Journal of Coastal Research 462-476 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Spring 1996 Mid-Texas Coastal Marsh Change (1939-1991) as Influenced by Lesser Snow Goose Herbivory Deborah L. Miller']', Fred E. Smeins[ and James W. Webb:j: tRangeland Ecology and tMarine Biology Department Management Department Texas A&M University­ Texas A&M University Galveston College Station, TX 77843, P.O. Box 1675 U.S.A. Galveston, TX 77553, U.S.A. ABSTRACT _ MILLER, D.L.; SME1NS. ~'.E., and WEBB, J.W., 1996. Mid-Texas coastal marsh change (1939-1991) as influenced by lesser snow goose herbivory. Journal of Coastal Research, 12(2),462- 476. Fort Lauderdale :~,t'fl""I:. (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. ~. Emergent coastal marshes of the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge (SBNWR), were evaluated from 1939 to 1991 using aerial photography and 8 geographic information system (GIS). Vegetated marsh was ~~ it' transformed to mudflats and open water in areas heavily utilized by wintering lesser snow geese (LSG). SB Unvegetated marsh increased from less than 41);1 in 19:19to 21 % in 1991. Rate of denudation increased ¥' after 1965 when LSG numbers of 300,000 in the 1950's increased to nearly 1,000,000by the 1970's. Over time, some mudflats have revegetated, while others have become deep, open-water areas. Extremes of inter- and intra-annual tide levels, surface water and interstitial soil water salinity, and precipitation were also experienced during this time period. Repeated and intense herbivory by LSG followed by frequent tidal inundation, high soil and water salinities and extended droughts results in vegetation loss and the potential for accelerated soil erosion. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Disturbance, landscape pattern dynamics, patch dynamics, fire, cattle herbivory, lesser snow geese, wetland vegetation loss, GIS. INTRODUCTION marsh alteration are snow geese, muskrats and Loss and alteration of Gulf Coast marshes have nutria (LYNCH et al. 1947; JEFFERIES et al., 1979; been extensive since the time of settlement (TINER, FULLER et al. 1985; KERRES et al., 1990; MEEDER 1984; DAHL, 1990). Where marshes have not been and PERRY, 1990). Lesser snow geese (LSG) often totally eliminated or altered by man, there has uproot vegetation, consume roots and rhizomes, often been a shift from emergent vegetation to and discard stems and crown material (LYNCH et mudflats and open water (WHITE et al. 1993). As al. 1947), LSG have been identified as agents for a result, overall habitat is changed and potential replacement of vegetation by mudflat and open for further alteration through erosion and re­ water in the western Hudson Bay Canada and duced sedimentation may exist. This shift within Louisiana (LYNCH et al. 1947; KERBES et al. 1990; coastal marsh landscapes has been attributed to MEEDER and PERRY, 1990; IACOBELLI and JEF­ a variety of interacting biotic and abiotic factors FERIES, 1991; MILLER, 1993). More birds and re­ that operate at various temporal and spatial scales, duced revegetation, as a result of environmental Land subsidence, sea level rise, weather events, constraints, have increased the magnitude and alteration of fresh and saline water inflows, and rates at which vegetated areas are converted to herbivory, as well as synergistic effects of these mudflats and open water in Canadian and mid­ disturbance agents, may influence marsh land­ Texas coastal marshes. scape change (LYNCH et al. 1947; SALINAS et al. Communities may be relatively stable and re­ 1986; TURNER and CAHOON, 1987; MENDELSSOHN sistant to disturbances associated with herbivory and McKEE, 1988; KERBES et al. 1990). up to certain thresholds (ARCHER and SMEINS, The most notable herbivores implicated in 1991). However, beyond those thresholds, changes may be rapid, intensified and perhaps irreversible if influenced by additional disturbances such as 94194 received 29 September 1994; accepted in revision 10 January 1996. extreme weather events. Recovery of sites where I Former graduate teaching assistant. Currently Assistant Professor, University of Florida, 598t1 Highway 90, Bldg 4900, Milton, FL :~2!)8:~. seed germination is uncommon is controlled by Texas Coastal Marsh Loss 463 reestablishment from plant fragments as con­ strained by subsequent environmental conditions (CHOU et al., 1992; MILLER, 1993). Development of mudflat/open water areas was observed on the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge (SBNWR) in areas heavily utilized by LSG during the 1970's and 1980's. Numbers of geese in Texas increased from 300,000 in the mid 1950's to 1,000,000in the mid-1970's and 700,000-800,000 in the 1980's (HASKINS, 1992). Prescribed burning and cattle grazing were additional disturbance agents. In addition during this period consider­ able variation in water level and salinity occurred in association with El Nino and La Nina events and with tropical storm and hurricane activity (CHILDERS et al., 1990). It was hypothesized that disturbance mediated vegetation alteration and mudflat/open water area increases have accelerated within the coastal marsh Intracoastal Waterway----"", landscape on the SBNWR over the past 50 years. Specific objectives of this study were: (1) to utilize historical aerial photography to quantify the veg­ ~ etation/mudflat/open water pattern of change N Refuge Boundary MarshManagement Unit (MMU) within the SBNWR salt marsh from 1939 to 1991, 1 2 3 4 and (2) to identify and describe variations in abi­ --Kilometers lid al Creek otic and biotic disturbance agents which may be related to these changes. Figure 1. Location and features of the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. STUDY AREA San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge is lo­ cated in Brazoria County, Texas, approximately droughty. Annual precipitation is highly variable 110 km southwest of Houston, Texas (28°55'N, with several years of low precipitation typically 95°35'W) (Figure 1). The 10,000-ha refuge was broken by several years of above normal rainfall. established in 1968 to provide feeding and roost­ Increased water deficit causes increased average ing habitat for 20,000 to 100,000 wintering LSG. and extreme salinities in the bay-estuary-lagoon The refuge consists of a natural coastal marsh system (WHITE et al., 1988) (Figure 2b). basin which is flat to slightly concave, with ele­ Water exchange within the basin originally oc­ vational differences of from - 1 (bottom of Cow curred through two small outlets: from Cedar Lake Trap Lake) to 2 m above mean sea level. The Creek into the Gulf of Mexico and from Cedar marsh overlies Modern-Holocene deltaic deposits Lake into the San Bernard River (Figure 1). De­ of the relict Brazos-Colorado delta (WHITE et al., velopment of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway 1988). Predominant soils are the Harris soil series, (GIWW) in 1917 and 1942 increased saline water which is classified as a fine, montmorillonitic, intrusion and tidal variation. This, along with al­ thermic Typic Haplaquoll (NATIONAL COOPER­ tered overland runoffand natural variation in pre­ ATIVE SOIL SURVEY, 1981). cipitation and evaporation, is believed to have The area is characterized by a subhumid marine caused a general increase in salinity. type climate (THORNTHWAITE, 1948), a 268-day Daily lunar tides exhibit a mean range of 0.2 m growing 'season, and average annual rainfall on (1989-1990, refuge records). Water levels are the refuge of 130 em (1976-1990) and 127 em highest in spring and fall and lowest in winter and (1938-1990) at Freeport, Texas, which is located summer. Tropical storms and hurricanes peri­ approximately 16 km east of the refuge (Figure odically produce above normal tides. Inter-annual 2a). Rainfall peaks occur in late spring/early sum­ sea level variation generally reflects variation in mer and early fall to mid -winter; summers can be annual precipitation (Figure 3). Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 12, No.2, 1996 464 Miller, Smeins and Webb 300 a Freeport 250 San----Ber nard Freep ort Average 200 - Eu '-' c .9 ~ ISO .a- u <lJ.... 0... 100 Figure 2. (a) Total yearly and long-term average pre cipitation (em) recorded at Freeport, Texas (1938-1991) and total yearly pre cipitation at the SBNWR (1979-l991), and (b) mean yearly gulf salin ity recorded at Freeport, Texas (1956-1991). Vegetation varies along a decreasing salinity/ alternifiora Loisel. (smooth cordgrass)", Irregu­ tidal influence gradient. The area immediately larly, flooded emergent marsh occurs inland from adjacent to Cow Trap Lake consists of regularly flooded emergent marsh interspersed with tidal ,Nomenclature follows Cnechiist of 1M Vascular Plant s of Texas (fuTCH creeks and ponds and is dominated by Spartina er c!., 1990). J ournal of Coastal Research, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1996 Texa s Coastal Marsh Loss 465 0.4 Freeport Mean Sea Level . \ ). 0.3 Rockport ~ Sea Level :§ ~0 .2 Co-' (' J Z (1) 1; 0.1 (.) .J:l -e (,)(j c (,) .9 o .() ~ 0 -;> 00 ~ () () ~ ( )(:) o (0.1) ( ) (0.2) 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Figure 3. Mean annual sea level adjusted to national geodetic verti cal datum of 1929 (NGVD) recorded at Freeport, Te xas. and Rockport, Texas.Th e tide gauge at Freeport has experienced accelerated subsidence in association with local ground water extraction. Installation of flood gates may have also altered the gauge readings. However, the secular variation noted from 1970--1990is similar to that noted at more stable tide gauges located at Rockport and other location s along th e T exas coast (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). this zone and consists of three major plant com­ turn of the century were continued until the mid­ munities. Areas frequently flooded by tide water 1970's. These practi ces included annual late sum­ are currently dominated by Disti chlis spi cata (L.) mer/early fall burning and year-long uncontrolled Greene (saltgrass), Salicornia virginica (L.) (Vir­ cattle grazing at approximately 11,000-13,000 an ­ ginia glasswort) and Spartina alt erniflora.
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