RiP MAGAZTNE OF THE ROYAL PORT NTCHOLSONYACHTCLUB (tNC) Welcorned ful 7 inlets around the world-. 5tt0a ai,I0 03r+5 va!0 0aT[s z I oo oozoo-ooloo l( J l.I hJR I GHT Welcorned in 10 rniffion outlets around the world. ,,\s pr.orrrl sponsor ol' Nc\\' Zctrl.ur(l lJnclctl otrr u'erre pletrst rl t() help + r= rrlr = )ou tiakc olr thc \\'orlcl t.oo. \\ an ,\NZ llncleiN'oul N{astc.r('trtcl c'ilrcl. I}x' \('s llirrJ;. ROYAL PORT NICHOLSON YACHT CLUB TTreR'P oFFtcERS FOR SEASON t 993 - t 994 Patron: Her E<cellency the Governor Generat President: Aan D Martin tssN I t 7t-t 77, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Vol. 12 No. 3 Tel: ocToBER t 993 $/) Commodore: C. Anastasiou 49945g9 Vce Commodore; P. Cudby 8017799 CONTENTS RearCommodore: l. McLeod 3829073 Cruising Caf,tain: B. Parker 38451 13 Correspondence 2 Hon. Racing Secretary: A. Duff 3850827 From the Commodore 3 Hon. House Secretary: C. Howard-Brown 3844042 From the Vce Commodore 5 Hon. Treasurer: A Dinsdale 3849915 From the Rear Commodore 7 Committee Members: P. Carrad 4776t6t From the Cruising Captain 9 R. J . Cowley 47393 l3 ZMH84 Wellington Coastguard Radio 9 P. Dale 47280s8 Opening Day l. A. Greig 4771l5S From the Club Office t3 G. D. Hargre-aves 3872647 Southpac Offshore Series Launch t3 R. Palmer 5277856 From the Sailing Academy t5 WYA/NZYF G. Hargreaves 3877647 Whitbread Report t9 Delegates: P. ENZA's visit 2t Carrad 4776161 Brendan closes 22 Secretary/Manager: G. Scoones 3848700 Bow Tie & Blazer Parq,/ 23 (H) 38796s r Bye Gioia 25 Assistant Secretary: N. McDougall 3848200 Chaffers Marina Opening 27 (H) 38e8e43 The Dream Fastnet on WNSTON 79 Racing Administrator: S. Racing Roundup lt Thornburg 3849956 The Worser Bay Way 33 (H) s627886 Fay, Richwhite Corporate Yacht Race 35 Slipmaster: G. Nimmo (H) 3863506 New Members, New Yachts 36 TE ARO Boatmaster R. Telford (H) 3888695 Classifieds 36 02s4s64 t3 The RIP is the official magazine of the OFFICE HOURS Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (lnc.) Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm Phone: 3848700 Editor Fax: 385 t603 Grant Scoones Crew Line: 3848609 Associate Editor/Layout/Typesetting WARDROOM HOURS Noelle McDougall Wednesday 5-8pm Photographic Production Thursday 5-8pm Grant Scoones Friday 5 - llpm Satu rday 12 lOpm Opinions expressed - Sunday 4-8pm The opinions expressed in this are Journal those Public holidays 4-8pm of the individual author and not necessarily Phone: 384309 r those of the RPNYC. (Note: fhese houts nol be votied ot the discrctjon ofthe Executive.) Printed by Format Publishers Ltd, RPNYC SAILING ACADEMY The Esplanade, Petone. Phone/Fax: 3828152 All correspondence should be directed to: Coach Mlke Boswell (H) 3829308 The RlP, P O Box 9674, Wellington KEELERS RESTAURANT HOURS Monday - Thursday Lunch only Cowr. ENA NEW ZEALAND mdkes hom. port - Friday Lunch / Dinner Wollington,, O.lobot I 993. Other times by arrangement Bookings: Phone:3856963 Ketch WAITANGI p<' Coastal Classic Congratulations lam writing toyou, seeking information FIVE of the crew of WHISPERS ll par- The Editor on the ketch, WAITANGI. took in their 4th Coastal Classic yacht My Grandfather, Charles Montrose race from Auckland to Russellin the Bay I feelthe time is long overdue forsome- Jenkins, was a part owner ofthe vessel of lslands at Labour Weekend. This one to express in writing their con- in the early part of this centurl, with a timetheysailed on a42ftcat owned by gratulations to yourself and Noelle for Mr Percy Gibbs. Barry Ogilvie, one of WHISPER's creu your combined efforts in prod ucing what After many years of fruitless re- A very fast race in which each divi- must surelybethe bestyachtclub maga- search, I am now in receipt ofcopies of sion broke line honours records, We zine in New Zealand. newspaper clippings, sent to me by my were l0th on line (out of 160 starters) The RIP has always had ahigh stand- brother in Gisborne, one of which re- and second in class. ard ofproduction but it has come a long fers to the presented modelWAITANGl, The race was sailed in fresh south- way; with colour and imaginarive lay- to your club a number of years ago. erly sector breezes and apart from the out: from seeming to be the magaz ine I was born Wellington 1933 in in tinal beat into Russell comprised lovely ofthe Funeral Directors Assoc., with its and attended the Lyall Bay Primary reaching and running conditions. The funereal black colour and (to some) School. I believe that at one time the Given cats can fly - 25 knot bursts and incomprehensible name. WAITANGI was dismasted, the dam- lots of 18 - 20 knot periods. Time to Keep up the good work! aged mast was subsequently presented finish was just over I I hours. to the School and stood, in my time is This the third 2nd placingthat the IOHN MANSELL there, as a free standing flag pole. WHISPERS boys havetained in the last four races - the previous ones being on PACIFIC SUNDANCE and J ohn Any information that you can offer, Oldfield's 32 footer CHAMELION - a particularly 3rd angle projections and Young Rocket. Plea! hull lines to enable us to a scale A build John Oldfield won his division this -6 replica of WAITANGI would be appre- year and starred in amagnificent broach Port Nicholson Association Radio ciated, alternatively ifyou could suggest at North Head that had mostofthe keel aMaritime Museum orArchive that we on display! Notice to all VHF Operators could contact. The modelling of RobenTomkies was well applauded WAITANGI will be a challenge and a at the Prizegiving for taking his boat to in the Wellington Area pleasure, and lthankyou in anticipation Auckland to do the event. Prizes for whatever help or information you amounting in total to $40,000 were lN August we sent out over 300 sub- can offer. given out at the Sunday mornint scription invitationsto boat owners who prizegiving breakfast. may wish to use their VHF Radios on oAvtD JENKTNS Channels 62, 63, 65 and 0l in the Wel- LINDSAY ENGLAND lington - Madborough Area, buttodate (Con onyone help? - Ed.) WHISPERS II we have had a very poor return. lfyou are using any of the channels but have not yet pajd, we would appreciateyour STOP PRESS subscription assoon as possible, please. PROVISIONAL RESULTS Fees: $15 for private users SOUTHPAC OFFSHORE SERIES - RACE #1 $20 for commercial users. Wellington-Mana€hetwodes€hip Cove & Wellington€hip Cove Races Keep it in mind that even/ time you Lcng Rccc Shcrt Rccc receive on Ch 62, whether you trans- Line Honou.s: Line Honours: mit or not. the repeater is operating FLOJO TEN SPEED and must be paid for. You nowneed to Club: Club: pay only one fee - either PNAR FLOJO ANDIAI,l!O to or CHAIN REACTION TEN SPEED MMRA. Please join now . WHISPERS II PERIDOT PHRF: PHRF: For further information please contact CHAIN REACTION GUCCI WHISPERS II MAX HEADROOM Colin H B Baylis MARISH KA SILVER SHADOW President tMs: tMs: Port Nicholson FLOJO FLOIo MAx HEADRooM AI{DUTNO T Association Radio WHISPERS II SILVER SHADOW P O Box 7042 CHAIN REACTION RECKLESS Tel/Fax 385-83 I I Wellington I I ! Commodore THE Club has roared into the 1993/94 set the scene for an impressive and season with a vengeance, The season gruelling weekend. ENZA delighted promises to be both demanding and the welcominS fleet with a blisterinS entertajning if the evidence, to date, is run down the harbour, in the course of anlthing to 80 by. which she lifted her starboard hull, well clear of the water, an d attai ned a sp eed ticipate in theevent, and we hopeto be Opening Day in excess of 30 knots. The whole event in a position to crystallise this intent was a spectacular success. once aSain with moredetailin the verT near future. This was a glorious day in all re- providing immense interest and enter- spects. The weather was outstanding tainment for both Club members and and the Club's showing spectacular. Tasman Triangle the wider public. The season was once again opened by Preparation for the staging of the the Club's patron, Her Excellency, The Tasman Triangle in December 1994 Governor General. The openint was Chaffers Marina andJanuary 1995 continues apace. For- aiso attended by representatives from Chaffers Marinawas officially opened mal announcements are expected in the Chilean training vessel, THE by the Prime minister of New Zealand the course of the month. Once again, ESMERALDA, and this provided an on Sunday the I 7th of October 1993. another m4or step forward for the opportunity to establish relationships Once again, we congratulate our Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club. with the Chilean Navy, which I am sure friends at Lambton Harbour Manage- willstand us in good stead in the future. ment for their foresight with this proiect Appreciation Opening Day was sponsored by CS and assurethem ofour support in every Once again, I would like to thank First Boston, I like to whom would to you all for your commitment and con- extend my personal thanks and Srati- tribution to date and ask you to con- tude. Air New Zealand tinue this into the future. Whilst the Champagne Mumm Club is operatinS in an increasinglycom- Racing plicated environment, ultimately it can We are well into the ANZ Back to Rega.tta only continue to survive, successfully, Back Championship Series and have This regatta is scheduled to take with your wholeheaned contribution made a start on the CS First Boston place in Auckland between the 9th and and support. Harbour Series. The short courses and 20th of February 1994.
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