Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-21-1955 The Ledger and Times, May 21, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 21, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2361. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2361 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wir • Selected As A Reqt All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper ilii1111111 Largest Largest 1..s 11,1111111114 Circulation In The Circulation In The City; Largest City; Largest Circulation In 1 Circulation In The County The County LXRVI No. 121 United Press IN OUR 760 YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, May 21, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. NEW AREA TO BE ANNEXED INTO CITY Labor Peace Returns As Homemaker Receives First Lion's Club Award Ordnance Passed Bringing Phone Strike Is Settled AdvisorvGroup South 16th Into City Limits The City Ccuncil voted last night This was accepted. cooperate with By BILLY FERGUSON cable cuttings and brawls between Have Meeting to annex another area into he The city voted to on the United Press Staff Correspondent strikers and non-strikers. city limits, following a petition of the Health Deportment mosquitos ATLANT\11 .01 — Labe.- peace a number of citizens on South spraying of area' where The telephone strike returned to e South to a tha first settlement . The Advisory Council of tin' 18th street. -breed in the city. lime in almost ten waa reached after the two weeks Homemakers Organization ordinances were passed, weeks today met - The new area In effect takes Three with the settlerlatinf of tins of atqaost steady negotiations Thursday, May 19 at the Extension concerning the annexation of longest in all of Souh 16th street down one —and possibly the most superVitect by the sf‘ederal Media- Service Offices city, another set- violent — to „Sycamore The new area is property to the otelephone strike in hisoory. tiom•fild Conciliation Service. Com- tog the tax rate in the city, Mrs James Harris, president. approximately 662 feet west of Negotiators for Soutnern BCI pany and union representatives met and another concerning water and Club the present southwest boundary of .3 Telephone and for the first tune to draw up a presided. presidents roll call Telegraph Co. and city thtonce north to a point sewer regulations. new contract ten months and a with a progress report of their club. the the striking Communications Wcal- the present city Ty Holland wa; again employed day ago Mrs Harold Grogan. publicity chair- where it joins era of America CIO reached for the summer months to direct man, reported on the various acti- limits near Main Street. - agreement Friday night on a new activates...at the city park. "No Strike" Cisme vities sponsored by the clubs during The new area will add several contract covering some 50,000 tcle• The council approved purchase A Souhern Bell spokesman said the recent National Home Demon- blocks and at least twenty homes phone workers in nine states <if new refle,tors for the tattle he proposed contract includes a stration Week_ These included radio to the city. The street was paved League Park. The group met at The settlement is still subject to "no-strike" clause, one of the major programs, window displays, special recently and widened and is now and ended the meeting at sparoval by the union rank and issues in the strike The conapany newspaper articles and a do-it- one of the most atttractive streets 7:30 flle but CWA Ditnct Director W. insisted an the provision but the you rs elf open house Mrs. Harris in the city. Action must be taken 10:15 A. Smallwood said he would rec- communication, workers said they announced that Mrs Alice SteelY, by Circuit Court before the an- ommend it be accepted. would not accept unleas arbitration Paris Road Cimb. recently was nexation is final. of grievances was Included. selected as the Master Farm Home- Last night Mayor George Hart Another Southwide dapute rearh- maker of Calloway County. was absent and Earl Littleton was Stella Couple Lonnie B Daniel. chairman of ed an official end Friday with the Anneuneements vi:ere made of the named mayor in his absence. All the telephone union's negotiating signing of a contract by non-oper- Natidaal Home Demonstration Coin - councilmen were present. committee, said "full-scale arbit- ating railroad brotherhoods of toe nil meeting in Chicag A large number of persons were ration in accord with union de- Observe 50th Louisville and Nashville Railroad 21-25 and of the drama present at the meeting last night. mands" was Included The contract gives the brother- Road" which will be given 7 Hershel Corn and John Edd Scott hoods their first company-financed The contract cails for $1 to aa this summer at Berea, with if : came before the council represen- health and welfare plan Anniversary wage increases per week for non. makers Night being July 20. ting a number of persons who Strikes Regius In Mareh supervisory employes. realasaifica- Plans were made for the ann- comp(lained about the loud and Both the railroad and tele- the tion of eight cities and towns for meeting which will be held Augo constant noise, presented by loud Mr and Mrs. George Cathey phone strikes began March 14 but wage purposes and shorter whedules 11. speakers set up on the square on observed their fiftieth wedding the 25,000 LatIV non-operating work- for operators working certaid nights, The program for the coming cl Saturdays The representatives said anniversary on May 15 at their ers returned to work at the end the company said year was selected according to r• that the noise was so great that home in Stella, with a dinner for of eight weeks after parties both votes of all club members. T' it was difficult to carry on their their children, grand-children and agreed to the to submit dispute major project will be a combinatic bueiness. great-grandchildren binding arbitration. of six lesions on legal matters a' The council promised action would The dinner table was covered The railroad walkout was the 2 Spanish-American time r..nd energy management A be taken on the matter to give with a Dannish Cloth, and centered longest since 1922 and struck a ditional lessons will be given • some relief with a gold two-tier cake topped major blow at the South's econ- War In Vcterans clothing gripciemasts. foods, craft a. A large delegation of about with a bride and groom standing omy Bell saper- Southern used recreation Studies for special IT twenty persons from the South under a golden arch vsoam Calloway County nersonnel mid hireJ other terms groves will Include frozen 15th street area appeared before Gold ben favor. were pinned workers to maintain much of its pia/ming and tailoring about the Calloway County hiss only two foods, home the council to complain on each one present The house was service during the telephone strike Work will be on citizen- streets and driveways Spanish American War veterans. Federation condition of decorated throughout with gold ar- Both strikes, were accompanied ship, membership, reading and pub- installation of sewer act-circling to intormation received following the brangements. consisting of a gold by bitter violence,. including fatal Raphael Jones days. licity and water lines bell, filled with yellow rose bud;. shootings, dynamiting), derailments. in the min few Present were Mesdames James was the spokesman for the group. The day was enjoyed by those Mack Valdie Kirkland. age 82, Harris. Glen Kelso. J A °Aland. Jones related that the residents present with many pictures being Concert Of Vocal 107 North lath. street served or Jim Hardy Walston. Harold Grogan. of the South 15th street arm were 'taken. One highlright was the three years. June 4 1901 to June Herman Barber, Henry Hargis, A V proud of heir street when they making of pictures of the five Parks. Foundation Music Is Planned 3 1904 He enl.sted at W:ckliffe, Reeves, Alhe Adair.- Marvin The picture shows Miss Jenelen McKinney receiving the Anon were paved last year and that generations. Many gifts were re- Butter- Kentucky and was discharged M Macon Blankenship. Cloys Award for Musical Achievement. Presenting the award is Rue Overby, represent- even though they expected some ceived by the couple. Here Tomorrow Crawford, Richard Fort Riley. Kansait He is a worth: C. B Murray Lion's Club. This is the first year for the Arson Award to be pre- interruption when water and sewer Those present were Meiners and Lassiter, 0. F ing the brother of Mrs Leland Owens. Armstrong, Virgil School u nder the sponsorship of the Murray lines were put down, they were Vesdames Jc-ddie Cathey of Murray, On May Ellie Pam- sented at the Murray Training Sunday afternoon. 22. Moore. Oocus Bedwell, of the opinion that sufficient time Ralph L. Maxey and sons Joe Lee 0 1955. at 3 00 pm In in the Fine Arts B. Vandiver, assis- Lions Club. The other veteran is Henry chall. Mut" .Wilma eli- had passed for repairs to have been and David Lynn of Nashville. Leon Recital Hall in the Arts demon- Graduating senior members of the M urray Training School Orchestra are Fine Winters, age 80. of Murray route tant state leader in home made.
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