere —»5 to 10 P.M. Nlt»l» — 32S-KM Cloaad Maaaaja. lift LATTA BO. at DBWBT Mt-PTXl ular climb of "The Sound of (Julie Andrews' T>art on the Mr U SI C 23 Stlllson St. Music" to the top of the all- stage) and as Sir Lancelot, the Cor. E. Main I Stlllton time money-making list in so producers have picked an Italian i IS GOOD FOR YOVR jshort a time has touched off a star named Franco Nero < and CHILD . (scramble among the major stu­ are sure that the role wilLdtt MR. STEAK dios for musical "properties," for his career what it did? for BUCCANEER particularly stage productions. Robert Goulet's. AMERICA'S Fcvorlja Family fttttaurant Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge '., . STEAK IS OUR SPECIALTY . .. ] In fact, 'Cunelot," the Lerner RENT 1 "The Happiest Millionaire" — I "High Adventure in Fine Dining" and Loewe musical of King Ar­ This is a Walt Disney film that A Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, 3MI W. HENRIETTA RD. AIR-CONDITIONED 1384 .Empire Blvd. 288-3065 thur's time, will be released this is a return; to the happy-go- Trombone _ 11 A.M. • • P.M. Dally Niena J34-7ltO Fall, the first of a long line of lucky biographical musicals pop­ • Rant for oi long oi you wiafc • Uullmltti' rrtira $^*§\ upcoming films that moviemak­ ular in the 1940's, The man of prlvilaaes e [f yet b'iy all Hiatal pay mot* wlltlaajiEMTrl ers are now convinced are the the title is Anthony J. Drexel •pply plat 20% discount • -lumay-SoliMr liltm-\£2p/ best bets for bringing the do-re- Biddle (played by Fred Mac- •Mti aad othtr fiat makti. ^P*r mi into the box office. Hurray), a colorful and rather eccentric believer in having a sc.oo ,month Proof that "Sound of Music" good time in staid Philadelphia only ilk.. MARSHALL'S was no fluke in quickly passing in the 1910's. His collection of RESTAURANT - LOUNGE STEAK HOUSE "Gone with the Wind" as the live alligators, bis Biddle Bible Believe it or not. New Clarinet Rental $25.00 a all-time moneymaker is the fact "Hocni ol Hi* World's Urgait Shrimp Cocktail and Staling Staaii" FAMOUS For FINE FOODS classes, boxing and Ju-Jitsu ichool year. Designed and manufactured by Mr. that of the top six films on matches and the romance be­ 380 EMPIRE BLVD. PHONE: 288-9759 2820 Dewey Are. 683-9836 that list, three are fairly recent Anthony Bruno • Senior Clarinet Instructor at the tween his daughter, Cordelia Senile Dwyer, Prop. musicals: "Sound of Music," (Lesley Ann Warren) and An­ Eastman School of Music. EMPIRE SHOPPING PLAZA "Mary Poppins" and "My Fair gler Duke (John Davidson) are Lady." . (The other three: woven among a doien songs. "GWTW?," followed by "The Ten Used Instrument Rental $20 For The School Year Tbt RJdgemomt Commandments" and "Ben- "Doctor Dolittie"—Rex Hap I'ASSIMHtT Hur.") ralson plays an animal doctor MEBCUKY MUSIC CO. COLONY RESTAURANT "THE COMPUTE who has mastered the secret of 303 EAST MAIN ST. 325-6GM New Trend conversing with his animals. 2133 RIDGE ROAD WEST RESTAURANT" IN RIDSEMONT PLAZA . - The film is not scheduled for LUNCHEONS • DINNERS • AFTER THEATRE SUPPER The new trend started by Laeektt • Dinar • Ceckteili release untiK Qecehiber, bbt, aii INTIMATE LOUNGE »NT»TAINMINT * \r (these? ft' musicali'*success album of so^gS«:froto ."the filnj 4:» A.M. TO It P.M. EXCEPT SUN. .began! USus1 past 'season with PHONE UI-7UQ 368 JEFFERSON RD. — Opposite 'SoutfctoW v is already climbing'up the r&fi Phont 473-3545 'ThoriAigMy Modern/ Millie," ord charts. "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" and "A "Star" — The life story of Funny Thing Happened on the Gertrude Lawrence, a leading HOW/ CENELLPS COUNTRY HOUSE Way to the Forum," but begin­ Broadway musical performer, is REITER'S «d ning this Fall the tempo will being filmed with Julie An For those who want a new dining experience, make the jMvifeotW0G£ be picking up considerably. TO FEEL STEAK HOUSE drews as Miss Lawrence. happy-diseovery of CLnelll'a Country House, 4 miles east 7 Dlf-FEBBNT STEAKS $2.95 to $3.75 All 16 02. CALL Taking it from the top, the "Finian's Rainbow"—A multi­ of PultneyviLle on Lake Rd. overlooking Lake Ojntarlo. wa Rest. 232-6377 scoresheet reads something like million-dollar remake of the Complete dinners served daily 5 to 9 p.m., Sunday 1 to 8 7 VARIBT3IJS OP 8 A LADS this: classic .has been entrusted to p.m. Luncheon from 12 to 2 p.m. dally. Bar and lounge MT. HOPE & SOUTH AVE. Lodge 434-3550 boy-wonder director Francis THE HOLY FATHER'S MIMI0M AID> TO THI ORIENTAL CHURCH open L2 noon. Closed Mondays. Phone 1-315-483-9508. "Camelot" — The producers Ford Coppola (on the strength are convinced that the Leaner of his "You're a Big Boy Now") VE1Y SFICIAL and Loewe songs (particularly and will feature Fred Astaire, This column's happiest readers are the men, the title song, said to be Presl Petula Clark and British enter­ women and children who know they're needed. dent Kennedy's favorite) and JUMBO 4 LB. LOBSTER tainer Tommy Steele, who also The days we're busiest helping others are the the mmedievae l setting will attract steals "The Happiest Million happiest days of our lives. Who needs you s SALAD, lAKID POTATO FOR TWO 13 " WITH SOUK CREAM audiences even without a proven aire" in the role of a family most? Surprisingly, God needs you — for In­ Kttttfe stance, to help an abandoned orphan become AL VINO JOE CADY'S Merle Sweets? Sunday thru Frilly 7 Piaca Orcfmtra Plailna DO a God-loving, responsible adult. Lepers need Downtowner In Our Ntw CockU*J Lounge Nllaly «M P.M.'Ill 1:10 A.M. iniriaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim SOMETHING you (there are still 15-million lepers in the Also fiatsrlng Duck, laaf Wallington and many omar anrraai MEANINGFUL world), blind children need you, and so do we. 100 SOUTH AVE. at BROAD Free Imlde Parking Mil W. Haartajaii Road •• 14S91 • WHILE ... Here in Mew York we are your agents, telling YOU'RE you where trie Holy Father says your help Is Mt&r'sil STILL needed, and channeling your help promptly and ^ "Where the Best is not ALIVE safely to the people in need. Want to feel necessarily the most expensive" (/fctwttytflfeuie good right now? Do without something you want I EDDIE'S Fin* loodi and ba>aragai tarvad to diierim- but do not need, and send the money Instead inating paopla for ovar 40 ytt. Alwayi ovar DINING ROOM • CfIN 11 AM, DAILY • - - [CtiOP H^USE J SO tntraai lo ulact (ram.
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