PACIFIC NOR HWEST AND ALASKA YuK ON .·~· ·· • • • (Front Cover) The beautiful Columbia River Gorge from Crown Point The Pacific Northwest AND ALASKA THE great Pacific Northwest was There are sightseeing trips without once considered a mysterious far­ number, by train, automobile and away land where a mighty river boat! Mountain sports, hiking, horse­ came roaring down to the Pacific back riding, camping, swimming and Ocean past tremendous mountains boating! Golf on perfect courses. and primeval forests. Not until the Thrilling sport for hunters and fis her­ early years of the 19th century was men! Water sports of all kinds on this vast territory opened. Once rivers, placid ocean, Puget Sound and penetrated, however, the Pacific inland lakes of exquisite beauty. Northwest quickly expanded into And there are things to see-places an industrial giant and a story book you have longed to visit: National vacation land. Parks, mighty snow-clad peaks, feath­ With a delightful year 'round ery waterfalls, famous rivers and climate, making all forms of health­ evergreen forests. ful outdoor sport enjoyable at any season, together with magnificent Yes, you will enjoy every minute scenery··, progressive, hospitable of your visit to the Pacific North­ cities, and friendly people, it is little west, and, like thousands of others, wonder that the Pacific Northwest is will return to your home to sing its a favored vacation region. praises. Payette Lake in central Idaho's wilderness Idaho GEM OF THE MOUNTAINS A T THE gateway to the Pacific ment are mysterious ice caves and Northwest is Idaho, "The Gem of the lava beds. A short distance from Mountains." You swing into Idaho Minidoka are huge cataracts; the fas­ through Pocatello along the famous cinating Snake River Gorge, and rna- · Oregon Trail, traveled by the pio­ jestic Shoshone Falls. neers. Little did they dream of the Farther north in the primitive fast­ comfort and speed at which you re­ ness of this great state lie hundreds trace their plodding footsteps west­ of little-known beauty spots, among ward. them Payette Lake. There are hundreds of places of Continuing westward you soon scenic interest that invite you to cross into Oregon and arrive at linger in Idaho. Boise, the capital, Pendleton, site each August· of the is noted for its beautiful flower famous "Round-Up" rodeo and Wild gardens and the great orchards West show. round about. But, before we leave Idaho let's Hot springs are numerous, and in have a look at another famous at­ Craters of the Moon National Manu- traction of the State. 2 AMERICA 'S FOREMOST YEAR 'ROUND SPORTS RESORT TucKED away in a pocket of the offers a host of diversions. Many va­ Sawtooth Mountains in central Idaho rieties of trout and other game fish lies famous Sun Valley, America's abound in nearby lakes and streams. foremost year 'round sports center. The hunter finds excellent big gam!'! Sun Valley, in winter, is a skier's and game bird shooting. Other forms paradise. There are long timber-free of outdoor recreation include skating slopes for the skilled skier-gentler in­ on an outdoor artificial ice rink, golf, clines for the novice. tennis, badminton, swimming, horse­ Besides skiing there is ice-skating, back riding, archery, bicycling, canoe­ sleighing, dog-sledding, skijoring and ing, trap, rifle and pistol shooting. swimming. At night there is music, A completely equipped playground dancing and good-fellowship. allows the children to romp and play In summer and fall Sun Valley under the watchful eyes of an ex- Winter at Sun Valley \ <- Sun Valley Opera House perienced supervisor. A vacation at Sun Valley is a delight for every member of the family. All the comforts of a metropolitan hotel are yours during your stay. Both Sun Valley Lodge and Chal­ lenger Inn offer a variety of acc6m­ modations on the European plan. COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE The Inn resembles a quaint Alpine F ROM the l~xurious comfort of a village. North Western-Union Pacific train Sun Valley is just a short distance you see some 200 miles of magnifi­ north of Shoshone, Idaho, on Union cent scenery as it unfolds in the ver­ Pacific's main line to and from the dant Columbia River Gorge. One Pacific Northwest. moment you travel past the foot of Bonneville Dam harnesses !he mighty Columbia River. sheer walls of stone; next the sweep­ ing breast of the river lies before you. Mile after mile your train threads along the river, now in the shadows of soaring cliffs, then past garden-like islands, foaming cataracts and water­ falls. Always in the distance the giant peaks of the Cascades stand silent guard over the rich valleys at their feet. Indians fishing at picturesque Celilo Falls. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY YOU may take your choice of two ways of seeing the beauty of the Columbia River Gorge. Your railroad ticket is good from The Dalles, Ore­ gon, to Portland on either a C&NW - UP train, or Overland Greyhound motor coach over the famed Colum­ bia River Highway. The highway is 337 miles long and extends from Pendleton, Ore­ gon, to Astoria, at the mouth of the Indian maids at Pendleton Round-Up Columbia River. It passes ll water­ falls in ll miles, and through the bia River's rushing waters are lashed Columbia River Gorge for 65 delight­ into furious pools and boiling, churn­ fully scenic miles. ing rapids. At The Dalles, or any convenient The scenery around this thriving point west of there, you may leave city is inspiring. The great white the train, transfer to a motor bus. cones of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams and continue through the Gorge to may -be seen reaching for the sky. Portland. - Westward the highway climbs to Mitchell Point Tunnel, where through windows cut in solid rock you are treated to a sublime view. BONNEVILLE DAM THE gigantic Bonneville Dam may · be seen from C&NW-UP trains and Overland Greyhound motor coaches. Completed in 1938, at a cost of more than $100,000,000, it is located 42 miles from Portland, a little north­ west of Mt. Hood. Columbia River salmon runs are passed over the dam by a hqge fish THE DALLES ladder "stairway" more than a mile THE Dalles was named by French­ long. men. It means "a trough through the Bonneville Dam provides much of flat plates of rock." Here the Colum- the power for the Pacific Northwest. 7 Graceful Multnomah Falls, seen from North Western-Union Pacific trains MUL TNOMAH FALLS NOW begins a march of natural wonders-petrified trees, St. Peter's Dome, Beacon Rock, a Lewis and Clark landmark, Shepperd's Dell, Oneonta Gorge and Multnomah Falls. C&NW-UP trains and motor coaches pass directly in front of this entrancing waterfall, affording a per­ fect view. The water leaps downward more than 600 feet. As it tumbles into the pool at the base of the cliff, it All forms of winter sports are popular forms a gorgeous white veil of misty in the Pacific Northwest. spray. An entrancing sight is to see the falls floodlighted at night. MT. HOOD SIDE TRIP AN interesting side trip to be made from either Hood River or Portland is the one to snow-clad Mt. Hood, which rears its venerable crest II ,245 feet above sea level. Sheathed in seven glaciers, its cloudy summit IS a challenge to mountain climbers, Lobby of. Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood and it is America's most climbed glacial peak. High on Mt. Hood's southern slope, the government has built mas­ sive, rustic Timberline Lodge, a mecca for winter sports fans and summer vacationists. Skiing in win­ ter and all forms of outdoor sport in summer are enjoyed. Excellent accommodations are available at rea­ sonable rates. The mile-high chair lift carries tourists in summer and skiers in winter a thousand feet higher on Mt. Hood to Silcox Hut, one of Ore­ gon's finest vantage points. 9 ' Portland "THE ROSE CITY" "F oR you a rose in Portland grows" Portland's matchless harbor shel­ is the Rose City's welcome to the ters ships of all nations, and here world. It is not an empty boast as they take on cargoes of lumber, tex­ Portland's yards and porches all have tiles, wheat, wool, fruit and flour. their bush roses and scarlet ramblers. The incomparable Oregon Coast The colorful Rose Festival, held presents countless opportunities for in June each year, turns the city surf-bathing, hiking, bicycling, horse­ into a fairyland of rose-decked and back riding, clamming, agate hunting sweet-scented beauty, drawing great and splendid fishing. throngs. North W estern- Union P acific paid tribute to Portland by naming its fast streamlined train, "City of Portland." It makes the run daily be­ tween Chicago and Portland in 40 hours. The fine "Portland Rose" train also heralds the fame of the Rose City. Portland's ideal location at the head of the prosperous Willamette Valley is probably one of the cogent reasons for its rapid growth to a city of 420,000 people. The city's western hills are lined with strik­ ingly beautiful homes. Views to the ASTORIA AND PACIFIC BEACHES north and east, overlooking the city, E ASILY reached from Portland is present inspiring scenes climaxed m beautiful old Astoria, first city in the the rugged, snow-mantled peaks of Pacific Northwest. Founded in 1811 Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood. by fur traders, it is about nine miles +--- Business district of Portland II Portland, Oregon, "The Rose City" .- from the mouth of the Columbia. A Park. The region comprises 1,500 prosperous city with a large maritime acres of wooded canyons and pre­ commerce, it is noted for its canning Cipitous chasms, including ·nine industries, salmon and tuna fisheries.
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