2162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 10, 1999 SENATE—Wednesday, February 10, 1999 The Senate met at 10:06 a.m. and was reminded that the motion adopted yes- Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. Leader, I am called to order by the Chief Justice of terday allows for a RECORD to be print- still a little confused about this post- the United States. ed on the day of the vote on the arti- ing of a statement in the RECORD. Is it f cles which could contain Senators’ possible for a Member of the Senate to final statements if they choose to have submit to the closed session their TRIAL OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON them printed. statement rather than speaking? I CLINTON, PRESIDENT OF THE Also, Senator DASCHLE was just not- think that might be desirable on the UNITED STATES ing that while Senators have been care- part of some. The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Senate ful not to comment on the discussion Mr. LOTT. I think the answer to that will convene as a Court of Impeach- in closed session, we still should use a is yes. You can do that. ment. The Chaplain will offer a prayer. lot of discretion in going out and talk- Mr. COVERDELL. In other words, if I ing to the media about the details of chose, I could submit the statement in PRAYER what is happening here. I don’t think my sequence to the RECORD, and subse- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John there have been any violations, but use quently, at my choice, decide whether Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: a lot of discretion. I would prefer we it will be made part of the CONGRES- Sovereign God, thank You for the not even talk about which Senator SIONAL RECORD subsequent to the good men and women of this Senate. spoke or how many spoke. I think we close? Today we ask what should be done need to be careful in doing that. Mr. LOTT. I believe that is correct. when really good people disagree. You I expect the Senate will be in session Mr. COVERDELL. I thank the Lead- have shown us so clearly what should until approximately 6. We will confer er. and should not be done. When the fab- with the Senators, the leadership, and Mr. REID. Mr. Leader, and I would ric of our human relationships is being the Chief Justice, and see how the dis- also say they would all appear the frayed, it is time to deepen our rela- cussions are going, and the speeches, same as if they were spoken or not spo- tionship with You. Draw each Senator how many are being made. Perhaps we ken. into healing communion with You that would wrap it up before that. It would Mr. LOTT. Correct. will give physical strength and spir- just depend on how much endurance we Mr. LEAHY. Will the distinguished itual assurance of Your unqualified have today. majority leader yield? love for him or her. Then in the inner We will have a break from 12 until Mr. LOTT. I yield to the Senator heart give Your peace and direction. about 1:15, one hour and 15 minutes for from Vermont. Give each Senator the courage to speak lunch to allow the Chief Justice some Mr. LEAHY. Mr. Chief Justice, and I truth as she or he hears it and knows time to return to the Supreme Court appreciate the courtesy of my good it. When this trial is finished, may and then come back. friend from Mississippi, I notice, as he none feel the pangs of unspoken convic- I expect the Senate to convene again has, that there are a lot of empty seats tions. tomorrow at 10 a.m. in order to try to here in the Chamber. I realize at one Dear God, we also know there is conclude the debate and vote on the ar- time we thought we were coming in at something we dare not do when good ticles if at all possible by 5 o’clock on noon, to have committee meetings. people disagree. You do not condone Thursday. If we are still having speech- If these statements are not made in the impugning of other people’s char- es, if we can’t do it, we would certainly the RECORD, the only time we are going acters because they hold different con- just go over until Friday, but I think to have a chance to discuss with each victions. You do not want us to break we need to talk about that goal of 5 other what our thoughts are is in this our unity or the bond of sacred friend- o’clock on Thursday. closed session, by being here. I also ship. Bless these good Senators as they Mr. REID. Thursday. think, in respect to the Chief Justice, press forward together with love for Mr. LOTT. Also, I know some Sen- we should be doing that. You, America, and each other. In the ators are still on the way here from I am inclined, I would say to my unity of Your spirit and the bond of committee meetings. There are only friend from Mississippi, to suggest the peace. Amen. two or three going on today, but we absence of a quorum. I am withholding, The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Sergeant didn’t give them much notice that we just for a moment, doing that. But if at Arms will make the proclamation. were going to begin at 10, but we are we are going to be off in committee The Sergeant at Arms, James W. notifying everybody now that we will meetings, I don’t think that does serv- Ziglar, made proclamation as follows: come in at 10 tomorrow, so that they ice to the intent of this closed door Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are will go ahead and be able to take ac- hearing. commanded to keep silent, on pain of impris- tion this morning to cancel those hear- I hope that both leaders—and I have onment, while the Senate of the United ings and be here sharply at 10 o’clock. discussed this with the distinguished States is sitting for the trial of the articles Again, we will alternate today, Democratic leader, too—would urge of impeachment exhibited by the House of across the aisle, with the speakers Members to be here. Nothing could be Representatives against William Jefferson going for up to 15 minutes. more important than this on our agen- Clinton, President of the United States. Senator INHOFE is scheduled to be our da today and tomorrow. THE JOURNAL first speaker today. Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I cer- The CHIEF JUSTICE. If there is no Mr. COVERDELL addressed the tainly agree with that. We are going to objection, the Journal of proceedings of Chair. have to have a momentary quorum, the trial is approved to date. Mr. LOTT. I will be glad to yield to just to get the doors closed and then The majority leader is recognized. Senator COVERDELL. officially go forward. We will call and ORDER OF PROCEDURE Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. Chief Justice, make sure all the committee hearings Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, in a few I ask unanimous consent to pose a are being shut down. Actually, I think moments, the Senate will resume the point of clarification to the majority Members are coming in steadily, and closed session in order to allow Mem- leader. within a moment we are probably bers to continue to deliberate the two The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- going to have almost all the Senators articles of impeachment. Members are tion. here. But we will take just a couple of ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:18 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S10FE9.000 S10FE9 February 10, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 2163 minutes to notify committees to com- ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1999 tation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- plete their actions and come on the Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I ask port of a rule entitled ‘‘Security Zone; floor. unanimous consent that when the Sen- Chesapeake Bay, Hampton Roads, Norfolk Mr. LEAHY. If I might complete ate completes its business today, it Harbor Reach and Vicinity’’ (Docket 05–98– then, Mr. Chief Justice, out of respect 068) received on February 5, 1999; to the Com- stand in adjournment until 10 a.m. on mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- to my friend from Mississippi, and in Thursday, February 11. I further ask tation. courtesy to what he said, I will not that upon reconvening on Thursday EC–1703. A communication from the Gen- make that suggestion, knowing that he and immediately following the prayer, eral Counsel of the Department of Transpor- is going to make a similar suggestion the majority leader be recognized to tation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- anyway. make a brief statement with respect to port of a rule entitled ‘‘Security Zone; Mr. GRAMM. Will the distinguished the Senate schedule. I further ask Chesapeake Bay, Hampton Roads, Elizabeth river, VA’’ (Docket 05–98–070) received on majority leader yield? unanimous consent that following the Mr. LOTT. I will be glad to yield. February 5, 1999; to the Committee on Com- majority leader’s comments, the Sen- merce, Science, and Transportation. Mr. GRAMM. Mr. Chief Justice, we ate resume final deliberations in closed EC–1704.
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