January 15, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 1053 The Office of Emergency Preparedness, this full well when, in all humility, he the tragedy of war; he knew, from his 12 which has set up a center in Washington, said to the press the following day: years as a county court judge, the prob­ D.C., to monitor the shortage, reports the When they told me yesterday what had lems and difficulties that people must threat of fuel shortages in the Midwest is happened, I felt like the moon, the stars, and cope with to keep going. His career of the gravest it has observed. Ironically, sup­ the planets had fallen on me. plies of propane gas are available in the public service at the highest levels of Na­ Western oil-producing states, but the means The sterling quality of our 33d Presi­ tional Government, had a core of tough to distribute it--either by pipeline or tank dent was quickly revealed, however, as but malleable humanism forged in the car-are in short supply. After considerable he promptly shouldered the heaVY bur­ actual give and take of American society. Congressional pressure, efforts are underway den of war-time President displaying His close identification with the average to find ways of getting propane gas to the man was typified in a statement he made Midwestern states for crop-drying efforts. the strength, courage, and tenacity for In Indiana, an inventory is now being which he later became world famous. as a Senator in 1944: taken by the Farmers Home Administration Great office has a way of taking its toll, Of course I believe in free enterprise but to determine the extent of the harvesting but Harry Truman, perhaps more than in my system of free enterprise, the demo­ losses, and whether an emergency ·should be any of his predecessors, remained the cratic principle is that there never was, never declared in those counties suffering the most same tough, independent, intensely has been, never will be room for the ruth­ severe losses. Under present time schedules, less exploitation of the many for the bene­ human individual that his associates had fit of the few. this survey is to be continued through the known so well through all his years in months of December and January before a It is impossible to overemphasize the recommendation is to be made to the Secre­ public office. What is truly remarkable tary of Agriculture for an emergency decla­ is the fact that Harry Truman's hard enormous contribution which Harry ration. I have contacted the Secretary of Agri­ shell of political sagacity concealed a Truman made to his Nation and the culture to urge that the process be accele­ compassion that was worldwide and en­ world. He himself, properly sized up the rated. compassed the entire human race. importance of strong leadership: Such action would permit farmers in emer­ The man that made the heartbreaking Men make history and not the other way gency counties to qualify for low-interest, decision to bomb Hiroshima also con­ 'round. In periods where there is no lead­ stay-in-business loans. Eligible farmers in ceived the Marshall plan that rebuilt the ership, society stands still. Progress occurs designated counties would be those who lost when courageous, skillful leaders seize the more than 20 percent of their major crop, or war-torn nations of Europe. His Ameri­ opportunity to change things for the better. more than 10 percent of their entire crop canism was intense; he made the decision production if they have no major crop. to prevent Communist aggressors from Harry Truman proved the truth of this The procedure to have an emergency de­ overrunning South Korea, Greece, and statement-he got things done and he clared in designated counties differs from a Turkey-wherever the spark of demo­ brought in the Truman era of pr~gressive declaration of disaster, which is made by cratic liberty offered hope for the future Americanism. the governor. A disaster declaration normally against totalitarian encroachment. In The thoughts we express today in all follows an act of nature in which public serv­ probability, do not properly evalu~te the· ices are knocked out, the public health is keeping with the sign on his desk, "The endangered, and homes and public facm­ buck stops here,'' he made decisions and historic stature of Harry Truman for ties are damaged or destroyed. his Marshall plan did rebuild Europe; his only in recent years have historians and policy of containment was successful in political commentators recognized the drawing a circle around communism and debt we all owe to the strong-minded and keeping it from achieving world suprem­ dedicated man from Missouri, and I am HARRY S TRUMAN-OF THE PEOPLE acy; and his point 4 program strength­ confident that his bulldog determination AND FOR THE PEOPLE ened underdeveloped nations and enabled his total commitment to the public in~ them to resist the forces of aggression. terest, and his selfless dedication to peace Throughout his career, Harry Truman and prosperity for all the people will be HON. WRIGHT PATMAN served the people with courage and can­ even more greatly respected with the OF TEXAS dor. He was frank and straightforward; passing of time. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his honesty had no taint of diplomatic In 1945, Harry Truman presented a guile; and Americans came to regard the scroll rewarding a "good public servant" Tuesday, January 9, 1973 man from Independence with deep and and said at that time: Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, over 27 abiding respect, a wonderful tribute in­ I hope that wlll be my epitaph. years ago-April 12, 1945, to be exact-­ deed. The statement he made some years in a small private room in the Capitol, after leaving office-"! never did give It is indeed his epitaph for it is the Speaker Sam Rayburn and Vice Presi­ anybody hell. I just told the truth and sum of this philosophy in the context of dent Harry Truman were talking things they thought it was hell," in retrospect, an active working life, and the scholar­ over as was their custom when a tele­ says again, that Harry Truman was ship which gave depth to his extraordi­ phone call came through for Mr. Truman really above the arena of partisan narily perceptive comments. The Truman summoning him to the White House. It politics. There was no credibility gap; Library is a further dimension of this was learned later on that historic day people knew where he stood, and they great President-it is a splendid and im­ that President Roosevelt had passed knew he had their interests at heart. portant historical center, but it is also away in Warm Springs, Ga., and that Like our greatest Presidents, Harry a symbol of Harry S Truman's lifelong Harry S Truman, of Missouri, was now Truman was a man of the people. He was devotion the ideals of American democ­ President of the United States. No other not afraid of work and he knew from racy. Harry Truman was a great man be­ man in our history has been thrust into personal experience, what it was like to cause he was an indomitable human the position of ultimate national respon­ meet a payroll; he knew the day-to-day being with profound faith in humanity, sibility at so critical and difficult a pe­ struggles of our farmers; he knew, from which is to say he was of the people and riod. President Truman himself realized combat in World War I, the terrors and for the people. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 15, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and seek the good of our country with Grant that by looking to Thee our love The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, more fidelity. may be rekindled, our faith renewed, D.D., offered the following prayer: Have mercy upon this land of ours our strength restored, and our hope for and so guide the destiny of our Nation a better world be revived. Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the that the power of Thy presence may be In the spirit of Him who walked in ends of the earth; for I am God and there revealed and people learn to live together Thy way we pray. Amen. is no other.-Isaiah 45: 22. in peace and with good will. O Lord our God, grant that each one Give understanding hearts and dis­ of us may be true to our own high call­ cerning minds to these leaders of our THE JOURNAL ing and in so doing serve Thee more Republic that the safety and security of The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ faithfully, love our fellow man more fully, our citizens may be advanced. ined the Journal of the last day's pro- 1054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE January 15, 1973 ceedings and announces to the House ment to provide for this extension to Runnels Stuckey Widnall his Ryan Talcott Wiggins approval thereof. February 10 for the submission of the St Germain Taylor, Mo. Wilson, Bob Without objection, the Journal stands list of impoundments. Sandman Teague, Tex. Wilson, approved. This does not affect the date for sub­ Sebelius Thompson, N.J. Charles H., There was no objection. mission of the budget which is the 29th Shipley Tiernan Calif. Shriver Treen Winn day of January. Smith, Iowa Van Deerlln Wolff Mr. GROSS. So the limiting date for Snyder Vander Jagt Wyatt TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF PRESI­ the submission of the budget is Jan­ Stanton, Vanik Wydler DENT'S BUDGET MESSAGE AND uary 29 and the limiting date for the J.
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