18 AUTOMOBILES.-ETC. THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. AUGUST a. 1923-PART 2. ROOMS. ETC.’ PETS. ETC. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES. DOGS. (•¦Hawed. FOR REFT—GARAGES. RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED. ( onliniicd. Continued. CaattaaH. Ceatlaattt. c— C'owtlnned. st. • CoattnaH. -BOSTON TERRIER PI PS -cheap. M»0 M_ I’ORDS —Two 1021 louring cars. Col. 8124-J. 3168 " 17TH ST. * GABACE TO 3 floor, front, j- _ I*_ 1923 CHEVROLET TOURING HUDSON 6-40 TOURING. NOTICE! ACCOMMODATE a OR CARS N.W.—Second Ko’.tl* CAR and body: second-hand; cheap. Almost new; Continental motor; fin*- condition; You need not wait to lu rear of 1726 Eye st. n .w. Col. 1439. e a<^o,uln * ¦ few ifept from thp I)It. 11. A. LOCKE'S 822 G Only run 2,000 miles; $lO7 worth extras; qul-k save Mt.l?r* IVh. n.w. sale. Frank. (1347. *IOO worth rortl tire*; owner going so Califor- Sacrifice on Used Cars. letNtnt ctr; ¦ m l.; feotlcmtn; ss7io •_ your A enc<*. Txn; AM) HOSPITAL. SEDAN, late 1922; excellent appear- nia; *250; ti-nns with security. 227 Mass, dollars to buy a Used Car. CA. AVK. SHEPHERD ST. N.W »7.W> Columbia 3712. ,*}• CAT FORD ave. n.e. • 1020 4-pass, coups 14th A Shepherd sts. n.w 7.50 ai2l it! ST N.W- COLUMBIA.'74. ance: mechanically perfect: owner aacrlttee for BUICK COUPE We gladly lend you money Hudson ouio .MANOR. Kill a »t. deafra I 1923 the 1922 X. K. ItYO.N I.NT.. 1423 K St. M. 8560. *e n.wl~V«rr RES,, TAKUMA PARK. APAMB 11940- quick sale; many Fboor Franklin fa*7*. OODOK ROADSTER. CO.. r> : n°t * room is* house: >uitsble for two: extras. 1920 DODGE TOURING. next Demonstrator. HUDSON SEDAN. to purchase any car in the house 12ia KT. MATTHEWS COURT (REAR to bath; $25 per mo ; cookior extra; )GS. 1018 HUDSON SPKEDSTEB (onn. N.W. 1 u Four-cylinder; many extras; run 3,500 miles; ' tte.. K. I. are tad N «L). garage with to $3.50 per j FORD TOFRINO, 1920; In perfect order. Ap- guarantee. Westinghouse shock absorb- and lend it without brokerage, 1917 FRANKLIN SUDAN. rn,s All breeds taken board rate. i carries new car See Mr. Duffy. I-4 • »•. Wee. AMERICAN • °ear Mt. Pleanant car line piy 14 Ridge ave.. Silver Spring. tt* 14Ui st. 529 R BLCIRIT3 A up. KcuneiH located on farm. |; Md. 1015 Main fees, or plans ofi , TRUST CO.. 738 13th st. n.w. Murn-floor front room, sonthern exposure; for and ers. wire wheels, special body; and convenient to bin- deliwrod. • FORD coupe; motor 5.328.217 (1922 Prices from $350 $775. B*_ or double, S2O; *»*atlemen; referen:*es. (\»*. i:\M\n Ki n\i:i> CPU. 268 T). i No. terms. 1 4UB. j model): driven 5.200 miles by earefol owner; BETTER USED CARS FOR good condition. See F. C. Davis, no 3th ST. car; many i JC.E—LARGE SPaCE IN DOC- ST, i same guarantee as new extras; LAMBERTVHUDSON ; hie Karate, 97. 2144 P N.W.—Large, clean, attrac-ilra price. Phone l.lncoln 1841. LESS MONEY AND TERMS 2117 14th st. n.w. Potomac 40. THE WASHINGTON CADILLAC COMPANY, front room, newly papered and FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. j s37*o. 1138-11(0 painted; near Connecticut Are. TOR RENT—HALF OF DOUBLE government departments; per . - * MOTORS CO.. I BRICK GA- SIH monU * FORI* SEDAN, late model; many extras: 19l!S Wlll.vri-Knight roadster, run S.OOO GARDNER Prank. 3900, 3901, 3902 ra*e. with water: 810 a month. Rear of 634 West 1365-W. Ontleman « and fop; u nnc ear for touring $375. Fr. 9481 Mr. Kane. miles *1,150 East all\ n.w I ’reh I j Mass. Ave. Er. Capitol st. ©l2 X. Y. AVK, N.W.—One room, nrlv;.:« See tlris .*n»* if you are 'looking for n j 1920 Wlllys-Knlght touring tistj GUARANTEED OPEN EVENINGS. 633 7700. trip. in mechanical con- CAR 131*4 CORCORAN ST. N.W. bath, with or without nicely ;y <;*r will jpv«* her vice. The pwee is right, delirery car. perfect 1022 Durant sport roadster *,.. NEAR I«th ASh kitchenette; that luirgain, Oppcnbeimer’a Shop 650 1H22 Gardner louring. K garage. Col. ufslted; next to IHwirier Oakland to.. 170 t» la st. n.w. dition; S2OO. 1922 Durant coupe 850 Gardner touring. stK. Metal Phone 1733 Mon- also one room bath; running >i7.. 1921 • reasonable; iiiipic, Bth ami 1922 Durant touring, like LUTTRELL day; water: Lidiea or gentleman. 0• (FORDl E. new 70U 192 S Ford coupe*. >M»EKSON 5 passenaer touring. 20 -1 ear. 1922 Overland touting 350 1920 Kaark OAR ACE IN REAR OK 1704 Ml 6 K BT. N.W. (downtown)—Nicely furnlsned 1 I-’ORI) SEDAN, brand-new, uerer used. Cull touring. CHEVROLET SALES CO. room, cool; •i rvi Ked Seal t ontinental motor: absolute-j 2 1920 Oldsmobilea, 1 T ptu. with N-A-S-H Apply Jewelry store. front janitor service; steam heat in t-elas* meehaniral rendition: top. | North 752. Califor- per week for Tv fir* J nia top. GARAGE FOR ItE\T- $5 couple only. Call Apt. 1* lioistering and fenders like* new; 5 eord tires; j FoUD SEDAN, 3*y old: ex- Many Others—Good Buys—- 3 good REAR 1633 CU E~ST second j four-door: \months Ford-*. , DEMONSTRATORS. ) n.w.—Two ears. floor. • \«*eplionally high ‘-.ir; eoat new, $l!.r»00; teas: bargain. 4th 5* snide ; . 2110 at. n.e. Up. EA£T TERMS—NO FINANCE CHARGES. l.'tb 11tii * Sl.*iO; inonthiy. $32.50; prlee. $475: ,!i sso HURLEYIZED DOUBLE BRICK GARAGE—I4I ST. N.K.—Three clean roorniT bath ash. FORD coupe, rt months old. Sec Jack Cameron. i ADAMS ST 1.h.k.; white enameled woodwork, guaranteed: eharge: other ears WAYNE & n.w. varnished no linanee I'niversal Auto Co., 17.29 M st. n.w. 5* SMITH CO.. New Car Guarantee. j floors. ele« tr>!ty. references; op**n taken in fade open Sunday. Monk Motor OVER 22nd and M Sts. USED CAR h.-w.h.: $35 LAND-WHEELER CO. ~ West 2007. ; DOUBLE BETWEEN Saturday and Sunday. 5* 17. .Missouri ate, n.w. Fr. 1037f». * FORD TOrui.Nt: cars, up. Strobcl Mo- Home C AND D tjj,. tor n.w. of WlHys-Knight-Ovcrland VALUES. sts. and 7th and Sth n.e. $lO double. 4314 Co.. I-f—r» Irving at. Superior Utility Coupe. 1 Wng'e. $6 4th ST. N.W. (Petworth) —Nicely fui you Automobiles BUICK. 1923 ! Phone Adams 3203 after 0 p.m. 7* front, and PAKV UI’*$75: know the breed: never FRANKUN SEDAN. 1922: run 11.000 Biles; ®*-f! IE YOU ARE IX THE , nlhhed room, with use of kitchen s*s l;..;ir 22 K. Service. Superior 1742 dining room; congenial die. is perfect <*ondltion. Franklin- Motor Car Cd., Now at 1923 Sedanettc. S ST.—ON BHAU OK I'WOUAR rehned. couple or only 11.(am miles; prieed Ist4 K MARKET FOR AN UN- ! hrirk garage. • woman. $35 month; g.irage If desired. 5* I*l It K. 1t»22. run II st. n.w. Main 7045. USED CAR ! Superior * Jow for «|iiiek ¦'alt*; V »». 14th 1821 St. .1923 Sedan. ITr, $7 Stduebaker. HAYNES TOrUING, 1922; run 8,000 miles; 14th N.W. USUAL BARGAIN IN A , SPACE KOa'sMALr CARH IN El REPROOF lv OLII> ST - 18th and Columbia j in way: many ex- phone N. inais. DEPARTMENT. *arage; heat, ilght an., water; rf>ad)--lH*sirahle doable<nearroom. ml*o single I excellent condition every OPEN $lO per month. roorr M ter. Tj»2H; cm id ra*-; good eondi- j rras. Franklin Motor Car Co.. 1814 E st. ALL DAY SUNDAY. —GOOD—USED CAR—it USEDCARS. Apply to janitor. 1414 V at. n.w. second floor: a.m.i.; convenient meals; Protea I.i K road: j tantw. Col. 4855. 7311 I Main 7045. In wc are to our .GARAGE, $lO MONTH, 3011 NEAR c* j SOME LATE MODEL the NEWVBUICKS will be well consider j LOWELL. front, and new; , cathedral. Phone ( lev 2800. 3* fyjj l«rge second floor rooms, bear- ; 111 Itin « touring Urea, lop mechani* HI DSON SEDAN, 7 pass, 1021; like Dodge touring. tifully tiist .la». you look at this extras. Columbia 1405-J. offering the biggest automobile reputation for fair dealing i TWO-CAR furnished; single or en anite; all mod rai eondifit»n If BARGAINS 1 RRICK, LIGHT. WIDE, PAVED *-rr\ unlimited it right at * a.ley; water conveniences; phone: private one von will agree that is prieed ROADSTER, the of and Buick roadster. available. 2434 20th/st. n.w. family. • HFFMOBILE late model: in A-1 value in hisfory the in- investigate l*hone Call Cleveland M.'.n, Terms. U.strU-t Oakland Co., 17U0 h enurtition; runs iwrfect; very good tires, In- these— • Columbia 7796. o* 2800. Buick FORD 616 V S3'. N.W.—Newly remodeled, ; m n.w. eluiling tlie snare: bumper front and rear; 4 touring, 1922; driven dustry and through SEDAN. ONE-CAR furnished “trade-ins” i SPACE IN CON. front and rear se<)an: terms. Byrd. Conn, are., HURLEYIZED erete private st. rooms good for single men l:i ii k pass just one week old. Ad- Fr. 9480. Mr. 1218 very little; motor recently Mechanically in good comli- I built-in' garage. 16th and T and couples: i until 2 today. com- on tiiese new Buicks we are n.w.
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