ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST 19 61-19 6 3 Supplement to World Economic Survey, 1963 UNITED NATIONS Department of Economic and Social Affairs CNI EE IN THE I LE E 1961-1963 Supplement to World Economic Survey, 1963 UNITED NATIONS, New York, 1 64 1~3910 ~CA/85 r---------------- UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: 64. II.C. 4 Price: $U.S. 2.00 (or equivalent in other currencies) FORE'iA!ORD This report, Economic Developments in the Middle East, 1961-1963, forms part of an annual appraisal of economic conditions and trends intended to meet the requirements of the Economic and Social Council and other organizations of the United Nations. It is a continuation of the series of studies on the Middle East, of which the most recent was Economic Developments in the Middle East, 1959-1961 (Sales No.: 62.II.C.2). The present study reviews the current economic developments in the Middle East in the period from 1961 to 1963. However, reference is often made to developments since 1957 in order to present a clearer picture of trends in the area. As statistical data are not always available to the end of 1963, the conclusions reached with respect to developments in that year are necessarily tentative. A regional summary of findings is presented at the beginning, with a view to bringing together and highlighting the important economic developments of the area in the period under discussion, and to pointing out the similarities and dissimilarities of development trends and prospects in individual countries. This is followed by a review of developments in the fields of agriculture, industry and mining, petroleum, and foreign trade and payments. The present report also includes a statistical appendix, consisting of forty-five tables, which is designed to give as up-to-date and reliable information as possible on various sectors of economic activity for the countries of the region. The appendix tables are classified under six headings: agriculture, industry and mining, petroleum, foreign trade and payments, transportation, and miscellaneous indices. This report coverS Aden, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Muscat and Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Trucial Coast and Yemen. Lack of adequate data prevented full discussion concerning all the countries mentioned. Those which have received the fullest treatment are Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The term "Middle East", as used in this report, covers all the countries just mentioned, plus Cyprus, Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Republic. This report was prepared in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs by the Economic and Social Office in Beirut. In general, the statistical data were either prepared directly by the Statistical Office of the United Nations or were obtained from data published by that office. In addition, other official international and national sources were utilized; when such data were not available, private oources were consulted. Due to variations in the methods of compilation, information for the various countries is not always strictly comparable. -iii- EXPlANATORY NOTE The following symools have oeen used in the taoles throughout the report: Three dots ( ..• ) indicate that data are not availaole or are not separately reported. A dash (-) indicates that the amount is nil or negligiole. A olank in a taole indicates that the item is not applicaole. A mjnus sign (-) indicates a deficit or decrease. A full stop (.) is used to indicate decimals. A comma (,) is used to distinguish thousands and millions. A slash (/) indicates a crop year or financial year, e.g., 1962/63. Use of a hyphen (-) oetween dates representing years, e.g., 1957-1962, signifies the full period involved, including the oeginning and end years. References to "tons" indicate metric tons, and to "dollars" United States dollars, unless otherwise stated. The term "oillion" signifies a thousand million. Details and percentages in taoles do not necessarily add to totals, oecause of rounding. Information regarding rates of exchange may be found in issues of United Nations, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics. Certain aboreviations have been used: AID for Agency for International Development LUnited State£7; Aminoil for American Independent Oil Company; Aramco for Arabian American Oil Company; EEC for European Economic Community; FAO for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; GDP for Gross Domestic Product; GNP for Gross National Product; IMF for International Monetary Fund; NDP for Net Domestic Product; NNF for Net National Product; OPEC for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Tapline for Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company; UNICEF for United Nations Children's Fund; UNRWA for United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. -iv- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Regional summary 1 L Agriculture · · ·· 7 2. Industry · · · · 27 3. Petroleum. · · · · 43 4. Foreign trade and payments ···· 69 Statistical appendix . 87 LIST OF TABLES Chapter L Agriculture 1-1. Income originating in the agricultural sector) selected countries) 1957 and 1960-1962 .••.•. 8 1-2. Annual percentage changes in agricultural and total income, selected countries) 1961 and 1962 ••. ••. 9 1-3. Output, acreage and yield of selected crops in 1960/61 and indices for 1961/62 and 1962/63 • 10 1-4. Imports and exports of wheat and barley) selected countries, 1959-1962 .• •• • ••••• 12 Chapter 2. Industry 2-1. Income originating in the industrial sector, selected countries) 1960-1962 •••••.•.•..• 28 2-2. Iraq: Production of main industrial commodities 30 2-3. Israel: Indices of industrial production •••• 31 2-4. Israel: Production of main industrial commodities 32 2-5. Jordan: Production of main industrial commodities 33 2-6. Syria: Production of main industrial commodities •. 35 2-7. Saudi Arabia: Main industrial establishments) number of workers and capital stock in fiscal year 1960/61 .. -v- LIST OF TABLES (continued) Chapter 3. Petroleum 3-1. Indices of crude oil production by country, 1960-1963 . 44 3-2. Crude oil exports, 1960-1962 46 3-3. Distribution of crude oil exports, by major importing areas, 1960-1962 ..••.•. 47 3-4. Output of major refined oil products, by country, 1960-1962 48 3-5. Direct payments of petroleum companies to Governments, by country, 1960-1963 ....•..•.•......• Chapter 4. Foreign Trade and Payments 4-1. Selected countries: Relationship of exports and total foreign trade to gross national product, 1957-1962 averages . iii • iii • G e • .. • • • 11 III I> 111 6) • '" e 70 4-2. Selected countries: Annual percentage changes in values of total exports and imports, 1957-1962 ..... 71 4-3. Composition and value indices of exports and imports, by major categories, 1957 and 1962 ••......... 4-4. Shares of Middle East and western Europe in the foreign trade of selected Middle East countries, 1957~1962 averages and 1960-1962 ........•........ 4-5. Iraq: Distribution of foreign trade, 1957-1962 averages and 1960-1962 ............... •. ..... 78 4-6. Israel: Distribution of foreign trade, 1957-1962 averages and 1960-1962 . .. .. .... .. ... .. .... 78 4-7. Jordan: Distribution of foreign trade, 1957-1962 averages and 1960-1962 .. .. .. .... .. 79 4-8. Lebanon: Distribution of foreign trade, 1957-1962 averages and 1960.... 1962 . e \I) I\> & • • e ,. /I> (I .. III " " e • " G .. • " e 80 4-9. Syria: Distribution of foreign trade, 1957-1962 averages and 1960-1962 ...•....... 81 4-10. Indices of export and import unit values and the terms of trade, 1960-1962 ....•.•.•..• 82 -vi- LIST OF TABLES (continued) 4-11, Trade and payments deficits, 1957-1962 averages 4-12, Balances of trade and payments, selected countries, 1960.... 1963 Q 0 e Q e It 'l!I €I 0 Q @ €I 0 EI G 'l!I co tl!I '0 G " 83 Statistical Appendix I. Agriculture I-I. Acreage of principal crops, by country •. 1-2. Numbers of tractors used in agriculture, by country 92 1-3. Consumption of fertilizers, by country. 1-4. Production of principal crops, by country 1-5. Animals and animal products, by country II. Industry and mining II-I. Output of electricity, mining and manufacturing industries, major producing countries 100 III. Petroleum III-I. Proven oil reserves, by country 103 111-2. Labour force in the oil industry, selected countries . 104 111-3. Production of crude petroleum, by country, 1960-1963 . 105 111-4. World production of crude petroleum, by region, 1960-1963 ••.••.•..•••.••• 106 111-5. Output of major refinery products, by country 107 111-6. Production, trade and consumption of refined oil fuels • 109 111-7. Consumption of total energy, aggregate and per capita, by country •• •• •..••.• 112 111-8. Direction of crude petroleum exports of selected countries • 113 111-9. Direct payments by petroleum companies to Governments, by country ...•..•.••• 115 111-10. Revenue from oil transport, by country . 116 -vii- LIST OF TABLES (continued) IV. Foreign trade and payments IV-I. Iraq: Export and import values and related indices, by major categories, 1960-1962 •..•.•..• 117 IV-2. Iraq: Direction of trade, by major country groupings, 1960-1962 .••••.•....••.•.• 118 IV-3. Iraq: Indices of export and import unit values and the terms of trade, 1957-1962 •......• 119 IV-4. Israel: Export and import values and related indices, by major categories, 1960-1962 · ·· · · ·· · . · ·· 0 · · 120 IV-50 Israel: Direction of trade, by major country groupings, 1960-1962 0 .. 0 . 0 ... 0 .. · · 0 ··· ·· · 121 IV-6. Israel: Indices of export and import unit values and quantum, and terms of trade, 1957-1962 122 IV-7· Jordan: Export and import values and related indices, by major categories, 1960-1962 · ··· · · · · 0 · 0 0 · ·· 123 IV-8. Jordan: Direction of trade, by major country groupings, 1960-1962 .
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