tthehe frontfront pagepage news. advertising. This premium community. advertising space should ® 14 WING ESCADRE 14 GREENWOOD, NS the have been yours! TEXT LISTWITHEXIT TO 85377 Call 902-765-1494 local 5833 to view EXIT’s Expert Marketing Suite Aurora to find out how. newspaper the Vol. 41 No. 06 AuroraFEBRUARY 17, 2020 NO CHARGE www.auroranewspaper.com It’s a bird, a plane - a near miss with unauthorized UAVs Major Richard Kinner, infancy, many retailers and with the 14 Wing fl ight safety Wing Flight Safety Offi cer, drone operators are not aware team partnering with numer- 14 Wing Greenwood of the existing TC rules and ous 14 Wing units, including regulations, especially be- Wing Operations, Air Traffi c A 14 Wing Greenwood cause many drones are given Control, Military Police, 14 CP140 crew was on approach as gifts. Air Maintenance Squadron, to land in Greenwood (CYZX), A few weeks later, a dif- Wing Imaging and the Wing runway 08, January 18, 2019. ferent drone was reported Public Affairs Offi cer; and the When the aircraft was ap- stuck in a tree just outside local community, including proximately 150 feet above the base’s boundaries. That village offi ce contacts in both ground, and short final for operator had lost sight of their Greenwood and Kingston; to landing, one of the members drone while fl ying it in high create effective preventative of the crew noticed a UAV – a winds. When asked, the drone measures. A local procedure drone, or “unmanned aerial operator was totally unaware was established for reporting vehicle” - in close proximity of any TC regulations per- drone activity in the control to the aircraft. taining to operating a drone. zone. All observed drone ac- Luckily, there was no con- Unless prior permission has tivity within the control zone tact between the two, but been granted, TC regulations is now reported through the the incident did highlight a say drones must not be op- 14 Wing air traffic control relatively new threat to fl ight erated within three nautical tower, which then notifies safety at 14 Wing. miles (5.6 kilometres) of an aircraft in the control zone The drone was a medium airport, and may not oper- and Wing Operations, who in size quadcopter roughly one ate in a control zone. The 14 turn inform the Military Police foot in diameter with a camera Wing control zone extends to liaise with local RCMP, pod underneath, and operat- from the surface to 5,000 if required. The 14 Wing ing in the vicinity of a public feet above ground level, out team maintained a focus on park located less than a kilo- to seven nautical miles (12.9 education and public aware- 14 Wing Greenwood Flight Safety Officer Major Richard Kinner, left, recently metre away from the button kilometres) from the airport. ness throughout, as a key to delivered the first of a number of educational signs managing the use of drones of runway 08. The operator At the time of these inci- preventing further incidents. in public spaces that fall into the base’s air operations range. Village of Kingston remains unknown, despite dents, 14 Wing did not have Promotional material explain- administrative assistant Mike McCleave says five signs will go up in Stronach Park, efforts to locate them. When a specifi c drone incident re- ing drones cannot be fl own around Centennial Park and the Credit Union Centre, and in Ravenwood Subdivi- spotted by the aircrew, it was porting procedure, response in the control zone without sion – all places with open park and recreational spaces where people may head to fly their unmanned aerial vehicles without being fully aware of the potential flying just 200 feet to the checklist or an answer to the a permit, and a map of the impact – and regulations – of the activity. S. White side and 100 feet below the education gap to this relatively restricted area, was created aircraft. new concern of drones fl ying through Wing Imaging and ron produced physical signs are of greatest concern to air lations, please visit tc.gc.ca/ Since Transport Canada in the base’s control zone. De- then published in the local Greenwood and Kingston vil- operations. en/services/aviation/drone- (TC) regulations for drone veloping a solution has been paper and on social media. lages have agreed to display For more information on safety/flying-drone-safely- operators are still in their a truly collaborative effort, 14 Air Maintenance Squad- in areas where fl ying drones drone safety, fi nes and regu- legally.html. | 14 W 0 in 2 g 0 14 WINGW ING GREENWOODGREENWOOD 2 G r l e a • e v n MEGA 50/50 i w Winter Carnival n r o a o AvailableAvaililable FebFeb21@b 2121 @ peppep rally C d 2 r 0 | 2 e t TicketsTicketts $10 each • Draw date February February 28 #AGD-303415-20 ' 0 8 n 0 Must hold a military ID or civilian employee equivalent i s during the lip sync at the Annapolis Mess W | Page 2 February 17, 2020 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS February 17, 2020 Page 3 CFMWS, Logisticians mark BMO Chronique de l’Équipe branch’s 52nd anniversary extend de commandement 2nd Lieutenant Hutchings, defence Colonel Brendan une personne peut se lais- activités qui répondent à vos D/S Administration Offi cer, Cook, commandant ser prendre par son horaire intérêts. Que vous préfériez 14 Mission Support community de la 14e Escadre et chargé et mettre de côté ses participer à la soirée karaoké Squadron Dan Campbell, adjudant- propres champs d’intérêt. ou assister au spectacle d’un banking chef de l’Escadre Par contre, il est important groupe musical au bar Tow, February 5, 14 Wing partnership de se rappeler que c’est en écouter les événements à Greenwood’s logisticians Bienvenue à l’édition de consacrant du temps à ces la carte comme l’UFC ou came together to celebrate Canadian Forces Morale février de la Chronique de champs d’intérêt et en inter- le Super Bowl, participer the 52nd anniversary of the and Welfare Services (CFM- l’Équipe de commandement. agissant avec d’autres dans à des événements de plus Logistics Branch. WS) has recently signed a Ce mois-ci, nous aimerions un contexte social que vous grande envergure comme The Log Branch was es- 10-year extension of its part- discuter de l’importance pourrez renouveler votre le bal de la veille du jour de tablished February 1, 1968, nership with BMO Bank of de vous préoccuper de niveau d’énergie et tisser l’An, ou simplement passer with numerous trades falling Montreal to deliver the Ca- votre mieux-être social. des liens sociaux qui vous du temps entre amis ou entre under the branch; supply nadian Defence Community Qu’entendons-nous par là? serviront tout au long de votre collègues, le mess est un chain management, trans- Banking Program. Le mieux-être social, c’est vie. C’est là que l’avantage endroit où tous les militaires portation, human resource With the extension, BMO tirer parti de la quantité et de faire partie d’une com- de la 14e Escadre peuvent se management, fi nance, food continues to be the official de la qualité des relations munauté tricotée serrée com- sentir chez eux. services, movements, post- bank and exclusive provider of que vous entretenez avec me celle de la 14e Escadre Le Centre de ressources al, music and ammunition. banking services and fi nancial les personnes et les groupes Greenwood se fait sentir. pour les familles des militaires Members of all logistical 14 Wing Greenwood’s Logistics Branch anniversary cake decorating team took up the national challenge, this products to members of the sociaux qui comptent le plus D’ailleurs, l’Escadre et la de Greenwood (CRFMG) est backgrounds came together year themed on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands. From left are Lieutenant-Colonel Canadian defence community. pour vous. C’est aussi le communauté locale rego- un autre endroit exceptionnel to enjoy catering from the Chris Pratt, commanding officer of 14 Mission Support Squadron and the wing’s senior logistician; cake- “Over the past decade, our temps que vous passez à rgent d’événements sociaux. où vous trouverez des pro- creating team members Private Johnston, Aviator David, Aviator Buckle, Mr. Cyr, Master Corporal Selaal; Annapolis Mess dining hall, partnership with BMO has al- pratiquer les activités qui On en trouve peut-être plus ici grammes qui piqueront votre and Master Warrant Officer Semenchuk. Submitted including cake, coffee and lowed us to improve the lives vous plaisent. Avec le bien- que dans la plupart des autres curiosité. Un des articles de fi nger foods. The cake itself of members, veterans and être physique et mental, le bases des Forces armées l’édition de ce mois-ci traite was made especially for a their families, and we are ex- mieux-être social constitue canadiennes. d’ailleurs des programmes Canadian Armed Forces- cited to continue delivering a un des trois piliers d’une D’ailleurs, il existe à pour les jeunes et les adultes wide contest. This year’s wide range of benefi ts specifi - bonne santé. Ces derniers l’Escadre plusieurs clubs qui y sont offerts. De plus, chosen theme was the 75th cally designed for our defence contribuent à renforcer la pour stimuler des intérêts en le CRFMG, qui fait partie anniversary of the Libera- community,” said Sean N. résilience personnelle. tout genre : sports, condi- intégrante de la 14e Escadre, tion of the Netherlands.
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