43rd PARLIAMENT, 2nd SESSION House of Commons Debates Official Report (Hansard) Volume 150 No. 007 Thursday, October 1, 2020 Speaker: The Honourable Anthony Rota CONTENTS (Table of Contents appears at back of this issue.) 381 HOUSE OF COMMONS Thursday, October 1, 2020 The House met at 10 a.m. they are or that who they are is wrong, abnormal or unnatural has devastating consequences. Prayer The limited Canadian studies we have on this practice confirm that this so-called therapy is happening right here in Canada. It is estimated that over 20,000 LGBTQ2 Canadians have been exposed, ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS and 11% of trans individuals in Canada are survivors. We are in‐ debted to survivors and advocates for their strength in speaking out ● (1005) and shining light on this dark practice. [English] CRIMINAL CODE It is our duty to do everything we can to make a better future for Hon. David Lametti (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of all Canadians. Canada, Lib.) moved for leave to introduce Bill C-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy). [Translation] (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed) * * * I hope all members of the House agree with this viewpoint. [Translation] CONVERSION THERAPY [English] Hon. Bardish Chagger (Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to rise in the House. I want to start by recognizing that the House is located on the tradi‐ That is why within a week of coming back to Parliament we have tional lands of the Algonquin Anishinabe people. reintroduced the bill, an act to amend the Criminal Code (conver‐ sion therapy), to abolish conversion therapy in Canada. On this side Today I rise to present our government's plan for banning the de‐ of the House we focus on advancing and protecting LGBTQ2 rights structive, harmful and deadly practice of conversion therapy. and addressing all forms of discrimination, including hetero-cis– [English] normativity and systemic racism. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, we believe that with this legislation we are building a so‐ There should be no place for the destructive, harmful and deadly ciety where one accepts people for who they are. We are stating to practice of conversion therapy in Canada. When we ask a young all people in Canada that it is okay, and they can follow their heart, person what they want be when they grow up, they answer an occu‐ their faith and be true to themselves. pation. We do not ask about who they want to be or who they think they might be. Imagine a young person trying to come to terms with their identity, wondering what others will think and having On this side of the House, we believe that acceptance and diver‐ questions about what makes them happy, what makes them feel like sity are absolute. There are those who refuse to accept that sexual themselves and what they see when they look in the mirror. orientation, gender identity and gender expression have been en‐ shrined into Canadian law as part of the Canadian Human Rights If they are lucky, some young people may have these conversa‐ Act. It is unfortunate that in 2020 we continue to have to have this tions with their parents. Some will turn to their friends, to religion debate. LGBTQ2 rights are human rights, full stop. or to scripture. Many may seek out help from those who they be‐ lieve are professionals with credentials and therefore must know best. The answers to these questions help shape a future; they help Together, we can help to create a country where everyone is free shape a life. Imagine individuals at their most vulnerable putting all to be who they are. LGBTQ2 people are valued members of Cana‐ their trust in these people for help. While the pandemic has made us dian society, and we must ensure that Canada is a country where all feel vulnerable at times, imagine living that way every day and everyone, regardless of their gender expression, gender identity or carrying that weight. Telling someone they are not who they think sexual orientation, can lead a happy and authentic life and be loved. 382 COMMONS DEBATES October 1, 2020 Routine Proceedings Hon. Erin O'Toole (Leader of the Opposition, CPC): Mr. Speak‐ For too many LGBTQ Canadians, that persecution may have even er, service in the Canadian Armed Forces is a commitment to de‐ involved the threat or use of conversion therapy. To be forced to fending our country, its institutions and the rights enjoyed by our change who they are is not okay. That is something I hope no Cana‐ citizens. My service in the military taught me many lessons, but the dian ever endures again, and if that is the intent of this bill, it needs importance of respecting the rights of my fellow citizens was to be clearly written that way. paramount. [Translation] In fact, clarity is one of the goals of legislative drafting, but the I completed my military service and worked in the private sector Liberals know that clarity and sincerity do not always make for for a decade before becoming a member of Parliament. I have al‐ good wedge politics in the age of Twitter. The Liberals know that if ways had deep respect for the rights of Canadians. My record the bill is more clearly drafted they might lose the gotcha effect, speaks for itself: I have always voted in favour of the LGBTQ com‐ which is becoming far too common in the politics we see to the munity. south of us. ● (1010) [English] The Liberals know that by ignoring the thoughtful advice they al‐ In my first four months as a member of Parliament, my vote was ready received from parents, teachers and faith leaders, they create one of a handful of Conservative votes that helped an NDP bill on a situation that allows for people who ask a simple question about gender identity to pass. I stood and was counted for rights that day. this bill to be shamed into silence or cancelled on social media in As a parliamentarian, I am here to secure the rights of every Cana‐ the age of cancel culture. How is this fostering inclusion? In fact, dian, including those in the LGBTQ community, and to build an in‐ many Liberal operatives are likely on social media right now claim‐ clusive and prosperous country for all. Now, as leader of the Con‐ ing I am being divisive because I would prefer that we get this bill servative Party, I pledge to continue this work. I will also hold the right and not work to divide Canadians. Liberal government to account when it falls short and when it prefers to contrast its virtue in a way meant to castigate others. [Translation] The Liberal government knows that most Canadians do not want to see conversion therapy continue, but it also knows that most Once again, let me be crystal clear: Conversion therapy is wrong. Canadians do not want conversations between a parent and a child In my view, it should be banned. or a religious leader and a young person to be criminalized either. [English] This is particularly the case when it could be threatened against ● (1015) someone against their will, or when it is used to denigrate or de‐ mean someone for who they are. [Translation] Sadly, the Liberals are once again playing politics. Instead of working hard to get things right and make life better for Canadians, they seem intent on scoring political points. Why do members think I know that my LGBTQ+ friends want everyone to be treated this bill is here on day two for me as a new leader in the House? with dignity and respect. Better yet, why do they think the Liberals have reintroduced the ex‐ act same bill they did last year, having totally ignored the well- known drafting failures of their first bill? They did this not because [English] they want to get it right for the LGBTQ community. They did this because they want to force the Conservatives to seek amendments or possibly even vote against this bill. They want vulnerable members of their community to be protect‐ [Translation] ed, and they want people who try to use conversion therapy to deni‐ grate others to be prevented from doing that. I know they do not As usual, the Liberals are playing petty politics in an attempt to want to criminalize the conversations of others, because a commu‐ scare Canadians. They want to divide us. nity that has been unfairly persecuted for generations does not want [English] to start unfairly persecuting others. However, I know that Canadians are smarter than the Liberals think they are, and I know that the LGBTQ community sees through this too. I therefore want to use my time to talk for a mo‐ People need to be free to talk openly to people they trust in their ment to those in the LGBTQ community. families or communities. That could be about coming out. That could be about their orientation or their gender identity. It could al‐ Some of them grew up in a home that did not understand or sup‐ so be about their own faith or their own personal life journey. They port them. Many of them faced persecution at school, at work, out should feel free to talk to others without the fear of a public prose‐ in public at a restaurant, on a date, riding the subway, living life. cution. October 1, 2020 COMMONS DEBATES 383 Routine Proceedings Kids need more support from adults, not less.
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