~ '."eIllAY~ ANGOLAN GOVJT.'"C~ L:: l!S \ F. OB ~ NEWj SAN~T,IOHS, ' TOROMBA,CASECONTINUES * SUPER SPORT"* ' PiCli~o 'Prelid'ehf travel to· Coprivi ;abd~:; .. :;::~. .. '. Caprivi and b~krUni~tostro~g P1eetingtraditionalleaders, and . ists,mainlyftom Government· near the port. According to ra­ STAFF REPORTER opposition from local chief visiting the giant Pldico projects owned media, on a tour ofPidico dio reports Bassan bas also an· Bonilace MalJlili. which were started too late this work in Jobannesburg and Mo· nounced a N$l00 million print­ PRESIDENT Sam ~ujoma and Last nlgbt ~resldent ~ujoJp~ year for a harvest an,d are now UllQbique. Ingp~ for Windhoek althougb top staff of a foreign inveStor and ' regional Governor telix postponed until the ne:xl season. in recent montbs Pidico bas Ndadi Tsboombe, managing di­ are set to meet traditional lead­ Mukasa were reportedly meet· Ithas Dot yet proved possible to taken Namibia'sinvestmentscene rector of one oftbe local compa­ ers in theCaprivi to smooth the log at the town's Zambezi Lodge .reach Pidico m*,nagi!lR director bystonn. nies ihvolved, has denied this. way for planned agrlcul~ure hotel after the Preside~~arrh'ed)foham~HassantOanswerq9es­ , Tbe controversial company Lawyers acting for Ilassan schemes. .. ti'omRundu.Riotlng, appa:rentlydons abaut tbe ba~kground.nd helped With much of tbe Walvis have twice issued press releases Projects, Industrial Develop· in opposition to the fann project; otber details of Pidico. Bay reintegration celebrations threatening to sue a local Sun· ment and Investment Company has caused at least one deatb. ...... Accordingtosolpereportsheis and Pre$ldent SamNujoma inau~ day newspaper which wrote dls- (l-Idico) has beenaward~ two The President's sthedule in. · ~?W .in X:JUma Muiilo afttrtik. gurated a free trade zone project ,giantplotSofland in th~Eastern eludes a rally at Katima MulDo, log a patty of Namiblan journal~ originated by Pidico on Marcb 1 Continued on page 2 DB tensionse ' il!h amounts to approxi­ and police were called October last year. In their OSWALD SHIVUTE mately N$332 500). m. bid to get paid the AT ONDANGWA AIRBASE At Berg Aukas, more At Ondangwa, where Ondangwa group have than 200 Development Brigade members started been sent from pillar to DISSATISFACTION with the De­ Brigade students yester­ their protest on Tuesday," post. Members have velopment Brigade continued to day continued to dem­ a spokesperson said yes­ travelled to Berg Aukas, onstrate. NBe radio terday they would send a in the Grootfontein area, ROYAL WELCOME ... The red carpets were mount yesterday. news described the situ- five-strong delegation to and to Rundu, after they rolled out over the weekend when Miss South The message from at They say they have not ation as "tense". Brigade Windhoek to the Minis­ were told that was where Africa Jacqui Mofokengjetted into the Namibian least 625 members of been paid their monthly members are demanding try of Lands, Resettle­ they could get hold of capital for the weekend. Jacqui, who was also Development Brigade allowance for 10 months employment and said ment and Rehabilitation their allowances from runner-up in the Miss World Beauty Pageant, students at Ondangwa and are demanding pay- their training had not today to try and find out various officials. came to crown this year's Miss Republic of yesterday was 'enough ment. equipped them to enter wnat has happened to However, all their at­ Namibia (see pS). Here she is presented with is enough'. They told With an estimated 665 the labour market. their money. tempts have come to flowers by Thorsten Bierbach, store controller The Namibian: "We are mem bers at the According to news re­ DBC students have not nothing. of Edgars, during a fashion show organised by not going to classes be­ Ondangwa unit, the ports the mood at Berg been paid their N$50 a Old Mutual Properties. fore our money is here." 'missing' money Aukas was "aggressive" month for January to Continued on page 2 NATIONAL"YOUTH COUNCIL 25· 27 MARCH LAUNCHING. CONFERENCE VENUE: UNAM HALL 2 Thursday March 24 1994 THE NAMIBIAN Prowler at Gobabisl'•• S 's.stillSi'rl'glng FEARS are rife that a child molester The whole ofWindhoek was on alert I .< . ' : / ;\~~:ii' .... '. ". ,. .'. .'. ' . '. '" . '.' . who tried to 'abduct' young pupils three weeks ago when reports of the Gobabis after hiS arrest, Toromba told the court that from pre-primary school and creches suspected molester was reported and STAFF REPORTER in Windhoek has switched his atten- became public. he did not mention any name in connection with the tion to Gobabis. However, folIowing media reports murders. He said he signed the statement without its Investigating officer, Inspector the alleged child molester, described TITUS TOROMBA yesterday refuted cer­ contents being interpreted to him. Hansie Engels, told The Narnibian yes- as in his 50s and white, has "van- tain evidence given in court by his brother In that statement Toromba s~id Kanguinja and terday that rumours had been reported ished". fugitive Protasius ' Metra-Toromba' another person, a certain Murangi, had killed the to the police that someone "acting in The man apparently pretended that Kanguinja. farmer and his assistant. He had driven Kanguinja simiIiar way" had been spotted at he was the grandfather of a certain Under cross-examination by defence counsel 'and Kenady Kavemutjiua first to Otjiwarongo and Gobabis. pupil before trying to kidnap them by Riohard Metcalfe, Toromba also refuted most of a then to Keetmanshoop before he learnt that they Engels said despite attempts to track saying he had come to colIect the child. statement he made to 'police at Gobabis after his intended to go to South Africa. down the suspected molester, he had Engels said no case had been re- arrest. However, Toromba told the court yesterday that proved elusive. They w.ere also not ported in Windhoek over the past two Toromba told the court on Tuesday that Kangui nja he knew Kavemutjiua as a taxi driver. When he was sure that the Gobabis suspect was the weeks. The police were still on the and E'segiel Mureti had killed Gobabis farmer Danie told to drive Kanguinja to South Africa, he was same person who had been spotted alert and would appreciate any infor- van Niekerk and his assistant WilIem Rooinasie on afraid to go with Kangiunja by himself so he per­ prowling round Windhoek schools. mation on the suspect, he added . Monday, July 22 1991. suaded Kavemutjiua to come along when they me t :...---.:=-------------------------"""""1 Toromba told the court he had driven Kanguinja at Black Chain in Katutura on Friday, July 26. A WOMAN was yesterday found guilty of murdering and Mureti to the murder scene. After they had The three left on Sunday, July 28, in Toromba's her two-year old baby girl. The case was. remanded to returned to Windhoek during the early hours of car. When the car broke down at Steinkop in South May 13 for a psychiatric r~port and sentencing. Tuesday morning, the three men had stayed to­ Africa they parted. Josephina Erastus (24) killed Ndapandula Lukas at gether until the following Saturday when they left Kanguinja and Kavemutjiua went by bus to the Omatemba village near Ruacana on February 14 last for South Africa. Cape where they bought cars. ' year. Erastus and other people were at a cuca shop Toromba said he could not escape and report the Toromba went to Kim~rle y where he was told by when her mother told herto go home and prepare food. murders to the police because "we were as if tied a witchdoctor that the Namibian police were look­ She returned and informed the people at the cuca h " h k'll d h b b Th r ttl '1 as toget er . ing for him. shop that she ad I e er a, y. e I e glr w He denied that on Friday July 261991 Kanguinja When he arrived back in Windhoek, he reported found dead by the people. She died as a resultofafatal had gone to inquire about his car at a repair shop. to the police on October 14 and was arrested. cut wound through the neck. During cross-t~xamination earlier, Kanguinja had Kanguinja escaped last week from the police I ill testified that he gone to see if his car had been cells. Mureti was shot in the head during 1992 while •• repaired. , driving a taxi in Katutura. GENERAL NOTICE Turning to a statement he made to the police at The case is continuing today. Kindly note that, due to the fact that the former Peri-Urban Development Armed trio terrorises Board has been abolished in terms of Act 23 of 1992, (Local Authorities Act), residents in North aJl correspondence and/or queries are believed to ~eformer day they have allegedly relating to any of/the former OSWALD SHIVUTE AT OSHAKATI members of Koevoet or climbed trees, using THREE "dangerous" prisoners, who es­ the SWATF. them as observation Peri-Urban Development Board towns On March 12 the three posts to keep track of the caped from the Ondangwa police cells on allegedly stole a Toyota movements of the peo­ or vHlages, should therefore be March 7, are reportedly causing a reign of Hilux bakkie from a pIe they want to rob. addressed directly to the relevant terror in the Edundja and Ondobe areas in businessman near In all the robberies, the Ohangwena Region in northern Na­ Ondobe. They also tried people have allegedly Town or Village Council. mibia. to steal money from the firstbeenthreatenedwith Residents are so des­ Nujoma, Johannes s h op, bu tfa il ed t oop~n r~fl e sandonsomeocca­ Permanent Secretary perate that they have Tulinanye Hamupunda all the doors.
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