CURRICULUM VITAE Name: ENGLERT Fran¸cois Born: 6 november 1932 Citizenship: Belgian Married, 5 children Studies - Ing´enieurCivil Electricien-M´ecanicien (1955) (Universit´eLibre de Bruxelles [U.L.B.]) - Licenci´een Sciences Physiques (1958) (U.L.B.) - Docteur en Sciences Physiques (1959) (U.L.B.) Academic Status - Assistant at the U.L.B. - 1956-1959 - Research Associate at Cornell University (Ithaca) USA, 1959-1960 - Assistant Professor at Cornell University (Ithaca) USA, 1960-1961 - Charg´ede cours at the U.L.B., 1961-1964 - Professeur at the U.L.B., since 1964 - Directeur (with Robert Brout) of the Theoretical Physics Group at the U.L.B. (1980- 1998) - Professeur ´em´eriteat the U.L.B., since 1998 1 Scientific Awards - 1977 A. WETREMS Prize in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, awarded by the Royal Belgium Academy \for his work on spontaneous symmetry breaking in elementary particule physics". - 1978 First award of the International Gravity Contest, awarded by \Gravity Research Foundation" (with R. Brout and E. Gunzig) for the essay \The Causal Universe" . This work introduced the inflation mechanism in cosmology. - 1982 FRANCQUI Prize, awarded by the Francqui Foundation once every four years in exact sciences \for his contribution to the theoretical understanding of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the physics of fondamental interactions, where, with Robert Brout, he was the first to show that spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories gives mass to the gauge particules", \for his extensive contributions in other domains, such as solid state physics, statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, general relativity and cosmology", \for the originality and the fundamental importance of these achievements". - 1997 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize, awarded by the European Physical Society (with R. Brout and P.W. Higgs) \for formulating for the first time a self-consistent theory of charged massive vector bosons which became the foundation of the electroweak theory of elementary particles". - 2004 WOLF Prize in Physics, awarded by the Wolf Foundation (with R. Brout and P.W. Higgs) \for pioneering work that has led to the insight of mass generation, whenever a local gauge symmetry is realized asymmetrically in the world of sub-atomic particles". 2 - 2010 J.J SAKURAI Prize, awarded by the American Physical Society (with R. Brout, C.R. Hagen, G.S. Guralnik, P.W. Higgs and T.W.B. Kibble) \for elucidation of the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking in four-dimensional relativistic gauge theory and of the mechanism for consistent generation of vector boson masses". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Permanent Sackler Fellow (1988) and Senior Professor by Special Appointment at Tel- Aviv University (1992) - Honorary Member of the Solvay Institutes (2006) - Docteur Honoris Causa de L'Universit´ede Mons-Hainaut (2004) et de la Vrije Univer- siteit Brussel (2005). 3 1) F. Englert, C. Jauquet, Th´eoriedu dip^olerepli´e,Revue H.F. III, 157 (1955). 2) F. Englert, Application de la th´eoriedes groupes au calcul du couplage spin-orbite dans les cristaux, Acad´emieroyale de Belgique, Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, 5e s´erie, 43, 273 (1957). 3) F. Englert, Interaction entre un petit et un grand syst`eme,Il Nuovo Cimento 10, 560 (1958). 4) P. Aigrain, F. Englert, \Les semiconducteurs", Monographie Dunod, 203 pp - Dunod, Paris (1958) - Version espagnole, Eudeba, Buenos Aires (1966). 5) F. Englert, Comportement d'un petit syst`emequantique dans un milieu faiblement dissipatif, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 11, 78 (1959). 6) F. Englert, Renormalisation de masse d'un ´electrondans un corps noir, Acad´emie royale de Belgique, Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, 5e s´erie, 45, 782 (1959). 7) R. Brout, F. Englert, Linked cluster expansion in quantum statistics, Phys. Rev. 120, 1519 (1960). 8) F. Englert, R. Brout, Dielectric formulation of quantum statistics, Phys. Rev. 120, 1085 (1960). 9) F. Englert, Effective hamiltonian formalism in the exciton problem and in superconduc- tivity, published in the \Proceedings of the International Conference on Semiconductor Physics" (Prague), 34 (1960). 10) F. Englert, Theory of a Heisenberg ferromagnet in the random phase approximation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 5, 102 (1960). 11) F. Englert, M. Antonoff, Band theory of ferromagnetism, Physica 30, 429 (1964). 12) F. Englert, Linked cluster expansion in the statistical theory of ferromagnetism, Phys. Rev. 129, 567 (1963). 13) R. Stinchombe, G. Horwitz, F. Englert, R. Brout, Thermodynamic behavior of the Heisenberg ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. 130, 155 (1963). 14) G. Horwitz, F. Englert, R. Brout, Zero temperature properties of many fermion systems, Phys. Rev. 130, 404 (1963). 15) J. De Coen, F. Englert, R. Brout, Linked cluster expansion in N-boson problem, Physica 30, 1293 (1964). 1 16) F. Englert, Fonctions de r´eponse et leurs relations avec les ph´enom`enesd'´equilibre, published in \Etudes des ph´enom`enesirr´eversibles, Morgins 1963, 207-250", Bureau - Lausanne, (1963). 17) F. Englert, R. Brout, Broken symmetry and the mass of gauge vector mesons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 321 (1964). 18) F. Englert, R. Brout, A Possible Argument which eliminates the hitherto unrealized representations of SU3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 682 (1964). 19) F. Englert, R. Brout, Remark on the misuse of the active interpretation of general relativity, Physics Letters 16, 250 (1965). 20) F. Englert, R. Brout, M.F. Thiry, Vector mesons in the presence of broken symmetry, Il Nuovo Cimento 43, 244 (1966). 21) R. Brout, F. Englert, Gravitational Ward identity and the principle of equivalence, Phys. Rev. 141, 1231 (1966). 22) C. De Dominicis, F. Englert, Potential correlation function duality in statistical me- chanics, Journal of Math. Phys. 8, 2143 (1967). 23) F. Englert, C. De Dominicis, Lagrangian field theory in terms of Green's functions, Il Nuovo Cimento 53A, 1007 (1968). 24) F. Englert, C. De Dominicis, Self generating interactions, Il Nuovo Cimento 53A, 1021 (1968). 25) F. Englert, R. Brout, H. Stern, Field theoretic formulation of bootstrap theory, Il Nuovo Cimento 58A, 601 (1968). 26) F. Englert, R. Brout, Current algebra and partial symmetry, Il Nuovo Cimento 55A, 543 (1968). 27) R. Brout, F. Englert, Asymptotic form factors and scattering amplitudes, Physics Letters 27B, 647 (1968). 28) F. Englert, R. Brout, P. Nicoletopoulos and C. Truffin, The optical limit of relativistic scattering, Il Nuovo Cimento 64A, 561 (1969). 29) R. Brout, F. Englert, C. Truffin, Chiral symmetry and linear trajectories, Physics Letters 29B, 590 (1969). 30) F. Englert, R. Brout, C. Truffin, Meson mass spectrum, Physics Letters 29B, 686 (1969). 2 31) F. Englert, R. Brout, H. Stern, Mass quantization conditions from infinite supercon- vergence and chiral symmetry, Il Nuovo Cimento 66A, 845 (1970). 32) F. Englert, Self consistent approach to the fine structure constant, Il Nuovo Cimento 16A, 557 (1973). 33) F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere,P. Nicoletopoulos, Vertex bootstrap for the fine structure constant, Il Nuovo Cimento 19A, 395 (1974). 34) R. Brout, F. Englert, C. Truffin, β!π decay and SU3 breaking, Phys. Rev. D9, 2694 (1974). 35) F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere,P. Nicoletopoulos, Low energy eigenvalue condition from dynamically broken gauge symmetry, Physics Letters 52B, 433 (1974). 36) F. Englert, R. Brout, Dynamical theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions, Physics Letters 49B, 77 (1974). 37) F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere,P. Nicoletopoulos, Infrared versus ultraviolet driven dynamical mass generation in ladder approximation, Physics Letters 59B, 346 (1975). 38) F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere,P. Nicoletopoulos, Dynamical symmetry breakdown in pure Yang-Mills theory, Nuclear Physics B95, 269 (1975). 39) F. Englert, Dynamical symmetry breakdown, published in \Weak and electromagnetic interactions at high energies, Carg`ese1975, Part A 265-190", Plenum Press, New York and London (1976). 40) F. Englert, E. Gunzig, C. Truffin, P. Windey, Conformal invariant general relativity with dynamical symmetry breakdown, Physics Letters 57B, 73 (1975). 41) F. Englert, R. Gastmans, C. Truffin, Conformal invariance in quantum gravity, Nu- clear Physics B117, 407 (1976). 42) F. Englert, Mechanisms of dynamical symmetry breaking, published in \International Center for Theoretical Physics reports" (Trieste) IC/76 (1976). 43) F. Englert, P. Windey, Quantization conditions for 't Hooft monopoles, Phys. Rev. D, 2728 (1976). 44) R. Brout, E. Englert, W. Fischler, Magnetic confinement in non abelian gauge theory, Phys.l Rev. Lett. 36, 649 (1976). 45) R. Brout, F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere, On the origin of the pion in confinement schemes, 3 Nuclear Physics B134, 327 (1978). 46) F. Englert, P. Windey, Electric confinement and magnetic superconductors, Nuclear Physics B135, 529 (1978). 47) R. Brout, F. Englert, E. Gunzig, The creation of the universe as a quantum phe- nomenon, Annals of Physics 115, 78 (1978). 48) F. Englert, Electric and magnetic confinement schemes, published in \Hadron struc- ture and lepton-hadron interactions, Carg`ese1977, 503-560", Plenum Press, New York and London (1979). 49) F. Englert, P. Windey, Electric confinement and magnetic superconductors, Nuclear Physics B135, 529 (1978). 50) R. Brout, F. Englert, E. Gunzig, The causal universe (First Prize for 1978 awarded by Gravity Research Foundation), Gen. Rel. and Grav. Journal 10, 1 (1979). 51) R. Brout, F. Englert, P. Spindel, Cosmological origin of the grand-unification mass scale, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 417 (1979). 52) R. Brout, F. Englert, J.-M. Fr`ere,E. Gunzig, P. Nardone, C. Truffin, P. Spindel, Cosmogenesis and the origin of the fundamental length scale, Nuclear Physics B170, 228 (1980). 53) F. Englert, The creation of the universe as the breakdown of a grand unified symmetry, published in \Physical Cosmology, Les Houches, session XXXII, 1979, 515-532", North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam - New York - Oxford (1980). 54) R. Brout, F. Englert, TCP conservation in cosmology, Nuclear Physics B180, 181 (1981). 55) J.-M. Blairon, R. Brout, F. Englert, J. Greensite, Chiral symmetry breaking in the action formulation of lattice gauge theory, Nuclear Physics B180, 439 (1981).
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