Dallas County Herbarium - Permanent by Scientific Name # of Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Name Vouchers Acacia angustissima Fern acacia, Prairie acacia Fabaceae 1 Acalypha ostryifolia Hop-hornbeam copperleaf Euphorbiaceae 1 Acalypha virginica Virginia copperleaf Euphorbiaceae 1 Acer negundo Box elder Aceraceae 4 Achillea millefolium Milfoil, Western yarrow, Common Asteraceae 1 yarrow Acmella oppositifolia Creeping spotflower Asteraceae 1 Aegilops cylindrica Jointed goat grass Poaceae 1 Aesculus arguta White buckeye, Texas buckeye, Western Hippocastanaceae 1 buckeye Agalinis heterophylla Prairie agalinis Scrophulariaceae 3 Ailanthus altissima Tree of heaven Simaroubaceae 1 Allium canadense var. canadense Canada garlic, wild garlic, wild onion Liliaceae 3 Allium canadense var. hyacinthoides Hyacinth meadow garlic Liliaceae 1 Allium drummondii Drummond's onion, Prairie onion Liliaceae 1 Allium vineale Wild garlic Liliaceae 1 Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator weed Amaranthaceae 1 Amaranthus palmeri Carelessweed, Palmers pigweed, Palmers Amaranthaceae 1 amaranth, Redroot Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Asteraceae 3 Ambrosia trifida var. texana Giant Ragweed Asteraceae 1 Amorpha fruticosa False indigo Fabaceae 2 Ampelopsis arborea Peppervine Vitaceae 4 Ampelopsis cordata Heart-leaf ampelopsis, Racoon-grape Vitaceae 1 Amphicarpaea bracteata Southern hog-peanut, American Fabaceae 2 Hogpeanut Amsonia ciliata var. texana Texas Slimpod, Texas Amsonia Apocynaceae 1 Andropogon gerardii subsp. gerardii Big bluestem, Turkeyfoot Poaceae 1 Andropogon glomeratus Bushy bluestem, Bushy beard grass, Poaceae 1 (clustered) Androstephium caeruleum Funnel flower Liliaceae 1 Anemone berlandieri Ten-petal anemone Ranunculaceae 3 Antennaria parlinii Pussytoes Asteraceae 1 Aristida lanosa Woollysheath Threeawn, Woolly Three- Poaceae 1 awn Aristida purpurea N/A Poaceae 1 Aristolochia tomentosa Woolly dutchmans-pipe, Pipevine Aristolochiaceae 1 Arnoglossum plantagineum Prairie plantain Asteraceae 3 Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. mexicana Mexican sagebrush Asteraceae 1 Arundo donax Giant reed Poaceae 1 NTMN Herbarium List MASTER.xlsx Page 1 of 15 Last Printed: 11/4/2019 Dallas County Herbarium - Permanent by Scientific Name # of Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Name Vouchers Asclepias asperula subsp. capricornu Antelope horns Asclepiadaceae 2 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed Asclepiadaceae 1 Asclepias viridiflora Green-flower milkweed, Green antelope- Asclepiadaceae 2 horns, Wand milkweed Asclepias viridis Antelope horn, Green milkweed Asclepiadaceae 2 Asparagus officinalis Asparagus Liliaceae 1 Aster lateriflorus California aster, Calico aster Asteraceae 2 Aster subulatus Wireweed Asteraceae 1 Astragalus canadensis Canada milk-vetch Fabaceae 1 Astragalus crassicarpus Ground-plum, Buffalo-plum, Pomme de Fabaceae 2 prairie,Ground-plum milk-vetch Astragalus distortus Ozark milk-vetch, Bent-pod milk-vetch Fabaceae 1 Astragalus lotiflorus Lotus milk-vetch Asteraceae 1 Astragalus plattensis Platte river milk-vetch, Ground-plum Fabaceae 1 Avena fatua Wild Oat Poaceae 2 Avena sativa Common oats, Cultivated oats Poaceae 1 Baccharis neglecta Roosevelt-weed, New deal weed, Jara Asteraceae 1 dulce Berchemia scandens Alabama supplejack, Rattanvine, Rhamnaceae 2 Supplejack Bidens frondosa Beggar-ticks, Sticktights, Devils beggar- Asteraceae 1 ticks Bifora americana Prairie-bishop Apiaceae 1 Boehmeria cylindrica Bog-hemp, Small-spike false nettle, Urticaceae 1 Button-hemp Boerhavia diffusa Scarlet spiderling Nyctaginaceae 1 Bothriochloa barbinodis var. barbinodis Cane bluestem Poaceae 1 Bothriochloa ischaemum King ranch bluestem Poaceae 2 Bothriochloa laguroides Silver Bluestem Poaceae 1 Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats grama Poaceae 2 Bouteloua gracilis Blue grama Poaceae 1 Bouteloua hirsuta Hairy grama Poaceae 2 Bouteloua rigidiseta Texas grama Poaceae 1 Brassica juncea Chinese mustard, Leaf mustard, Indian Brassicaceae 1 mustard Brickellia eupatorioides False boneset Asteraceae 1 Bromus catharticus Rescue Grass, Rescue Brome Poaceae 1 Bromus japonicus Japanese brome, Japanese chess, Poaceae 3 Spreading brome Bromus tectorum Cheat Grass Brome Poaceae 1 NTMN Herbarium List MASTER.xlsx Page 2 of 15 Last Printed: 11/4/2019 Dallas County Herbarium - Permanent by Scientific Name # of Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Name Vouchers Buchloe dactyloides Buffalo grass Poaceae 2 Buglossoides arvensis Corn gromwell Boraginaceae 1 Callicarpa americana American beauty-berry, French-mulberry, Verbenaceae 1 Bermuda-mulberry, Sourbush, Bunchberry, Filigrana de majorca, Filagrana de piña Callirhoe involucrata Purple poppy-mallow Malvaceae 2 Callirhoe pedata Finger poppy-mallow Malvaceae 3 Calylophus serrulatus Day primrose, Yellow evening primrose Onagraceae 1 Calyptocarpus vialis Horseherb Asteraceae 2 Camassia scilloides Wild Hyacinth Liliaceae 3 Campsis radicans Common trumpet-creeper, Cowitch vine, Bignoniaceae 1 Trumpet-honeysuckle Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's purse Brassicaceae 3 Cardiospermum halicacabum Balloonvine, Heartseed Sapindaceae 1 Carduus nutans Musk thistle Asteraceae 3 Carex cherokeensis Cherokee sedge Cyperaceae 2 Carex crus-corvi Crow foot caric sedge Cyperaceae 1 Carex grisea Inflated caric sedge Cyperaceae 1 Carex hyalinolepis Hyaline-scale caric sedge Cyperaceae 1 Carex leavenworthii Melines leavenworth’s caric sedge Cyperaceae 1 Carex microdonta Small tooth caric sedge Cyperaceae 3 Carex sp. Caric sedge sp. Cyperaceae 1 Carex tetrastachya Four-angle caric sedge Cyperaceae 1 Carya illinoinensis Pecan, Nogal morado, Nuez encarcelada Juglandaceae 1 Carya texana Black hickory, Texas hickory, Buckleys Juglandaceae 1 hickory, Ozark hickory Castilleja indivisa Texas paintbrush Scrophulariaceae 2 Catalpa speciosa Catawba-tree, Cigartree, Hardy catalpa Bignoniaceae 1 Ceanothus americanus Redroot Rhamnaceae 1 Ceanothus herbaceus Redroot, Inland ceanothus, Fuzzy Rhamnaceae 2 ceanothus Celtis laevigata Hackberry, Sugarberry Ulmaceae 3 Centaurea americana American basket flower Asteraceae 1 Centaurea cyanus Cornflower Asteraceae 1 Centaurium texense Texas centaury, Lady birds centaury Gentianaceae 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis Common buttonbush, Honey-balls, Rubiaceae 1 Globeflower Cercis canadensis Redbud Fabaceae 2 Chaerophyllum tainturieri Chervil Apiaceae 2 Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea Fabaceae 1 Chamaesyce missurica Prairie spurge, Missouri spurge Euphorbiaceae 1 NTMN Herbarium List MASTER.xlsx Page 3 of 15 Last Printed: 11/4/2019 Dallas County Herbarium - Permanent by Scientific Name # of Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Name Vouchers Chamaesyce nutans Eyebane Euphorbiaceae 1 Chamaesyce prostrata Prostrate euphorbia Euphorbiaceae 1 Chamaesyce serpens Mat euphorbia, Hierba de golondrina Euphorbiaceae 1 Chasmanthium latifolium Wild oats, Broad-leaf woodoats, Creek- Poaceae 1 oats Chloris verticillata Tumble windmill grass, Windmill finger Poaceae 1 grass Chrysopsis pilosa Soft golden-aster Asteraceae 1 Cicuta maculata Common water-hemlock, Spotted Apiaceae 1 cowbane, Cowbane, Beaverpoison, Spotted water-hemlock, Musquatroot, Muskrat-weed Cirsium texanum Texas thistle Asteraceae 1 Cirsium undulatum Wavy-leaf thistle Asteraceae 1 Cissus incisa Cowitch Vitaceae 1 Clematis pitcheri Pitcher's clematis Ranunculaceae 3 Clematis terniflora Sweet autumn clematis Ranunculaceae 1 Cnidoscolus texanus Texas bull-nettle, Mala mujer, Euphorbiaceae 1 Treadsoftly Cocculus carolinus Carolina snailseed Menispermaceae 2 Commelina erecta Erect dayflower, Hierba de pollo Commelinaceae 1 Convolvulus arvensis Common bindweed, Field bindweed Convolvulaceae 1 Convolvulus equitans Gray bindweed, Texas bindweed Convolvulaceae 1 Conyza canadensis Horseweed Asteraceae 1 Cooperia drummondii Cebolleta, Rain lily Liliaceae 1 Corallorrhiza wisteriana Coralroot, Wisters coralroot Orchidaceae 1 Cornus drummondii Rough-leaf dogwood Cornaceae 1 Crataegus viridis Greenhaw Rosaceae 1 Croton capitatus Woolly croton, Hogwort Euphorbiaceae 1 Croton monanthogynus One-seed Croton, Prairie tea Euphorbiaceae 3 Cryptotaenia canadensis Wild chrvil, Honewort Apiaceae 1 Cuscuta Pentagona Field dodder Cuscutaceae 2 Cuscuta species Dodder Cuscutaceae 1 Cyclospermum leptophyllum Slim-lobe Celery Apiaceae 1 Cynanchum laeve Bluevine, sandvine, Smooth swallow- Asclepiadaceae 1 wort, Smooth anglepod Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Grass Poaceae 1 Cynoglossum virginianum Wild comfrey, Blue comfrey, Blue hounds- Boraginaceae 2 tongue Cynosciadium digitatum Finger dogshade Apiaceae 1 Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flat sedge Cyperaceae 1 Cyperus squarrosus Bearded flat sedge Cyperaceae 1 NTMN Herbarium List MASTER.xlsx Page 4 of 15 Last Printed: 11/4/2019 Dallas County Herbarium - Permanent by Scientific Name # of Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Name Vouchers Dalea multiflora Round-head dalea, White prairie-clover Fabaceae 1 Dalea purpurea Prairie clover, Purple prairie clover Fabaceae 1 Daucus carota Queen-Anne's lace, Wild carrot Apiaceae 1 Delphinium carolinianum ssp. carolinianum Blue larkspur Ranunculaceae 1 Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens Prairie larkspur Ranunculaceae 2 Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois bundle flower Fabaceae 2 Desmanthus leptolobus Prairie bundle flower, Prairie mimosa Fabaceae 1 Desmodium paniculatum Panicled Tick-clover Fabaceae 2 Desmodium tweedyi Tweedy's tick clover Fabaceae 2 Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. Scribner's rosette grass Poaceae 1 scribnerianum Dichanthelium sp. (blank) Poaceae 2 Dichondra recurvata Pony foot Convolvulaceae 1 Dicliptera
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