Connect Performance Report Quarter 2 Progress Report 2019-20 If you need this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs. Phone: 0303 123 1015 Email: [email protected] For any queries regarding performance or the results, please email: [email protected] How to use this perform ance report This performance report is inten ded to b e both info rma tive and easy to use . The guide b elow is designe d to help you ge t the mo st o ut of the report a nd to an swer th e most co mmon q uestion s you might have . Co uncil Plan obje ctive M easure Sta tus – are we on cou rse to achieve ? Th e “tra ffic light” codes are: R eso urce Plan o bjective G reen Achieve d, or due to ach ieve w ith no issues Amber Th ere may be pr oblems or mi nor slipp age Re so urce Plan a ction & a ssociated measures. Red Not on cour se, major slippage antici pated Pro gre ss Measures which are to be reported late r or which ar e “for up date ag ain st i nfo rmation only” a re no t colo ur coded mea sure. Sta tistics for the curre nt year. The Target shows wh at we wa nt to achie ve b y the end o f the year. The To Date column sh ows h ow much we Statistics for last 3 ye ars, showin g how we have achieved so far. are doing over time. 1 Summary - number of measures green, amber and red under each Council Plan objective/theme Council Objective / Theme Green Amber Red To be reported Total later / Contextual Improve later life 6 0 0 2 8 Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults 12 1 1 0 14 Deliver better health and social care outcomes for all 4 0 0 4 8 Improve the availability, quality and access of housing 8 0 0 0 8 Improve the road network, influence improvements in public 8 0 0 2 10 transport and encourage active travel Work with communities and partners to promote high quality, 21 4 0 6 31 thriving and sustainable communities Support the local economy by providing the right conditions 9 0 0 1 10 for inclusive growth Support our communities by tackling disadvantage and 3 0 0 0 3 deprivation and supporting aspiration Improve achievement, raise educational attainment and 13 0 0 4 17 support lifelong learning Ensure schools and other places of learning are inspirational 10 0 0 0 10 Encourage participation in physical and cultural activities 9 0 0 0 9 Delivering the plan and achieving best value 9 2 0 1 12 Total 112 7 1 20 140 2 IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am Council Plan actions and measures Council Plan - Connect Improve later life ----------- This Year ---------- -------- Last 3 Years -------- Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status Target To Date 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Increase supply of Existing amenity properties and mainstream Programme ongoing. Green --- --- --- --- --- housing suitable for properties upgraded and converted to older people amenity per agreed programme (RP) Continue to ensure the Number of adaptations completed in This measure is demand led. Contextual ------ 416 1,126 976 979 provision/ installation (or Council homes funding) of equipment, Number of approvals given for adaptations On target to achieve predicted outturn. Green 900 458 576 507 552 adaptations and other in private homes services No of applications on waiting list for council Target achieved, no outstanding applicants. Green 0 0 0 0 0 adaptations % of approved applications for adaptations All adaptations were approved, this measure is Contextual ------ 100.00% 99.14% 100.00% 93.00% completed in year (SSHC) demand led. Continue to improve Number of people receiving intensive (10 During the week commencing 23 September Green ------ 46% ------ ------ ------ outcomes for people to hrs+) home care as a proportion of all care 2019, the proportion of all care at home provided live in their own homes at home provided was 46% or 1746 people out of a total of 3818 and communities for as people were supported to remain at home long as possible receiving 10 hours or more of support. This is split as 682 supported by the inhouse service and 1064 by external providers. Number of hours provided for intensive (10 During the week commencing 23 September Green ------ 78% ------ ------ ------ hrs+) home care as a proportion of all care 2019, the proportion of all care at home provided at home provided was 78% or 35,657 hours out of a total of 46,204 hours were provided to support people to remain at home receiving 10 hours or more of support. This is split as 12,044 provided by the inhouse service and 23,613 provided by external providers. Extend the range and Develop and modernise day care services Papers were taken to the Social Work (SW) Green --- --- --- --- --- choice of day for older people which supports personal Committee on 7 August 2019 to give approval to opportunities for older outcomes review Older People Day Services. A range of people sub-groups are working on the Review which is due to report back to SW Committee early in 2020. Working sub-groups are; profiling of service users and usage of day services, Best Practice and Knowledge Enquiry, Communication and Consultation, Equality Impact and Workforce Planning. A review development session has been scheduled for 27th November 2019 and option appraisals going forward will be devised for consideration. 3 IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect Improve later life ----------- This Year ---------- -------- Last 3 Years -------- Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status Target To Date 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults ----------- This Year ---------- -------- Last 3 Years -------- Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status Target To Date 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Support the effective Disseminate the literacy guidance The Literacy Guidance document has been Green --- --- --- --- --- implementation of the document ‘Identifying, understanding and published. Information sessions have been held Education Resources addressing weak literacy skills and dyslexia’ with Head Teachers at all learning communities. Literacy Guidance within South Lanarkshire’ to all schools and Training has been held with Extended Teams across the authority services and Learning Support Principal Teachers from all secondary schools. A short life-working group is currently producing a list of recommended assessments of literacy. A parent’s information leaflet is being produced. Support the Broad Provide a range of blended learning 4,109 learners have reported improved social Green --- --- --- --- --- General Education of opportunities to support learners to broaden skills; 2,204 learners have reduced risk related vulnerable young people their perspectives, through new experiences behaviour; and 501 learners have improved their and improve life and thinking, to make informed decisions mental health and wellbeing as a result of chances through and to participate safely and effectively in engagement in a range of blended learning learning, personal groups opportunities. development and active citizenship Contribute to effective Continue with an annual review and report Annual report presented as per schedule. Green --- --- --- --- --- joint working in on operation of Adult and Child protection Resource is working to support coordination of protecting children and procedures to Resource Management Team the priorities for the forthcoming Children adults at risk of harm (RMT) Services Inspection which will take place in quarter 3. Ensure effective housing Continue to deliver appropriate services for Actions progressing including Health Need Green --- --- --- --- --- service contribution to homeless children (RP) Assessment complete, working group Partnership approach to established to develop and implement actions to GIRFEC minimise impact of Homelessness on children linked to RRTP. Improve support for 75% of children seen by a supervising To date, 97% of children were seen by a Green 75.0% 97.0% 100.0% 100.0% 93.0% looked after children officer within 15 days supervising officer within 15 days in 2019/20. In Quarter 2, 14 children were made subject to a Compulsory Supervision Order. Of these 14 children, 100% were seen within 15 days of the hearing date. 4 IMPROVe - SLC Performance Management System Report printed on Friday 15 November 2019 09:27:56am Council Plan actions and measures continued....... Council Plan - Connect Protect vulnerable children, young people and adults ----------- This Year ---------- -------- Last 3 Years -------- Action Measures(non statistical measures shaded grey) Comments/ Progress Status Target To Date 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Provide timely and 75% of reports submitted to the Children's To date, 69% (164 out of 236) reports were Red 75.0% 69.0% 88.0% 75.0% 79.0% robust assessments to Reporter within 20 days submitted to the Scottish Children's Reporters the Scottish Children’s Administration within the 20 day timescale. Reporters Administration (SCRA) In Quarter 2, 62% (71 out of 115) reports were submitted to the Scottish Children's Reporters Administration within the 20 day timescale. Number of pressures in the service at the moment emerging from staffing issues and staff time being taken up by Inspection requirements. This issue will be monitored by the Head of Children and Justice Services to address issues with the teams to improve locality timescales. Implement the Report the number of looked after children In the period 1 April to 30 September 2019 the Green --- --- --- --- --- Corporate Parenting by placement type in order to compare total number of looked after children increased Strategy and Action Plan home and community placements on a 6 by 31 to 706, with the balance of care being 636 monthly basis (90%) in a Community setting and 70 (10%) in a residential setting.
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