OARLAND Stoves and Ranges are theBest. Kor Sale only by KOWLER S* BALL. “Won at Last” Wilt appear soon A iKiwerful Htory —iiv— Richard Bigsby. THE JOHNS NEWS. THE NEWS. Volume VI.—Nq . 50. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7, 1895. Whole No . 362 TIIK XEW.S IN BUIKF IN.SURRI> FOR TKN THOVNANO. I'NION FAKMKK’.S CLUH. Tills Aiuuiiiit Ums PlKced on the The Mid Suiiiiiier Mvetliig Ha<l Many H. (1. Stwl Hpent .Smi(lH3' in Detroit. Water W’orks Uoilers, Good TuplcH tu DlNcuKit. MiwH Itrownie Itroinley i« visitiny; The steam piping at the water works THAT I.S THK PROUD RKC'ORD OF THK TheJuly meetingof the Union Farmer’s has been thoroughly overhalled and con ­ A. DDDGK HAS A.SSU.MKD CONTROL. frienilH in Port Huron. 8 UMMKK SCHOOL. Club was a picnic held at the home of OF THK .STKKL. MrH. (leo. Ste«*l returned last week PROSPECT MUCH BRIGHTER THAN siderable new work put in. The old con ­ Mrs. Stejihen Duvin and her sons. There nections between the boiler and the is usually at this season of the year fine from a vieit in LaiiKiiiK. IT WAS A MONTH AGO. Nut Only u Gouit Att«ii(laiic« Hut It ReHl);iiHd Hilt PiiHitioii at The .State Hank MrH. F. H. Frazell of Henton Harbor it? pumps having been nearly all replaced AV mmThoroughly SuccesHfiil.—Ninety-two shade in the yard but the late frost and of St. JohiiM and lit Now Found in His Old with new pipe. .\n ins|M*ctor from the .StiidentH Were in Attendunee.—A Pra«;- drouth have thinned it somewhat, but a (Juarterit Back of the Counter in the visitiiiK friends in St. .Io Iiiih. tical IlliiHtration of One of the KflectM of Hartford Roiler Insurance Com|)any jileusaiit time was enjo.yed. Hotel. —.MrM. Dod|;e Will KeniHiii For Miss Susie Dnrkee is (]uite ill with fever Thorough AdvertlNing, the I'renent. made a thorough examination and The iiu'eting was called to order by the at lier home east of St. .lohns. The Crops are All Yielding: More placed an insurance of :|l0,t)()0 on the jiresident. Elsie Crell gave a recitation Than was Expected. The summer school which has bwii con ­ C. F. Vaughan spent .Monday at Ionia boilers, fittings and lives of theemployees which was well rendered. The snbjetR of .\s stated in the last News J. M, Dodge ducted by Pi ofessors R. M. M'inston, G. attending a meeting of the ju-isou bojird. last week. This was st'cured at a cost of tlie circulating library was brought be­ has given nj) the management of The •J. .Mnnroe, and E. E. I’lnnkett, closed .Mrs. Summu- Collins spent Sunday witit jJlOO for three years which includes semi fore the club and after some discussion Steel and is arranging to go to Mout- Friday' last. The pujiils are profuse in Mr. Collins at his old home at .Maeon, FARMERS AND BUSINESS MEN FEEL annual inspection by a boiler expert. it was voted to lay the matter on the jielier, Indiana, where he will take charge their expressions of satisfaction and some Mich. MUCH ENCOURAGED. table at jiresent tis it was not deemed ad ­ of the Coliiinbia hotel. Ho will be suc­ ON THK KVKNINO NKW.S. of them are alretidy arranging to attend ceeded by his son H. A. Dodge, who has .1. .M. Dodge accompanied by.Mrs.Sum­ visable to d«H;ide the question now. next summer. At several other jdaces in Porter Davis jiresented a jiajier, subject been conni'cted with the .State Rank of ner Collins left for .Montjs'lier Ind. this liiiri-y C'oleiiiiiii now Ooiiii' Court Work in the sttite, summer schools were started Detroit. ‘‘Follow the Cow ” in which it was shown St. Johns as book keejier and teller for morning. Some Special Reports from THE NEWS but in two towns the^’ were obliged to Hurrv Coleman has accepted aplaceon that if the right kind of a cow was fol- several years jmst. .Mr. Doilge resigned L. L. Conn and Frtink Stejihens are County Correspondents. close bceau.se of lack of jiutronuge. In the reportorial staff of the Detroit Even­ lowt'd it would lead to imiteriul jiros- bis Dosltioii last week and took im­ spending tin outing tit Long Lake near most jilaces the^' were continued with ing .News and is now being initiated into jierity’. 11. P. Kevs tollowed in an article mediate charge of the hotel. He has had Fenton. very light attendance and no jirofit. the mysteries of iiu'tropolitan journalism. on ‘‘How to Select a Good Cow. ” .\s the considerable exjierience in the hotel busi­ H. K. Wtilbridge was in the southern Ninety-two jaijiils attended here this The crop outlook has assumed a much He does the courts and will be given dinner hour ujijiroached it became evi-1 ness having been connected with the part of the stJite on biisiue.ss the fore summer wliich made it the large.st school house befort' entering the bank. He is in brighter aspect during thejiu-st week, and general assignments. Mr. Coleman is a dent that the interest was centered in the part of the week. of its kind in the state, and the gentle ­ in fact sinct some of the farmers com ­ bright young man, a good thinker, logi ­ various baskets which accomjianied each many ways qualified for the place and is men in charge feel well jiaid for their Poultry of all kinds wanted. The high­ menced threshing. While it is true that cal and a ready writer, in fact he pos- family and the mt'cting adjourned for a bound to maintain the high rejiutatioii work. est market prices paid at Stirague and the drouth has cost thousands of dollars, seses many attributes which go to make general time of good cheer, and was which the house alread.v enjoys among A pleasant social was held Thursday’ .Stjuairs Elevator. 48 If it does not begin to be as bad in Clinton a successful newspajier man. He easily called to order again at two o ’clock. the traveling public. He is in fact ‘‘to evening at which time the three jiro- ChuH. Sherman, one of thecompositors county as has been reported, and both adojits himself to the style which The Mrs. Woodberry read a jiajier on ‘‘Mar­ the manner born ” having been reared fiuisors were each jiresented with a cojiy under the tutoring of all the branches at The News office returned .Monday farmers and buHine8 .s men are begining News has pursued and which lias become keting hirm jirodnce ” which ernjihasized of of Mrs. Rrownings works by the students. from a three days visit at Ithaca. to fcH'l encouraged. Those who have a part of the policy. He will be a the fact of not only making the article the business. Mr. Dodge is an exem- tliresheil find that tlie yield is far ahead This was a hapjiy compliment to Dr. H. j.lary’young man, and with his host of The Ladies ’ .\id society of Olive will valuable addition to The News’ staff and itself attractive, but also the neatness of of what was ex[H‘cted, and the raius the E. Rutler who delivered a talk on the friends in this jilace and on the road will meet with .Mrs. .lohti Drake Wednesday will undoubtedly command a good place. the salesman. Rev, Rutler heartily en­ merits of her works to the students the make a thorough success. Mrs. .1. M. jiast week have helped corn and potatoes The News wishes him all jiossible pros- dorsed the pajier as did every’ one jires- afternoon, .\uguHt 14. .Ml invited. week jirevious and evidently' arroused so tliat good fair crops are now assured. jierity in the work which he has chosen. ent. The question box was not very well Dodge will remain for some time at least, Great reduction in the price of first fireat admiration for her creations. With the view of giving its readers the filled. One question we think should having charge of the dining room as class cabinet jihotos for the ne.xt thirty Thereare two ajijiarent reasons why heretofore. benefit The News has written some of its have received more attention, ‘‘Has any days at Stage ’s East Side Studio. 49tf correspondents around the county ior this school was successful and well at­ farmer made any inonev in the last ten A New Teller. Mrs. .1. T. Cole rejiresented Clinton sjieeial rejiorts on the crops, condition, tended and others, some of them in years at straight farming? ’’ We are in­ Rodney Reebe is now found back of the Uouncil No. 5(5, Chosen Friends at the outlook and yield. The following have larger towns failed. In the first jiluce clined to think there are some who have. teller window at tlie State Rank of St. district convention held in Grand Rapids l)(*en I'weived; X .11 .\N P.\.S.SK1> THROi:«H ST. .lOllNS the three gentlemen are each first class, SCNDAV <1N HIS W.W. Mrs. Lajiham gave a select ri'ading ‘‘The Johns. He was for several years with Tuesilay. EUllEKA. comjietent instructors in everyjiarticulnr Yankee .\head” and Grace Pierce a nici- tlie St. Johns National Rank hut resigned The ladies of the M. E. church will The crops of wheat and oats are not and so known to the teachers an.i jinlilic He Huh Walked JM>7 IlileH and Kxpeet.s to tution, after which the question for gen ­ his jiosition a year ago to devote a year serve ice cream and cake .Saturday after­ over fairly loaded.
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