. ( l Harrison County 0 HI 0 Sesquicentennial · CELEBRATION t ) 1813 - 1963 ./ ' JUNE 23 through 29 Harrison County, Ohio THE SCIO POTTERY COMPANY C.elebrates Scio, Ohio ,, Its 150th Year 1813 1963 Founded by the late L. P. Reese in 1933 One of the largest manufacturers of plain white dinnerware, also produces overglaze and underglaze decorated ware Seal Design By Jeanne Wilson Printed By The Freeport P1·ess Operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and employs over 1,000 people Has the largest privately-owned museum in the State of Ohio ' MALLERNEES CABINET SHOP GRACES SELF-SERVE STATE OF OHIO CADIZ, OHIO MARKET EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS SCIO, OHIO Armstrong Floors OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 1 . Formica Tops COLUMBUS sc1·O MOTOR COMPANY PROCLAMATION D. C. Scharde r W. H. King FRESH MEATS HARRISON COUNTY SESQUI-CENTENNIAL YEAR Sales Service FANCY FRUITS AND Commemorating The One-Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of SCIO, OHIO. VEGETABLES HARRISON COUNTY, OHIO Greeting from Director, officers & employees of The Scio Bank Company, Scio, Ohio Founded in 1 883 Incorporated 1916 WHEREAS, Hanison County is celebrating the one-hundred fiftieth anni­ vet·sary of its founding, and Scio's interesting past includes Scio College, Oil Boom and Ceramics. Let us build for an even better future, WHEREAS, this Sesqui-Centennial Year will he comimemorated by all residents of the County and ncighhoring communities, and WHEREAS, the citizens of Ohio are proud of the growth and development which has taken place in Harrison County in the last 150 years: NOW, THEREFORE, I, James A. Rhodes, Governor of the State of Ohio, do h ereby proclaim 1963 as HARRISON COUNTY SESQUI-CENTENNIAL YEAR and mge all citizens within th e State of Ohio to join the residents of Harrison County in celebrating this event. j IN WITNESS WHE REOF, I have h ereunto suhscrihed my name and caused the Gt:eat Seal of the State of Ohio to he affixed at Columbus, this 3rd day of RESOURCES June, 111 the Yeat· of Om Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Tluee. 1906 $ 112,636.77 1916 165,510.93 1933 285,339.14 James A. Rhodes 1943 1,276,442.03 1953 3,874,796.06 GOVERNOR 1963 5,926,885.95 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, SCIO, OHIO - 3 - 181 3 - Harrison County Sesquicentennial - Calendar of Events - 1963 CADIZ Quality MEATS GROCERIES SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1963-RELIGIOUS HERITAGE DAY THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1963-HARRISON COUNTY DAY A. M. All Churc_hes in H:arrison County observing Harrison Fancy and Staple at the County s 150:h anmver~ary 111 their own Churches at morning D'RY serv:ces. 9:00 A. M.- Viewing of Historical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. LOWEST PRICES! 4:00 or 4:30 P. M.- Old Fashioned Hymn Sing, at Fairgrounds. 10:00-Registration of Homecomers, Oldtimers, and visitors at the Ho3pitality Center at Cadiz Public Library. Cleaning Dairy Products, Fruit, Gen. Mdse. MON::>AY, JUNE 24, 1963-GOVERNOR & PIONEER DAY 10:00- Quilting Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Market St. 9:00 A. M.-;-Viewing of Historical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. 1 :00 P. M.- Harrison County Flower Show, featuring flower dis­ lO:OO-~eg_1strat1on of Homecomers, Oldtimers, and visitors at p:ays from Harri: 011 County Garden Clubs, at The Ohio Fuel Gas 140 E. Market Street tha Ho p1tanty Center at Cadiz Public Library. Co. Office, W. Market St. BROWN'S GE'NERAL STO·RE 10:00-Qui'.t.ng Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Market St. 1:00 P. M.-Midway Opem, Rides and Concessions, W. Market and '-Anyone who likes to quilt or would like to leam, please come.) Ccurt Streets. CADIZ, OHIO 1 :00-- Homemade Soap for Sale, front of Gray's Gift Shop, oper­ PHONE WA 2-4599 Open all day. DEERSVILLE _I:00 P. M.- H~rrison County Flower Show, featuring flower dis• ated by THE SWEET SUDSY SUES Chapter of the Harrison Beres. p ays from Harn:on County Garden Clubs, at The Ohio Fuel Gas 2:00- H:irri·on County Sesquicentennial Art Show, The Ohio "WATCH FOR THE WHITE TRUCKS" Open 7 Days a Week I.Jo. Office, W. Market St. Pow~r Building, W. Market St. 1:00-Homemade Soap for Sale, front of Gray's Gift Shop oper­ 2:00 to 7:00- 0pen House, Merryman o :d Log Cabin, Rt. 4, Cadiz, ated by THE SWEET SUDSY SUES Chapter of the Harrison 'Belles. Oh.o, (For directions, inquire at Hospitality Center.) 2:00-Harri:on County Sesquicentennial Art Show The Ohio •a:30-Pre-Pageant Activities. Power Building, W. Market St. ' •9:00-Seco11d performance of the Historical spectacle, "History 6:00-Midway Opens, Rides and Concessions, W. Market and From the Hilb of Harrison County". Gigantic 300 ft. set, Grandstand. UNITED DEPT. STORE Court Streets. • 10:30--Colorful Fireworks Display, Featuring Simulated Atomic CARSON AGENCY 8:30- Barber Shop ChorUJ & Quartet Show Featuring The Explo~ion, Grandstand. :ij:ast Liverpool Barb~r Shop Chorus, The Internationally Famous •Buy your ticket for a:J the evening's events at Grandstand from Co!oma.s Quartet and many others. a Queen Conte:tant for $1.00 and save 50c on the price at the gate. HARRISON COUNTY'S ONLY COMPLETE NOTE: During_ this day someone will be in Cadiz to represent tne Governor of Ohio. A-:. won as we have this confirmed it wlll be ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE published in the newspapers. ' FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1963-LADIES DAY ~ DEPT. STORE TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1963-COMMERCE & INDUSTRIAL DAY 9:00 A. M.-Viewing of Historical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. 9:00 A. M.- Viewing of Hlstorical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. 144 S. Main Street 9:00 to 12:00-0pen House at Bowerston Shale Co. Bowerston 10:00- Registrution of Homecomers, Oldtlmers, and visitors at The store that saves you more Ohio. For d.rections Inquire at the Hospitality Center. ' ' the Ho: pitality Center at Cadiz Public Library. , 9:00 to 12:00- 0pen House at Scio Pottery, at Scio, Ohio. 10:00-Quilting Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Ma.rket St. · 10:00- Registration of Homecomers Oldtimers and visitors at 1 :00 P. M.- Ha-rrison County Flower Show, featuring flower dis­ Cadiz, Ohio CADIZ, OHIO th ~ Ho _pitJtlity Center at Cadiz Public Library, ' Pays from Harri·on County Garden Clubs, at The Ohio Fuel Gas 10:00-Quiit.ng Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Market St. Co. Office, W. Market St . l :00 P .' M.-Midway Opens, Rides and Concessions, w. Market and 1:00 P. M.- -Midway Op2n:, Rides and Concessions, W. Market and Court Streets. Ccurt Streets. l :00 P . M.- Harrison County Flower Show featuting flower dis­ l :OO- Homemade Soap for Sale, front of Gray's Gift Shop, oper­ P ays 'from Harri:on Countv Garden Clubs at The Ohio Fuel Gas ated by THE S vvEE f S i.JD.SY SUES Chapter of the Harrison Bel.es. Best wishes to our friends and neighbors of Co. Office, W. Market St. • ' 2:00-Harri:cn County Sesquicentennial Art Show, The Ohio 1:00- Homemade Soap for S~le, front of Gray's Gift Shop oper­ Power Building, W. Market St. Harrison County on their sesqui-centennial at~d by THE SWEET SOD.SY SUES Chapter of the Harrison °BeEes. 2:00-Cameo Belles Tea, Open to all Harrison county Belles; held R. H. THOMPSON & SON at the BoKay Flower Shop, Corner of E. Warren and S. Main Sts. celebration. 1 :01- Hanna Coal Co. (Preparation Plant) Visitation· tours ,eave th~ office every half hour. Inquire at the Hospitality' Center 0 8 :30-Pre-Pageant Activities. for directions. 0 ;:J :00-Third p~rformance of the Historical spectacle, "~ist~ry 1:00 to 4:00-Bowerston Shale Co., Open House Continued. From the H .)!, of Harrison County", cast of 260, colorful lightmg FEEDS - LIME - FERTILIZER - LUMBER 1:00 to 4:00-Scio Pottery, Open House continued. display, at Grandstand. THE HICKS COMPAN·Y 2 :00-Harri :on county Sesqui:}entennial Art Show Tl1e Ohio 0 10:30-Exciting Fireworks Display in front of Grandstand. .l:'ow,,r Building, W. Market St. ' ,;,ALL for a single Admission Price!! 5:~0-At Scio, Parade, P :cnic, Ball Game and old time games. ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS SUPPLIES Furniture and floor coverings - Dennison, Ohio Everyone Invited. SATURDAY, JUNE 2!), 1903-VETERANS & ARMED FORCES DAY Where quality, style and economy meet. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963-SALUTE TO YOUTH DAY 9:00 A. M.-Viewing of Historical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. 9:00 A. M.- Viewing of Historical Window Displays, uptown Cadiz. JEWETT, OHIO Serving this area for over 94 years 10:00-Reg_istration of Ho:necomers, Oldtimers, and visitors at 10:00- Registration of Ho:necomers, Oldtimers, and visitors at th~ Ho p1taaty C1mter at C:1d1z Public Library. the Ho:pit.aiity Center at Cadiz Public Library. lO:OO-Qui1t.ng Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Market St. 10:00- Quut:ng Bee at The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. W. Market St. l :00 ,P. M.- Harrison Count.y Flower Show, featuring flower dis­ 1:00 to 9:00 P . M.-Homemade Soap for Sale, Pront of Gray's P ay.s from Harri .on County Garden Clubs at The Ohio Fuel Gas Gift Shop, Operated by THE SWE!!':T SUDSY SUES Chapter Co. Office, W. Market St. ' of the Harrison Belles. , 1 :00-~-:;memad~ ..~oap for Sale, front of Gray·s Gift Shop, oper­ 1:00 P.
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