INDEX. yElfwald, King of Northumbria, coin A. attributed to the memory of St. Cuth- bert of, 49 el seq. It, first appearance of the unbarred, on ^Ethelberht of Kent, the Laws of, 99. Edwardian coins, 140. ^-Ethelflaed, death of, 56. Abbey, Mr., and his proposal to prevent „ the " Lady of the Mercians," clipping, 234. 55. 56- Abbey pieces, concerning, 146. „ the "Lady of the Mercians," Abbott, Sergeant F., medal and Bronze and the Danes, 94. Star awarded to, 300. „ the Lady of the Mercians," Aberdare, Lady, colours presented to the married to /Ethelred, the 43rd Foot by, 294. leading ealdorman of Mer- Aberystwyth, Charles I., a glance inside cia, 55. the mint of, 203-206, -<Ethelrasd I., coins of, 3. 380. /Ethelred, find of coins temp., at Waterloo „ extract from a small book Bridge, 102. kept by Thomas Bushell's ,, King of Northumbria, coin scribe relating to the mint attributed to the memory of of, 204. St. Cuthbert, of, 51^ seq. ,, mint, Henry Sutch, chief sEthelred, Sub-Regulus of Mercia, sou in moneyer of the, 204. law of aUlfred the Great, a ,, „ inventory of tools re- penny of, 55-59, 388. moved from the, /Ethelred, the Sub-Regulus of Mercia, date 205, 206. of the coin „ statistics ot money coined at assigned to, mint of, 204—205. 58-59- „ the open book mint-mark of, „ ,, ,, description of 204. coin assigned „ Thomas Bushell licensed to to, 57- set up a mint within the ,, „ ,, possibly obtain- Castle of, 203. ed moneyers Acre, Turkish Gold Medal for, 383. from Canter- Act for Remedying the Ill-state of the Coin, bury, 58. 225. „ ,, reasons for Addedomaros, coins of, 1. assigning a Addison, Private Henry, of the 43rd Foot, penny to, 58, 289. 59- Adela, sister to Henry I., marries Stephen ,, „ „ references to, Count of Blois, 89. in various Adelaide, tokens, 380. c h r o nicies ^Edred gives land in Wedlingburgh to and charters, Abbey of Croyland, 327. 55. 56- Index. ^Ethelred, the Sub-Regulus, the word rex Anglo-Saxon gold coins, find of, on Bag- used in shot Heath, 70. chronicles in Anlaf, cut halfpenny of, 101-102. connection Anne, concerning the copper coinage of, with, 56. 261. ,, II., number of mints temp., ,, Princess, medal of, 392. 109. Annulet mint mark of Edward IV., con- „ styca of, 99. cerning the, 154 et seq. ^Ethelstan, coins of, 61-62, 66, 70. ANSCOMBE, ALFRED, F.R.HIST.SOC. :— „ II., coins of, 57, 58. The names of Old-English Mint-Towns ; Albuera, the 43rd Foot at the Battle of, their original form and meaning and 281. their epigraphical corruption, 9-48, Aldersgate Street, Ben Jonson on the 39°- closing of the Half Moon Tavern in, 330. Antedrigus, coins of, 3, 7. Alfred and Guthrum's Frith, agreement Anthony, Derick, the engraver, 185. known as, 58. ,, ,, the probable engraver „ and the memory of St. Cuthbert, of MaryTudor's dies, 52 et seq. 185, 189, 192. coins of, 3, 52, 57, 58, 61, 66, 70, Antoninus Pius, coins of, with figure of 102. Britannia, 265. .,, cut halfpenny of, 103. ,, F. A. Walter's theory on .„ find of coins temp., at Cuerdale, 52. the BRITANNIA type ,. „ „ „ at Waterloo of, 70. Bridge, 102. Antrim and Armagh, finds of coins temp. „ introduces the " great " penny or Edward VI. to Charles L in Counties, groat and the round halfpenny, 363-364- Antwerp, coin of, closely resembling coins „ round halfpenny of, with mono- of Edward III., 388. gram LONDONI [A] or LVN- Arlesey Station, find of an early British DONI[A], 105. coin near, 7. Allectus, London had a mint in time of, Armagh, finds of coins temp. Edward VI. 70. to Charles I. in Counties Antrim and, Allen, Thomas, will of, 333. 363-364- Alma and Inkermann, Victoria Cross Arthur, Daniel, letter from, to John awarded for conspicuous bravery at, Roettier, 214. 384- Ashby Wolds, find of a cut halfpenny of Alloy, concerning the amount of, in silver, Stephen at, 102. 128-129. Assay, the standard silver, 128. ANDREW, W. J., F.S.A., Hon. Sec. :— Assays of Mary Tudor's coins, provision A Numismatic History of the reign of made for, 181, 193. Stephen (contd.), 87-136. Athelstan, coin of, 387. Andrew, W. J., and his paper on the Nu- ,, earliest reference to the half- mismatic History of the penny in the Jitdicia Civitatis reign of Stephen, 386- Lundonice. of, 103. 387- " Aiituw" the meaning of, 53. ,, ,, exhibits by, 388. Austin, Matthew, will of, token issuer of ,Angel of Mary Tudor, 180, 182. Oundle, 344. „ „ Philip and Mary, 187, 188, 193, Australasia, An Account of the Coins, 194. Coinages, and Currency op, .Angelet of Mary Tudor, 180, 182. given by the author, C. P. Angels of Mary Tudor, made from bullion Hyman, 389. supplied from her private sources, 185- ,, Catalogue of Coins, Coinage, 186. and Currency of, with Specitnens "f Anglesey, early form of the name, 33- Medals, presented by C. P. Hyman, 389. Index. 423 Australia, coins of, 389. Beaworth, find of coins temp. William I. Australia, The Toketi Coinage of, first at, 64, 65, 68, 75, 76, 77-. portion contributed, 380. „ hoard, the, and monetagium, Australian gold coins struck at the Sydney, 117 118. Melbourne, a?id Perth Mints, 365- Bebee, Thomas, tokens of, 307. 368. Bebees, the, of Rothwell, Quakers, 353. ACDR SSC, suggested interpretation of the Beckwith, Sir Sidney, 280. letters, on coins of Alfred, 32 et seq. Bede, characteristics of the orthography of, 12. „ influences which affected the Historia by, 12. B. ,, mint towns mentioned by, 11. „ The names of Old-English Mint Badajoz, bar on Peninsular medal, 293, Towns which occur in, 9-48, 296, 297, 298. 39°- Bagerley, America, will of, 335-336. ,, The Venerable, short history of, Bagshot Heath, find of Anglo-Saxon gold j 11-12. coins on, 70. "Bede's Death Song," 12. Bailey's Grave, the 43rd Foot at the engage- Bedford mint of Henry I., 136. ment of, 289. Bek, Bishop, 399. Baird, Sir David, the 43rd Foot under, „ „ Anthony, coins of, 137. 277. ,, „ ,, personal mark of, Baker, Moses—workman at Tower Mint 139- —moneyer at Norwich, 254. Belfast, bar to Boer War medal, 300. bal., Celtic element in certain place-names, ' Bell, William, tokens of, 313. 21-22. Benevente, the Light Dragoons at, 278. Baldwin, A. H., coins of, 64. Berkshire, early forms of the name, 32. „ exhibits by, 374-375.379> Bermondsey, find of coins temp. William 382. 391- II. and Henry I. at, 114. Banda and Kirwee prize money, distribu- „ hoard, monetagium and the, tion of the, 290. 118. BankofEngland, establishment of the, 228- Bernardi, John, and the plot to kill 229. William III., 214. Banna venta of the Britons, Weedon Bernini, the sculptor, 217. perhaps the site of the, 322. Berwick-on-Tweed mint of Edward I., Barclay, plot to kill William III. by Sir 137- George, 214. Betanzos, Sergeant William Newman at, " Barnaby," " Drunken," extracts from 278,297. Journal of, 321, 323. Bidassoa, bar on Peninsular medal, 295. Barnstaple mint of Henry I., 136. „ the 43rd Foot at the passage of Barrett, Private L., of the 43rd Foot, the, 283. 291. "Birkenhead," loss of H.M.S., with men Barton, Daniel, one of the patentees for of the 43rd Foot, 289. William III.'s copper coinage, 261. Blake Medal, the, 275. Base coin which circulated temp. William Blakeney, Lady, colours presented to the III., 224, 225. 43rd Foot by, 293. ,, moneys current in England, to be Bland, possibly the William Brend of converted into coins for Ireland of Towcester, 313. Philip and Mary, 198-199. Blommendael, Jan, the sculptor, 217. Bath, Bullion Star of the Grand Cross of Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni, heads an the Order of the, 383. insurrection against the Roman power, „ mint of Henry I., 136. 93- 6 Bearly, Thomas, will of, 33 -337- Boehm, J. E., R.A., Australian gold coins Beaumont, Bishop, 399- designed by, 366, 367. 424 Index. Boer War, 1899-1902, the 43rd Foot in British coin, find of an early, at Harlow in the, 291-292. Essex, r. "Bone Cavern," the, of Rothwell, 307. „ „ „ „ „ „ near Arlesey Book, the open, mint-mark of the mint of Station, 7. Aberystwyth, 204. „ coins inscribed DIAS or DEAS Booth, Col., death of, of the 43rd Foot, Attribution of the Ancient, 1-7, 290. 385, 386. „ „ Henry, of the 43rd Foot, 288, ,, gold money, circa 150 B.C., 97. „ India, Order of Second Class, gold, 293- Borough-coinage, general view of the 384- system of, 108 et seq. ,, Museum, coins in the, 52, 63, 64, „ ,, the system established 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, by Athelstan, 108. 73. 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, ,, the privilege of a moneyer 79, 80, 81. granted to every, temp. ,, ,, dies of John Roettier, Athelstan, 109. etc., presented by Boseman, George, story of, 322. Matthew Young to the, Bothaville, the 43rd Foot at, 292. 260, 263-264, 265, 266, 267, 270. Boulogne, early forms of the name, 30, „ ,, horn medallion of 32. William III. in, 217. „ St. Augustine probably em- „ War Medal, the earliest, 275. barked from, for England, • Britons demolish various castles in Wales, 32. 84-85. Bowcher, F., medals by, 384, 389. ,, rise in Wales during the absence Brackins, Private Thomas, medal awarded of William Rufus in Normandy, to, 298. 84-85. Brackley, will of Connoway Rands, senior " Brittle " coins, concerning the cause of, and junior, 332, 333. 128-129. Brancaster, early form of the name, 34. Brock, T., R.A., Australian gold coins Braughing, find of an early British coin designed by, 366, 367, 368. at, 5. " Brocke," " Mr.," said to have erected a Brecknock, early forms of the name, " great mill " in the Tower, 191.
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