Bellway Homes Limited 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD Framework Travel Plan 001 MAY 2021 PUBLIC 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD Framework Travel Plan TYPE OF DOCUMENT (VERSION) PUBLIC PROJECT NO. 70081934 OUR REF. NO. 001 DATE: MAY 2021 WSP WSP House 70 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1AF Phone: +44 20 7314 5000 Fax: +44 20 7314 5111 WSP.com PUBLIC QUALITY CONTROL Issue/revision First issue Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Issue Date May 2021 Prepared by S Krishnan Signature Checked by B Vaughan Signature Authorised by A Blacker Signature Project number 70081934 Report number 001 File reference \\uk.wspgroup.com\central data\Projects\70081xxx\70081934 - 17- 21 Dingwall Road, Croydon (2021)\03 WIP\TP Transport Planning\05 Reports\2021 Reports 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 APPOINTMENT 1 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION 1 1.3 PLANNING HISTORY 2 1.4 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 2 1.5 TRAVEL PLAN OVERVIEW 3 1.6 REPORT PURPOSE 3 1.7 TRAVEL PLAN STRUCTURE 3 2 PLANNING POLICY 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION 5 2.2 NATIONAL POLICY 5 2.3 REGIONAL POLICY 10 2.4 LOCAL POLICY 12 3 BASELINE CONDITIONS 14 3.1 INTRODUCTION 14 3.2 LOCAL HIGHWAY NETWORK 14 3.3 PEDESTRIAN ACCESSIBILITY 15 3.4 CYCLING ACCESSIBILITY 16 3.5 PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK 18 3.6 ON STREET PARKING 24 3.7 CAR CLUBS 24 4 TRAVEL DEMAND 26 4.1 SITE MONITORING 26 4.2 BASELINE TRAVEL DEMAND 26 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited 4.3 SERVICING 27 5 OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS 28 5.1 OBJECTIVES 28 5.2 TARGETS 28 5.3 ‘AIM’ TYPE TARGETS 28 5.4 ‘ACTION’ TYPE TARGETS 29 6 TRAVEL PLAN STRATEGY 30 6.1 TRAVEL PLAN CO-ORDINATOR 30 6.2 MARKETING STRATEGY 30 6.3 SECURING THE TRAVEL PLAN AND FUNDING 30 7 TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES 31 7.1 INTRODUCTION 31 7.2 ‘HARD’ MEASURES – SITE DESIGN 31 7.3 KEY SERVICES & FACILITIES 32 7.4 ‘SOFT’ MEASURES – COMMUNICATION AND PROMOTION 32 8 MONITORING AND REVIEW 34 8.1 INTRODUCTION 34 8.2 MONITORING OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 34 8.4 REVIEW 35 8.5 ACTION PLAN 35 TABLES Table 2-1 - Minimum Cycle Parking Standards 11 Table 2-2 - Maximum car parking provision 11 Table 2-3 - Development Scale Guidelines for Travel Plans 12 Table 3-1 – Summary of Local Bus Services 21 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited Table 3-2 – Summary of Services at East Croydon Station 22 Table 3-3 Tram Service Summary 23 Table 4-1 - Total Residential Trip Generation 26 Table 4-2 - Total Residential Trip Generation 27 Table 4-3 - Total Commercial Trip Generation 27 Table 5-1 - Interim Cycling Mode Share Targets 28 Table 7-1 – Proposed Long Stay Cycle Parking Provision 32 Table 8-1 Monitoring Timescale 34 Table 8-2 Action Plan 35 FIGURES Figure 1-1 - Site Location 1 Figure 2-1 - Travel Plan Pyramid 9 Figure 3-1 – Local Highway Network Plan 14 Figure 3-2 - Walking Isochrones 15 Figure 3-3 - Cycle Isochrones 16 Figure 3-4 - Local Cycle Routes 17 Figure 3-5 - PTAL Map 18 Figure 3-6 - Time Mapping 19 Figure 3-7 – Local Bus Routes 20 Figure 3-8 –Parking Zones 24 Figure 3-9 – Car Club Locations 25 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 APPOINTMENT This Framework Travel Plan (FTP) has been prepared on behalf of Bellway Homes Limited in support of a planning application for the redevelopment of the 17-21 Dingwall Road, in the London Borough of Croydon (LBC). This report has been prepared in accordance with current Department for Transport (DfT) and Transport for London (TfL) guidance. It will therefore be used as a basis from which to agree terms of any planning agreement, including conditions or planning obligations relating to the proposed measures identified within this document. 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION The existing Site is located on the to the east of Dingwall Road, close to East Croydon Station as illustrated in Figure 1-1. The Site is currently owned by Bellway. Figure 1-1 - Site Location The Site is located on the western edge of Croydon Opportunity Area, identified in the Local and Strategic Plan for growth, intensification and tall buildings. The Site is currently vacant. The previous Job Centre building located on the Site was demolished in 2019 following the approval of detailed planning permission (LPA Ref: 17/06327/FUL) for the construction of two buildings ranging from 9 to 24 storeys to provide 181 new residential dwellings. 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited Page 1 of 35 This planning application follows the established principles of extant consent permission while making several key alterations to enable the scheme to be built and delivered. The Site is located on Dingwall Road and is bordered by Carolyn House (22-26 Dingwall Road) and No.26 Apartment (26 Dingwall Road) to the north, Renaissance House to the south and the existing office building known as Southern House to the west. Dingwall Road provides the eastern boundary and opposite the Site is the Ruskin Square development area. 1.3 PLANNING HISTORY Detailed planning permission (LPA Ref: 17/06327/FUL) was granted on the site in 29th October 2018 for the following development proposals. “Full planning application for a residential-led mixed use development ranging in height from 9 (ground plus 8 levels) to 24 storeys (ground plus 23 levels), containing 181 residential units (88 no. 1 bed units, 81 no. 2 bed units, 12 no. 3 bed units) with flexible commercial space at ground, first and second floor level, 8 no. disabled access car parking spaces, cycle parking, and associated amenity space, hard and soft landscaping”. Bellway purchased the site following approval of the above planning permission. A comprehensive detailed design and technical review was undertaken of the original permission which highlighted buildability, technical and fire related issues which needed to be addressed in order for the scheme to be delivered. As a result, several amendments have been made to the original permission to date to try and address these issues sufficiently, including alterations to the façade, the ground and first floor and the podium deck. Despite the amendments made to the original permission as set out above, there remains serious concerns about the deliverability and buildability of the scheme in its current form which must be resolved in order for the scheme to come forward. As a result, Bellay have made the decision to submit a new detailed planning application to address the outstanding issues in order for the scheme to be delivered. 1.4 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The principles of the forthcoming application will remain aligned with the previous scheme iteration, though the proposals seek to increase the development on the site and will comprise 197 residential dwellings together with an offering of commercial /retail space. The design principles focus on enhancing sustainability and promoting healthy lifestyles. In line with this strategy, it is proposed to deliver a car-free development with a provision of blue badge car parking at a reduced ratio of 0.03 spaces per dwelling. This will be supported by a wide-ranging and ambitious suite of sustainable travel measures, as set out in the accompanying Framework Travel Plan. Cycle parking spaces will be provided in line with The London Plan (2021) standards where possible given the Site constraints. This was discussed and agreed with LBC as part of the pre-application process. The Proposed Development description is as follows: “Full planning application for residential development ranging in height from 9 (ground plus 8 levels) to 25 storeys (ground plus 24 levels), containing 197 residential units, with flexible 17-21 DINGWALL ROAD PUBLIC | WSP Project No.: 70081934 | Our Ref No.: 001 May 2021 Bellway Homes Limited Page 2 of 35 commercial space at ground floor (use class E), disabled car parking spaces, cycle parking, and associated amenity space, hard and soft landscaping.” 1.5 TRAVEL PLAN OVERVIEW TfL, in their latest guidance, define a Travel Plan as ‘a long-term management strategy for an existing or proposed development that seeks to integrate proposals for increasing sustainable travel by the future occupier(s) into the planning process and is articulated in a document that is to be regularly reviewed by the future occupier(s) of the site’. A Travel Plan involves identifying an appropriate package of measures aimed at promoting sustainable travel, with an emphasis on ‘promoting alternatives to the car’. A Travel Plan should establish a structured strategy with clear objectives and targets, supported by suitable policies and quality measures for implementation. Whilst the location of a development, its physical design and proximity to facilities and services create the conditions to make sustainable travel choices a natural option communicating these opportunities to occupiers is also critical to the success of the travel plan. The Travel Plan is essentially a ‘living document’ requiring monitoring, review and revision to ensure it remains relevant to the organisation and those using the Site and provides continuous improvements for its duration. These aspirations and actions should be documented in a travel plan, the structure and content of which are dependent upon a range of factors including the location and nature of development, the occupiers and the end users.
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